
By UnknownNER

4.8K 146 6

I really can't stand this smell; it's like a mix of antiseptic, soap, and pine cleaner. I've been staring at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 34

106 3 0
By UnknownNER

"I feel like I've failed you," he confesses, his voice heavy with regret. "When I discovered that sick man's obsession with you, I wanted to hurt him so badly. I should have gotten rid of him, consequences be damned. But I gave him a chance for his daughter's sake, to be honest.

"We could all see how hard she was trying to get his attention. You know, I started noticing that Tiff started dressing like you. Alarm bells rang when I noticed how she would stand to the side of the playground and mimic everything you did. I asked her about it that day, and she was so focused on you that she actually answered me.

"She said, 'Oh, I want to make my daddy happy. He really loves Aria. He even has pictures of her, and momma said I need to be like Aria, and daddy will surely love me more.' "Flower, my blood ran cold when that young child told me that information so calmly, as if it were a normal conversation. And I'm sure in her household, it was.

"I beat him pretty badly that day. Hell, I even found a picture of you in his wallet. I can't explain it other than he was obsessed with you. I took him to the police station to do something about it, but they said he hadn't physically harmed you, so there was nothing to charge him with. I was lucky they let me off with a warning for beating him.

"The officer on duty wasn't happy with him; he understood the situation but couldn't offer much help. However, he did file a record in their system just in case and subtly threatened him. When people in the neighbourhood heard about everything, they were understandably worried for their own kids and shunned the family. Maybe that was wrong of us but knowing that his wife knew about it all and never did or said anything was absolutely insane. Tiffany unfortunately became a victim of the situation."

Nodding, I thank Daddy for the added information as it kind of made things a bit clearer. Pulling up at home, I must say it's good to be back. I've never enjoyed being in the hospital, so the minute my doctor said both myself and the babies were okay, and she was discharging us, I was up and ready to go. Xander drove slowly, taking into account my C-section incision, which was still painful. He was also worried he might wake the twins, who were peacefully sleeping in their car seats, bundled up snugly.

The familiar sight of our house brought a sense of relief and comfort, knowing we were finally home together as a family. As Xander gets out of the car, the front door opens, and my daddy, as well as Mr. Carter, walk to the back doors of the car. They proceed to unclip the car seats and carry the kids into the house, not saying a word. Xander lightly shakes his head but gives me a soft smile as he walks towards me instead. I'm about to step out, but he gently picks me up bridal style and carries me towards the house.

"Baby, you know I can walk. The painkillers are working just fine," I protest. "I know, babe, but I received explicit instructions from our fathers that it's my responsibility to look after you guys. While the moms help out, my main focus is you. You need to rest as much as possible to ensure you heal completely." Pecking him on his lips, I lie my head on his shoulder and enjoy the ride.

When we get inside, our parents are standing in a line waiting for us. There is a banner saying "Welcome Home" with a picture of myself, Xander, and the twins that we took not long after I woke up. They also have pink and blue balloons hanging off to the side. Mom steps forward, tugging Dad with her. "Oh, Honey, I'm so happy you're finally home. Sit, sit. We want to run something by you guys."

We nod, and we all take a seat, Xander keeping me on his lap. "We were so worried about everything that has happened that we don't want to be so far away from you anymore. What do you think about us selling our old house and moving a bit closer to you? But only if you're okay with it."

"Oh, Mom, I love that idea. That way you won't miss much with the twins," I say, nodding eagerly. Mom gives me a giddy smile. "Any idea about where you will be buying yet?" Xander's mom claps her hands excitedly and answers for her. "Oh, next to us. Our neighbour Cathleen just moved out with her son, so that house is on the market."

Giggling at their happiness, I'm honestly so happy that our parents are clicking so well together. I know my support structure is way stronger than I deserve, and I'm so grateful for it all. Xander kisses my tear away and hugs me close to his chest while we watch them excitedly discussing the possible house.

Xander's father looks at me, giving me a soft smile, and then turns to Xander. "Son, Aria seems tired. How about taking her to bed? Being up for too long isn't good for her. But before you do that, we have a surprise for you guys." They grab the car seats with the twins still in them and walk to the room next to ours.

Walking into the room, my breath hitches, and I can't help the little sob that escapes me. Tears blur my vision as I take in the sight before me. It's beautiful, everything I could have asked for. The walls adorned with gentle hues, the soft glow of the nightlight casting a warm ambiance, and the delicate mobile twirling above the crib. Emotions overwhelm me, and I feel a rush of gratitude and love for these wonderful people in my life.

"Thank you so much, guys. I absolutely love it," They finished up the nursery for us, a gesture of love and support that I hadn't expected during the madness of recent events. For a moment, I forget all about the challenges and worries, focusing only on the overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by love and care.

As the final chapter draws to a close, I stand in the nursery, surrounded by the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains. My gaze drifts over my sleeping twins, their innocent faces a testament to the love that has carried us through tumultuous times. With a deep breath, I reflect on the journey I've travelled, the pain endured, and the obstacles overcome. Each trial has shaped me, molding me into the resilient woman I am today.

Despite the heartache and difficulties, I know I had to confront them all to arrive at this moment of calmness. With a silent thank you to the universe for guiding me through the darkness and into this place of peace, I stand here, enveloped in the warmth of my family and the love that surrounds us. In this moment, as I watch my children sleep peacefully, I realize that every trial was worth it, and I can finally breathe."


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