All the Colors of Earth (Nata...

By AriasSilva

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Refugee Marzda Cadanar is a prisoner. Her days are spent laying on the floor of her cell and goading the gua... More

Authors Note


246 11 0
By AriasSilva


"You can't be serious," Natasha deadpans as she gives me a funny look.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask her curiously. "You've already agreed to marry me."

"Yeah but I thought we'd wait until after this big battle that's literally tomorrow," she scoffs.

"That's why I want to do it now," I tell her gently. "One last good thing before what could possibly be weeks of bad things."

She chews her cheek and the uncertainty rolls off of her, "Marz.. did you ask me to marry you because you're scared of what's coming?"

"Natasha," I answer firmly. "I am not afraid of what's to come. That's not what this is about, I promise you."

"Then what is it about?" She asks. "Because it feels like you're trying to rush things."

"Because it's war," I tell her. "Anything can happen. Look at what's already happened. We have missed out on so much together, mainly because I was dumb, and partly because of a war that I thought I'd left behind years ago. We could have had a completely different life, Natasha."

"At least we have this one," she tells me softly.

"Yes," I agree. "And I love you both more than anything and I want to make sure that the both of you are taken care of if anything happens to me." She starts to protest and I hold up a hand, "we both know that it's possible. And if that should happen, Olympia will need my people when the time comes for her powers to manifest. And you would be the Bond and wife of Quake," I explain. "you would have a place among my people. Everything I have that comes with being Quake, would be yours and Olympia's."

"But wouldn't we already be accepted by your people since we are Bonded and she's your daughter?" She asks.

I shake my head slightly, "Olympia is automatically a Colorian citizen but you would not be. There's a claiming ceremony that we never did that would tie you to me and my people. Until that ceremony happens you would always be an outsider. And if I die before the ceremony happens, the elders have the right to take Olympia from you and place her in a Colorian home."

"The hell they do!" She says heatedly. "They'd have to go through all of us to get her."

"I know, love. That's why I want to get married today. To do the ceremony, just in case. And when we get back we can do a proper one," I say with a small smile. "Months of planning, a big party, fancy clothes and food. Or just the three of us and an officiant on a beach somewhere. Anything you want."

She sighs heavily, "For the record, I hate that we have to rush this. But you're right. It's war and anything can happen. And I'll be damned if some alien law takes my child from me."

"Then you agree?" I ask slowly. "To getting married tonight?"

"Yes, but what do we tell Olympia?" She asks. "I'm assuming you still don't want her to know about you."

"I wish she could, but she can't just yet." I try and ignore the disappointment that comes from Natasha. "There is one other thing."

"What?" She asks cautiously.

"Zara has to be there."


At dusk that night Natasha and I meet in Frigga's garden with our chosen witnesses. No surprise hers was Yelena and the twins and mine was Keema and Valkyrie and to everyone's surprise, Rocket. The little guy had acted like it was no big deal when I asked, but when he turned to walk away I saw the tear escaping his eye.

Odin, Frigga and Zara stand in front of us with Zara in front of them. As the last remaining Colorian priest she was the only one who could do the claiming ceremony.

It had taken me hours to figure out what to wear. Yes this was rushed, but it didn't make it any less important and I wanted to look nice for Natasha. Finally I had settled on my suit I wore to the ball but with a blue shirt instead of red.

Natasha must have had a similar idea because she was wearing a simple white dress. I have no idea where she got it but from the smile she gives Keema I can guess.

We stand facing each other in front of Zara and I reach out for her hands, "you look beautiful," I tell her.

She squeezes my hands as she says, "so do you."

"Remind me to thank Keema for that dress," I tease as I noticeably gaze down at her cleavage.

Zara clears her throat and we look at her, "thank you all for coming on this blessed evening to join Quake and her Bond. From my understanding, the weddings on earth are quite long." She pulls out a small knife and says, "fortunately for all ours are not." She hands me the knife as she keeps talking, "the knife of the elders was blessed long ago when our people first emerged from the great unknown. It's binds us to the ones we love through a sacrifice of blood and pain."

She nods to me and I cut the palm of my hand, "I claim you, Natasha Romanoff, as Bond and wife. My blood will be your blood, my heart will be your heart, my soul will be your soul. From one end of the universe to the other, we shall never part, always bound, always Bonded."

Handing the knife over to Natasha, Zara continues, "like all relationships both parties must sacrifice for each other."

Zara nods to Natasha and she cuts her hand and repeats the word I said, "I claim you, Marzda Cadanar, as Bond and wife. My blood will be your blood, my heart will be your heart, my soul will be your soul. From one end of the universe to the other, we shall never part, always bound, always Bonded."

Zara takes the knife from her and we clasp our bloody hands, mixing our blood and our future together.


The next morning at dawn the army is loading onto the ships, but I'm heading towards the Bifrost. Walking into the Bifrost room, my steps echoing around me, I go straight for the sole person in the room. Heimdall stands in the center, watching me approach. "Hey Heim," I say, trying to sound cheerful.

"Marzda," he says in that serious voice of his. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Cutting to the chase I tell him, "I need a favor."

"A favor?" He asks with a dry chuckle. "We both know you do not live long enough to repay a favor."

"I know," I tell him. "But I still need one."

"And what would this non repayable favor be?"

"I need you to save my wife," I all but beg him.

"Save her?" He asks. "She is safe and well on the carrier ship."

I shake my head, "you've already seen the outcome to this Heim. You know what I'm talking about. When I'm talking about."

He nods slowly, "I do."

"Then save her, please." This time I was begging. "You know what happens to Olympia, to the entire universe, if we both die. You've seen what she becomes, what she does."

"I have."

"She needs Natasha. You have to save her Heimdall. Olympia cannot become Tu'rok."

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