(Remake) A Koopa in Remnant

By PangoroGrunt

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Thanks to a plan gone wrong, the entire kingdom of Darkland had been transported to the world of Remnant. Wha... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Cast List
Chapter 2: A Grimm Welcome
Chapter 3: Battle of Titans

Chapter 4: Hell on Beacon

324 16 7
By PangoroGrunt

Bowser Junior woke up to the sight of his calendar. A mischievous wicked, smile came across his face. Today was the one holiday he could get away with anything he wanted. Within reason. April Fool's Day.

"Heheheh, I wonder who will be my first victim?" He rubbed his paws together.

He heard his dad head to the small kitchen. This was the time when Bowser got his early coffee. Junior snickered. "Target acquired."

Bowser's Location

Bowser finished getting ready for the morning and was walking to the hanger. He felt like giving the Clown Cruiser a morning polish to start his day. After that he'll go get breakfast and then fly the Clown Cruiser in the city. He cooouuuld be teaching or assisting with the crabby lady known as Glynda Goodwitch, but where's the fun in all that? He continued his way to his secret hanger, eventually reaching the gate. He entered the access code and entered the room.

His eyes landed on his new baby...and that's when his eyes widened and his jaw fell open slightly.

His precious vehicle had been vandalized. The clown face had glittery make-up on it, the yellow eyes having long eyelashes and the orange lips now painted pink. Both the wings had an image of an emoji blowing a raspberry. However, it was what he saw on the side of his barbied-up plane that really had him trembling with rage. The green side of his plane was now branded by a large black and orange Koopa symbol. He knew that symbol anywhere because the culprit had it on him 24/7. He spotted a note attached to the windshield.

He walked to his precious plane and plucked the note before opening it to see two simple words explaining the motive for this vandalism. "April Fools!". Bowser gripped the note and slowly crumbled it in his trembling hand. For the first time since he got here ever he shook his head with anger and he grit his fangs ever so slightly.

"𝗝𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗡𝗜𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗥!" Bowser roared in the air, breathing a heavy stream of fire from his maw. His roar was loud enough that everyone in the city could hear him, causing birds to fly and any other wildlife to look up with curiosity.

Bowser swore revenge like he never swore before. He swore on it. But unknown to the Koopa king, he was being watched.

"Oh man! That was better than I thought!" Junior laughs as he and his equally amused partner, Yang, were watching Bowser's facial reaction on television which was connected to a laptop. He had planted a miniature camera on the hanger to see the results of his prank live and in high definition.

"Hahaha yeah it is!" Yang tried to stop snickering, but couldn't. "I didn't even know he had a secret hanger."

"Uh, yeah, about that." Junior scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "He's kept it a secret for a while now. He really doesn't like it when someone touches his stuff." He changes the subject. "You should also be glad you decided to join me because otherwise I would've pranked you. I had it all planned out and everything if you declined." Junior's smirk almost looked fiendish.

A sweat drop rolled off his partner's head as she looked concerned after hearing that.

"What exactly did you have planned for me?" she asked curiously and dreadfully at the fate she avoided.

"That's for someone else to know, and for you to find out later." Junior hinted wickedly, drumming his fingers together like the evil villain he was.

Truthfully, he had planned to bombard her room with a big paint bomb much like the ones from the game, Splatoon 2. The bomb would've blown up in a rainbow of colors laced with itching powder that would've latched onto her body. The whole dorm room would be uninhabitable, a quarantined death trap of itchy rainbow horrors. Although, he would've made sure it would have only lasted for a few hours. But even so, it was a few hours no one would want to endure.

That's how horrifying it would've been.

"I don't think I want to know." Yang shivered as images of Junior dropping slime, grime or other nasty unpleasant things flooded her mind.

"Yeah, you really don't." Junior added before his partner turned to him.

"Aren't you worried about your Dad trying to kill you for this?" She questioned him, seeing how much the Koopa King loved his plane.

"Nah," Junior waved off her concern, though small beads of sweat started to fall down his forehead. "Though he'll certainly wanna try. Besides, I used a special paint I designed myself that'll dissipate into the air after a few hours. Before the days over,Papa's plane will be looking like normal."

"Pretty smart, for a kid." Yang complimented, running a fist over his cheek playfully. "So who or what's next on the list?" She wanted to know the next step of his pranking spree. If it was this funny after pranking just one guy, she wondered how enjoyable it would be after a whole group of people got pranked by him.

Junior slowly looked to her and gave an evil chuckle.


"Mornin' Cardin." Sky greeted his fellow colleague as they sat down for breakfast.

"Mornin'." Cardin greeted as he headed for the mess hall.

He arrived and saw there were a few students still there getting their morning meal. He spotted Team JNPR sitting at a corner talking with RWBY. With them distracted them, he can mess around with the faunus. But first, he went to get his breakfast. After he filled his tray he looked for a good victim. He spotted one with a lemur tail close by and went to them. Once he got up his seat he proceeded to them.

That's when it happened.

The moment he took another step he heard something squishy and sounded like he was on something slimy. He tried to move forward but found himself unable to as his shoes were caught in some kind of sticky and slimy green adhesive that stretched like rubber and kept him down.

He didn't even know where it came from because when he got to a seat first there was nothing there. It was like this stuff appeared from nowhere. His train of thought was interrupted when he saw Junior walking into the mess hall with a big grin on his face.

"April Fools, Meathead!" The Koopa Prince declared across the room as all present students turned to look between him and his apparent victim. Silence filled the room as no one said a word for a moment until.

"Junior!!" Cardin yelled out across the mess hall as his shoes were stuck to the floor.

"That's my name! Don't wear it out." Junior remarked before walking towards him and stood a few feet from him. He then leaned forward a bit.

"So what do you think of my prank, Gingerfreak Man?" he playfully asked for some reason.

Instead of answering with words, Cardin replied by lunging forward to grab Junior. Or at least he tried to as his hands only managed to get within four inches from his face. The goo he was stuck to then pulled him back down once again. Junior never even flinched or reared back to avoid him, he knew his victim wouldn't reach him.

Junior let out a whistle.

"Hate it that much huh?"

"Get this stuff off me!" Cardin yelled out.

"Nah I don't think I will." Junior answered immediately as if he had been waiting for him to say that.

"You to get this gunk off me now, or you'll get into trouble with the staff!" Cardin threatened as he pulled his feet off the ground in vain.

"Yeah, I'm still not going to do that." Junior waved off his command. "But I'll tell you what. If the alarm rings and all students need to evacuate, I'll help you out." He said before looking to the ceiling to see if that was about to happen. After a moment where it didn't he turned back to him. "Nope! Looks like everything's all right and no one is in trouble."

From behind Cardin, his teammates were laughing so hard they're ribs hurt.

"This isn't funny! Now get me out of this mess!" Cardin bellowed.

"Of course it's not funny, because it never is for the victim." Junior said as if lecturing him. "Besides, that goo I specifically designed it to lose its stickiness in about a half hour." He revealed before smirking. "So enjoy your lunch before it gets cold. Oh, and try not to think about a bathroom or hurting any faunus while you're stuck there." he said before walking away to another table ignoring the protests from Cardin to come back.

He made his way to RWBY and JNPR, Nora of which was laughing after what she saw.

"I take it you enjoyed the entertainment?" Junior asked the hammer wielder before sitting across from Jaune.

"Oh yeah I did, ha haaa oh wow that was good." Nora said between laughs.

"Punk had it coming for a while now." Yang chimed in.

Junior turned to the white head beside Ruby. "What about you, Weiss?"

"I think it was an immature waste of time." Weiss responded with no amusement in her voice.

"Ah come on Snowflake, where's your holiday spirit?" Junior questioned her.

"She probably left it in her previous life before she came to Beacon." Ruby quipped earning a look from her partner for that remark.

"Man, you really need to learn how to lighten up Princess. Try adding some comedy in your life to laugh and smile more often." Junior suggested.

"I don't do clowning around." Weiss stated.

"You know, one day someone will break through that wall and pull that stick out of your stick's butt." Junior claimed before looking to Jaune, Ren, and Nora with an apologetic look. "Anyway guys, I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

They blinked. "Sorry for what?" Jaune asks.

Junior then slowly formed an evil smile. "Sorry that you're going to be my next prank victims." He revealed.

A sense of dread suddenly washed over them as Jaune's eyes widened a bit in alarm. His eyes drifted to Cardin who was still stuck in the floor before the young blonde quickly stood up. He looked around for any signs of a trap but Junior then chuckled at his reaction.

"I didn't say it was coming right now." Junior says earning a look from them. "Consider this me being a good sport since some of you have a sense of humor. So I'm going to give you all a 5-minute head start before I come after you and pull off a prank I've made especially for each of you."

"Oh come on Junior, I thought we were buddies?" Nora asked not wanting to get pranked.

And she wasn't just saying that either. During the past month Junior had hung out with them on a few occasions just chatting. They had even invited him to poker with a few of their other friends. Not to mention the other time they spared. Nora was getting to like the guy, finding him a nice change in Beacon. Junior brought more fun to the place but now they weren't looking forward to it.

Junior nodded. "Yes we are, which is why I'm alerting you ahead of time to give you a fighting chance to save yourself from embarrassment." He said before smirking. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you."

"I'm warning you Junior, you don't want to do this." Ren said trying to reason with the Koopa kid but Junior wasn't fazed in the least.

"Oh trust me Flapjack, I really do. I will execute my master plan and you can bet it will succeed." Junior said before looking to his empty wrist as if he were checking a watch. "4 minutes and 29 seconds to go and you're still standing around here like an open target."

"You're going to be sorry if you come after us." Nora said before she and the others quickly left the mess hall to retrieve their weapons to prepare himself for whatever was coming. If Junior wanted to make them fall for a prank they'll make him have to fight for it.

Junior counted off the minutes in his head and once he counted down to zero, he stood up.

"Well excuse me, guys but I have a few friends to hunt down and prank." He told them before leaving the room also.

As he left the room, Weiss developed a small smile that went unseen by Junior. What she saw had been amusing.

A few minutes later

Team JNPR minus Pyrrha were now armed and on alert as they walked into the gym on the lookout for Junior and his traps. They stood back to back for seeing in three directions. Needless to say, Jaune was looking a little paranoid with how he had his sword and shield raised up waiting for the chance to use them. However his mind was anything but as he was simply on full alert.

Nora and Ren knew Junior was a cunning and crafty guy. The fact he nearly beat Nora and faced a bunch of White Fang soldiers in the past was a testament to it. Plus, the fact he had a semblance that could make him a shadow copy of a person didn't help them. He could literally be anyone or anything and come out of nowhere out from anywhere and they wouldn't see him. This was why they had formed this defensive circle in the first place, to spot Junior if he had concealed himself.

"What're you guys doing here?" a familiar female voice asked.

They quickly turned to the voice with their weapons pointed but then lowered them when they recognized who spoke.

"Phew, oh it's just you Pyrrha." The blonde leader greeted the Invincible Girl.

"Yes it's me, so mind explaining what's with this?" she questioned the circle.

"Well, I don't know if you're aware of this. But its April Fools day and Junior is on a pranking spree with us as his next target." Ren explained his situation.

"So you're his next victims. I feel sorry for you and whatever misfortune is going to befall on you." Pyrrha said sympathetically for their plight. "I wish I had known ahead of time what he was planning for this holiday."

Now Jaune looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, see for yourself." She advised him with a tone of dread.

Naturally he felt hesitant in dropping the only means of spotting Junior coming. However, his curiosity was also peaked and decided to break formation and then they immediately closed their eyes. When they opened them, however they were greeted to a sight they weren't expecting.

"Gah!" Jaune yelped as he recoiled at the unexpected sight.

"Holy Cow, Pyrrha!!" Nora shrieked with Ren going wide-eyed.

The reason for that was because Pyrrha's hair, which was no longer its nice red shade. Now it was blonde in the same shade as Yang. She now looked like she could've been Yang's long lost Mistralian half-sister.

"Oh man how did that happen to you?" Nora questioned how Junior could've gotten the drop on her.

"It happened after he got Professor Koopa. I don't know when he did it but he swapped my shampoo for some hair dye he concocted. Said this stuff will soften and start to come off in a few hours. At which point I will need to wash it out in another shower. Thought he did say it wouldn't leave any trace or marks once it's gone." Pyrrha said unpleasantly at having been pranked and being another name on his list crossed off now.

"It looks like no one is safe from him." Ren said while looking away from the sight. Jaune was afraid he might let out a chuckle which would give her a reason to smack the look off his face. Definitely not something he wanted to experience especially if it would leave him more vulnerable to Junior.

"Actually mostly everyone is safe." Pyrrha said earning a look from the archer wanting her to elaborate. "After I got pranked, Yang told me that Junior is only going after those he's gotten to know. Basically anyone that he's befriended or talked to occasionally is fair game for him."

"Well lucky them..." Jaune said dryly not feeling his mood lift from that information. However a thought did cross his mind after hearing that. "Wait a minute...where's Blake?"

Pyrrha blinked at the question. "I don't know I haven't seen her since I woke up."


"I'm so going to get Junior for this when I get back." Blake said sourly while she sat on the floor.

The reason for her bad mood was because she was currently trapped inside a Bullhead.

She was going to take it to go into the city because Junior said there was a new volume to her favorite book series, "Ninjas of Love", when all of a sudden the controls went haywire. The auto pilot was activated and her course was altered flying at max speed. Before long she had reached her new destination which was apparently the Vale City Park. Now this wouldn't be a problem, in fact she enjoyed the idea of seeing the national park. That is to say she should have enjoyed the sight if there weren't a lot of dogs outside barking at her as she was currently trapped.

She looked to the TV screen above that still had the image of the words "April Fools!" displayed on the screen.

As soon as she had landed down here the screen broadcasted a message from Junior declaring the holiday. The Koopa Prince then proceeded to mention how the bullhead was on a timer for one hour. Once that was up, it would return her home. Also to ease her suffering he had apparently prepared a tray filled with food and drinks. There were different kinds of sandwiches and sodas for her to choose from.

With no other choice since she tried hot wiring the aircraft to no success, she sat down and quietly ate her meal. She would then use the remaining time to take a small nap and think about how she was going to get back at him. Perhaps join forces with his other victims to enact their sweet payback. There certainly had to be plenty of people who'd want that after today.

Beacon, Gym

"Yeah I do not like how this is looking for us." Jaune muttered, feeling like Junior already got to Blake also.

"My advice to you would be to either run or take him down before he gets you too." Pyrrha gave them options.

"I'll go with the latter cause no way I'm gonna let him get the satisfaction in pranking me as well." Nora stated defiantly, with Ren nodding with her. Junior may have gotten the others but unlike them, she and Ren were warned and given a chance.

"Fat chance! I'm going to hide and wait for till it ends." Jaune said.

"Well regardless, I wish you luck in...look out!!" Pyrrha suddenly yelled out while pointing above.

They looked up and they're eyes widened before they sprang forward. Jaune wasn't fast enough and a large glob of lime green goo that fell from above went splat on his. Had he been a second early he wouldn't have been slimed all over.

"Phew that was close." Nora said in relief.

"Speak for yourself." Jaune whimpered.

They turned to their leader before looking at the green slime on him in disgust. "Looks like Junior's already started his attempts to get us." Ren said.

"But where did this stuff come from?" Pyrrha questioned as she looked up to find the source. Ren and Nora mimicked her and looked at the ceiling but found nothing. There were no mechanisms, no bucket or any kind of container that could've been used to hold and then drop the slime down. Jaune was trying to wipe away some of the slime but it wouldn't come off.

"I don't see anything..." Ren said, feeling a little nervous.

"I'd say you should take this opportunity and move along before he either finds you or comes back. It would be best for you to split up so you can have a better shot at avoiding Junior." Pyrrha suggested since she didn't know how the attempt on Jaune was pulled.

"Yeah, I'm out of here." Nora agreed before she and Ren moved out of the gym and towards another place to find Junior. This wasn't a good place to make his stand anyway.

With that the remaining two left the room and Pyrrha and Jaune exited as well though she made sure to cover her hair using her gym hoodie. She and so let one to a remote hallway so no one can see them. She didn't want others to see them like this. If they laughed then they would be in for a world of hurt.

Once the gym was completely empty, Junior and a another person, a slug faunus, we're hanging on top of the lights. Both of them were snickering and Junior pulled out a 20 lien bill.

"Thanks Mr. Snail." Junior paid him the money.

"No prob." He said and climbed up the pole holding the light.

(If you get this reference, you had a childhood.)

"Looks like I got the drop on Jaune. This will be even more fun than I thought. Who'd have thought it was so much better when my targets know something's coming and resists. It'll make my victory that much sweeter." Junior talked to himself out loud

In a purple flash, he used his semblance to turn into a small lizard who gave a Cheshire grin before turning invisible and cloaking himself.

"Time for the next attempt." The Koopa Prince said before moving out.

Nora's Location

Nora slowly walked across the hall keeping her eyes and instincts on alert. After that incident at the gym she was finding themselves a little paranoid. The being on edge was one thing but the waiting was worse. Nora kept wishing Junior would hurry and show up already so the two can face off against each other.

Team RWBY Dorm

Yang sat on the couch slouching while Weiss looked over her work at her desk. Their young leader dug around the fridge looking for food, a typical annoyance for the Schnee heiress. Nora burst through the door, startling the other girls.

The person currently keeping an eye on things walked by. "Is something going on Nora? Where are Ren and Jaune?"

Nora looked up, frowning. "Nothing's going on, unless you count the psychotic turtle that's trying to prank us! As for where those two are, Renny and I split up and Jaune got slimed."

Weiss sighed, thinking today would be rather relaxing. She walked over, just as Ruby found a plate of cookies in a rather odd location. "This is getting out of hand."

"Come on. I'm sure it won't be that bad." Ruby giggled as she bit into one of the cookies, making a funny face as she did.

Ruby continued chowing down on the cookies, making strange faces. Yang tilted her head at her sister just as Weiss looked over, a confused look spreading over her face. Nora shared the same concern, finding herself looking around. She noticed the scythe girl downing her sixth cookie. "Why are you making that face?"

"The cookies taste funny."

Nora watched the heiress reach out for a cookie, something even she wouldn't have done. She honestly didn't wish to know where Ruby got said cookies, but almost blamed the place for why the cookies tasted so horrible.

Junior barges in the room and shouts, "April Fools!"

The next thing they knew, Junior ran away from the door super fast with Nora on his tail. With that in mind, Ruby discovers why the cookies tasted so strange.

"SALT! HE SWITCHED THE SUGAR FOR SALT!" Ruby screams. She dives to the refrigerator, finding herself chugging down the jug of milk to get rid of the awful taste.

Ruby pointz in the direction the two ran in. "You! I'm going to get you back for this! Don't think you can mess with the cookies and walk away unpunished !" The teen's eyes widened, her head turning. "Hey, Weiss..."

"I'm not helping."


"I am not participating in this feud you guys have going on. I'm just not." She walked off, hoping to find a much quieter place.

The Hallway

It had been almost an hour since Junior struck. Nora was getting very, very paranoid. Junior was trained to be the ultimate pranking machine, and she and Ren were the only ones left. She was getting exhausted and spotted a water fountain.

Walking up to it, Nora looked it over to see if it was booby trapped. When she saw that it was pretty normal she pushed the button to take a sip. The water tastes funny but that was all water fountains and Beacon.

She turned around and came face-to-face with Bowser Junior, smirking a devious smile. In his hands was a bottle of ghost pepper sauce.

"April Fools!!"

Suddenly Nora's mouth started to get warm. Then it started to get hot. Eventually, it started to burn. Her body started sweating a bunch and her skin turn red. Steam started to come out of her nostrils and through her ears.

"WAAAAAATEERRRRRRRR!!!" She shrieked and ran through the halls like a steam engine.

Junior rolled onto the floor laughing so hard his stomach hurt. I'm staying like that for a few minutes before he got up. He already came up with his final plan.

"You're all mine Flapjack. Aaaaaall mine! Heheheheheh," He chuckled deviously.

Ren's Location

When Ren came across the end of the hall that split in two directions he saw a strange sight. In the middle of the wall was a rolled up paper like a scroll hanging on the wall due to a magnet attached to it. He just knew that it was clearly meant for him from Junior. That meant Junior knew where he was or was going and planted it ahead of him. His first instinct was to ignore the note but then came the curse known as curiosity setting in. He wondered if it was an actual prank or a message that awaited him.

Deciding to check but be cautious he put used his blade part of StormFlower as a stick to poke the paper. When nothing happened he poked it again before he pushed the note open and saw there was writing on it. Seeing it was harmless he got closer to read it.

You did good to avoid my first attempt Flapjack. While I would enjoy hunting you all day I wish to bring this game to an end. So meet me at the landing bay at 5pm sharp for our final confrontation. If you fail to show up, then I will just keep hunting you till midnight when the holiday is officially over. I'm good with either one honestly so make your choice. I'll be waiting for you.

From, Junior. xoxo!

"Well, this is a no win choice." Ren muttered as he thought about it. "But I'm not an idiot."

Another note, this time crumple up, hit him in the back of the head. He picked it up and unraveled it and it read;

Compared to me, Flapjack, you ARE an idiot. But I am serious about the stand-off.

If he went it would be a single confrontation to decide if he'll manage to avoid getting pranked or not. If he didn't go then Junior would keep coming after him for hours until the day was over. In which case he'd have to avoid more attempts he made on him. Going to face him seemed the logical choice but what if he had set up traps already and was just trying to lead him to them. This could all be a trap to goad him.

Still...if Junior wanted to settle this, then so be it. He checked his Scroll and saw it was 4:39pm. It would only take him 10 minutes to reach the landing bay. Maybe 8 minutes if he ran there but then again he wasn't in a hurry. With that he proceeded to head for the landing bay. It was time to put an end to this game of cat and mouse.

Beacon Docks

He reached the landing bay and spotted Junior standing in the middle of an empty clearing devoid of parked aircrafts. His arms were crossed confidently as he saw the green clad warrior. Strangely however Ren noticed two things that were different about him. The first was that there was a strap around Junior's shoulder that likely meant he was carrying something on his back. The second was that he was wearing black fingerless gloves that fully exposed his digits. As far as he could recall, Junior never wore gloves since he came to Beacon.

"Your early." Junior noted. "A nice gesture and one I would've preferred just to talk before the countdown ends." He greeted him with a friendly tone as if he was meeting a friend to hang out.

Ren still had his hands on his weapon but had it lowered. "What're you hiding back there?" he asked in a demanding like tone.

In response Junior slowly raised his hands in the air and then brought his left arm back. He reached for the hidden object and brought it forward. In his hand was what saw to be some kind of black and white spotted blaster in the shape of a piranha plant.

"What's that?" Ren questioned.

"This, my anxious friend is what my people call a Piranha Popper. It's a very handy piece of equipment that's used for a weapon among other things." Junior revealed the object.

"And what do you plan to do with it?"Ren asked while mentally preparing himself to draw and fire if Junior made any suspicious moves.

"Simple I'm going to use it to challenge you to a duel." Junior said earning a look from Ren.

"A duel?" he repeated.

Junior nodded. "Just like the cowboys of the olden days. I want to settle this just as they did. We'll start with our backs to each other and then take a couple paces forward." Junior pulls out a clock. "When this clock beeps six times, we draw...so are you up for it or are you backing out?" Junior questioned with a bit of a taunt.

"Your really serious about this?" Ren said still in disbelief at what Junior was challenging him to.

"Indeed I am. I know that you have the faster reflexes. However my weapon fires its projectile at a speed faster than your arrows. So the question now is if you trust your skills enough to take my challenge."

"....Very well then." Ren agreed before standing back to back with Junior with StormFlower readied. "Any more rules you neglected tomention?"

"Just this, first one to land a clear hit on the other is the winner. We set our weapons only on stun. I won't use my semblance and that we're not allowed to dodge by moving steps. We can avoid by bending down or whatever but no taking any more steps after the beep and turn." Junior mentioned the terms of the duel.

"Agreed." Ren simply said before they turn their backs.

"So let us begin." Junior said before the two began their pacing.

The clock starts to beep.




Both were about six steps apart already.




Both shouted before they turned and fired as Ren's stun bullet flew while Junior's non-lethal fireball soared. The two projectiles blew past each other and towards their targets. One made contact and the other was avoided...

"Yeow!" One of the two shouted a bit in pain as he held his wrist after getting his weapon knocked off his hand.

"Looks like I win." The supposed victor declared.

Junior turned towards his downed weapon before turning back to Ren and lowered his head. "I guess so."

"You did well to shoot your weapon almost the exact same time as I did. However your mistake was aiming for my upper chest." Ren elaborated. "If you had aimed lower, I might not have been able to dodge and it could've ended differently."

"I suppose I'll have to remember that for next year." Junior said before spreading his arms in wait. "I guess I lost so go ahead and deliver the finishing blow to win. Just please don't aim at my face or below the belt." He pleaded on the last part. Well, if he had one.

Ren took out another none lethal bullet before aiming it at Junior. "Accepting your defeat with dignity, my respect for you has gone up." He said before firing his gun.

What followed next was the sound of bullet making a small bursting sound.

Ren said nothing for a moment as his eyes were shut. The reason...was because his face was covered in some kind of black jelly.

"What...just happened?" Ren questioned out loud to no one in particular.

"HAHAHAHA!" Junior laughed loudly before punching the air in victory. "YES! My plan worked, you got pranked and I win!" he declared enthusiastically.

"How...when...what did you...?" Ren babbled trying to comprehend what just happened.

Junior stopped his cheering and walked towards him. "Confused? Allow me to elaborate. You see, as part of my elaborate prank I set up a backup plan. I found your stash of dust bullets and switched half of your non-lethals with my special counterfeits. The replicas I designed to explode on you the moment you tried firing them on me." he explained.

"But they felt the same, how did you...?" Ren questioned in disbelief.

"I studied them inside and out in order to make exact replicas with the same weight, balance, design and etc. I had to since someone of your keen observation would have likely noticed if something was off." Junior cleared up the confusion.

"You cheated!" Ren accused.

"Like my Great Grandfather, Poopa La Koopa always said, 'Cheat, beat, and be merry'! Junior quoted. "Besides, I didn't say I was going to do anything dirty during the duel. I didn't say anything about after."

Ren was stunned silent after what he heard. "So you gambled the outcome on luck!?"

"Uh huh, cause it's more fun that way and it looks like I'm luckier than you." Junior teased.

"How long were you planning this whole thing?" Ren wanted to know.

"Hmm...about a month in a half, that was more than enough time for me to set everything up." Junior remarked before stretching his arms and yawned. "Well my work is done so...I'm gonna turn in for the day. He then walked away leaving a bewildered Ren alone.

And with that, he was left alone with his defeat and embarrassment at being duped. He wiped some of the jelly off his face with his finger and then sniffed it. He detected a trace of a fruity scent and put his creamed finger in his mouth to sample it.

"Hmm, raspberry." Ren stated while secretly enjoying the taste of it.

Junior made his way back to his room for the day. While doing so he heard the sound a light clapping and saw Yang and Weiss against the wall by his room's door. Yang had a look of knowing while Weiss looked unamused and was scratching her slightly colored.

"I see you found my itching paint bomb. To be honest, that wasn't on my pranking schedule for this year but I'm happy you gave it a chance." Junior said.

"How long does this last for?" Weiss said through her scratching.

"Depends on when it activated. I'd give it till morning." Junior guessed.

"Saw what you did on the roof and I gotta say it was quite crafty and interesting." Yang said having found it funny and unexpected.

"Yeah well it was a little close but I managed to pull it off. I gotta admit, part of me didn't think I'd manage to successfully prank everyone but I guess they never expected me to go on a pranking spree on April Fools day." Junior mentioned.

"Well it's not exactly a holiday that's celebrated with open arms like Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving or even Easter." Weiss remarked on the lower valued holiday.

"That's why I had to do this. Because I actually value this holiday and wanted to spread the joy of it." Junior said honestly before asking his main question. "So did you have fun?"

"Well yes, it was quite enjoyable and hilarious." Weiss admitted.

"Hell yeah, those where awesome! I don't think even I'd be able to pull any of that off!" Yang cheered.

"Then this wasn't a waste time for you guys. Since the day's ending, I guess our truce is over now." Junior said before offering his hand to Yang. "So, untill next year?" he asked earning a nod from her before she shook his hand.

"Gaaahhh!" Yang yelped feeling a stinging sensation from her hand which made her pull it away.

"Hahahahaha." Junior snickered before pulling off his glove and revealing what looked like an electric buzzer attached to his palm. "Sorry, but I had to do it!"

"I thought we had a truce!" She yelled angrily.

"We did, and I just told you it was over now. Seriously you guys have to look underneath the underneath." Junior corrected and lectured at the same time. "Besides, you oughta be thankful I decided to be lenient and give you a small prank. Considering how everyone else got a much worse one."

Yang growled a bit, her eyes turning red. "You know everyone's going to want payback on you right?"

"I'm not worried," Junior says confidently. "I can handle whatever they dish out."

"For your sake you better hope so." Weiss said before walking away with Yang behind her.

Junior watched them walk away until they were finally out of sight. He then entered his room with one last thought.

Next year, he was definitely going to prank Professor Goodwitch and many others he hadn't. But the one person at the top of his list will be Ozpin.

Oh, he was going to plan something special for the guy when next year comes.

The End

For those who have read till the end:

Yep, I decided to bring this old classic banger of mine back! Now it's part of the canon!

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