Elementalists Academy: The Sw...

By FireCrown15

216 30 2

6 best friends find out that they are the long lost heirs to the six elemental kingdoms: fire, air, earth, wa... More

My Math Exam Gets Rudely Interrupted
Backpacks Are Excellent Weapons When Under Attack
A Random Old Lady Seemingly Tries To Scam Us
Why, Hello There, Potential Love Interest!
Scratch That, He's A Douche (But Way To Go, Astra!)
Our New School Is Officially #1 In Top Ten Places to Get Lost In 0.5 Seconds
I Meet The Wicked Bitch Of The West!
I May Have Witnessed A Murder And It Ain't Even First Hour Yet
I Already Fuck Shit Up And It's Only The First Day
Caspian Decides To Be The Fucking Bane Of My Existence Yet Again!
I Realize That I Am Not Athletic! (To Nobody's Surprise)
Lunchtime with Electra!( There Are Many Ways This Can Go Wrong)
I Accidentally Commit Arson To My Classroom!

It's Romeo and Juliet!(Except We Hate Each Other)

9 2 0
By FireCrown15

"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" I asked, crossing my arms and standing my guard. I have no idea who the fuck this woman is, and I could honestly care less whatever first impression she has of me.

The girl scoffed. "How dare you! I am Bridget Hayes, the most powerful and, dare I say, most attractive," she flips her hair, " PyroTamer in all of the six kingdoms."

"Ok, Bridget, I'm sorry I bumped into you?"

"You're JUST sorry?! Excuse you, but this is the newest, most trendiest crop top from LuluLemon, and you bumping into me completely drenched it with my pumpkin spice lattè!" she cried, pointing at her top.

I squinted. "Literally, where did it spill? I can't see it anywhere."

She pointed her finger angrily at her nonexistent stain. "Right there! It's completely soaked!"

At that, I decided to harness all the power I could by shoving my glasses further up my nose and I zoomed into that spot, locked in. After staring at the same spot for what felt like five years (when it was probably just five seconds), I managed to find one itty-bitty coffee stain on her. I straightened my spine and I stared right at her, completely dumbfounded by this woman's stupidity.

"Girl, that spot doesn't even classify as a stain at that size! That is literally a molecule!" 

"Are you even sure that's a stain? It looks more like a speck of dust to me." Calida asked, curiously staring at the "stain."

"Of course it's a stain, you idiot! And it's all over me! Do you know how expensive this shirt was?!" She whined.

"If it was so expensive, why did you buy it in the first place?!" I asked, already feeling like I'm losing brain cells from being near her.

"Duh, so I can flaunt it? MCKENNA!!! Bring me a tissue, NOW!"

At that, a girl scurried out from behind Bridget, carrying a wadful of tissues one of her hands to help clear out the "stain." She had strawberry blonde hair that went down to her shoulders, cinnamon-colored eyes, had black-rimmed glasses, was around 5'5, and was wearing a grey drawstring hoodie with a symbol of an orange flame on it, ripped black jeans along with a pair of rust-colored boots.   

All of a sudden, the she tripped over her own feet and basically face-planted onto the floor.

I immediately ran over to her and grabbed her arm, helping her back up to her feet. "Oh my gosh, are you ok?!"

"I-I'm alright!" the girl said, looking at me with her cheeks flushed red.

"Oh my fucking god, can't you do ANYTHING right, Mckenna? Why must you be such a klutz?!" Bridget said, rolling her eyes.

"You fucking bi-" I was about to say.

"Hey, Bridget! Where did you get your top from? It's really cute!" Calida interrupted.

"Well, if you must know..." she said, starting to ramble about her top.

"I'll distract her while you run. You are my dorm mate. Turn right once you enter the wing. Its the first door on the right. There are clothes you can change into in the right closet." Calida said, pointing to the left wing.

"Thank you!" I whispered back before sprinting like a kindergartener taking the pacer test in that direction. Once I found the door she was talking about, I quickly opened it, rushed inside slammed it closed. After I caught my breath, I nearly lost it again at what I saw. 

There were twin matching canopy beds with white sheets and red blankets on either side of the room. The floor was a stone-gray granite. The walls were a beautiful shade of gold with red swirls adorning it. There was a small chandelier in the middle of the room, and a glass sliding door that led to a big white balcony that opened out to the early night air. 

After admiring the room for a moment, I trotted over to the left white closet that sat near the left bed and yanked the doors open. To my surprise, instead of seeing a variety of clothes, I saw a single scarlet red nightgown with matching fuzzy slippers. I quickly changed into my nightgown and my fuzzy slippers, putting the clothes I changed out of into the closet and closing the doors. 

However, right before I was about to slide into the fluffy white covers, I heard something solid hit the window. I froze and a whirlwind of thoughts came to me. Am I in trouble? Is there some kind of stalker outside? What the fuck do I do? 

I heard the sound again. Rolling my eyes, I yanked off one of my fuzzy slippers, hoped for the best, and stormed outside to the balcony, ready to bite off another idiot's head.

I stormed past the sliding door and stomped up to the balcony. After looking down at who was there, I felt a surge of annoyance rush through me again. I picked up the stone they threw at my door and threw it back at the person.

"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?" I deadpanned, glaring at Caspian, who dodged my throw.

"It is the east, and Juliet is a terrible thrower and a short-ass bitch!" he shouted back at me.

Oh hell no. Nobody talks about my height unless I like you. And this dick is a far cry from being on my well-liked list.

"What the fuck do you want, Fontaine? I'm tired." I said, throwing another stone at him, which he dodged yet again(I seriously need to work on my aim).

"I came here to apologize. Rick-Rick is mad at me because I was acting like a dick to you when we first met. But honestly, I just wanted to annoy you again." he smirked.

"You are the embodiment of a douche. But we'll get back to that later. Did you seriously come up with a couple nickname already for Ricky? When should the wedding be? I did not approve of this union!" I said, amused at the nickname for Ricky. I was so going to tease him about it later.

"Oh shut up! You wouldn't know anything about bromances, much less romances, if it slapped you across the face!"

"And what would you know about love, Fontaine?"

"Plenty. At least, more than you!" he said, giving me a shit-eating grin.

"Now listen here, you little shi-" 

"I'm sorry to interrupt your weird idea of flirting,  lovebirds, but Cyra, its lights out now." Calida said, walking up next to me to lean on the balcony railing and looking down at Caspian as well. 

"We were not flirting!" Caspian and I yelled at her in unison.

"Okay, stay in denial! But we gotta go to sleep! Good night, Caspian!" Calida said, herding me towards the door.

"Good night! And sweet dreams, Cyra!" he shouted mockingly.

"OH FUCK YOU!" I yelled back at him. 

"Alright, nighty-night, Miss. Fiesty." Calida said, turning off the lights with a clap of her hands and sliding into the left canopy bed, quickly falling asleep.

"Good night, Calida."

At that, I crawled into the covers, nuzzling into the cozy pillows, quickly prayed to whoever was controlling my life that tomorrow would be easy, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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