Kamelot, A new Era has come.

By FantasyGirl21

288 18 6

Genevieve Sachenberg is the sixteen year old princes of Kamelot, a new kingdom founded after the destruction... More

Kamelot, A new Era has come.
Chapter One: Unexpected Arrivals

Preface: When the snow sticks...

52 6 2
By FantasyGirl21

The preface of my new story, Kamelot. I really hope you all like it, FantasyGirl21

Preface: When the snow sticks…                                                                                   

December 255 NN

I watched over the cold winter land. Nowhere carriages were being pulled by horses or people working on their farms. Even in the city, the snow had covered the stone roads and work was being done inside. Some children were outside, jumping to catch snowflakes while their laughter filled the air. Winter had now really fallen over Kamelot, the snowflakes were sticking to the ground.

My hands -surrounded by  my leather gloves- were resting on the balustrade, also covered in snow. Through the gloves I saw the shape of the sapphire ring on my right hand. I sighed, the air being visible as coming out of my mouth.  “What did he tell you?” I heard the voice of my brother coming from behind me. I did not turn around. He placed his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged, trying to break the physical contact. “Gen?” he asked hesitatingly.

“Yes,” I said harsh and abrupt. “What is it Arthur? Go and waste someone else’s valuable time.” He stood next to me now, also looking at the landscape. “If time is that valuable, why have you been standing here all morning, just watching? What did he promise you Gen? I want to help you if that is in my ability.”

 “What does it mean to you? Nothing, absolutely nothing.” He sighed and grabbed me by the shoulder, letting me face him. His face was worried and a few snowflakes were captured in his blonde hair. “Genevieve, you know it does. I want to know what Jarrett promised you.”  I looked at him, his words echoing in my mind. “Why, again? You believe he is dead anyway.”

And then I whispered: “When the snow sticks..,” Suddenly I was back at the lake, 10 months ago. Snow was surrounding Jarrett and me, our footsteps behind us in the snow. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck. The soft kisses. Then he looked at me with sudden seriousness.  “Genevieve, if I do not return before the snow sticks to the ground again, I am dead. Promise me, that if you have not heard of me when this is all white again, you will go on with your life.”

The most horrid promise I had ever made to someone. But I had to and so I had known back then. I said it out loud again. “He said he’d be dead if I had not heard from him when the snow returns. That is what he said.” Arthur did not respond. “Did he know that…” He probably didn’t dare to finish that sentence. “No, he did not.”

Silence fell.  “Nobody is supposed to know. I’ll die keeping my secret.” “I know.” I looked away again. “Tomorrow is the big day. Nervous?” He sighed. “Yes.” I couldn’t help but smile. “I knew you weren’t that brave, to do that like it is nothing.” “Smart you.  You know Gen, it’s strange. It was father’s task, not mine.” I rolled my eyes. “You think he’d go on with it from up there,” I said, pointing at the sky.

“Genevieve, seriously. I am just scared to do something wrong.”  “Feel my pain.” He offered me his hand. “Why not go inside? I know someone is waiting to see you.” “I know too,” I said and laid my hand in his. “It’s a pleasure Milord.” “Don’t, just … don’t.” We turned around, to the door inside. “Never, it’s a sign of respect.”

We walked inside and before he closed the door again, I took one more look at the snow. I had promised something, I needed to keep my promise.  I would. I’d survive, even when my beloved ones did not……

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