All the Colors of Earth (Nata...

By AriasSilva

26.6K 828 53

Refugee Marzda Cadanar is a prisoner. Her days are spent laying on the floor of her cell and goading the gua... More

Authors Note


377 11 0
By AriasSilva

October 31st, 2014

"Are you sure this is appropriate for a baby to wear?" Wanda asks me as she looks at Olympia's costume.

I look down at my daughter in confusion, "she's a pumpkin. Why would that be inappropriate?"

"Because you had to smash to make her," Pietro jokes.

"What?" I ask him.

"Because people like to smash pumpkins on Halloween," Wanda corrects him. "What if someone tries to hurt her?"

"Wanda," I say gently. "Nobody is going to hurt her. And if anyone tries you can blast them into space."

Her eyes glow slightly, "I'll just put a shield around us so that nobody gets close."

I laugh slightly, "if it'll make you feel better."

"She's being paranoid again isn't she?" Pietro whispers to me.

I give him a slight nod as I whisper back, "just slightly."

Out of all of us Wanda was the most paranoid when it came to my daughters safety. Most would have assumed it would be me, and while she never left my sight, Wanda was using her powers almost constantly to keep a shield around the house and us when we went out.

It had taken Pietro forever to convince us that we should take her out tonight. He argued that since it was her first Halloween she had to go out, saying something about the first one being the most important. While I had never really celebrated Halloween before, I was more open to the idea, but Wanda was absolutely against it.

She wanted to stay in and watch cheesy movies and do crafts, but like always, she had given in to her brother.

So now, we were all dressed up as some sort of Sokovian fortune teller family. I wasn't sure exactly what our costumes were supposed to be, only that it was a lot of spandex and sparkles. But I didn't argue when Wanda had tossed it to me. It was nice to be part of a family, no matter how random that family was. If you'd have told me a few weeks ago that I'd be raising a half alien child with the Maximoffs I wouldn't have believed you.

But now? Now I couldn't imagine life without them.

I smile as they argue over who's turn it is to hold my daughter and there's a small pain in my chest. It's been there since the night Marz died, always aching. My smile fades as I look to the stars and imagine her somewhere up there.

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't angry with her. I understand why she left earth, why she hid her pregnancy from me, but that doesn't mean I wasn't still angry. But she doesn't get all the blame either. I'm also angry with myself and I'm especially angry with the Daxomites.

Most nights I can't help but to imagine how our lives would be different if they wouldn't have come. Would Marz have told me that she was pregnant or would she still have left?

I'd like to think that she would have told me and that I would have been happy with the news. I'd like to believe that we would have moved into our little house and would have been happy living a normal life.

But the truth is, I'm not sure if I could have. Most days I still find myself getting ready to go to work, and it's only when I'm halfway out the door or when Olympia cries, that I remember I retired. And while I love my daughter, I'd also be lying if I said that I wasn't bored.

Even the twins have gotten called for a mission in the time they've been with me. While they tried not to sound too excited about it, I could tell that they were happy to be going to work. After a lifetime of nonstop living, I wasn't sure how to slow down.

Wanda's hand on my arm snaps me out of my thoughts. "You ok?" She asks as she hands Olympia over to Pietro.

I shrug slightly. There was no point in lying to her, she could hear everything that I was thinking. "Not really," I admit. "I just wish she was here." I smile slightly, "she'd love this."

Wanda nods, "yeah, she would." We both watch Pietro take my laughing daughter up to a house and fill her small bucket with candy. "She is here though," Wanda says gently. "In a way, at least. She's in all of us, and especially in Olympia. That attitude could only have come from her."

I chuckle, "she gave me a look the other day that was the pure image of Marz."

"That little squinty what the heck look?" Wanda asks as she laughs.

"Yes!" I tell her as I start to laugh louder. "So judgmental for someone so small."

Pietro runs back up to us, being careful to keep his speed under control, "we got so much candy!" He says excitedly. "We should have brought a bigger bag! Who knew this little squishy bean would be a candy gold mine?"

Wanda hits his shoulder gently as she lightly scolds, "she doesn't need all that. Go give it to a little kid."

"She is a little kid," he pouts.

"A bigger little kid," she tells him as she takes Olympia from him.

He groans but speeds off, making the leaves swirl behind him. I wait until he's far enough away before saying, "you guys are good with her. Have you thought about having any?"

Wanda looks at me weirdly as she answers in a low voice, "you do remember that he's my brother right? We couldn't have a kid together, we wouldn't risk that."

I nod, "yes but you could always adopt or use a donor."

"Natasha," she says slowly.

"I know I know, it's not like that," I say, repeating the words she's said to me so many times. "I'm just saying that however it is, you guys deserve to have a family. Aside from us, that is," I add with a smile. "You're wonderful with Olympia and you'd make great parents."

Wanda smiles slightly, "thank you. But I think one baby is enough for me."

"Two of you count me," Pietro jokes as he appears from nowhere.

He gives Wanda a look and something passes between them before she shakes her head slightly and turns back to me, "we should keep going. According to those kids there's a house in the next block giving out full sized candy bars."

"Hell yes!" Pietro cheers as he steals Olympia and races off.

Wanda gives me a look, "don't tell him I said this, but he was right. We do have two children."

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