The Smiling Critters (Season...

By BlRabbit184

2.7K 62 18

Welcome!!!! This is the Smiling Critters. A bunch of friends that go on adventures. The Smiling critters con... More

Episode 1 (Pilot)
Episode 2: Welcome Neighbor!!!
Episode 3: The scent of Lavender (Part 1 of 2)
Episode 4: The Scent of Lavender (Part 2 of 2)
Episode 5: Hide-and-Sleep
Episode 6: I'm Berry Excited!!!
Episode 7: A Lively Tour (Part 1 of 2)
Episode 8: A Lively Tour (Part 2 of 2)
Episode 10: Ribby
Episode 11: Day and Night (Part 1 of 2)
Episode 12: Night and Day (Part 2 of 2)

Episode 9: Cozy Camping!!!

192 6 0
By BlRabbit184

Hey everyone I hope you all like the series so far, I'm sorry I posted an episode so late into the week. I've been very busy with my personal life. In today's episode all of the critters will be going camping in Melody Meadows for the night and it will be told in third person. I hope you all enjoy it!!!

*It's a bright and sunny morning and all of the critters are gathering around the signpost to go camping. So far DogDay, Bubba, Bobby, and Crafty has arrived but not the others.*

"Huh I wonder when the others will arrive?", Bobby asked. "I'm sure they're on their way", Bubba replied. "They're probably still gathering the supplies we need". "Its nice to see you back on your feet DogDay", Bobby said joyfully. "Thank you Bobby", DogDay sweetly said, "I'm glad too, it was thanks to everyone here that I made a full recovery. Which is why I thought going camping in Melody Meadows would be an amazing thing we could all do together". "In the meantime we can go over what each of us had to bring", DogDay suggested. "Great idea DogDay", Bubba complimented. "CatNap is bringing the sleeping bags. Picky is bringing the food, Kicken and Hoppy are bringing the tents. So far, I brung the first aid kit just in case someone gets hurt. Bubba you were in charge of bringing the bug repellent to keep the bugs away.", DogDay stated. "Got it", Bubba replied holding two cans of bug repellent. "Bobby you're in charge of bringing water", DogDay proceeded. "Yeap, I got enough to last us for years", Bobby replied, holding a huge jug of water. "Crafty you brung the flashlights". "Yup, I got them right here I also brung some batteries just in case they ran out of power ", Crafty squeaked holding out a bag full of small flashlights and batteries. "Great work everyone! Now all we got to do is wait for the others", DogDay said grinning.

*A few minutes go by and Kicken, Hoppy, and Picky arrive*

"Hey everyone sorry that we're late we were packing everything. I brought some hot dogs and marshmallows to roast over the fire", Picky said. "Kicken and I got the tents", Hoppy cheerfully said, standing next to Kicken. Each of them were holding two tents. "Amazing, we're so happy that you all are here! But wait, where's CatNap?" Bobby asked. "We're not sure, we thought he was with you", Kicken replied. "Hm, maybe we should set up, I'm sure he'll meet us up ahead", Hoppy said. "He's probably alright, but just in case maybe a few of us should stay back while some of us set up", Bobby suggested. "Great idea! Okay Bobby, Picky and Kicken, the three of you stay here while Crafty, Bubba, Hoppy, and myself set up the tents", DogDay declared. "Of course", Bobby said. "You got it", Picky replied giving a thumbs up. "Sure no prob", Kicken said crossing his arms.

DogDay, Bubba, Hoppy, and Crafty left and made their way to Melody Meadows. When the four critters arrived they began to set up the tents below the oak tree. A few minutes go by and the four critters finished setting the tents up. "Alright, all four tents are set up. Two of us will be in each one. Hoppy and Kicken will share one, Bobby and Crafty will share another, myself and Picky will share one, and CatNap and DogDay will share another", Bubba said smiling. Bubbas smile began to fade, "I'm surprised the others aren't here I thought CatNap would've arrived by now. Where could he be?" he said. "Yeah you're right, hey Crafty can you go and check on the others while we start making the fire pit?" DogDay asked. "Yes, sure thing", Crafty squeaked while running off. "I hope he's alright", Bobby said a little concerned. "I'm sure everything is fine", DogDay said confidentally.

*A few minutes go by and Crafty returns with the other critters except for CatNap*

"He didn't show up to the signpost", Kicken said sadly. "Yeah I even went to his house to check to see if he was there, but when I knocked on his door no one answered", Picky said a little concerned. All seven of the critters began to worry more until they heard something from up above.


The four critters looked up and saw the tree shaking a little. "Oh no, is the tree alive!?", Hoppy exclaimed. "The tree is not alive Hoppy, something is in there" Bubba replied. Suddenly the critters started to hear purring, "Purrr", the critters got a bit closer and looked into the tree. There, sleeping on the tree branch was CatNap. Underneath him were the sleeping bags stacked up on one another. "There he is", Bobby said relieved. "When do you think he could've gotten here", asked Kicken. "Probably before any of us even got to the signpost", Bubba replied. The critters got closer to the tree and started to yell. "Hey CatNap,wake up!", yelled Hoppy. "Cmon, wake up CatNap!",Kicken shouted. The critters continued shouting for a while before CatNap woke up. CatNap slowly opened his eyes and yawned, still lying on the branch. "Hey CatNap did you want to come down we're gonna start playing some games soon",Hoppy yelled. In response CatNap shook his head, and began to fall back to sleep. "Wait! Can we have our sleeping bags please?", Bubba yelled. Catnap looked underneath him and slowly scooted off the sleeping bags. He then used his tail to wrap and lower all but one of the bags down to the critters.After he gave the critters their sleeping bags he went back to sleep. "Well he's out cold. Let's finish setting up the campsite", Kicken says.

*The critters spend the next hour setting up the campsite. Once they finished they started playing games. The critters spent the rest of the day playing tag, hide n seek, and duck duck goose up until the late evening.*

Picky looked up at the sky and saw it became slightly dark, "Wow the day sure went by fast, i'm hungry" she exclaimed holding her stomach. "Yeah me too", Crafty squeaked while rubbing her belly. "Alright everyone, let's start the campfire so we can start cooking the hotdogs", DogDay declared. "How do we start the campfire, nobody brought matches?", Hoppy asked. "Well we still can make a fire if we rub two sticks together quickly. The rubbing creates friction and heat that will eventually create an ember resulting in fire", Bubba said. "Let me do it, I have great reflexes", Hoppy said joyfully. "No I'll do it, I have stronger arms", Kicken argued. The two began arguing on who should start the fire until DogDay broke them both up. "Alright both of you. How about both of you try to start the fire together. One of you will hold down one stick while the other rubs the other stick against it. But both of you be careful, fire is very hot and dangerous", DogDay suggests. Both Hoppy and Kicken agreed, Kicken held a stick on the ground while Hoppy rubbed it with another. After a minute or two embers began to appear and the campfire was made. "Great job both of you", DogDay barked while giving each of them a hug. "Before we eat let's put some repellent on to keep the bugs away" DogDay suggested. All of the seven critters got the bug repellent and sprayed some on themselves. After they finished Picky shouted,"Now let's eat!".

*The critters sat around the campfire, roasted and ate some delicious hotdogs. The sun went down, it was nighttime now and after eating dinner they began roasting marshmallows while telling scary stories*

"-and it turns out that it that he was in the house the entire time", Kicken screamed. Everybody sat there silently, blankly looking at Kicken. "Really Kicken, that wasn't scary. You've told that story a hundred times", Hoppy muttered. "Well I'd like to see you do better Hoppy", Kicken argued. "Fine I will", Hoppy confidentally said. "Once there was this Bunny who lived alone, it was night time and he was watching TV. Suddenly he heard someone knocking on his front door, when he answered it no one was there. So he closed the door and sat back down and continued watching TV. He then heard knocking again at his door. He got up again and opened the door but no one was there. He sat down and heard knocking again, he was about to get up until he heard a voice from the TV yell "Dont open that door!". The Bunny ended up waking up on his couch with the television on, "It was just a dream", he said. Suddenly... HE HEARD SOMEONE KNOCKING ON HIS DOOR!", Hoppy screamed. "AHHHH", everyone screamed. Everybody was shaking, "That wasn't s-sso s-ssscary", Kicken stuttered. Hoppy giggled, "Yeah sure". "Alright everyone I think that's enough scary stories for tonight. Let's all go to sleep", DogDay said. "I don't think I can sleep after hearing that", Crafty replied. "Me neither", Bobby stuttered. Everyone except Hoppy was shaking, "Cmon you guys that story wasn't real, I just made it up", Hoppy said. "Yeah cmon you guys everythings okay, it was just scary story", DogDay said encouragingly, but really DogDay was pretty scared too. Still all of them didn't want to go to sleep. They all looked at the fire and the smoke it was releasing.

Suddenly they noticed something about the smoke. "What?", Bobby exclaims. "Why is the smoke that color?", Crafty asks. The smoke that was once gray seemed to be turning red and spreading around them. DogDay started sniffing the air, "It smells sweet", DogDay comments. "I'm starting to feel a bit relaxed", Bubba said calmly. "I'm getting kind of tired", Hoppy yawns. "Yeah me too", Kicken said lying down on the ground. One by one each of the critters drifted off to sleep on the ground around the camp fire. The red smoke began to clear around them and soon the only smoke that was left was the gray smoke being released by the fire. "I'm sorry everyone", a voice whispers.

*The next morning*

"Yawwwwwn", Kicken says sitting up and stretching, "Wow that was a goodnight sleep". Kicken looks over and sees that Hoppy is awake too, "Yeah it was, I am so full of energy", she says getting up and leaving the tent. All of the critters leave their tents and greet one another. "Wow that was a great sleep", Bobby exclaims. "Yeah I slept like a baby", DogDay said joyfully. They all look at the fire that was no longer lit. "Hm, I wonder what that red smoke was", Crafty says. "Yeah, i've never seen it before, it smelled very sweet", Picky says. Bubba tenses up and looks back at his tent, "How did I get in my sleeping bag? I don't remember going in it", Bubba asks. "Yeah me neither", Crafty says. "Now that you mention it, I don't remember going into my tent I thought I fell asleep out here", Bobby says. DogDay suddenly tenses up, "WAIT... where is CatNap? I didn't see him in the tent when I woke up", he asks worriedly. "Yeah where is he?", Bubba said sounding concerned. "Could he have gone home", Bobby asks. "Maybe", Bubba replies. "The last time we saw him was when he was on top of the tree", Bobby said. They all looked up and saw CatNap sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag on the tree branch. "Has he been up there this entire time?!", Crafty exclaims. "Wow he sure loves to sleep", Kicken says. "Hey CatNap, wake up please." DogDay yells up. CatNap slowly opens his eyes and looks down and waves at the other critters. "Did you see the red smoke from yesterday night?", DogDay yelled up. In response, CatNap shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe he was asleep when that happened", Crafty suggests. "Did you want to help us clean up?", Crafty yelled. CatNap smiled, nodded his head and lowered himself on the ground with his tail.

"How did you sleep CatNap?", DogDay asks. In response, CatNap gave him a thumbs up. All of the critters took down the tents and cleaned up the campsite. When everything was finished they left Melody Meadows and headed back to Critter Village. "That was a great night, except I'm still confused about what that red smoke was about", Bobby said. DogDay smiled, "Yeah me too", he said.

*Flashback to last night*

"I'm so sorry everyone", CatNap whispered. CatNap, still on the tree was looking down at all the critters sleeping. He then looked down teary eyed, "I'm so sorry everyone. I thought if I released some smoke it would've helped you all feel less scared and calm down a bit, but I released too much", he whimpered to himself. CatNap lowered himself on the ground from the tree branch with his tail. He started carrying each of the critters to their respected tents that they were sharing and placed each of them in their sleeping bags.  He put Hoppy and Kicken in one tent, Bobby and Crafty in another. CatNap continued to put Bubba and Picky in theirs, and finally he went to get DogDay. CatNap stood over DogDay and looked down at him, "I'm sorry DogDay", he mumbled choking a little. CatNap carried DogDay to their tent and placed him in his sleeping bag. "It looks like he's sleeping peacefully atleast. I hope he's having a good dream", CatNap thought to himself.

CatNap left the tent and climbed back up onto the tree branch. "I can't tell anyone about the gas or all of them would hate or even be scared of me", he thought to himself worriedly while burying his face into his hands. CatNap then looked up at the full moon in the night sky that was full of stars. "I'm sorry everyone. I promise I wont ever do this again.", he whispered.

*Back to the present morning*

"Could it have been a hallucination?", Bobby suggested. "Really, from what?", Bubba replied. "Maybe it was from the bug spray", she said. "That's a possibility", Bubba said looking down at the cans, "I've had these cans for a while, so maybe they expired or something". "Well whatever it was, all that matters is that everyone is okay", DogDay barked joyfully. "Yeah!", they all said together. When the critters arrived at Critter Village, they all went to their homes. DogDay and CatNap walked together back to their houses, "I'll seeya later CatNap", DogDay said, waving goodbye. In response CatNap smiled softly and waved back while he walked into his house.

Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to add this series to your library, I make two episodes a week!!! Don't hesitate to leave a comment, I love feedback! I will be posting the next episode by the end of the week. Anyway have a great rest of your week everyone!!! :)

4/6 Update: Hey everyone I am so sorry I've been very busy and I'm still working on the next episode, I won't be able to post it till Monday. :(

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