Episode 11: Day and Night (Part 1 of 2)

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WELCOME TO THE FINAL EPISODE OF THE SEASON I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE ENJOYED THIS SEASON!!! It's been so great making epsiodes for you guys for the series, it makes me happy that yall are keeping up. Anyway in this episode it will be told from the POV of CatNap, I hope you all enjoy!

It's a cloudy day and CatNap is at Melody Meadows sleeping on the tree branch in the large oak tree. Yawn, "Im very tired, it's so warm out here", I thought to myself. I began closing my eyes until I heard someone. "Hey CatNap!!!". I keep my eyes closed, "Ughh, I don't want to get up I feel so comfortable", I think to myself. "HEY CATNAP!!!", another voice shouts. I sigh and slowly open my eyes and look down. Hoppy and Picky are below waving, "Hey glad that you're awake!!!", Hoppy cheerfully said. "DogDay wants everyone to go to the signpost, he has a surprise for us", Picky excitedly said. I widen my half shut eyes a little, "DogDay has a surprise for us?", I thought to myself. I look down and nod my head to both of them. "Alright, he wants us all to meet there in about an hour. We'll see you there", Hoppy said excitedly before running away with Picky. "A suprise?", I thought to myself while drifting off to sleep.

*1 hour later*

"YAWN", I wake up and look around. I see that the sun hasn't really changed its place, not much time has passed. "Well I better meet up with the others", I thought. I lower myself on the ground from the ground and start walking to the sign post . I walk for a few minutes and I start hearing voices from up ahead. I see everyone gathered around the signpost. "CatNap!", a voice yells. I look over and see DogDay waving to me, "You're just in time", he says. I smile and wave to him while walking to everyone. When I reached the signpost everyone greeted me, Bobby and Crafty gave me a hug, making me blush a little. DogDay stepped out of the group and walked over next to what looks like a hat on the ground, placed right-side up. "Alright everyone I called you all over hear because I planned something for all of us to do!", DogDay barked excitedly. "What is it!!", Bobby asked excitedly. "Is it a game of baseball?", Hoppy shouted. "Nope", DogDay replied. "Is it a picnic?", Bobby asked. "Nope", he replied again. "What I have planned for us today is.... a potluck party!!!", he said excitedly.

"A potluck party!?", Picky screamed excitedly. DogDay nodded his head excitedly. "That's awesome!!", Kicken said lifting up his sunglasses. "This is gonna be so fun!!", Hoppy shouted excitedly. "Yes but it's not just any potluck party, critters. This potluck party is special because two of us to partner up together and make a dish to bring!! ". "That's so fun!", Bobby squealed. "Yup and to decide who each of our partners will be, I will pull two names out of hat. Those two names will be partnered together and make a dish to bring to today's potluck!!!", DogDay said excitedly. "What an interesting idea", Bubba said invested in DogDay's plan. "Thank you Bubba", DogDay grinned. DogDay picked up the hat right to him, "Okay, I put everyones names in this hat, I will now draw each team". DogDay drew the first pair of names, "Hoppy and Picky". "Yes we'll be a great team Picky", Hoppy said excitedly. Picky smiled,"Yeah we'll make the tastiest food ever!". DogDay drew another pair of names, Bobby and Bubba got paired with one another. "Alright next one", DogDay says reaching into the hat and pulling two names out. "Oh wow the first one is mine", he said smiling. "And my partner will be...", he looked at the strip of paper, his eyes widened. He was silent for a few moments, "CatNap" he stammered and then smiled. I smiled and waved over to him and gave him a thumbs up. DogDay's face turn a little pink and he scrambled a bit reaching into the hat for the last two names. He pulled them out, "Now our final team will be Kicken and Crafty!!!", he happily barked. "Now, the party will be at 5:00 in the evening at my house, bring your tastiest dishes all of you", DogDay said while sticking his tounge out. "This is gonna be so fun!!!", Picky exclaimed. "Cmon Hoppy lets decide what dish to make!!!". Hoppy grinned in response and they both began discussing what they'd make.

The other teams gathered together and began discussing what food they should make. I walked over to DogDay and waved at him. "It's awesome that we're partners CatNap. We'll be the best team!!!", he said joyfully. "Yeah we'll be a good team", I said quietly. The rest of the critters began walking off with the teams still talking, leaving me and DogDay alone at the signpost. "Alright let's get to work. First let's figure out what we should make", DogDay instructed. "Any ideas?", DogDay asked. I stood there for a moment thinking. I glanced up, "Follow me", I whispered. I walked back to my house with DogDay behind me. We went into the kitchen, "Take a seat", I said gesturing him to the table. the cabinI walked over to the counter and opened the cabinet above it. From the cabinet I pulled out a small box,"Here they are" I whispered. I turned around and sat down next to DogDay at the table. "I keep my recipes in this box. I thought of a good one we could make", I said quietly. "Awesome, what is it?", he asked curiously. I pulled out a recipe and layed it out on the table. DogDay looked down, "Blueberry scones", he said reading the recipe out loud. "Hm i've never made these before but they sound good", he barked. "Yeah they're a type of baked good. I thought maybe we could use this recipe", I replied. DogDay looked over the recipe for a moment, "This recipe sounds yummy", DogDay said sticking his tounge out. "Alright what do we need", he asked. "Well I seem to have everything here except for the blueberries", I replied. "It's a good thing we know where to get some", he chuckled. I chuckled in agreement. I walk over to the cabinet and take out a small container, "Lets keep the berries in here", I said holding out the container. "Alright lets go partner", DogDay said running out the kitchen and to the door. We leave the house and when we get outside I look up. "Hm the clouds seem to be getting a little dark", I thought to myself. "Well let's head to Lively and get those berries", he barked. DogDay and I start making our way to Lively Lake.

*Skipping to when CatNap and DogDay get to Lively Lake*

"Well here we are", DogDay said. I look around and see the cabin the others finished, "The cabin looks really nice", I complimented. DogDay caught my gaze and looked over at the structure, "Yeah they did a great job building this", he agreed. "I wonder how the inside looks. I haven't gone inside yet", I said. DogDay looked over at me, "I haven't been in either. Maybe we can stop inside after we get the berries", he suggested. I nodded my head in agreement. DogDay and I walk over to the bushes, kneel down and began gathering the blueberries. While putting the blueberries into the container I suddenly hear a loud bang and crack coming from up above. I look up and see that the clouds have become completely dark. "It looks like it's about to rain", I said while still looking up. DogDay catches my gaze and looks up, "Yeah we better hurry", he said a little nervous. We hurry to fill the container with the berries. When we finished I suddenly felt something small fall onto my head. I look up and suddenly a down pour of rain began to fall!!!

 I look up and suddenly a down pour of rain began to fall!!!

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*Here is an image of Lively Lake with its cabin. I do not own the rights of this image and I'd like to thank the creator for it.*

"We need to leave", DogDay said intensely. "I can barely see you DogDay", I said worriedly. The rain was so heavy and thick that I could barely see anything. I walk forward and squint my eyes until I could see the figure of DogDay reaching out to me, "Here take my hand", he urged. I grab his hand and he starts running holding onto my arm. We run for a few moments till I could see the structure of the wooden cabin. "Here lets stay in here till it dies down", he said while leading me to the direction of the cabin. We reach the cabin, DogDay opens the door and leads me inside.

*The cabin's interior is one big open space with a wooden floor. When you enter theres a fireplace against the right wall and to the left wall is a small kitchen that has an island seperating the living room and kitchen. Against the island are four wooden stools. In front of the fireplace is a big orange rug and on top of it is a couch. Right above the fireplace is a clock. Towards the back of the room is a bathroom.*

"This sure looks cozy", DogDay said hesitantly. I look around admiring the decor, "Yeah it does", I said, smiling softly while stepping forward. I look down and realize that i'm soaking wet, "I wonder if theres a towel around here, I need to dry myself", I said curiously. "I don't need a towel, I have my own system", DogDay replied smiling. DogDay closed his eyes and suddenly began shaking his body rapidly; water went everywhere especially on me. Once he stopped he looked up at me, "Sorry", he said nervously. "I think there might be some towels in the bathroom", DogDay replied. "Right, thank you", I said while walking towards the bathroom. "I'll start making a fire while you dry yourself, it's kind of cold", DogDay said. I walk into the bathroom, theres a tub a sink and a cabinet. "Hm", I open the cabinet and see two towels. I grab one of them and dry myself. I walk back into the living room and see DogDay puttng wood into the fire. "There that should do it", he said clapping his hands together. I sit down and look up at the clock, it read 1:30. "I really hope the rain stops", I said looking down a little sad. DogDay sits right next to me, "I'm sure it will, we just gotta give it a little time", he said while patting me on the back. I look up at DogDay and faintly smile and blush a little, "I'm glad he's my partner, he's a good dog", I thought to myself.

To be continued...

Hey everyone I hope you all loved the first part of the season finale!!! I will post the second part on Sunday at the latest. Leave a comment and let me know what you think of this season's finale so far! Thank you!!! :)

Update (4/14): Hey guys part 2 is delayed I'm finishing it up, right now and I'll post it tomorrow. I'm so sorry about the inconvenience. I want to say thank you all for following the series and staying, you're all wonderful, it really does mean a lot. :')

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