I hate you -markhyuck Chensun...

By skekgdgkegkekg

721 24 2

What will happen when your highschool rivals that u despite with your whole being ended up going to the same... More

The wall
Training camp
Beginning of hatred
First day
new GC?? A mess
jealous? confusion
fighting(in both way:)
the next day


36 1 0
By skekgdgkegkekg

After they're dismissed everyone else except haechan go out for dinner together and 'bonding' like johnny expect them too.

He would love to join his friends but he can't, he don't want his friends to pay for him and he rather save his money for something more useful. So he excuse himself saying he want to work on his project.

He lay on his bed working, completely unaware of the times that had already passed by or the sound of the door open and closed.

"It's passed midnight. Shouldn't you be asleep?" A deep voice come out of nowhere catching him off guard

"I'm working on the assignment. Pissed off"

"We have 2weeks, why are you already start working on it on the first day" mark asked as he put something on haechan desk

"I'm not the type to work on it last minute. And what's that?" He pointed at the stuff on his table

"Renjun asked me to deliver it to you. I don't know what it is either"

"What the heck is he thinking having you running errands for him, we're next to each other"

"He's still out with jaemin and jeno "

"Why are they don't out with that asshole!"

"How the fuck would I know. Clearing misunderstanding maybe"

"What misunderstanding, he's clearly a piece of shit"

"Some thing only a smart person would understand probably"

"you smell disgusting go shower!"

"Me? Are you a dog? Smelling random people like that"
"Hey doggy why don't you get on all four, I'll give you a treat" mark smile

"If I'm a dog I would bite your dick off" haechan smiled back

"Just say you jealous, girls always say I smell wonderful"

" Probably because you're hot and they want to have a chance to suck your dick" he insincerely smile at the man that's standing next to his bed

"Oh? You think I'm hot?" Mark lean down

"You are, but you're also straight so my opinion doesn't matter." He turn back to his computer continue with whatever he was doing completely ignore the chuckle right next to his ear

"What are you working on?"

"A program that can detect people emotions"
" Thought it would be useful for an emotionless bastard like you" he turn the man that's now sitting on his bed looking quite pissed off

"And here i an trying to get along with you for the sake of our team" mark stood up and walk to his side of the room

"You're annoying" mark stared at haechan who's looking at the man that's now shirtless preparing to clean himself

"Don't forget to use soap you stinky hetero!" Haechan shout when he heard the sound of water running down


"What the fuck is this." Chenle and jisung stood in front of their room staring at a box in front of their door


"Princess are you stupid, who would want to bomb a fucking university" jisung roll his eyes and bend down to pick it up

"It's... Food? From renjun hyung" now both of them are confused

"Why would he give me food? We just come back from having dinner together??" Chenle mumble but brush it off as food are food at the end of the day it wouldn't kill him...

They walk inside and place the food on their dining tablee. Chenle excitedly going through the food until he noticed a note completely unaware of the younger that's sneakily reading it behind him

'eat well a-le
Meet me at jeno's room after you finish the food<3
I'll be waiting with other. We have something important


The note is weird. Sure, handwriting is renjun's though its a bit messier than usual it still look like renjun's.

Chenle thought that maybe something is wrong with jeno. He want to head over there immediately but the food was all his favorites...

His friends wouldn't mind waiting for him just a little bit.

Just like that chenle enjoy the foods wholeheartedly while jisung just observe him. He just has a gut feeling but something is definitely not right.

They're were having dinner together why would they send chenle more food? But then again he doesn't know them well enough to make a judgement. Maybe they just want him to eat alot?

No, chenle already eat plenty at the restaurant. The three said they are taking a strolls together so when did renjun have the time to buy food and come back to put it in front of their door. The note was also weird, even though jisung only see a bit of it but it's definitely weird. Why does he have to finished the food before meeting his friends.

Jisung was lost in deep thoughts he did not notice that his roommate is no longer in the room.

"It's none of my business why would I overthink so much" jisung shake his head in frustration. So he decided to shower and clear off his mind but unfortunately for him shower does not help it only make him overthinking even more.

"Fuck it" he stepped out of the bathroom with towels around his waist. He grabbed his phone and called jaemin

"Where are you?"

"Geez not even a hello"


"we're still outside. Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Give the phone to renjun hyung"

"What's wrong?"

"I need to ask him something just do it"

"It's renjun."

"Hyung did you bring or send food to chenle when we left first?"

"No why would I? We just ate?"

'shit!' jisung quickly turn to the other side of the room only to find it completely empty
'when did he fucking leave' jisung thought while putting on some pant

"Jisung what's happened?"
"Jisung answer me!" Hearing the voice from his phone that he left on the desk

"Okay so-" jisung was interrupt when he heard a light sound of something breaking

'FUCK!' that's all jisung can think off right now.

He left the shouting(also running) man in his phone somewhere on his bed and rush out completely ignore the fact that's he half naked

"Which fucking room is jeno's!?.." he's now standing in front of a room next to mark's unsure of what to do. The door was lock. Should he break in? What if it's someone's room. He would get expell for sure

As jisung was deciding on what to do or more like which door to break down until he heard screaming

the sound was too familiar.

Wasting no time jisung sprint to the other side of the hall and well he break the whole damn door.

The sight in front of him make him see red. He have no idea who that fucking ugly man is but the only thing he can think of now is kill that man. And he just do what his brain tell him.

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