Citadel of Hearts: The Empero...

By hoshivelous

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"In your quest to lay claim upon me, my body, my land, and my people, heed this, Seungcheol: my heart shall f... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1: Prettiest is "Mine"
Chapter 2: Intrigued and brave
Chapter 3: Resistance untill death
Chapter 4: Scarf of Lies
Chapter 5: Beau as Rose
Chapter 6: The beauty of Sel
Chapter 7: Threads of Trust
Chapter 8: Forbidden fates
Chapter 9: Clash of Thrones
Chapter 10: Swords and Seduction
Chapter 11: Regal Affairs
Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed
Chapter 13: Desire and Devotion
Chapter 14: Fire within you
Chapter 15: Scars on Souls
Chapter 16: Emblem of Love
Chapter 17: Shadows of Betrayal
Chapter 18: Yielding to Love's Dominion
Chapter 19: Dares of Hearts
Chapter 21: Whispers of Devotion
Chapter 22: Die for you
Chapter 23: Everlasting true bonds
Chapter 24: Love's Labyrinth
Chapter 25: Stars and Secrets
Chapter 26: Betrayal and Love
Chapter 27: Bleed the lies
Chapter 28: Sacrifice for Sel
Chapter 29: Imperial bonds
Chapter 30: Fragrance of despise
Chapter 31: Solace in separation
Chapter 32: Shadows of regret
Chapter 33: Knots of trust and repairs
Chapter 34: Fractured bonds
Chapter 35: Peace in your presence
Chapter 36: True love and affection
Chapter 37: To my other half
Chapter 38: Reunion of two hearts
Chapter 39: Dance of love
Chapter 40: Moonlit desires
Chapter 41: Remorse and Rebuild
Chapter 42: Live Forever
Epilogue: Emperor's Triumph
New book!

Chapter 20: Secrets coloured white

641 60 17
By hoshivelous

In the dimly lit chamber of the royal palace, Jeonghan's gaze tenderly caresses the serene countenance of Seungcheol, whose slumbering form exudes an air of tranquility. Cradled within Seungcheol's protective embrace, Jeonghan's heart quickens with a myriad of emotions, his thoughts consumed by the weight of Seungcheol's haunting question: "Would you betray me?"

A tumult of conflicting sentiments swirls within Jeonghan's soul. The Jeonghan of yesteryears, torn from his homeland and thrust into this palace against his will, would have readily answered in the affirmative. Yet now, a hesitation lingers, an uncertainty that defies explanation.

A soft fluttering at the window breaks through the silence, jolting Jeonghan from his reverie. With silent steps akin to a ghost, he navigates the room, his movements graceful and deliberate. Casting a fleeting glance over his shoulder to ensure Seungcheol remains undisturbed, Jeonghan unlatches the window, welcoming a dove into the sanctum.

With practiced ease, Jeonghan conceals the clandestine object beneath his garments, his touch gentle yet purposeful. As the dove takes flight once more, carrying its clandestine cargo, Jeonghan exhales a silent breath of relief. With the window sealed once more, he retreats to the solitude of the chamber.

His heart pounds an erratic rhythm, the adrenaline of clandestine action coursing through his veins. Seeking solace in the cool embrace of water, Jeonghan quenches his thirst, each gulp a fleeting respite from the tumult within.

Returning to the bed, Jeonghan settles upon the plush cushions, his fingers instinctively tracing the hidden treasure nestled against his skin. In the quiet of the chamber, a pair of strong arms envelop him, drawing him close to Seungcheol's steadfast warmth.

As sleep claims him once more, Jeonghan surrenders to the comforting embrace, his worries momentarily assuaged by the presence of his beloved prince. In the hushed stillness of the night, he finds sanctuary in Seungcheol's embrace, his heart finally at peace as dreams embrace his weary soul.

The chamber was bathed in a resplendent glow as the morning sun cast its golden rays through the intricately designed windows, illuminating the regal surroundings. Stirred from his slumber by the gentle warmth, Prince Jeonghan blinked against the brightness, his eyes drawn to the striking silhouette of Seungcheol standing at the window, a commanding presence amidst the dawn's embrace.

A soft smile graced Jeonghan's lips as he propped himself up on his elbows, the sight of Seungcheol filling his heart with a warmth that transcended the confines of their forbidden love. Despite the knowledge of the barriers that separated them, Jeonghan couldn't help but revel in the beauty of Seungcheol's presence, a beacon of solace amidst the opulence of the chamber.

As Seungcheol turned, his gaze met Jeonghan's, and for a fleeting moment, Jeonghan caught a glimpse of something deeper within Seungcheol's eyes, a flicker of emptiness swiftly replaced by the comforting familiarity of his smile.

"Did you sleep well, my rose?" Seungcheol's voice, smooth as silk, washed over Jeonghan, each word a tender caress as he brushed a stray lock of Jeonghan's hair with gentle reverence, sending shivers down Jeonghan's spine.

"I did. And you?" Jeonghan's voice was soft, a mere whisper as he nestled into Seungcheol's embrace, finding solace in the warmth of their proximity.

Seungcheol pressed a tender kiss to Jeonghan's forehead, a silent promise of his unwavering affection, before reluctantly pulling away, duty calling him beyond the sanctuary of their chamber. Jeonghan watched him depart, a heaviness settling in his heart at the thought of the dangers that awaited Seungcheol beyond the palace walls.

"Come back to me this afternoon, won't you?" Jeonghan's voice, barely audible, hung in the air like a delicate plea, a silent prayer for Seungcheol's return.

As Seungcheol prepared to leave, his keen eyes caught sight of an absence amidst Jeonghan's adornments. The absence of Jeonghan's customary hair ornament did not escape Seungcheol's notice, prompting a flicker of concern to cloud his features as he sought an explanation.

"Where's your hair stick?" His concern palpable, Seungcheol searched Jeonghan's eyes for an answer, a testament to his unwavering devotion.

"It broke two days ago," Jeonghan confessed softly, drawing closer to Seungcheol's comforting presence as he bared his vulnerability to the man he loved.

Seungcheol nodded in understanding, his gaze filled with unspoken assurances, before sealing their parting with a gentle kiss. With his loyal soldier Mingyu at his side, Seungcheol departed, leaving Jeonghan to wrestle with the conflicting emotions that tugged at his heartstrings.

Watching Seungcheol's departure, Jeonghan couldn't suppress the pang of longing that gnawed at his soul, a silent lament for the forbidden love that bound them together.

Turning to Mingyu, who remained a steadfast presence in the wake of Seungcheol's departure, Jeonghan's thoughts turned to their earlier conversation.

"I still have to meet your son," Jeonghan remarked with casual curiosity, though the prospect stirred a tempest of emotions within him, his heart yearning for a connection beyond the confines of his royal duty.

Mingyu chuckled, amused by Jeonghan's sudden interest, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he offered to arrange the meeting at Jeonghan's convenience. But for now, Jeonghan waved off the offer, content to bask in the memories of Seungcheol's embrace until the time was right.

As Seungcheol entered the grand halls of the courthouse, he was met with the solemn faces of Junhui and Wonwoo, their expressions etched with tension. His footsteps echoed against the marble floors as he made his way towards the throne seat, the weight of his responsibility heavy upon his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Seungcheol's voice cut through the air like a blade, his gaze piercing as he sought answers from his trusted advisors.

Junhui stepped forward, his demeanor grave as he held out a letter roll towards Seungcheol. "Ten soldiers from the west coast were found dead," he began, his voice carrying the weight of the grim news. "Stabbed and some choked to death."

Seungcheol's heart clenched with disbelief, his features hardening as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. Without a word, he took the letter roll from Junhui, his hands trembling ever so slightly as he braced himself for the contents within.

"They said this is the last time they will ask us nicely," Junhui continued, his tone heavy with foreboding. "The next answer will be littered in the blood of both the empire."

Seungcheol took a deep breath, his jaw clenched with resolve as he processed the dire threat before him. With a steely determination, he returned the letter roll to Junhui without even bothering to open it, his decision clear.

"Deny it," he commanded, his voice firm and unwavering, a testament to his unwavering commitment to protect his kingdom at all costs.

Junhui and Wonwoo exchanged a look of disbelief, but Seungcheol's sharp glare silenced any protest before it could be voiced. His gaze bore into theirs with a fierce intensity, his words laced with a chilling promise.

"He is not a man to be trifled with," Wonwoo began, his voice faltering under Seungcheol's icy glare.

"I will rip his head off and crush his heart bare if he ever dares to lay a hand on our kingdom," Seungcheol declared, his tone low and menacing, sending a shiver down Junhui's spine.

In that moment, Seungcheol's unwavering determination and fierce protectiveness were palpable, a stark reminder of the lengths he would go to safeguard his realm from those who sought to threaten its peace.



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