The Queen and Her Dragon // H...

By MalMikealson

103K 2.5K 320

In which Remus and Sirius watch their daughters life who is stuck in another universe. I suck at descriptions... More

Authors Note
Cast Pt 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

5K 165 26
By MalMikealson

Daella:I kinda want more chocolate.

James:Great, another Remus.

Remus:And what does that mean James?Harry is a replica of you.


Remus:He gets in trouble every year just like you did.


Before he could go any further Daella yelled.

Daella:I just want more chocolate.

Remus and James handed her all the chocolate they could find in reach.

They sat down after Daella was satisfied with the chocolate she had the screen lit up.

Showing Rhaenyra with Daella in her lap Daella was wearing a yellow dress.

(The dress)

A man was talking away as Daella and Rhaenyra played with the necklaces Daemon gave them.The man looked to be older than their uncle and father, he went for the water as Rhaenyra and Criston looked at each other as he did.He continued talking, as Daella hadn't listen until she heard her sister speak.

Rhaenyra:And tell me, Lord Dondarrion, did you think my great-grandmother as beautiful as they say?

Daemon snickered at Rhaenyra's comment as did Daella.

Dondarrion:This was half a century ago, Princess.

Rhaenyra:Yes, it was.

As people in the hall laughed at her comment.

Baratheon:That was unseemly, Princess

Rhaenyra:The man is older than our father.It's unseemly for him to put himself forward as a contender for my hand.


Dondarrion moved to the side as a boy a little older than Daella stepped forward.

Rhaenyra:And now a child.

Baratheon:The Blackwoods are an ancient house with a formidable army.In the Riverlands, they once ruled like Kings.The blood of the First Men still flows in their veins.Go on.

Blackwood:My Princess ours is a bond that has long endured, since Lucas Blackwood, the grandsire of my grandsire, aided the dragon in his war of conquest-

Man:Aye, the Blackwoods truly turned the tide on that one.

The hall laughed as the Blackwood boy tried to keep his composure.

Blackwood:Coursed with the blood of the First Men, our history is deeply rooted in this land, which your house has made its home.

Daella and Rhaenyra looked at the boy proud to see him keeping his composure.

Blackwood:If chosen as your match, Princess... your day shall be easy and nights safe under my protection.

Man:"Protection"?The Princess has a dragon, you dumb cunt.


Rhaenyra:I could learn to like that one.Let us have the next so we may go to supper.


Both drew their swords.Rhaenyra looked at Daella then at Baratheon.

Rhaenyra:We're leaving.

She picked Daella up and started leaving.

Baratheon:Sheathe that steel, you twats!

Rhaenyra:Send word to the harbor and have Captain Oswin ready the ship.

Criston:Princess, we're due in Bitterbridge in three days' time.

Rhaenyra:I would happily row myself and my sister back to King's Landing if it brought an end to this ridiculous pageant.

Hearing something Rhaenyra looked to see that Blackwood had killed the man who was taunting him.Daella was shielded by Rhaenyra and Ser Jorah.

People in the hall gasped seeing the man get murdered.

Sirius:Oh my Merlin, Daella almost saw that.

Daella:I have seen worse.

Remus and Sirius snapped their necks towards her.


Daella went quiet then went back to watching the screen.

Criston:Don't look, Princesses.

Rhaenyra and Daella made their way towards their ship.

The screen moved to show the ship from a sky view.Then slowly made it's way to the side of the ship.

Daella and Rhaenyra were shown by the railing of the ship and Ser Jorah sitting a few feet away from them.Looking out towards Kings Landing, Daella looked at her sister.

Daella:Father, will not be happy that you're home early.

Rhaenyra:I know, but I couldn't handle that anymore.

Daella went back to looking at Kings Landing.Criston came up behind them.

Criston:We should make landfall inside the hour, Princess.

Rhaenyra:How do you think he will take it?

Criston:Do you speak of how you rejected every suitor, His Grace put before you or how you abruptly ended the tour with two months remaining?

Rhaenyra cracked a smile then looked back towards the castle.A noise brought Daella's and Rhaenyra's attention to the sky.


Everyone moved somewhere safe except Rhaenyra, Daella was by the railing holding on for dear life.

Blaise:Dang, girl why were you holding on so tight?

Daella:I thought we were under attack when he yelled.

Caraxes came into view bumping into the ship.Making it tip a little.Rhaenyra fell into the railing while Daella hit her head a little to hard.

Daemon looked wide eyed not knowing his nieces were there on the ship. 

Criston & Jorah:Princess!

They moved to help their respective Princess.

Criston:Are you alright?Are you?Fetch a Maester!

Rhaenyra:I'm fine.

Jorah:Daella ain't.

He said as Daella was bleeding from her forehead.

Daemon now felt bad seeing he made his niece bleed but he didn't show it on his face.

Rhaenyra:Fetch a maester for my sister.

she said going over towards Daella.

Both of them look as they see Caraxes heading towards Kings Landing.

The screen moved to show Daella having a patch over her head to stop the bleeding.The again moved to show Rhaenyra and Daella following a crowd into the hall.Viserys spotted his girls what made him worry is the patch on Daella's head he motioned for Ser Harrold to grab Daella, Daella was lead towards her father.

Viserys:What happened, my dragon.

Daella:Something on the ship.I'm fine.

Viserys:Okay just sit here until we're done.

He lead her to the Iron Throne.

Viserys:Be careful not to touch the swords.

Daella:Okay, father.

The doors opened there stood Daemon Targaryen with short hair.Then walked towards his brother in the front.As he made it towards the front the Kingsguard drew their swords.

He grabbed the axe and held it towards Viserys.

Daemon:Add it to the chair.

Ron:I thought that would end it different way.

Harry:Me to.

He dropped the axe on the floor.Everything and everybody was silent in the hall.Ser Harrold grabbed the axe from the floor still being wary of Daemon.

Viserys:You wear a crown.Do you also call yourself "King"?

Daemon:Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me "King of the Narrow Sea."But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace.

He went down on one knee.

Daemon:My crown and the Stepstones... are yours.

Then took off his crown offering it to Viserys.

Viserys:Where is Lord Corlys?

Daemon:He sailed home to Driftmark.

Viserys:Who holds the Stepstones?

Daemon:The tides, crabs, and 2,000 dead Triarchy corsairs staked to the sand to warn those who might follow.

Viserys stepped forward grabbed to crown then giving it to a guard


Daemon rises then they hugged everyone in the hall applauded.Daella was shown smiling, Viserys motioned for her to come over.She walked over to them she looked at her uncle then pulled him into a hug.

Daella:Welcome back, Kepus.

Daemon:I am happy to be back especially with you my littlest dragon.

Viserys:The realm owes you a great debt, brother.Come.

A party was thrown for Daemon.Daella was changed into a yellow dress.

(The dress)

Viserys:Daemon, would venture off, abroad, winning tournaments.

Viserys said something else but Daella couldn't make out.As Rhaenyra pulled Daella towards their father, uncle, and Alicent.Daella could tell her father was drunk.

Viserys:No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I will not revisit this debate.You were always mother's favorite.No, it's no great mystery.You were.Our mother, had no regard for custom or traditions, rules.And I, sadly, was great warrior.

Rhaenyra:Congratulations on your victory.

Viserys looked at Rhaenyra with this sort of disappointed expression.

Daemon:Thank you, Princess.

Alicent trying to defuse the tension.

Alicent:Perhaps Prince Daemon would care for a tour of the gallery?He hasn't yet seen the new tapestries gifted to you by Norvos and Qohor.

Viserys:Would you like to see the tapestries?

he said in a mockery voice.As him and Daemon laughed.

Daella:Father, I suggest you apologize.Unless you want me to go back to the North?

Viserys not wanting Daella to leave was quick to apologize.

Viserys:I'm sorry Alicent.

Alicent:It's fine and thank you Daella.

After that their father showed no interest in Rhaenyra so she grabbed Daella and left.

Daella:I'm gonna go see Aegon, I will be there if you need me.

Rhaenyra:Yeah, after this is done i'll be right up.


She said before leaving towards Aegon and his nurses.

Daella:You ladies are free to go I have it from here.

Nurse:Of course Princess.

The nurses handed Aegon to her and then they bowed to her then leaving.Aegon put his head on Daella's shoulder Daella took this as a sign he was tired.

Daella:Let's get up to bed.

Daella started climbing the second flight of stairs before she was stopped.


Daella stopped mid step to see Daemon running up the stairs towards them.

Daemon:Okay I need your thoughts on something.

Daella:Okay, what is it?

Daemon:I'm thinking about taking Rhaenyra into the town just to show her around.And I didn't want you to find out from somebody and you to get mad at me so i'm telling you so you know.

Daella:I am fine with it but I want to set rules.

Daemon:Okay, what are they?

Pansy:I love how he is way older than her but he will listen to whatever she says.

Daemon:Of course I would she is my little dragon.

Daella got up from her spot and hugged Daemon.

Daella:Thank you.

Daemon:Of course.

Daella:No brothels and make sure no one sees her.

Daemon:Okay, I can follow those rules.


Daemon looked at the baby in Daella's arms.

Daemon:So is this Aegon.

Daella:Yeah, why else would I be holding him.

Daella then held Aegon out to Daemon.

Daella:Here hold him.

Daemon:No, I don't want to hold him.

Daella:Yes, hold him Kepus.

Daemon made a face of disagreement but still awkwardly grabbed him holding him out away from his body.

Everybody in the hall laughed as Daemon tried to hold him.Aegon the worst of them since he had a cup of wine.Daella looked at both of her family's, happy that they are getting along so well.

Daella:No, hold him properly.

Daemon tried to hand Aegon back to Daella.While Aegon giggled because no one has held him like that.

Daella:See he likes you.

Daemon looked at Aegon who giggled making Daemon remember when he held Daella for the first time.He brought Aegon towards him holding him the way Daella was hollering at him to do.

Daella:See much better.

Daemon:Sure but can you take him I got to prepare something before I take her to the city.

Daella:Okay, hand him back.

Daemon handed Aegon back to Daella.Then ran back down the stairs leaving Daella and Aegon to climb the flight of stairs that led to her chambers.After taking three breaks she and Aegon finally reached her chambers.

Daella:We did it Aegon, you were no help by wanting to be carried.

Daella said putting him on her bed.Aegon who just say there confused on what half the words she was saying.

The ladies all awed at him.Aegon wished he could hide behind Daella's cloak like he used to when he didn't want to talk to people but he's too afraid of her dad's to do it.He didn't care if it made it look weak in the eyes of his grandsire all he wanted in life was her.When his father announced they were to be betrothed he was happier than ever.They got married in the tradition of their house but he really didn't care how they got married as along as she was his and he was her's.

A knock was heard from her door.

Daella:Come in.

A nurse came in holding a baby in her arms.

Nurse:I'm sorry for it disturbing you, Princess but Princess Helaena won't stop crying for her majesty.And the Queen has requested you.

Daella:Okay tell her I'll be right there.

The nurse bowed and left leaving Daella and Aegon.Daella grabbed Aegon and started walking to Alicent's and her father's chambers.When they walked in Alicent looked tired and was bouncing Helaena on her knee and Helaena was crying.

The mothers in the hall looked at her in sympathy knowing what it was like when a child was fussy.Before the next part could play Daella and Alicent looked at each other Alicent nodded her head.Daella got up and went to Aemma kneeling in front of her, Aemma looked at her daughter in confusion.

Daella:I am so sorry Muna.


Daella:I called Alicent mother.

Aemma:It is fine Ella I understand she has been in your life for so long and it was bound to happen.

Daella:So you're not mad at me?

Aemma.No and thank you Alicent for being there for my little girl when I couldn't

Alicent:Your welcome, it is a pleasure to call her my daughter.

Daella was in her mother's arms before the screen started to play and Daella took her stop next to her dads again.

Guard:Princess Daella Targaryen, your majesty.

Alicent:Thank you, come in.

Daella walked closer to Alicent and Helaena.Daella felt bad for her.

Daella:Here give her to me and you go to sleep.

Alicent:I can't possibly ask you to do that.

Daella:You're not asking i'm offering, now give me my little sister.

Alicent got up and handed Helaena to Daella.Daella adjusted her in her arms, Daella led Alicent to her bed.

Daella:Now sleep, mother.

Alicent who was dozing off heard what she said.She smiled, opened her eyes giving her a kiss on her forehead then putting her back on the pillow and falling asleep instantly.Daella smiled then looked at Halena who was quiet this whole time she was in her arms.

Daella:Why are you giving momma a hard time Hel?

Halena just giggled happy to have her sister back.Aegon who crawled towards them tugged on Daella's dress wanting to be held. 

Aemond chuckled seeing his big brother was still the same as a child but this time Aegon carried Daella around the castle.

She again adjusted Helaena on her side and picked up Aegon.This is how she spent most of the night until they fell asleep and Daella was awake alone.When her father walked into the room.

Viserys: My Dragon what are you doing up so late?

Daella:Aegon wouldn't let me go but now he is sleeping right beside Helaena.

She said pointing towards a cradle where surprisingly both Helaena and Aegon fit in.

Viserys:Well, i'm glad you're here because I want to show you something.

Viserys started walking to a table filled with tarp.Daella went and stood next to her father

Viserys:A lot of houses have sent gifts for you, some silks which I am having made into dresses for you and books which are in your library and jewelry which I am about to show you.

Viserys pulled the tarp back showing necklaces, crowns, earrings, Daella looked at them they were all beautiful.

Daella:I love them.

Viserys:I'm glad they make you happy.I'll have a servant bring these to your chambers.Now lets get you some sleep.

Daella:Yeah but I have something to ask you but it can wait until tomorrow.

Viserys nodded and led Daella to the bed he positioned Alicent to the middle and Daella in the front then laid down.

Then the screen went black.

It took me awhile but now this chapter is done.

QOTD:What is your favorite series?

MA:Mine is The Originals.

Love you guys bye.


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