fatherhood // lashton

By umlashton

909K 48.1K 56K

"you named your son after a band" "you named your daughter after a fruit" "touché" More

13 - part one
13 - part two


61.1K 2.3K 3.4K
By umlashton

kind of dedicate this whole story to luke-ashton just because :)


"No dad, I don't want these!"

"Leon, come on. How can you not want these? They contain sugar, that's the only thing you eat" Luke sighed and tried to put the cereal box in the cart but his son pushed it away. Luke sighed again.

"No, I want the cereal grandma and grandpa gives me" the toddler huffed.

"But those are gross, they are only wheat and taste like dirt" Luke huffed back.

Some would say Luke was acting just as childish as his son, and that would probably be true. He was only 21 years old, it was hard leaving his youth behind. He was young when he got his son, only 17 years old, and he had no idea what to do.

Luke was a very confused boy some would say. He was kind of awkward in his way of living and once he got attention, his awkwardness took over. He was a funny guy though, he just had no idea he actually was. Everything that came out of his mouth were words he never really thought through, making people laugh.

He was a sweet boy though, grateful for all he had but raising a kid alone at that young of an age was a struggle, especially when his son was more confident than himself.

"Grandma says they will make me grow up and be as tall as you and as strong as uncle Jack"

"Well, grandma is lying," he said and put the sugary cereals in the cart, making the small brunette whine. Luke was happy though, he couldn't wait for a bowl of the sugary content.

"And I'm just as strong as uncle Jack" he added before pushing the cart over to the fruit section.

"No, uncle Jack has bigger arms than you" Leon said and reach out to poke Luke's bicep. Luke poked the small brunette back, making him giggle.

"That doesn't mean Jack is stronger than me"

"Grandpa said he is" Leon said and looked around in the supermarket as Luke rolled him through the aisles. Luke gasped, feeling hurt that his family thought of him so low. He knew it was true though, he would never have a chance against his brothers. He wasn't strong enough, but mostly, he was way too nice.

"What fruit do you want bud?" Luke asked and looked over the ocean of different colors and shapes of fruit.

"Nothing, I don't like fruit, it's too healthy" Leon huffed and squirmed around in his seat. Luke chuckled and reached forward to help the toddler out from his seat and put him down on the floor so he could walk on his own.

"You want cereal with the taste of cardboard but you don't want fruit?" Luke asked and looked down at the small brunette copy of him walking by his side. Leon didn't answer, he just played with the plastic signs all around the store, making one fall to the ground. Both boys ignored the sign, not really caring about it and kept walking.

"Help me pick some fruit" Luke said and walked over to get some bananas while Leon ran off the other way. The only healthy thing Luke made himself and his son eat was probably fruit, but that was only because fruit was actually sweet tasting. That, and Liz made him.

Luke picked up some apples before walking off to find his little copy anywhere. He didn't need to walk far as he saw the small boy talking to a small girl around his height with sandy-blonde locks. They were talking, making Luke smile small. He walked over and Leon looked up to smile big at his father.

"Hey bud, who's this?" Luke asked and stood beside Leon, placing a hand on his head, feeling his soft brunette hair.

"I don't know" the toddler said, shrugging, "She said I should pick that fruit" he said and pointed up at the peaches.

"Peach?" Luke asked and the small girl smiled a dimple filled smile, nodding excitedly. "Why should we pick that?" he asked and smiled back at the girl.

"Because that's my name" she said, her voice happy and excited just like her big green eyes.

"Your name is a fruit? That's weird" Leon said, making Luke scoff and poke his head.

"Don't say that, that was rude" Luke said, lecturing his son. "I think it's a very pretty name"

"Thank you, my dad always call me 'sweet peach' because he says I'm so sweet" she said, smiling big while Leon stood at the side, frowning in confusion.

"I can see why" Luke laughed softly, making the small girl giggle as well.

"Peach! There you are! God, don't run off like that, I was worried" a voice interrupted the small conversation.

Luke looked up to see a boy with similar curls to the little girl walk over, a relieved look was on his face. As he was at the little girl's side, he looked up to place his eyes on Luke and Leon.

"I'm sorry if she was any trouble, she's just a really social little human" the curly haired boy apologized with a small smile on his face, very similar to the little girl's as well.

"Oh no, it's fine. She was no trouble at all" Luke said, shaking his head.

"Dad, can I go over there? They are giving out chocolate" Leon said, tugging at his dad's flannel shirt. Luke looked down and watched Leon's big pleading blue eyes.

"Fine, just don't ask for more than they give out and wait for me there, I'll be right with you" Luke said and the little one happily nodded before turning to Peach.

"Do you wanna go with me?" he asked and the small girl looked up to look at her dad- Luke suppose -with a pleading smile looking much like the one Leon had on a few seconds ago.

"Go" the curly haired boy laughed and scooted her away, watching both toddlers run away to the booth happily.

"I'm Ashton" the dirty blonde said, smiling as he reached one hand out for the blonde to take.

"Luke" he introduced himself back, shaking his hand. Ashton nodded and put his hand back in his pocket, studying the blonde's face with a small smile.

"He's a nice kid, you and his mother did a good job raising him" Ashton said, nodding over to where the two toddlers had ran away. Luke looked over to where Ashton nodded before realizing what he was talking about.

"Oh, thank you. I have my own parents to thank for that though, I kind of lived with them until Leon was three because my girlfriend left as soon as he was born and.. I have no idea why I'm telling you this" And there we have it, the awkwardness and clear confusion the blonde boy always brought.

Ashton looked at the blonde before cracking out a chuckle, watching the blonde look at him with big eyes. And there we have the way Luke can make people laugh without understanding it himself.

"No, it's cool. I'm sorry about your girlfriend though" Ashton said, smiling politely.

"Oh no, don't be" Luke said, making weird hand gestures as he spoke and Ashton smiled at the awkward and somewhat nervous boy in front of him, thinking he was quite adorable. Luke didn't notice Ashton's look on him though.

"Peach is yours, right?" Luke asked after a while of silence, making Ashton pull out of his thoughts at the sound of his daughter's name.

"Yeah" he said and nodded his head, "She told you her name?"

Luke nodded and Ashton smiled. "That's the usual then" the curly haired boy laughed and Luke cracked a smile because the sound of Ashton's laugh spread happiness through his body.

"She's very cute" Luke said and Ashton hummed as he looked over to were the toddlers were.

"She really is" he said, smiling as it seemed like he was in thoughts.

"Dad!" Leon's voice broke Luke and Ashton's calm conversation, making both fathers turn to look at the toddlers walking back.

"I dropped chocolate on my Blink shirt" Leon whined, almost looking like he was close to tears. Luke looked down at the t-shirt Michael had bought Leon as a birthday present.

Luke had gotten cranky that Michael was giving his son such cool gifts while he only gave Luke a package of gum for his 21st birthday. After that Leon had promised his dad to buy him a Blink 182 shirt as well for his birthday, making Luke almost tear up because he had made one hell of an amazing little human being.

"It's okay bud, we can just wash it and it will be just like new" Luke said and ruffled Leon's hair, making him look up with hopeful eyes and a small smile, nodding.

Luke looked up to lock eyes with Ashton again who was now holding Peach in his arms.

"We should get going" Luke said, smiling small as he was a bit sad leaving his conversation with Ashton.

"Yeah, of course. It was nice meeting both of you" Ashton said, giving Leon a smile.

"You too, really. Have a great day" Luke said, giving both of them thumbs up and then cursing himself for being so lame.

Ashton laughed and nodded, bouncing his daughter lightly on his hip, making her let out an adorable giggle.

"Bye Leon" Peach said, waving down at Leon.

Luke didn't miss the small blush that appeared on his son's face as he waved back at the pretty little girl. Luke smiled.

"Bye Peach"

"Bye Luke" Ashton said then, a small laugh mixed in his words.

"Bye Ashton" Luke said and nodded goodbye before walking off with his son.

None of the fathers could notice the obvious smiles they both had on their faces, but their children did.


so I've had this story on my laptop since forever and I totally forgot about it so here's the prologue and what do y'all think

I mean, idk if I should continue to write it or not but I just fucking love parent!luke and parent!ashton

ok bye

comment and vote if this would be something you'd like to continue reading ???

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