The swan sin of love(seven de...

By deltarune_91

2.5K 66 79

Boa y/n the self proclaimed secret sin amongst the seven deadly sins the reason knows him is because the sins... More

The forest of white dreams
Sacred treasure abilities
Dalmally town


449 14 20
By deltarune_91

y/n pov

today was another regular day for me wake up,take a bath,eat my breakfast,brushed my teeth, and got dressed and made sure i looked like a female before leaving my house and went towards my sisters place to get my daily round of chores once i entered i bowed to my sister boa hancock 

hancock:cmon y/n no need for that we're siblings now stand up and grab the list of your chores

i nodded at her before standing up and walking up to her throne and grabbing the list that she held out to me and i looked over the list

.clean the dishes
.make sure nobody in the village is sick
.buy groceries
.make sure no man has entered amazon lily 

i nodded at the list before walking towards the kitchen to see the maids and the chefs they all waved at me before getting out my way and then i started doing the dishes which wasn't a lot it was just some bowls and plates so i started washing them,after i was finished the dishes i went towards the main chef and tapped her on her shoulder

chef:hello princess serene what do you need of me?

over the years being disguised as a girl had it's perks like i can control my voice pitch without my voice cracking

y/n:hello chef i was wondering what you needed for tonights dinner? i'm about to go into town now

she nodded before grabbing a pen and paper and she started writing down everything she needed soon after she finished she gave me the list i thanked her and i went out to the village market with a basket in hand and i quickly noticed that the market was relatively empty when usually it was brimming with life after i picked out most of the ingredients and the necessities i went over to the sweet old lady that was running a candy stall

y/n:excuse me ma'am?

she looked up from her stall and gave me a kind smile

old lady:oh hello serene what can i do for you?

y/n:i was wondering where is everybody?

old lady:oh you haven't heard?a tavern opened up on the mountain 

i thanked her and went in the direction of the mountain so i could report this to hancock later because hancock basically owns this town so a place can't open up with out her permission as i made it up the mountain i could see the tavern it looked nice so i decided to enter the tavern and as soon as i entered all eyes were on me as i made it to a barstool a guy came up and offered to buy me a drink but i politely declined and then a girl walked over to me with a really skimpy waitress outfit

girl:h-hello w-w-welcome to t-the b-b-boar hat what c-can i g-get you?

y/n:get me the owner please i'm here on official business

as i waited for the owner i started making notes of the place the tables and everything else was clean almost spotless but then i noticed the pig in the corner taking a small nap i was so focused on the pig i didn't notice the small blonde male beside me

kid:yo! you wanted to see me?

i looked over at the kid and stood up from my seat to look down on him and i mean literally he was really short but hey captain was also short and he was a grown man i cleared my throat

y/n:yes you randomly opened this tavern without consoling my sister first usually we would force you to leave town immediately but since this tavern has made the residents happy you can come by in the evening for a special meeting with my sister and me we expect you to be there at 7:30 if you are even one minute late we will force you out of town goodbye

after my little speech i walked out and did the rest of my chores without any further distractions and i told hancock about the meeting and she agreed to the meeting so currently i was getting ready for the meeting and i was almost done when my mind drifted to the tavern boy i couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity from him for some reason after i finished my hair and put on my heels i woke up salome from her napping corner and told her to follow me and then i went to the council room

meliodas pov

me and elizabeth were waiting in the room for the two girls when the girl that entered the tavern and my eyes widened at the thing i saw, it was salome y/n's sacred treasure! that means that girl is y/n...or the girl stole the sacred treasure but that wouldn't be possible merlin made it so salome was completely loyal to y/n, so that means y/n disguised himself as a girl...i started grinning to myself because those boobies don't look fake to me their not to big but just right now i have the urge to run up to him and squeeze his boobs

y/n pov

i made salome into my chair and i gently sat down on her then big sis walked in and sat down on her throne and i looked down at the boy and the girl,and i still can't help but feel a familiar feeling from the blonde boy he looks so familiar but yet i cant place my finger on it then big sis loud and commanding voice boomed through out the council room

hancock:you may began explaining why you set up your tavern in my town without my permission

kid:well you see ma'am we-

i abruptly stood up from my seat and glared at him

y/n:you will announce my sister with her proper title which is the snake princess of amazon lily!

kid:ok my bad, your highness we set up our tavern because we need information i'm looking for a friend of mine and we heard a rumor at vanya village that y/n the swan sin of love is here and i just wanted to see if that rumor was true

my eyes widened at the kids statement was he looking for the seven deadly sins? while i was deep in thought i heard big sister humming

hancock:really now? and what does this sin look like?

kid:uh from what i remeber last he was ugly,always had his armor on and he had a large snake just like your sister there

big sis nodded and stood up and snapped her fingers i saw the kid go for his sword but calmed down when he saw nothing happend

hancock:my sister,serene will help you look for this man we'll look through amazon lily to see if he somehow snuck in but for the meantime it is late so serene will show you to her room where you will be sleeping

i look towards big sis and gave her a look but she just winked at me and motioned for me to go i stood up and salome swirled around me before i walk down the steps and motioned for the two to follow me as they followed me we eventually made it to my house and i let the girl in and when the kid tried to go in i pushed him away he gave me a confused look

y/n:you sleep outside since your a man you are not welcomed inside

kid:oh that's fine can i just speak to elizabeth real quick?

i nodded and told the girl that he wants to speak to him while i went to my bathroom to get ready for bed

meliodas pov

as elizabeth walked towards me she looked nervous as always

meliodas:elizabeth i have a very important mission for you

elizabeth:what is it sir meliodas?

meliodas:when "serene" goes to sleep check around her body for a swan tattoo and if it's on his boobs and you think it's fake give it a real good squeeze and it's also important to tell me how firm they are

she nodded before trying to open the door but it was locked then we heard a shout 

y/n?:i'm just dressing myself so please be patient!

after a few minutes we heard a click and the door was opened and y/n opened the door and gave elizabeth spare pj's and closing the door in my face now i play the waiting game


elizabeth pov

i looked out the window to see it was midnight and i gently climbed out of serene's bed that she offered me while she would sleep on the couch i slowly walk towards her and gently pull off the blanket and lifted her shirt up to see a mans body and the swan tattoo on his left did they get that big? i heard him groan and quickly pull down his shirt and put the blanket over him and quickly run back to the bed and got under the covers and my mind drifted back to him i'm really envious of his body that small waist,the slight six pack he has and his boobs how were they so big? i then remebered that sir meliodas needed the information so i got out of the bed once again and walked towards the door and opened it to see sir meliodas lying down on the ground snoring softly i bent down and shook him awake his eyes snapped open and he sprang up looking at me with a smile 


elizabeth:it's him he's the swan sin of love 

a large smile spread across sir meliodas face he nodded and then told me to go back inside so we can talk to sir y/n's sister

Time skip

y/n pov

i woke up with a groan and i stretched my back the couch wasn't terrible but also wasn't great i look towards my bed to see elizabeth still sleeping so i took my chance to do my morning routine  and once i finished my routine, i shook her awake and told her to get dressed and that i would wait outside for her, once i went outside the kid was nowhere to be seen so i just leaned against the wall as i was waiting i could feel something around my waist then something grabbed my chest and started fondling my chest i quickly tried to turn around but it was futile it was like a cat chasing it's own tail at this point a massive blush spread across my face then a breath hit my neck

meliodas:y'know it isn't nice to hide secrets from your captain y/n~ 


i tried shaking him off but he had a literal death grip on me 

meliodas:if i knew you would get tits y/n i would've brought you with me and you have a pretty great ass too

he then jumped off of me and lifted up dress skirt

meliodas:y'know i kinda expected you to wear panties since you disguised yourself as a women

i slapped his hand away and held my dress skirt down still blushing madly

y/n:can we please go somewhere private captain?

meliodas:i didn't know you were so forward~

y/n:you know full well that's not what i meant!

he laughed before nodding at me and walking away and soon i followed him

meliodas:i need to speak to your sister anyways

i was about to question him but i decided to stay quiet soon i heard running and panting i look back to see elizabeth i just shrugged her off not wanting to give her any thought right now as i was more focused on getting to my sisters throne room were infront of the building when i heard a yell and i recognized that yell it marigold's yell!i quickly ran towards the source in blinding speed when i arrived i saw holy knights holding sandersonia and marigold hostage they even put muzzles on them when i saw the muzzles my blood started boiling with rage so with my normal voice i shouted at the holy knights

y/n:what do you think your doing to my sisters!?

holy knight#1:oh look it's the littlest brat y'know those celestial whatevers were hell bent on bringing you four back to them they placed a hefty bounty on all of your heads

i was slightly taken back the celestial dragons wanted to reenslave me and my sisters? i clenched my jaw with anger before i felt the wind move around me i look beside me to see captain and elizabeth 

meliodas:y/n let me handle these guys for you also impressive in how you ran here with heels on 

before captain could walk any further i put my hand in front of him 

y/n:no this is my home and i will protect it with all my might

meliodas:uhh no offense but last time i checked you have zero strength 

y/n:you really think i've been doing nothing these past 14 years?

he shrugged before saying okay and standing at the side lines along with audience the commotion pooled up 

holy knight#2:oi kid who do you think you are huh!? some big hot shot?don't make us laugh!

i smirked at him before unbuttoning my shirt and revealing my swan tattoo

y/n:i'm y/n the swan sin of love!

it was a long awakard silence before the holy knights bursted out laughing before one pointed to me while i was buttoning my shirt up 

holy knight#3:yeah right! like we'll believe you and even if you were you were the weakest sin out of them all!

i looked at the holy knights with a smirk there was a bout 20 of them which i could handle with ease and i did just that i ran towards one of them and jumped up and kicked him right across his face which resulted in that area turning to stone and breaking off i look back at the two other holy knights that were beside him and i ran towards them and leg sweeped them before axe kicking them in the stomachs which again resulted in it turning to stone and breaking off i look towards the others who had their swords drawn

holy kight#4:y-you know y-you'll get executed for this right!?

i chuckled at them before fixing my hair

y/n:No matter what i do whether i kill you,kick a kitten or rip your ears off the world will forgive me that's simply because i'm beautiful!now why don't i show you a technique i made all by myself

i put my hands together in the shape of a heart before i took in a deep breath

y/n:Mero Mero mellow!

right after i said that a beam of hearts incased every single one of the holy knights and when the beam stopped nothing but statues were left

y/n:so captain what did yo-captain where did you go?

i then felt a bundle of hair against my thighs along with hands on my thighs i gently move away my skirt dress to see meliodas holding my thighs while looking up at me

y/n:captain what are you doing?

meliodas:crush my skull please

y/n:captain i am not crushing your skull with my thighs!

he got out of his position and pouted while i was focused on my sisters once i took off the muzzles they immediately hugged me in a death grip before i heard the clacking of heels i look back to see big sis with a large suitcase in hand and salome beside her she walked up to me and gave me the suitcase

hancock:i had a feeling one day you would want to rejoin the sins so i packed everything you could ever need and you can't leave home without your trusty companion

salome swirled around me and hissed at meliodas and i grabbed the large suitcase but before i walked away i gave my sisters one last hug and they returned the tight squeeze before releasing me 

hancock:don't say goodbye little brother

y/n:yeah your husband told me to never say good bye to people because you may see them again

we gave each other one last hug before i walked away with meliodas and elizabeth to the boar hat, once we made it the pig i saw when i was first here walked up to me

pig:hey it's the pretty woman!

i physically jumped back before i kicked the pig and it started bouncing around the tavern before meliodas caught the pig

y/n:since when could pigs talk!?

meliodas:i have a good recipe for roasted pig if he makes you uncomfortable 

y/n:tempting offer captain but i know first hand that your cooking sucks

he shrugged before motioning for me to follow him assuming he's leading me to my room and i was right he lead me to an empty room salome quickly set up a corner for her naps and i set down my luggage and while bending down meliodas slapped my ass and then i round house kicked him into the wall and then he left before i could kick him again and i noticed it was getting late so i got ready for bed and then i drifted off to sleep with a slight blush to my face i can't believe captain missed me!

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