Fall Of Tokyo

By Takunda_C

178 50 5

Broken by the death of his father, Kitori Jones has to accept his fate as more challenges constantly keep com... More

Origin 1
Origin 2
Origin 3
Origin 4
Origin 5
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

7 3 0
By Takunda_C

As the train ground to a halt, I stepped onto the platform with Reda, taking a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. The platform was crowded with travelers, each lost in their own thoughts and destinations. "Can you believe we made it?" Reda exclaimed, with his eyes scanning the station in awe.I slightly smiled at his enthusiasm, it reminded me of my uncle whenever we'd get to our destination after a long journey. The two of us blended in with the crowd, making sure no one would notice we're from an organisation of superhumans. It'd be trouble if people found out we were here, not only would it cause panic but also put us on wanted list by other organisations. As much as I wanna fight right now, I don't think taking down hundreds of superhumans will be that easy. That's a bigger reason for us to keep it extremely lowkey around these parts.

An Hour Later

Reda and I arrived at the towering hotel, with its grand entrance and colorful landscaping, we were awe-struck. Who new our organisation was so loaded but not to the point of getting us to a place like this, I started wondering why they never really pay me for the work I do. We entered the lobby, which was blessed with high ceilings and breathtaking chandeliers. A smooth jazz tune played over the speakers, giving the hotel an air of class and sophistication. The cute receptionist, a friendly, well-dressed woman, stood behind the counter, I think she might be 18 or something, I'm definitely getting her tag before I leave this place. While I was staring at her with a smirk on my face Reda was giving me a really suspicious look as if he already knew what was in my thoughts. "Welcome to the Grand Hotel, how may I help you?" she greeted. I stepped forward. "We are booked for a room here, under the name of..." I trailed off, searching for the right document. "Right, here it is. You have booked a deluxe suite on the 10th floor," she said, handing us our room keys. Reda and I made our way to the elevators and stepped inside. As the doors slid shut, I could hear Reda's heart pounding. "I can't believe that even his heart doesn't know when it's the right time to chill". We reached the 10th floor and stepped out of the elevator, walking down the carpeted hallway lit with the glow of ambient lighting. As we reached our room, I swiped the keycard and opened the door. The room was something else, a true definition of luxury. The centerpiece of the room was a king-sized bed, adorned with plump pillows and soft sheets. To one side of the bed, a large flat-screen TV mute in its welcome. To our left, a small mini-fridge was stocked with a variety of snacks, drinks, and treats, ready to satisfy any cravings we may have. My attention was drawn to the balcony, and as I walked towards it, I gazed out over the city's skyline. It was a view to die for, with the tall skyscrapers piercing the clouds and the stars twinkling above. It gave me a sense of nostalgia I had dearly missed as well as a sense of sadness as I started remembering the day I was in that accident. But still I couldn't help but keep my focus centered on the beautiful view. After several minutes of staring at the view and letting my thoughts run free I turned to find out what Reda was doing. There he was fast asleep on one side of the bed, it was a bit weird that there was silence. Getting into bed too and yawning as my eyes slowly shut, We were both fast asleep.

Some Hours Later

I was jolted awake by the sound of the door opening. My eyes slightly open and my ears listening intently. I heard the sound of footsteps, slow and measured, but heavy with an intent that seemed almost murderous. My instincts were telling me we were in danger, yet I chose to stay still, playing dead, hoping that this intruder would be distracted or keep believing that I was asleep. Seconds passed, with the tension building in the room. The footsteps grew closer steadily as the intruder entered the room. I could hear the creaking of the floorboards even over Reda's snoring. I kept my eyes slightly open and my body still, my mind racing as thoughts of what the intruder could want ran through my mind. Suddenly, the weight on the bed shifted, and I felt a cold rush of air as the intruder leaned over me. I listened tensely. I could feel the intruder's breath on my face, and I could tell the intruder was staring intently at me, trying to make sure I was asleep. I knew that it was only a matter of time before the intruder made a move, and didn't want to be caught off guard. I waited for what seemed like an eternity, biding my time until the moment was right. Suddenly, the intruder lunged forward, his hand reaching out to grab me . I acted quickly, rolling off the bed and grabbing Reda, pulling him down with me. We hit the floor with a thud, and the intruder stumbled forward, nearly falling. Reda and I jumped to our feet and charged towards the intruder. The person, now completely disoriented, began to run in the opposite direction, towards the open door. We chased after the intruder, not wanting to let him get away. But by the time we reached the hallway, the person had already disappeared into the darkness of the night. Standing there, panting and trying to catch our breath. "This must be a joke, who in the world tries to attack another man in his sleep, this isn't even the 19th century" I said.

Jones: Tomorrow we need to contact HQ and let them know that someone knows we're here and has already tried ambushing us. For now lets keep a high alert.

Reda: Roger that.

That following morning

Morning came and we were nothing but extremely tired, we had to stay in our room and keep watch if anyone or anything was going to intrude again. The message had been sent to headquarters, today was the day we were going for some investigation work and analysis. Checking the fridge for some energy drinks that's when my eyes noticed something like a note at the back of the mini fridge with a message saying, "meet me at the entrance of the hotel tomorrow afternoon at 3, I can help you". Looking at the message I turned to Reda and it was as if we already what we were both thinking. The letter must have been written yesterday which means we're supposed to meet this mystery person in a few hours from now. Getting ready and carrying nothing but a small notepad, we made our way outside the hotel. We were left with a few hours till our meeting with this mystery person meaning we still had time to investigate the central city of Shibuya.

Reda: Lets split up, that way we can get the job done faster.

Jones: What if you get ambushed and you're alone.

Reda: Don't worry, I'm not that weak, I can take them on. Lets meet up at the entrance a couple minutes before its time.

Jones: Are you sure about this?

I mean he did have a point there, if we split up we can cover up more tracks while investigating this city. Looking back to tell him it's a good plan, he was already gone. I promise one of these days he's gonna get himself in trouble if he keeps rushing into danger like that, not like I care anyways. As I walked past the hotel entrance, the chaos of Shibuya enveloped me, its pulse a relentless reminder of the world's ceaseless motion. Amidst the urban frenzy, my gaze caught a fleeting glimpse of something different-a park nestled amidst the towering buildings. There, amidst the concrete expanse, I witnessed scenes of domestic bliss: parents laughing with their children, the air thick with the warmth of affection. It was a mixture of innocence and happiness, a sight that stirred something within me. Something I always told myself I wouldn't want to feel, it was a dark despair that always seemed to consume me. I observed the families with a cold detachment, a silent observer amidst their joyful revelry. You see, I've long made peace with my solitude, forging ahead in a world that has never shown me kindness. My childhood was a like a battlefield and never had I felt the happiness of spending time with my parents. And now, as I watched the families in the park, I felt nothing but a profound sense of indifference. Their happiness was not my concern, their laughter a distant echo in the caverns of my soul. Turning away from the scene, I resumed my journey through the streets of Shibuya, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridors of my mind. For me, there was no solace to be found in the embrace of others, no warmth to thaw the icy grip of my loneliness. In a world where love was a luxury I could ill afford, I walked alone, a solitary figure in the heart of the city, my heart a barren wasteland untouched by the fleeting joys of human connection. In the midst of these thoughts that's when I heard my radiation detector beep. There was a radiation leak nearby and it seemed to be really strong. Dashing through the crowds with the detector in my hand I made my way to the site.

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