Citadel of Hearts: The Empero...

By hoshivelous

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"In your quest to lay claim upon me, my body, my land, and my people, heed this, Seungcheol: my heart shall f... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1: Prettiest is "Mine"
Chapter 2: Intrigued and brave
Chapter 3: Resistance untill death
Chapter 4: Scarf of Lies
Chapter 5: Beau as Rose
Chapter 6: The beauty of Sel
Chapter 7: Threads of Trust
Chapter 8: Forbidden fates
Chapter 9: Clash of Thrones
Chapter 10: Swords and Seduction
Chapter 11: Regal Affairs
Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed
Chapter 13: Desire and Devotion
Chapter 14: Fire within you
Chapter 15: Scars on Souls
Chapter 16: Emblem of Love
Chapter 18: Yielding to Love's Dominion
Chapter 19: Dares of Hearts
Chapter 20: Secrets coloured white
Chapter 21: Whispers of Devotion
Chapter 22: Die for you
Chapter 23: Everlasting true bonds
Chapter 24: Love's Labyrinth
Chapter 25: Stars and Secrets
Chapter 26: Betrayal and Love
Chapter 27: Bleed the lies
Chapter 28: Sacrifice for Sel
Chapter 29: Imperial bonds
Chapter 30: Fragrance of despise
Chapter 31: Solace in separation
Chapter 32: Shadows of regret
Chapter 33: Knots of trust and repairs
Chapter 34: Fractured bonds
Chapter 35: Peace in your presence
Chapter 36: True love and affection
Chapter 37: To my other half
Chapter 38: Reunion of two hearts
Chapter 39: Dance of love
Chapter 40: Moonlit desires
Chapter 41: Remorse and Rebuild
Chapter 42: Live Forever
Epilogue: Emperor's Triumph
New book!

Chapter 17: Shadows of Betrayal

750 67 46
By hoshivelous

Adorned with the weight of sovereignty, Seungcheol secures the crown upon his noble brow as he strides purposefully towards the chamber door. A gentle tug at his hand brings his regal procession to a graceful halt, compelling him to turn and face Jeonghan, whose eyes gleam with a tender longing.

"Yes, my cherished rose?" Seungcheol's voice, resonant with authority yet softened by affection, echoes through the chamber as he draws Jeonghan into his embrace with a gentle pull.

"Is it of utmost urgency for you to grace the courthouse with your presence today? Might you consider forgoing this duty, even for but a moment?" Jeonghan's fingers toy with the intricate beads adorning Seungcheol's collar, his voice laced with a hint of pleading.

A fond chuckle escapes Seungcheol's lips as he envelops Jeonghan in the warmth of his touch, his hand finding its place upon the younger man's waist. "And why, pray tell, do you find yourself yearning for my company, my dear?"

"Do you truly find fault in longing for you?" Jeonghan's words, coupled with a soft lip bite and a gaze that pierces through Seungcheol's defenses, speak volumes.

"It is not a fault, my beloved rose," Seungcheol reassures him, his affectionate gesture punctuated by a playful pinch to Jeonghan's nose, eliciting a charming blush from his paramour.

"Very well then, I shall make haste to retrieve the tomes I require from the royal library, and return to you swiftly," Seungcheol declares, bestowing a tender kiss upon Jeonghan's lips before reluctantly relinquishing their embrace.

With a determined stride, Seungcheol approaches the door, where Junhui and Wonwoo await, their steadfast loyalty a testament to their noble lineage. Straightening his regal attire with an air of dignified grace, he nods to his companions.

With resolve etched upon his features and the weight of the crown upon his brow, Seungcheol leads his entourage towards the library, his thoughts lingering upon the one who awaits his return in the royal chamber.

"Know, Your Majesty, that the path you tread bears weighty consequences," Junhui's voice reverberates through the grand hallways as Seungcheol, accompanied by Wonwoo and Junhui, proceeds towards the library. Wonwoo casts a discreet glance at Junhui, silently urging him to hold his tongue, but Junhui remains resolute.

"In matters of the heart, there is no crime in succumbing to love, dear Junhui," Seungcheol's voice carries authority softened by wisdom as they navigate the winding corridors leading to the library. With each step, the opulent tapestries adorning the walls bear witness to their royal procession.

"It is not your sovereignty that concerns me, Your Majesty, but rather the suitability of the individual in question," Junhui interjects, his gaze unwavering as he fixes it upon Seungcheol's retreating figure.

"The one I chose is worthy, Junhui," Seungcheol asserts firmly, pausing briefly before a grand archway leading to the library.

"Your marriage to a palace cook did not impede our affairs," Seungcheol counters, his tone edged with conviction.

"Minghao's loyalty is unquestionable--"

"Are you implying that Jeonghan poses a threat?" Seungcheol halts abruptly, pivoting on his heels to face Junhui head-on.

"He does--"

"The eyes of our subjects are upon us," Wonwoo interjects sharply, drawing Seungcheol's attention to the curious onlookers among the palace staff.

"We shall revisit this matter imminently," Seungcheol declares with a furrowed brow, turning once more to resume their path towards the library.

As they approach the ornate doors of the library, Seungcheol notices the absence of guards and suppresses a frown. Nevertheless, he strides forward with regal poise, acknowledging Wonwoo's gesture to open the door with a nod of gratitude.

Within the hallowed confines of the library, Seungcheol's countenance remains troubled, his thoughts consumed by the weight of both crown and heart.

In the sanctum of knowledge that is the royal library, Seungcheol, adorned in his majestic attire, steps with regal grace. The opulent tapestries adorning the walls whisper tales of generations past as he navigates the hallowed halls. His keen gaze discerns the window door, closed in haste, a subtle sign of intrusion within the sacred space.

Clicking his tongue in quiet contemplation, Seungcheol's brow furrows with concern as he observes the faint, dirt-laden footprints desecrating the polished floor, betraying the presence of an uninvited guest. Yet, amidst the solemnity of the chamber, his thoughts are drawn to the urgent matters at hand.

"Is there an outsider lurking within our palace walls?" Seungcheol muses, his voice a low rumble echoing through the chamber, as he randomly selects a tome from the shelves and passes it to Junhui, his trusted advisor. Junhui, ever astute to his liege's demeanor, maintains a respectful silence, though concern flickers in his eyes.

"Let us depart," Seungcheol announces with authority, his grip firm on the wrists of Wonwoo and Junhui, guiding them towards the exit. Yet, in a whispered command, he bids them to leave him momentarily, holding back as they make their exit.

"Close the curtains," Seungcheol mouths to Wonwoo, who obeys with a silent nod, shrouding the chamber in a cloak of secrecy. Alone now, save for the unseen intruder, Seungcheol's senses are heightened, attuned to the slightest of disturbances.

It is then that he hears it—the soft rustle of footsteps, a whispered sigh—a disturbance amidst the hallowed silence of the library. A knowing smirk graces his lips as he moves with calculated steps towards the source of the disturbance.

"Surrender--" Seungcheol's command falters as he beholds a scene that kindles the flames of his fury.

Before him, hidden behind the sanctuary of the shelves, stand Jisoo and Seokmin, their disheveled appearance and intertwined hands belying their clandestine liaison.

"You insolent fool!" Seungcheol's voice carries the weight of his wrath as he strides forward, seizing Seokmin by the collar with a grip as firm as the chains of destiny. With a swift, punishing blow, he metes out justice upon the offender's jaw, his eyes ablaze with righteous indignation.

"I should have severed your wretched head the moment I caught you casting your vile gaze upon my brother," Seungcheol seethes with contempt, his words a condemnation of betrayal.

As he hauls Seokmin towards the threshold of the library, Seungcheol's gaze meets the startled eyes of Wonwoo and Junhui, who bear witness to the unfolding drama. Their steadfast presence offers silent assurance amidst the tumultuous storm brewing within the royal confines.

"Dispatch him, immediately!" Seungcheol commands with unwavering authority, pointing accusingly at the intruder, his voice a clarion call for swift justice. In response, loyal guards materialize, their resolve unwavering as they seize Seokmin, ensuring his capture.

But amidst the chaos, Jisoo's anguished plea for mercy rings out, a haunting refrain in the symphony of betrayal and retribution.

"Please, Seungcheol, have mercy--" Jisoo implores, his voice trembling with fear and desperation, as he seeks to intercede on behalf of his lover.

Yet, Seungcheol's resolve remains unyielding, his grip firm as he pulls Jisoo back, shielding him from the repercussions of his folly.

"Did I not warn you to steer clear of him? If death is the price for your defiance, then so be it," Seungcheol declares with a steely resolve, his words a harsh reminder of the consequences of forbidden love.

As the tumult subsides and order is restored, Wonwoo watches with a heavy heart, knowing the depths of Seungcheol's devotion to his brother, Jisoo. In the aftermath of betrayal, the bonds of loyalty and duty are tested, casting shadows upon the sanctity of the royal court.

"Summon Mingyu and fetch Jeonghan," Wonwoo orders one of the guards, who hurries off. He then follows Seungcheol as they prepare to take Seokmin to face justice at the courthouse.



Oh no, Seungcheol should calm his horses 🫣😒

And a short note that "what do you think of this story untill now?"

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