Patience- a beautiful journey

By priceless987

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**๐“๐ก๐ž ๐›๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ* '๐•ด ๐–œ๐–Ž๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–๐–Ž๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–†๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐–™๐–๐–Š๐–’ ๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐–‰๐–”๐–Š๐–˜ ๐–๐–Š ๐–œ๐–†... More

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56 7 17
By priceless987


"My family have always been the best thing that happen to me, and no matter how much time we spend together every time has its special place. it is a remarkable day of my family, and I will always remember....finaly all the miseries are gone and now every thing is fine" Faris thought in his mind and roam his eyes in the room But the person his eyes were desperate to see was nowhere to be seen....

In the quiet solitude of our home, footsteps echo against the pavement, each step a gentle rhythm in pursuit of a familiar face. With every stride, anticipation builds, fueled by the hope of a chance encounter or a long-awaited reunion. Each passerby becomes a potential harbinger of the sought-after presence, Amidst the bustle of the city or the tranquility of nature, the search continues, fueled by determination and a heart brimming with longing...

In the comfort of home, a different kind of search unfolds. Each room holds the promise of familiarity, every corner a potential haven for the sought-after presence. With each step, the anticipation grows, guided not by external landscapes but by the memories and echoes of shared moments within these walls. The search is infused with a quiet intensity, fueled by the longing for connection and the comfort of companionship. As doors are opened and spaces explored, there is a sense of anticipation, of coming closer to the cherished encounter.

The happiness of a family is woven from the threads of love, laughter, and shared experiences that bind its members together. It radiates in the warmth of shared meals, in the gentle embrace of comforting hugs, and in the joyful cacophony of children's laughter. It flourishes in moments of unity, whether celebrating milestones or weathering life's storms as a cohesive unit.

The bond of family is a sanctuary of acceptance, where differences are embraced, and support is unconditional. It's in the simple pleasures of spending quality time together, whether gathered around the dinner table, embarking on adventures, or simply sharing stories of the day's events. Within the embrace of family, there is a profound sense of belonging and security, where each member finds solace and strength in the embrace of their loved ones, creating a tapestry of happiness that endures through the passage of time...which I miss from last year's only because of my missions but now we are free..

As I stepped into my noor's room, a wave of familiarity washed over me. The air was filled with the scent of her favorite perfume, and the soft glow of fairy lights illuminated the cozy space. Instantly, memories flooded back of shared laughter, and comforting embraces. I glanced around, taking in the familiar sights of her neatly arranged books, cherished photographs adorning the walls, and the cozy nook where she loved to curl up with a good book. It was a sanctuary of comfort and love, Stepping into her room felt like coming home, a reminder of the unbreakable bond.....

Noor's smile is a radiant beacon of joy that illuminates the world around her. It carries the warmth of her heart and the lightness of her spirit, captivating all who are fortunate enough to witness it. With lips curved upwards in a gesture of happiness, her smile is infectious, spreading like wildfire and uplifting the souls of those in its path. Whether it's a shy, tentative grin or a wide, exuberant beam, each smile tells a story of resilience, of overcoming obstacles with grace and optimism a wellspring of kindness and compassion that transcends words. It is a universal language that knows no bounds, bridging cultures and continents with its simple, yet profound, message of joy and goodwill. In the curve of her lips and the twinkle of her eyes, the essence of noor's smile radiates, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who are touched by its brilliance.

As I gazed upon her, a rush of emotions flooded over me like a tidal wave. There she stood, the person I had been longing to see, right before my eyes. It was as if time had momentarily frozen, and all that mattered in that moment was her presence. My heart skipped a beat, and a surge of joy filled my being, as if the universe had conspired to bring us together. Every detail of her appearance seemed to shine with an ethereal glow, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude for this serendipitous encounter. In that moment, all my worries and troubles melted away, leaving only the overwhelming sensation of being in the presence of someone truly special.

There she was reading her namaj, I never believe that I got someone who pray this lot, and connected to allah..
I started walking towards her and bend on her level I said

"You are reading namaz without me, very bad" she turned around to see me...
The moment our eyes met after a long time of longing felt like a burst of sunlight breaking through stormy clouds. A wave of happiness washed over me, filling every corner of my being with warmth and joy. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and all the days of missing them faded into oblivion in that instant. The sight of their smile was like a beacon of hope, reassuring me that no matter the distance or time apart, our connection remained steadfast. In that precious moment, all that mattered was the overwhelming happiness of being reunited with the person I had missed dearly for the past time....
So she said "come we will pray together"

As the soft glow of dawn filtered through the windows, we sat side by side on the prayer rug, our hearts synchronized in devotion. With each bow and prostration, our souls aligned in harmony, seeking solace and guidance from the Almighty. The rhythmic recitation of verses echoed in the room, weaving a bond of spiritual connection between us. In that sacred moment, as we bowed our heads in submission, our souls intertwined in the serene beauty of prayer, finding peace and tranquility in each other's company.

I looked at her, she sat out like a rare gem, a vision of elegance in her vibrant green anarkali. The rich fabric gracefully draped around her figure, accentuating her graceful movements Embroidered with intricate patterns in gold thread, the anarkali shimmered in the sunlight, casting a mesmerizing glow around her, framing her delicate features with a touch of sophistication. the pleats of her attire swirled in a mesmerizing dance, drawing admiring glances from all who beheld her beauty. a vision of timeless allure in her green anarkali...

I looked into her eyes and tears stream down my noor's face, each drop feels like a dagger piercing through my heart, shattering it into a million pieces. The pain in her eyes echoes within me, aching with an intensity that knows no bounds. Her tears become a reflection of my own vulnerability, stirring a deep sense of helplessness within me. In those moments, all I long for is to hold her close, to comfort her and wipe away every trace of sorrow from her delicate cheeks. Yet, as I witness her tears, I am reminded of the fragility of our bond, and the profound responsibility I hold to be her pillar of strength. With every tear shed, I am propelled to mend her broken pieces, to be her solace amidst the storms of life, and to love her with a tenderness that knows no bounds. For when my wife cries, it is not just her tears that fall, but fragments of my own soul that ache to see her smile once more....

"My dearest noor, please you know that your tears touch my soul deeply. You are not alone now in this moment or nowhere; I am here, holding you close. Your strength amazes me every day, and it's okay to let your emotions flow. Together, we will weather any storm that comes our way. I love you more than words can express, and I will always be here to wipe away your tears and hold you through the night. You are my rock, and together, we can overcome anything. Trust in our love, and know that brighter days lie ahead." I said to her...

"You know how much scared I was for you, the dua when suneha told me that you are dead, my heartbeat was stopped and by that accident I feel like I might be dead...but now looking at you in front of me, seeing you return fills my heart with an overwhelming mix of emotions. The fear and uncertainty I felt during your absence have left me with a profound sense of relief and gratitude. Holding you in my arms again, I am reminded of the strength of our love and the resilience of our bond. The days without you were filled with endless worry and longing, but now that you're here, I feel a sense of completeness that words cannot fully capture. Your return is a testament to your courage and perseverance, and I am in awe of your resilience in overcoming the challenges you faced. Please know that I am here for you, to support you and stand by your side as we navigate the journey ahead. I missed more than words can express." She said and I feel like I cry till eternity on her words....

"Noor if i didn't come back, then that doesn't means, I won't love you, "Noor, what is destined to happen, happens, and no one can change it. If it was written for me to come to you, then I came, and if it wasn't written, then I wouldn't have come. Everything is in Allah's hands, and we must simply have patience and trust in Him. Indeed, whatever He does, He does it for our good." I said and she smiled

"Noor according to you what is Patience" I asked her and again se smiled and said..

"When our breaths are forbidden to continue, when our souls begin to pray to leave our bodies, when our tears flow from our eyes so profusely that they cannot stop, but from our body there a voice come....
إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا or
إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ"
She said and I feel so proud on her..

"Tell me one thing Faris, When you used to love me, why did you come to me as bp and also you behaved so badly with me? And on that day when you came into my room for denying the marriage proposal...I got call from bp how it is possible when you were talking To me??" She asked to me, my innocent noor she even didn't know that how much intelligent and sharp minded I am

"You remember noor in my childhood I didn't liked you as much and also you were upset with me most of the times...i didn't knew that you loved me or not but by the passing of time...i developed love for you but I was not sure that you will accept me or I came in front of you as bp and also behaved like a jerk with you so that I got to know that you developed feeling for me or not...and I also again and again come to you for rejecting our marriage proposal so that I could know that if you are married with me you cannot leave me and about that phone call....i was possible because This situation might seem strange or impossible, but it can happen due to a phenomenon called caller ID spoofing. Caller ID spoofing is when someone deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID display to disguise their identity. This can be done using various techniques and software available online. So, even if someone is physically standing in front of you, they can still spoof their caller ID and make it appear." I explain her everything and she seems like 'O'...

"Well now I think everything is clear now...there is no doubt in your small brain" I said and she smiled but focusing on my word small brain...her smile disappeared

"My brain is not small" she said and damn she is looking so cute...

And in same time both ahaan and suneha enter in our room and I rolled my eyes on Suneha because I know she is here for only insulting me...

"Among the herd of crazy elephants, what are the separated mad elephants doing in my sister's room?" She said in shocking voice and both noor and ahaan started laughing...

"You are the last descendant of an ostrich, I am doing the same thing here that you are doing." I said and smirked

"Uff, your smirk is enough to make me want to erase not only your smirk but also your face along with it." She said and showed me her small small nails

"Well this is not possible because I'm much bigger than you" I again smirked and this time both my mother and umar come into the room

"What he is doing here" I asked in angry tone because till I remember that what he said before and he smirked

"See aunty he want me to leave" he said and poured my mother smiled at him and said

"Enough Faris why you always tease them"

"Mom but" i interrupted by umar

"Oh c'mon man please quit for a while she want to say something" and my mother started...

She gently informed all of us about the upcoming engagement in the evening, of our four... emphasizing the importance of being prepared. With a tone of care and consideration..

I was shocked of my engagement with noor in the evening like everybody knew already that we are married but again this but I will enjoy it with my noor...

"Because yunus was not present in the engagement ceremony of suneha and ahaan so now we are doing it again and there is no worry of dresses because all preparations are done you guys only have to come being well prepared" she said and we all also smiled

"And yeah I'm also here for helping you all by the time ammi will also join us" umar Said and I was happy that now our family is going to be happy for real

It was not easy for me either to stay away from noor the distance between us felt like an endless chasm, stretching across miles and miles, separating the husband from his beloved wife. Each passing moment without her felt like an eternity, my heart heavy with longing and yearning for her presence. Memories of our time together played like a bittersweet melody in my mind, reminding me of the warmth of her touch and the comfort of her embrace. Every milestone, every achievement, every joy felt incomplete without her by my side to share in the celebration. Yet, amidst the ache of separation,I held onto hope, knowing that our love was strong enough to withstand any distance, and that soon we would be reunited, sharing our lives once more in the embrace of our love....

We all move toward our rooms for getting ready for the engagement function....


The engagement ceremony was a stunning display of elegance and charm, adorned with exquisite decorations that captivated every guest. The venue was transformed into a fairy-tale setting with cascading floral arrangements of roses, lilies, and orchids, delicately placed around the room. Glittering fairy lights twinkled overhead, casting a warm glow over the festivities.

The tables were adorned with shimmering tablecloths and adorned with elaborate centerpieces, featuring crystal vases filled with fragrant blooms. Soft music filled the air, adding to the romantic ambiance of the evening.

Every detail, from the intricate place settings to the carefully curated seating arrangements, was meticulously planned to create a memorable celebration of love and commitment...

Noor was ready in her white floral lehenga radiated pure elegance as she stood adorned in a breathtaking white lehenga for her engagement ceremony. The intricate detailing of shimmering silver embroidery on the soft fabric added a touch of ethereal beauty to her ensemble. Her hair, styled in cascading waves, framed her face delicately, adorned with delicate jasmine flowers that emitted a sweet fragrance with every movement. The shimmering jewels adorning her neck, ears, and wrists added a sparkle that mirrored the joy in her eyes. As she stood poised and graceful, her white lehenga seemed to embody purity and grace, a symbol of the new chapter she was about to embark upon. Amongst the sea of guests, all eyes were drawn to her, mesmerized by her radiant presence and the timeless beauty of her attire.

"Mashallah my daughter is looking so beautiful and breathtaking gorgeous" suhana said to noor...

"Thank you ammi" noor said but she saw some tears in her eyes

"What happen ammi" she asked to suhana

"What will happen to me baccha" she replied but internally she was break into thousands pieces

Suhana bore the heavy burden of a marriage devoid of love, her heart aching with the absence of the affection she craved. Despite her efforts to kindle the flame of passion, her husband remained distant and indifferent, his affections never truly reaching her.

Each day became a painful reminder of the hollow promises and unfulfilled dreams that once held their union together. Yet, amidst the loneliness and heartache, she found solace in her own strength and resilience. With quiet dignity, she carried the weight of unreciprocated love, finding moments of solace in the depths of her own soul.

Though her heart may have been overlooked and her love left unrequited, she refused to let the absence of his affection define her worth. In her quiet resolve, she discovered a newfound sense of independence and self-love, reclaiming her own happiness and forging a path towards a brighter tomorrow, where her heart would no longer long for a love that was never truly hers.

She stood amidst the wreckage of betrayal, her heart shattered into a million pieces by the revelation of her husband's infidelity. The pain etched across her face....but she controlled herself Every moment spent together, every vow exchanged, now tainted by the sting of deceit. Despite the turmoil raging within her, she found strength in her resilience, refusing to let the betrayal define her.

Through tears and heartache, she navigated the storm of emotions, confronting the harsh reality with courage and determination. Though the wound was deep and the scars would linger,she found a glimmer of hope, a reminder of her own worth, and now the only motive of her to living her life is her children's

"Okay Noor you wait I'll check upon suneha too" she said and left from there in suneha's room...

There she was also ready in her lehenga
Suneha was a vision of radiant beauty as she adorned herself in a resplendent pink lehenga for her engagement ceremony. The soft hue of the fabric complemented her glowing complexion, while intricate gold embroidery added an enchanting touch to her ensemble. Her hair, styled in straight, cascaded down her back, adorned with delicate floral accents that added a touch of femininity to her look.

As she stood before the mirror, a smile graced her lips, reflecting the joy and excitement that filled her heart. With each delicate movement, the shimmering beads and sequins on her lehenga sparkled, casting a mesmerizing aura around her. In that moment, she was the epitome of grace and charm, ready to embark on a journey of love and companionship with her beloved.

"Oh my daughter you are also looking so amazing" suhana said and took suneha in a hug and raziya smiled...she was happy that her both daughters got so loving family...

"I know phuppo I was always so beautiful but today I'm looking more" suneha said and her mother shook her head on her daughter's talk

"Yeah of course my daughter always so beautiful" suhana said and laughed

On the other hand, faris looked resplendent in his vibrant yellow kurta paired with crisp white pants.The fabric draped gracefully over his well-defined shoulders and chiseled arms, accentuating his masculine form. With every movement, the kurta flowed effortlessly, drawing attention to his strength and poise.

Against the backdrop of the vibrant yellow hue, his muscles seemed to glow, casting a striking silhouette that captivated all who beheld him. It was a testament to his impeccable style and natural charisma, making him the epitome of elegance on this special day. His outfit radiated charm and sophistication, perfectly complementing the joyous occasion....

"Wow man you are looking fabulous" umar said to Faris and back hug him

"I already know say something new" Faris said and applied his favourite perfume

"Leave umar, Faris bhai can never digest his praising" ahaan said he was also ready in his attire...

Ahaan exuded timeless sophistication in his ensemble. Dressed in a meticulously tailored blue kurta and matching pants, he radiated an aura of regal charm. The rich hue of his attire complemented his features, accentuating his stature with an air of understated elegance. With each detail thoughtfully chosen, from the intricate embroidery to the fine craftsmanship, he stood as a beacon of style and refinement. Ready to embark on this new journey with his beloved, ahaan mirrored the vibrancy of his heart, promising a future filled with love and joy...

"Yeah ahaan you are right brother" umar said he was also ready in his formal black kurta... looking handsome

"No no, he like admiration but not by us, but by noor bhabhi" umar said and they both started laughing...

"Enough enough young man, now be ready, the ceremony time is almost started" yunus said and they all nodded their heads...

Umar and ahaan left while yunus took Faris's hand and said "I'm not afraid so much for suneha, I'm scared for the noor. Suneha is a strong girl, she manages herself and others well, but Noor, she is weak, she gets scared, starts crying. I want you to take care of her very well after marriage... she is literally my heart."

"I know and you don't have to worry about noor I will take care of her" he said and they both shared a hug...

"Let's go" yunus said and they both left..

The first entry was of Faris...he walked towards the stage and As he laid eyes on his fiancée standing on stage, a cascade of emotions overwhelmed him. Her presence illuminated the room, casting a radiant glow that captivated his heart. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as he beheld her beauty, her grace, and her inner strength shining through. She was a vision of elegance and poise, her eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and anticipation. With every step she took, she exuded confidence and charm, leaving him awestruck by her sheer presence. In that fleeting moment, he knew that she was not just his partner, but his soulmate, destined to share a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness together....all emotion start building in him...

And after that ahaan was also arrived and he was also stunned by suneha's Beauty like he already sawin her engagement dress but this feeling is defferent....

Faris and ahaan took each step towards the stage, their heart beat with a rhythm that echoed the anticipation coursing through their veins. Each footfall was a testament to the journey they had embarked upon, a journey that led them closer to their beloved. With every stride, their excitement grew, fueled by the prospect of joining hands with their fiancée and beginning a new chapter of their lives together.

As they neared the stage, Faris gaze never wavered from her, his eyes locked on her radiant smile that beckoned him forward. With every passing moment, he felt a surge of joy and gratitude, knowing that soon they would stand side by side, united in love and commitment. And as he finally reached the stage, a sense of profound happiness washed over him, for in that moment, he knew that their love was destined to conquer all obstacles and flourish for eternity....

They both sat on their respective chairs and soon the ceremony started... Sugana and raziya brought the plates of rings and firstly she gave Faris...Faris took the ring and slide it in the finger of noor and same did noor with him...

As Faris and noor stood hand in hand, exchanging rings, the air was filled with a palpable sense of love and promise. With each gentle touch, they affirmed their commitment to one another, sealing their bond with the symbolic exchange of rings. When faris slid the ring onto his noor's finger, he felt a surge of emotion, knowing that this simple gesture marked the beginning of their journey as husband and wife. Likewise, as noor placed the ring on her faris's finger, her heart swelled with joy, envisioning the countless memories they would create together. In that sacred moment, surrounded by loved ones, they affirmed their love and devotion, promising to support each other through life's joys and challenges. With the exchange of rings, their engagement transformed into a celebration of their enduring love, a love that would only grow stronger with each passing day...

And after then ahaan and suneha exchanged their rings and the ceremony was done with lot of joy and happiness

"So finally we are going to re marry again in front of all with so many blessings" Faris said to noor

"Yes and this day is the most beautiful day of my life" noor said and in internally she was thanking her allah for all the happiness....

The fruit of patience is very sweet; today she was understanding it for the first time after so many years, after seeing so much happiness. She didn't know how many times her heart was rejoicing she was just waiting for her engagement to be completed as soon as possible so that she could go and thank her Allah, express to Him the feelings of her heart, how happy she was today, how much her heart's desires had been fulfilled...

Thanks guys and yeah next chapter will be romantic and comedy one

Let me know in the comments section how much you liked this chapter and in next chapter their will be jaldi and mehndi function and also so much comedy

Please give a chance to my second book also the runaway groom on wattpad by priceless987

Please vote comment and share and next chapter will be post soon

Follow me on Instagram for spoilers

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