Masked Pain

By JennaTheGamer

2.4K 49 35

Skybound had essentially never happened, though two unfortunate people now have to live with the memories of... More

Good Pain
Mixed signals
Man in the mirror
Ninja gi
Memory museum
Bad dreams
Just the 2 of us

It never happened

342 5 0
By JennaTheGamer

(Tw: Panic Attack) Jay POV:
"I wish..that you had taken my hand...and no one ever found that teapot in the first place..!" He whispered to Nya's no longer breathing body as he sobbed over her, unaware of what he had just said until he heard someone behind him "Y-Your yours to keep.." he heard Nadakhan manage to get out, he turned to look at him in shock at what he had just said. Did he do it? What if Nadakhan is able to twist this around? Will Nya be ok? A million questions sprouted at once as the sand started to whirl around them and everything felt like it was spinning, his head was pounding, he shut his eyes closed tightly. Before he knew it, it all just stopped.

"Forget what I said just take my hand!!" He shouted, holding out his hand for Nya. He froze as he remembered everything "Nya...take my hand.." he said softly, not trying to force it. Nya looked at her hands then back at Jay, she smiled warmly it looked like she was about to cry. She used airjitsu to get up to him, instead he took her hand, she held him up with her airjitsu and to his surprise she pulled him into a passionate kiss of which he returned. He held her, not ever wanting to let go again, but he now knew that it was her choice on whether he did or not.

They eventually hit the floor gracefully and pulled apart. He stared at Nya in awe and happiness, she was actually here, standing in front of him like she had never been hit with tiger widow venom, like she has never been in a forced marriage, like Nadakhan had never happened in the first place. "I remember..I remember it all-!" Nya told Jay, on the verge of tears and yet she was still smiling at him. He tried to laugh the memories off nervously, also being on the verge of tears "I do too! ..but how..?" He asked, confused by the situation as a whole, "Who cares?" Nya said almost breathlessly as she leaned back in to kiss him again, he kissed back just happy she was here.

They pulled apart and he started to shake "H-How can one sentence change a whole timeline!?" His voice was shaking as much as he tried to will it not to. Nya held his hands in hers lightly, "Jay, we're safe now, that's all that matters" she said softly in an attempt to comfort him. Spoiler alert, it didn't work. He took his hands from hers and backed up, his breath quickening by the second just as his heart rate did. "Nonononoo- how did everything we went through just-..just never happen-!? I-I don't-.." he put his shaky hand over the same eye that had been cut as he began pacing back and forth. "Why did we have to remember everything- why us!? How does this even work!?" He kept spewing out more questions aware that his friends around him were watching confused, thankfully Nya was the only one within ear shot. She walked up to him seemingly calm and slowly grabbed his shoulders making him look at her, this time with a firm grip unlike when she was holding his hands. He could feel her hands shaking slightly, unless her hands were just shaking with his body. "Jay, listen to me." She spoke firmly yet in an oddly comforting tone, "I know this is a lot to take in right now, but we both need to stay calm until we're alone. Can you try and do that for me?" She looked into his eyes worriedly "Y-yeah..I think- so-.." he managed to get out as he lowered the hand over his eye.

He took Nya's hands from his shoulders into his own, taking deep breaths while counting to four over and over again in his head. He tried to forget about the situation, he just needed to pretend like everything was normal, should be easy enough. He started to calm down before he heard a helicopter coming closer and closer, he turned around still holding one of Nya's hands as he, Nya and their friends watched a helicopter start lowering itself onto the roof they were on. He looked over at Nya and she looked furious, he was confused before realizing she wasn't even looking at the helicopter anymore, he followed her gaze and understood why she was mad. Plastered all over Ninjago city was a video of him and Nya kissing, he was disgusted at the fact that people are completely fine with invading people's privacy so much, he gets the fact that they're famous but they're still people. He wondered who was in the helicopter that had taken that video as the helicopter landed, the answer was probably the worst possible one, it was Dareth, their so called friend and the same person that had been sexist towards Nya when they were famous- or..he guessed they still are now- nope he wasn't gonna think about that right now.

Dareth hopped off the helicopter and walked over to them confidently, with that same smug grin he usually wore. Dareth was looking directly at him and Nya, not at any of the other ninja who Jay didn't even notice jumped down next to them. "Hey lovebirds, looks like we've got a new couple in Ninjago city!" He said as he stopped in front of them. Nya let go of his hand as much as he didn't want her to concidering he was still panicky, she walked in front of Dareth "What makes you think you can invade someone's privacy like that!?" She screamed angrily, he didn't try to stop her, he had to admit he was mad aswell, mostly uncomfortable- but still mad. "Oh c'mon it's not that big of a deal" Dareth said nonchalantly, "Not that big of a deal?" Kai started "You invaded my sister and one of my best friends privacy, they clearly didn't want this to be a whole scene!" Kai defended angrily, out of everyone Jay didn't expect Kai to be the one to step forward, but it kinda made sense Nya being his sister and all. "Alright relax" Dareth said finally realizing nobody there was on his side as he raised his hands defensively "I'll go if that's what you want" Jay felt a sense of relief when Dareth said he'd go, he desperately needed to be alone right now to let go of all the emotions and thoughts he was attempting to hold in. "You think you can just leave Scot free after tha-" Cole started before Nya cut him off "No, no it's fine. Just go Dareth." She said as she grabbed his still shaky hand again, rubbing his hand with her thumb comfortingly. The other ninja scowled at Dareth when he didn't move "Alright, alright I'm going!" Dareth said as he walked back to the helicopter and the ninja were alone again.

"Gotta say I didn't expect that to happen but I'm glad you two aren't arguing anymore" Lloyd said turning to him and Nya along with everyone else "I think we can all agree on that" Zane replied, "Yeah just never kiss in front of me again ok? It's gross" Kai said sticking his tongue out for a second before bringing it back it, but you could tell Kai was happy for Nya with the way he was smiling slightly. Cole laughed at Kai's comment "Oh c'mon can't you at least try to say something positive" Cole said as he nudged Kai playfully. He sighed tiredly, trying to smile "Can we just go home?" He laughed slightly trying to make it seem like he was fine, "Yeah I think we can make it back before sunset" Cole replied, looking at the sky "Affirmative, but only if we leave now" Zane told Cole as he walked to the edge of the roof getting ready to spawn his dragon as the rest of them followed behind.

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