Heal Your Broken Heart

By SyidaNurulaina3

3.7K 212 83

What if the one who save Porchay at the bar was Macau? Not Kim? What will happen between Macau and Porchay? W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Additional Characters
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25(Final)

Chapter 14

87 9 3
By SyidaNurulaina3

At the hospital..

Vegas pov..

Vegas is standing right next to Porsche.. Macau then ask.. 'Who called you just now phi?' Porchay also look at Vegas and say.. 'If it's important.. Then you should go.. Im fine.. Let me take care of phi Porsche..' Vegas then say.. 'Its phi Thankhun.. He wants to come here.. I told him that I will go to Theerapanyakul mansion to meet him.. Suddenly.. There's a door open.. The nurse appear with Thankun.. The nurse then say..' Im sorry for disturbing.. Mr Thankhun want to see Mr Vegas..' The nurse then leave the ward.. Macau then ask.. 'Phi.. Are you alright? Your face seems pale..' Thankun look at Porsche with a worry expression and say..'Vegas.. I think you should talk to the doctor.. Don't let Kinn to come here..' Vegas, Macau and Porchay look at each other.. Thankhun then say.. 'Kinn and Kim have a bad plan.. I have a bad feelings about this..' Porchay then say... 'We need to make a police report...' Vegas then reply back.. 'Phi Thankun.. How do you know about this? What did Kinn tell you?' Thankun then say... 'Kinn won't let you and Porsche live happily together.. Same thing goes for Macau and Porchay.. I think Kim is hiding somewhere to make a new plan... The worse thing is.. Kinn will join Kim to destroy 4 of you..'Macau then ask..' But why..? Porchay then reply back.. 'Because Phi Kinn thought that we are the main reason why Phi Tawan is dead.. Even though phi Kim is the one who shot phi Tawan.. But still.. In phi Kinn's eyes, we are the main reason why Phi Tawan is dead..' Porchay then say.. 'I will talk to phi Kim.. The rest of you.. Stay here..' Macau stand in front of Porchay then reply back.. 'You almost lost your life Chay.. Are you crazy?' Porchay then ask back.. 'And then what? You think Im going to let phi Kim to destroy us one by one?'

Porsche slowly open his eyes and say.. 'C.. Chay.. V.. Vegas.. M.. Macau..' 3 of them turn their heads as they hear Porsche's voice.. Vegas then say.. 'Sweetheart.. You are awake..' Thankun breath out of relief and say.. 'Thank God... Finally you are awake Porsche..'Vegas stroke Porsche's head gently and ask..' How are you feeling hmm? 'Porsche then stroke Vegas's cheek gently and say..' Im the one who should ask you that... Are you hurt? 'Vegas feel a tears start to fall out from his eyes and kiss Porsche's forehead gently... Macau smile a little and give a signal to Thankhun and Porchay to come out with him... 3 of them silently leave the ward to give Vegas and Porsche a privacy.. Porsche then noticed those 3 already gone... Vegas then say.. 'They left for a while to give us a privacy.. Don't worry.. They will return soon..' Porsche then ask.. 'Is it true? Everything that I heard earlier...'Vegas then reply back..' I wish it could be wrong... Kim used to be a nice man Porsche.. But when Macau took Porchay away from him.. No.. Since Porchay left Kim and started a new relationship with Macau.. Things become worse.. Im worry about their safety especially Porchay.. Luckily he is just fainted.. 'Porsche then reply back..' I know Kinn and Kim will kill me and my little brother Vegas.. If my fate to die.. then I will accept it with an open heart.. They won't stop until they get everything they want..'Vegas kiss Porsche's lips softly and say..' I won't let anybody hurt you sweetheart.. I promise.. '

Meanwhile at the outside of the ward..

Thankhun look at Macau and Porchay then say..' I have a suggestion.. 'Macau and Porchay look at Thankhun with a' What is it' expression.. Thankhun then ask.. 'What if Macau take Porchay to live with you while Vegas take Porsche to live with him..?' Porchay look at Macau and ask.. 'Where do you live phi Macau?' Macau smile at Porchay and say.. 'I lived with phi Vegas.. But if you don't mind... I will take you to live at my own house..' Thankun then say.. 'I guess.. Macau haven't tell you anything, am I right Porchay?' Porchay shake his head slowly and look at Macau.. Macau then say.. 'If you want to live with me.. We must ask a permission from phi Porsche first.. Its not proper to take his little brother away without a permission..' Thankun then say.. 'Then..let's go inside..' Macau and Porchay nod and go back into Porsche's ward..

At Kim's house..

Kim is smoking and drinking his wine.. Suddenly there's a door bell rings.. Kim then ask.. 'Who is it?' Kinn then say.. 'Its me.. Kinn..' Kim then press the button..Suddenly.. The door is open.. Kinn then come into the house and look at Kim.. Kim then turn his head a little and ask.. 'Why are you here Kinn? This isn't Theerapanyakul mansion..If you come here to kill me.. Go ahead.. Im the one who shot Tawan.. Now you are free to kill me..' Kim continue to smoke.. Kinn then come towards Kim and take a cigarette away and smoke as well.. Kim then chuckle and say..' Its such a rude you know..'Kinn hug Kim from behind and whisper..' Let's join hands Kim.. 'Kim look at Kinn and ask..' Since when you choose to be on my side? 'Kinn let go of Kim and reply back..' I know you are the one who shot Tawan... But I want Porsche to be dead.. I want Vegas to feel the same pain that I feel right now.. 'Kim then say..' Im sure Porchay is alive now... I have to face with that bastard Macau.. He is the one who took Porchay from me.. 'Kinn smirk and reply back..' I thought you were the reason why Porchay chose to leave you..'Kim turn around and say..' You never understand Kinn.. The reason why I did that because.. Porsche's parents death have a connection with Pa.. That's it.. If you think our father was a great man, you are wrong Kinn.. He is the pure monster all along.. Trying to be nice to his sons.. I want to find the truth by I ended up hurting Porchay... Then Porchay chose to left me and started a new relationship with Macau.. That's something that I can't accept... And as for you.. Porsche didn't do anything wrong but you decided to end Porsche's life? Why? Because Vegas is with Porsche? Porsche has nothing to do with Tawan's death Kinn'.. Kinn then say...I come here to join hands with you.. What's your plan?'Kim look at Kinn and drink his wine.. Kim smirk evilly and continue drinking his wine..

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