Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

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One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
War of hearts
Beautiful Evening
My innocent Fiancé.
First date
Heartbreak and misery
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Melodious Escape ~ 5
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 4
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9
Deal with the Devil • Part 2 •
Will You Still Love Me?

The Return - Chapter 7

28 5 0
By piadreamer

Izzy was almost on the main deserted road when she noticed Kristelle walking towards an old-looking car parked nearby. She had no traces of those clothes on her and was casually dressed as if she was on a long road trip and had not killed anyone minutes ago. Was all this really so casual for her? Or to Magnus? Her dull eyes as her frame neared gave her the answer.

As she kept stealthy moving forward, she noticed Jia hiding behind the car Kristelle was going towards, her gun aimed right at her temple and her heartbeat raced. No, she can't let that happen. Aiming her gun at Jia, she shot at her hand and the gun fell on the ground, making Kristelle startle.

Jia's eyes trailed towards her with rage visible in them but she didn't care. Running towards her before she could grab the gun from the ground, Izzy moved it afar with the help of her boots and aimed hers at Jia.

"Please don't, Jia." She begged, as more tears threatened to fall.

"Have you gone insane, Izzy!?"

"W...what...." Kristelle stuttered, her wide eyes trailing between both of them.

"Get in the car and leave! Now!" Izzy ordered, her heart becoming heavy with the decision she took, but she was ready to lose this job over her brother.

"Are you seriously helping a killer, agent Lightwood!?" Jia said through gritted teeth and Kristelle's face paled.

"Kristelle go! Just g-"

Before she could complete another gunshot fired but it went in the air, and she noticed Luke was there too and was about to shoot Kristelle but Jace came on time and diverted his hand in another direction.

"Jace..." Izzy breathed with relief.

"What the fuck, Jace? Have you two gone insane!?" Luke yelled.

Jace looked at her then at Kristelle then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once he opened his eyes he turned towards Kristelle. "You need to move, now! Get in the car and let our brothers know that we heard everything. We were there. We know the truth and that we have Alec's back, always. But.. just both of us. Warn them and well... you crim... sharp-minded people know what to do. Now run while we stop our seniors from killing you!"

As soon as he finished his sentence, he locked his gaze with her and nodded and a light smile painted her lips. Kristelle stood frozen on her spot until Izzy ran and dragged her towards the car. "Move girl! Do you want to die!? Cause Magnus certainly doesn't want that. To lose a family again."

That snapped her back to present and she ran towards the car, but she noticed Jia reaching out for her gun and she shot a fire right past her wrist.

Jace tackled Luke back and grabbed his gun, throwing it in the distance, struggling hard not to put his hands on his father-in-law. Izzy kept distracting Jia with gunshots all around her, ignoring her racing heartbeat and the guilt slowly settling in it. That was her aunt after all before being senior.

Once the car was out of sight at a safe distance, they both stopped, but the fire in Luke and Jia's eyes she noticed sent chills down her body.

"Have you two gone completely mad!?" Luke yelled at the top of his lungs. "I hope you know the consequences of this act."

"That we might lose our job. That we might be behind the prison. Yes, we do Luke." Jace said. "I was in turmoil about what to do after hearing all the truth but then I realized, if it would be Clary, I would have done the same for her. I can hurt anyone who hurts your daughter, to an extent that even I'm not aware of. So I get it. And I'm not losing my brother, my best friend over this job that is of no use!"

"And what about Clary!? If you hurt my daughter Jace -"

"I'm planning on telling her the truth. And by truth, I really mean everything, even this!" Jace said as tears fell on his face. "Including how you turned your back on Alec and Magnus like you never knew them. Rest will be her decision to make. Whether... whether she wants to break up and move on or... stay... regardless of everything."

"And why do you think she would want to stay with a family of criminals!?" Luke spat.

"Luke!" Izzy warned. "Stop it! Please. I beg want to turn your backs on Alec and Magnus? Fine, go ahead. But know that I will be standing in your way. I'm not losing my brother if you up and decide to reopen that case and order a kill on sight for them as well!"

"That's something I want to know, Luke..." Jace said, desperation lacing his tone. "You won't do that, will you? Tell me she's wrong. Tell me you won't do that to Alec. Tell me, Luke..."

"I don't know about Alec but for Magnus, no, for Intan Ginting, I will. He's a serial killer who need to be put down before he decides to kill more people."

"What the!?" Jace took a step back, scanning the stone-cold eyes of his father-in-law.

"And you think that won't destroy our brother!?" Izzy yelled as tears soaked her face. "That.. that he won't do something to himself if Magnus... dies."

"That's Alec's decision to make," Luke said coldly.

"You are blinded by your anger and hurt, Luke. And you too, Jia." Izzy said. "Yes, they lied to all of us, and maybe because of this very reason. Because they thought we'd leave them, hate them, or see them with disgust. And maybe they weren't wrong in that. Everyone wants love and respect in their life. Especially when they never got that."

"Leave it, Izzy, they both won't understand it right now," Jace said and handed Luke his batch and gun. "Here, I'm quitting before you make me. And I'll tell Clary everything too. I just hope you won't take our brother from us too."

Izzy followed, giving Jia her batch and gun then left with Jace, leaving the two behind.


*Jem's Farmhouse*

"Can you please shut that stupid phone, Bane!?" Raphael snapped, who was dressing the wound of a small girl they rescued from Derek's house. After burying those bastards, they went to each one of their houses, making sure none of the abusers were present there, and rescued several small girls those bastards were using for their pleasure and entertainment. Right now, they were in Jem's second farmhouse, which was also a safe house for victims and survivors they found throughout the years.

"Who is it, babe? You have been worried since the time you first picked it."

"It keeps disconnecting, so I'm sorry Raphael but I can't exactly. I couldn't hear much... but... it... it sounded like Kristelle."

"What? Why is she calling you like that?" Tessa asked.

"I don't -" He was cut off by his phone's buzz which he quickly picked up and put on speaker.

"Magnus... Magnus, can you hear me? Tell me you can hear me. This bloody network... Magnus....?"

"Kristelle... yes, Kri. I can now. Why are you calling me like that? You haven't killed -"

"No. No, I haven't. But there's... no... first.. please tell me you have some safe place for me. I really need one right now. Mine's compromised."

Alec and Magnus exchanged looks. While it was risky, no one knew the face behind that mask so for a temporary basis they can try to keep her in Lightwood mansion. "Kristelle, you can stay with us for a whil-"

"No! That's... that's the thing. They know. Just tell me you have a place for me, please." She begged.

"What.. what do you mean they know?" Alec asked as a deep frown crept on his forehead.

"Give her this address Magnus. It's safe here." Tessa reassured.

"Are you sure, Tess?"

"Yes, Magnus. We are sure." Jem said instead.

"Alright. You heard that Kri. I'm sending you an address now tell us what happened?"

"Your family, the FBI, those four, I don't remember their names but... they were at that construction site, Magnus. They might have followed you, or me, or those bastards. I don't know. But they were there and they saw and heard everything."

"What!?" Everyone exclaimed while Alec's face went pale and Magnus' blood dried. No, that's not possible. He didn't want to lose the family who showered him with so much love in all these years.

"That.. means they know her face and the fact that you are Intan, Magnus," Raphael said in a soft voice.

"No...." A single teardrop fell on his cheek. "Alexander..."


"Wait, there's... there's more." She said and everyone's attention turned toward her voice. "Those seniors... one was Jia... yeah, right. They were trying to attack... attack me but those other two... they saved me. They helped me in escaping." She said, making Alec and Magnus exchange a look. Izzy and Jace helped his sister, does that mean?

"And that blonde cop, he told me to tell you something. Yes, yes... he said that they were there and heard everything and that they know the truth. And to warn you. Yeah, and that they always have your husband's back. I don't know what that meant, but that's what he said. Magnus, I'm scared. They never knew your face but they know now. And those two young cops helped me.. I don't get why.. I don't under-"

"No. No, they didn't help you, Kristelle." Alec said in a hoarse voice. "They helped me. They're my siblings. I thought I'd lose them if they ever learned the truth, but a part of me believed that they'd understand. I guess that other part of me was right." He smiled sadly and held Magnus' hand.

"So Isabelle and Jace... they... they don't hate me? They're not mad that I turned their brother into a criminal?"

"Love..." Alec cupped his face and gently wiped the tears that kept falling. "Stop it. It was my choice."

"Oh," Kristelle said, making their focus back on her voice. "I've always heard of the phrase love that knows no bounds... especially between couple... but it's the first time I'm seeing it in a different way. Especially when it's between duty and love."

"I honestly didn't expect that from Jace and Isabelle," Magnus said in a low voice. "I always thought they'd hate me... that they'd despise me. But... what if they do? What if -"

"Stop," Alec said sternly. "Kristelle, I've just sent you the address. Come here as soon as you can. You'll be safe here." Kristelle hummed in response then hung up and Alec turned towards him. "And you, don't overthink things. If they have heard everything, then they have certainly heard why you did it. I refuse to believe that they will hate you after listening to that."

"But Alexander -"

"No buts babe, let's not presume things before we talk to them."

"But what about Luke and Jia? Kristelle... she said they were trying to shoot her. They... please don't let anything happen to her. Please Alexander..." He trailed off and burst into tears, his legs almost giving up when his husband caught him in his strong arms.

"Hey..." Alec whispered and held him close, placing a peck on the nape of his neck.

"We'll save her, okay? We'll save her."


*Simon's house*

"I'm scared Izzy," Jace said, his left leg fidgeting constantly over which Izzy put her hand and gently rubbed his knee.

"I know, Jace, but we need to do this." She said. After leaving Jia and Luke there, they came back to the city but couldn't make themselves go back to their farmhouse. They talked and decided to call Simon and Clary to tell them everything and since Izzy had Simon's house keys, they decided to come here. Right now, they were waiting for Simon and Clary to arrive.

"I'm about to lose the person I love, Izzy. The one I'm supposed to get married to in a few days. I don't think you get it." Jace said, he didn't raise his voice but there was a clear tone of fear and anger.

"And what about Simon? I might not be getting married to him, but I love him, Jace. And I might lose him too. So please think before saying."

"Didn't you say earlier that he might understand?" Jace snapped.

"Maybe, but maybe not. What we're doing is different. It's not... that worse. Magnus had killed people... no matter the reason.. he.. he is a murderer. And we're about to help them. Help Alec. I don't know how Simon will take that. We're almost on the same page here, Jace."

"I'm sorry Izzy. I just -"

"What the heck is wrong with you both!?" Simon yelled as he and Clary rushed in, fear visible in their voice. "Why are you both in my place and why in the world do you want nobody else to know that we're coming here and- wait, Izzy are you crying!? What happened!?"

"My god, Jace, why are you..." Clary trailed off as her eyes scanned Jace's. "Please don't say you both went after the killer and something bad happened."

"What the heck!? Izzy?"

"Yes and no," Izzy said and took a deep breath. "Simon, Clary, please sit down. We... we need to talk to you both."


"And.... yes, I might have fought with Luke. But I haven't hurt him, Clary." Jace reassured. "I promise. I... I was trying to help Alec. Luke and Jia had gone insane. Luke literally said that he didn't care if he had to shoot Magnus or Intan... it's still hard to process that, by the way." He said and took a deep breath. "Look, Clary, I... I realized I would have done the same if it had been you, and I can't lose Alec. He's my brother. No matter what he did, why he did. Just... just don't... don't make it hurtful if you want to end everything." He begged as tears kept soaking his face.

"Simon, I know we... we were doing something too. But it wasn't this worse and if you don't want to be with me anymore... just like Jace said, please don't make it -"

"I knew," Simon said, cutting her off and looking at both of them with guilt in his eyes making her frown.

"Simon?" She frowned.

"I knew Magnus was The Perfectionist, I knew he was Intan and... I saw him killing Gideon Lightwood five years ago. I never knew the reason back then, but I knew Magnus and I never believed that he would do something that brutal without any strong reason. Guess I was right."

"WHAT!?" Izzy and Jace yelled in unison.

"I knew too, actually." Clary said, making them turn towards her. "I overheard Alec and Magnus talking about Valentine before his death and saw Alec...." She bit her lip, closed her eyes then took a deep breath. "Valentine called me that day to apparently have a father-daughter moment, by threatening to hurt mom. That bastard...... I had no other option, but when I reached there, I saw that Alec was dragging his unconscious body somewhere.

I followed and... saw Magnus killing him. In The Perfectionist getup. I guess I hated that monster so much that I stayed to watch and overheard them talking about some things that were way too personal to them. Something I shouldn't have heard. I knew since then and... I actually understood the anger Magnus had for Asmodeous. Valentine was his right-hand man after all. I actually am grateful for them because I might have killed Valentine that night if they hadn't."

"Clary...." Jace sat there speechless, and so did she. Their partners have been hiding something this big from them, all these years.

"Wait, Gideon died after Valentine. Fray, you knew everything before me? That's why you became a little distant back then?"

"If I had any idea you knew Simon, I would've talked to you. I couldn't exactly talk to anyone about this. Especially with you, Jace. It was about Alec and Magnus. I wasn't sure how you'd reacted... and I never wanted to ruin your relationship with them. I understood them." She said simply.

"Honestly same, except for the understanding part," Simon added.

"Clary, Simon, you both knew everything.... everything, all these years. And... we thought you'd...." Jace trailed off and exchanged a look with Izzy.

"Simon, you kept it secret for so long... just why... and how?" Izzy moved forward and held Simon's hand, looking deep into his eyes. "So Alec and Magnus know that you both-"

"No." They both said in unison.

"I actually wanted to talk to Magnus after what I saw." Simon said, "But I never knew that Alec knew too. I was scared to talk to him. But as time went by and after Alec quit the FBI at a very strange time, I realized that Alec knew something and maybe was helping him too. I thought Magnus would come clean at some point but after how that case closed, and Alec and Magnus' wedding, I figured they didn't want anyone to know, so I kept everything to myself. Besides, it wasn't my secret to tell anyway."

"It really wasn't our secret to share," Clary said. "And from what you told us about Magnus' past, of what those people did to his family, they deserved the death Magnus gave them and not roaming freely in this world."

"Please say the same to Luke, Clary. Because he believes you will never stay with a family of criminals. His exact words by the way." Jace said through gritted teeth. "And... I can't believe you knew everything this whole time. You saw Magnus... but, you gave us a deadline to catch the criminal? If you knew-"

"I was certain it wasn't Magnus, Jace. And it wasn't only about us, I was trying to help Magnus too. I wanted this case to end sooner so nothing about him comes to light. So that Alec and Magnus can have their happy ever after without any worries. I never thought that would lead to you all finding the truth in this way. And that killer... that's Magnus' sister.... I don't know what to say about that."

"You were trying to help them..." Izzy repeated her words. "Clary... I don't know how to react... what to say. You both knew everything and still you never left us, you kept their secret. You could have easily left and-"

"You're right Izzy we could. But we love them both, and I love you so much. As you said, I might have done something same for you, doesn't matter if you're the one with the knowledge of guns." Simon said and chuckled lightly.

"Simon..." Izzy's eyes watered as she leaned to kiss her boyfriend gently on the lips. "I really don't know what to say. You both knew everything all along and never.... felt trapped, sick, tired of keeping it from everyone? Never wanted to leave us?"

"Honestly Izzy, sometimes, I did feel suffocated. I had no one to talk to about this. But at the same time, I knew it was no one's fault, especially Magnus'. He did what he did to get justice he never got the right way. And why would I treat you differently because of someone else?"

"Oh Simon..."

"I agree with Simon, Jace. I don't care whom you're related to or what they do, I love you for you."

"Clary.... thank you...." Jace said and wiped his face with the back of his hand.

"So what now?" Simon asked. "You both quit in order to help Alec and Magnus, and Luke and Jia are completely against them. What are you both planning?"

"That... we have no idea," Jace said in frustration.

"We need to talk to Alec and Magnus, and tell them we know everything," Clary suggested. "It doesn't matter if Kristelle told them or not. We all need to have a face-to-face conversation. And not at the farmhouse."

"You're right Clary. I'll text Alec to come here." Izzy said and they all nodded.

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