His Hufflepuff πŸŽ€ Harry Potte...

By xpotterhead08

4.1K 319 60

(ONGOING) If there was someone Harry Potter would absolutely die for (it's definitely not Voldemort), it woul... More

Prologue & Disclaimers
1st Year: Chapter One
1st Year: Chapter Two
1st Year: Chapter Three
1st Year: Chapter Four
1st Year: Chapter Five
1st Year: Chapter Six
1st Year: Chapter Seven
1st Year: Chapter Nine
1st Year: Chapter Ten
1st Year: Chapter Eleven
1st Year: Chapter Twelve

1st Year: Chapter Eight

217 24 1
By xpotterhead08

The next morning arrived and Luella had woken up at 6:30am. Susan and Hannah had woken up at the same time as all three alarms went off at once.

Considering that Luella had a shower the morning of September 1st, meant that she didn't need to have one this morning. Which gave her more time to pack her satchel and get ready. She didn't exactly know what lessons she'd be having today until she got her timetable, so she just put every 1st year book and equipment in her bag to make it easier.

Funnily enough, the three of them didn't mind changing in front of each other. So Luella put on her uniform she was wearing last night as it was only worn for a few hours. She put on some perfume and strawberry lip balm, and styled her hair into a simple hairstyle with a pink bow. She lastly, put on her shiny black shoes to complete the look.

Susan and Hannah had soon gotten changed too and when they were all ready, it was 6:56, so they left the dorm and made their way down to the Common Room. There were only a few people there, but Susan Hannah, and Luella were getting hungry so they exited the Common Room, only to find Harry standing there waiting patiently.

Surprised, Luella exclaimed.


Harry smiled upon seeing his best friend and looked her over, he thought she looked really pretty. He greeted her back.

"Good morning."

Luella smiled widely and brought him in for a hug, he happily hugged her back and couldn't help but inhale slightly as he could smell her perfume.

She soon let go of him and tutted as she sorted out his tie. He blushed and smiled bashfully. Once she was done, she patted it and then grabbed his hand, holding it in hers. She missed the glance Susan and Hannah shared with each other.

The four of them then started their short journey to the Great Hall. Harry asked as he swung their arms backwards and forwards.

"Did you sleep well?"

Luella smiled and nodded, she replied back.

"I slept really well. The bed is so comfy, I almost didn't want to get up this morning. What about you?"

Harry answered back, ignoring the stares and whispers he was getting from students as they walked by.

"I slept alright. I was roomed with Ron, Neville, and two other boys called Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. Nearly all of them snored, but Ron was the loudest. He was also the last to wake up."

Luella chuckled and asked again.

"You'll have to get some ear plugs, or, if Ron doesn't already know the spell, he could put a muffling spell around his bed so you don't have to hear him snore all night. Where is Ron anyway, I thought he'd be with you?"

Harry hummed and responded back.

"That's actually a good idea, I'll have to mention it to him and the others. And I told him I'd meet him in the Great Hall, I wanted to come see you first. I had to ask a Prefect to show me where your Common Room was."

Luella smiled at the gesture and tightened her hold on his hand protectively as she noticed students were just pointing and staring and whispering. Luella rolled her eyes at them as they didn't even try to hide their gawking. She could see that Harry was getting a little uncomfortable, so she sped up their walking.

It didn't even take that long to get to the Great Hall as the Hufflepuff Common Room was underneath it. But when they entered the Hall, it was pretty empty. There were only a few students sitting at their tables. Then again, it was only 7am, so people would still be getting ready and such.

Reluctantly, Harry and Luella separated to go to their own tables. They hugged each other and mumbled a "see you later" before dispersing. Susan and Hannah sat down next to each other, and Luella sat opposite them.

Luella looked at the full table of many options. Toast, Pancakes, Waffles, Full English, Porridge, Cereal, Fruit, Yogurt. It was a hard decision, but she finally chose a few pancakes with syrup and some strawberry's on the side. Hannah chose some toast with Apricot Jam on and Susan went for the Full English.

During breakfast, their Head of House, Pomona Sprout came around and handed all of the Hufflepuff's their timetables. Luella looked through hers and was excited to see that she had 6 lessons a week with the Gryffindor's. She also had 6 a week with the Slytherins, but 18 with the Ravenclaw's. Which was a lot.

(A/N: This took me bloody ages to make. Idk if I'm going to do it for every year, though.)

She looked over at the Gryffindor table to see that Harry was looking at his timetable too.

She also saw that she had Charms first with Professor Flitwick and the Ravenclaw's. 

Quickly making a decision, Luella got up from her seat and walked over to the Gryffindor table. She sat next to Harry and they compared timetables. He had 6 lessons with the Ravenclaw's, 6 with the Hufflepuff's, but 18 with the Slytherin's. Ron didn't seem too happy with how many they had with the Slytherin's. But Harry didn't mind. He was just happy with actually having some of the lessons with Luella.

After comparing timetables and having a quick chat, Luella soon went back to her table to finish off her breakfast. There was still quite a while until the first lessons of the day started, so Luella spent that time talking to the other Hufflepuff's.


9:00 came and Luella was ready for the first lesson. Susan, Hannah, and Luella all sat down and got their parchment, quills and ink, Charms book, and feathers out.

Their professor, Filius Flitwick was a very short man, who definitely had some Goblin blood in him. He was standing on a high tower of books. He patiently waited for everyone to arrive and sit down. And once everyone was, he started off the lesson.

"Good morning, class. Welcome to Charms. I am Professor Flitwick. I'm also the Head of the Ravenclaw House."

Luella looked around the room and noticed that the Ravenclaws looked happy that their Head of House was also their Charms professor.

"In today's lesson, you'll be learning the incantation, Wingardium Leviosa. This spell levitates an object, but you have to completely focus on the object or the spell will not work. I hope you're writing this down."

Luckily, Luella already was.

"Now, one of a Wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or, the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?"

Multiple sounds of "yes" was heard and Fliwick smiled.

"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement. The Swish and Flick. Everyone, Swish and Flick."

He demonstrated with his wand, and when he was done, everyone else copied the movement. It was a fairly easy wrist movement, and Luella was hoping to actually be able to levitate her feather.

'Good, and now enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Make sure you say it correctly. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then."

The students in the classroom got to work and Luella could hear many mispronouncing the spell. Some of them were completely off the pronunciation and Luella winced from it.

The three girls muttered the pronunciation first, over and over again, wanting to get it correct.

"Shall we cast it all together?"

Susan had suggested and Luella and Hannah agreed. They were confident with pronouncing the spell, so now they just had to cast it correctly.

And at the same time, all three of them spoke.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

They had a lot of concentration on their feathers, and their eyes lit up when each of the feathers lifted off the table. They kept their eyes on the feathers and carefully made it go higher. Gasps were heard from students who saw, and soon, Flitwick noticed as he cheered.

"Oh, well done! Miss Knight, Miss Bones, and Miss Abbott has managed to levitate their feathers. Well done, you three. Well done. 10 points each to Hufflepuff."

The three girls smiled and once the feathers were at a reasonable height, they stopped the concentration, making the feathers start to slowly come back down. They then grinned at each other and high fived one another, proud of themselves for being the only ones to do it so far.

Other students had been gaping in awe, but soon got the confidence to try it themselves. The three girls watched as other students, both Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's, managed to levitate their feathers too. They didn't go as high as the girls did, but they still managed to correctly cast the spell.

By the end of the lesson, Hufflepuff had gained 30 more points, bringing the total to 60, and Ravenclaw had gained the same amount. For the homework, all the students needed to was to keep practicing the spell. He challenged the ones who casted the spell correctly, to work on levitating more objects. As the heavier the object, the heavier it is to keep the concentration.

Luella really enjoyed that lesson, but she was extremely excited to be getting her hands dirty for the next lesson, which was Herbology.

Susan, Luella, and Hannah had linked arms and were excitedly making their way to the greenhouses. Their eyes lit up when they saw their Head of House and Herbology professor, Pomona Sprout, standing outside one of the greenhouses.

Professor Sprout waited for all of the students to arrive before unlocking the greenhouse and letting them in. She told them to gather around the long wooden table in the middle of the room. Chairs magically appeared and everyone sat down and got out the stuff they needed. Which was parchment, ink, quills, and their Herbology books.

Sprout soon started the lesson.

"Good morning, class. Welcome to Herbology. My name is Professor Sprout, and I'm also the Head of Hufflepuff House."

Sprout looked around the room and smiled at her Hufflepuff's.

"Today will be an easy lesson. I'm going to be teaching you the various plants and what they do. Unfortunately, the practical lessons do not start until Friday."

Luella frowned, a little disappointed, but she was still excited to learn about the different plants.

"I expect you to write down notes about each plant."

Professor Sprout got on with the lessons and Luella was shocked to learn that there were plants that could actually kill you, if you were not careful with them. She didn't look forward to dealing with them once the practical lessons started.


By the time the lesson was over, Luella had learned about the 1st Year plants. Plants like; Devil's Snare, Venomous Tentacula, Bouncing Bulb, Puffapods, Moly, Aspgodel, Dittany, Wormwood, Mandrake Root, Dried Nettles, and Aconite.

She also learned that a lot of the plants could be used in Potions, which they made her excited for the lesson after the break. Which was Potions.

And at the end of the lesson, her hand was cramped, and she had written on 4 pieces of parchment that were each, 4 inches long. Luckily, she was also a fast writer.

The break only lasted 15 minutes, and during that 15 minutes, Luella had learned that the Potions Professor, Severus Snape, was a grumpy mean man who had the nickname of the "Dungeon Bat". He apparently favoured Slytherin, who he was Head of, and absolutely despised the Gryffindor's. He didn't really care for the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaw's, but he still gave them points, even if when he did, his face scrunched up like he had smelt something bad.

According to Harry, who already had a Potions class, Snape absolutely despised him, and he had a feeling it wasn't just because he was a Gryffindor. Luella didn't like the fact that Snape had targeted him the whole lesson and had made a goal to humiliate Harry.

But she wanted to make her own judgement of Snape when she would attend his lesson.

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