(GoSuku) Kikufuku Mochi and K...

By CWY-reader

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A thousand years ago, Sukuna met a white-haired idiot. Sukuna couldn't get rid of him. So he tolerated him. S... More

chapter 1 - Achievement Unlocked: Love at First Kick
chapter 2 - Gojo's Promise
chapter 3 - Eyes That Make You Catch Feelings
chapter 4 - Mission Failed Successfully
chapter 5 - Kenjaku's Log
chpater 6 - Cherry Blossoms
chapter 7 - Sleep
chapter 8 - The Art of Gaslighting
chapter 9 - Joyous Forever Blessings
chapter 10 - I Hate Moral Arguments
chapter 11 - This Is What The Future Should Bring
chapter 12 - Exist For You
chapter 13 - Personal Playground Domain
chapter 14 - Under His Wing
chapter 15 - Nightmare Echo
chapter 16 - Gambare Gambare
chapter 17: A Wild Uraume Appeared
chapter 18 - Their Salvation
chapter 19 - Malevolent Legend
chapter 20 - Gojo doesn't like the surprise at all
chapter 21 - A Thorn In His Side
chapter 22 - The Beauty Of Being True To Oneself
chapter 24 - Fever Dream
chapter 25 - Drama
chapter 26 - Behind The Scenes
chapter 27 - Freedom
chapter 28 - Life as a thirdwheeler
chapter 29 - Monsters
chapter 30 - Dual Domain Expansion
Extra - Third Soulmate Scroll

chapter 23 - Juvenile

262 15 7
By CWY-reader

Bang! The door was closed again.

Through the door, Sukuna could hear Gojo ordering the servants and guards to do their duties elsewhere to give him and his fiancee some privacy. When the coast was clear, Gojo got back into the room.

"Sukuna? What is happening? Don't keep that in your mouth. Spit out that trash," Gojo said in alarm as he walked to Sukuna quickly and knelt next to him.

Sukuna wordlessly let go of Yorozu's hand, leaving an absolutely flabbergasted Yorozu on the floor.

No words could describe how disturbed Gojo was when he saw Yorozu had her whole hand in Sukuna's belly. Why was Sukuna's kimono loose like that? How did Yorozu get her hand into his mouth? Why did Sukuna let this happen? Was he hurt? Oh God, was he drugged by that bitch?!

Gojo roughly shoved Yorozu out of the way. He immediately tied the knot of Sukuna's kimono back to how it was before and checked Sukuna over, looking for signs. Gojo spat out rapid questions, "How did this happen? Did Yorozu do anything to you? Why are you here? Is something wrong back home? Are you-"

Sukuna hugged him, giving him a gentle squeeze, "Calm down, Satoru. Nothing is wrong. I missed you."

Still a bit tense and worried, Gojo hugged back, burying his head in Sukuna's neck. He mumbled, "I missed you too, Sukuna. I should've come here the moment Six Eyes sensed your curse energy. I thought I was hallucinating because of how much I missed you and my lack of sleep." Gojo genuinely thought his Six Eyes showed him the wrong information. It wouldn't be the first time that happened, considering the unsolved mystery of the massacred villages filled with Sukuna's curse energy.

Sukuna sensed how tired Gojo was just by his tone. Sukuna didn't like that, especially when he knew Gojo's Six Eyes required lots of energy to function. Gojo needed his sleep and should take better care of himself. Gojo wouldn't be like this if it was just one night's lack of sleep. This meant that for the whole week during his mission, Gojo didn't sleep much and was overworking himself.

Sukuna caressed Gojo's hair, "What were you doing last night?" Sukuna would smack him so hard if he said he was too busy fucking to sleep.

Gojo glanced at Yorozu, who seemed to be too overwhelmed by everything. But he thought it was better not to mention Yorozu being the cause of his sleeplessness. Gojo didn't know what was going on between Sukuna and Yorozu when he walked in. He didn't want any more drama.

Gojo answered, "Nothing much. I just didn't sleep well." He hummed softly as he enjoyed the touches in his hair.

Sukuna noticed Yorozu wasn't mentioned. He frowned, "Because of your fiancée? Was she bothering you?"

Gojo leaned back in surprise, "How do you- You know she's my fiancée?"

"She told me before you got here. And I could guess it was your grandpa's doing. I can get rid of her for you."

"No. I'll find another way out of this marriage," Gojo said and snuggled back with Sukuna. Gojo knew Sukuna would try to get rid of her in questionable ways and that was not what he wanted. Urgh, so much was happening. He had just returned from a tedious clan meeting. He could already feel a headache forming.

Sukuna eyed Gojo in concern, "Satoru..."

"I know you want to help, Sukuna. But my whole clan focuses a lot on this marriage right now. I can't risk you getting involved with them in this mess. I'll handle this."

Sitting cross-legged, Sukuna gently shifted Gojo into his lap. Gojo wrapped his legs around Sukuna, settling in a more comfortable position in the embrace. He nuzzled against Sukuna and sighed softly.

His poor starlight. Sukuna thought as he held him. Gojo was so stressed and exhausted. Even though his worsened state was clearly caused by his unwanted fiancee, Gojo still didn't want anything bad to happen to her and tried to keep Sukuna away from his clan's attention. Gojo was considering everyone else before his own needs. Sukuna was not pleased about that. Gojo was too nice for his own good.

But If Gojo didn't want him involved, then he wouldn't. Sukuna respected Gojo's decisions. Sukuna would try his best to support him in other ways. Sukuna gave a light kiss on Gojo's temple and continued caressing his hair, helping him relax.

It would've been a nice intimate moment, if Yorozu wasn't at the side gaping like a fish.

Yorozu was trying to comprehend what was happening. Everything was going too fast. She thought she finally found her love when Sukuna showed up. Then he actually bit her. Yorozu looked down at her hand. The bite mark was still there.

What confused her the most was Gojo's and Sukuna's reactions. Gojo wasn't hostile. Instead, he acted the total opposite of that. Gojo first fuzzed over Sukuna, like he was truly worried. Now he was snuggling Sukuna. Sukuna was just as confusing. Sukuna was so gentle with him. He literally placed Gojo in his lap .

And the kiss!

They were supposed to be enemies! How were they so casual right now? Why were they so comfortable with each other? It was almost as if they loved each other.

... or they were actually lovers.

She couldn't see Gojo's expression as his back was facing her. Gojo seemed to have dozed off. Yorozu couldn't be sure when Gojo had a blindfold on. Was he really that tired? Yorozu looked at Sukuna, noticing his eyes were still on Gojo the whole time.

His gaze was so tender. No one would look at their enemy like that. No one would look at a friend like that. Not the fake ones Yorozu saw all the time among nobles either.

It was true love .

Sukuna was in love with Gojo, and he was loved in return. Yorozu had always respected power and this was a love between two strongest. It was a perfect pair made for each other.

Yorozu yearned for true love and freedom. It all came in the form of Sukuna. She had thought she could try pursuing a life with the King of Curses. But her glimpse of hope was shattered almost as soon as it appeared.

Yorozu knew she had no chance to win Sukuna's love, not when she had to compete against Gojo. His looks, his status, his strength, Gojo was superior in every way. There was no question about it.

And that hurt .

If she had met Sukuna earlier, before he knew Gojo, would it have been different? If only she was more powerful, worthy enough to stand by Sukuna's side, Yorozu would follow Sukuna to the ends of the earth. She would be the one that taught him about true love . They could get married, be happy and free together...

It's not possible now.

Yorozu bit her lip and sniffed, a tear escaped her eye.

The quiet sniff caught Sukuna's attention. He looked at Yorozu and misunderstood the reason for her hopelessness. "Stop crying. I won't kill you. Make a vow of not revealing what you see about us to anyone unless Gojo or I let you," Sukuna said irritatedly but quietly, not wanting to wake up his dozing boyfriend.

Yorozu mumbled an agreement, forming the binding vow. She wiped her tears with her head down and let out a deep breath. Then she looked back up at Sukuna with a confident smile, facade firmly back on, "Sukuna, are you and Satoru together?"

Sukuna didn't trust Yorozu. She changed her mood so quickly. The fakeness was oozing from her. This girl was also one of the main reasons Gojo wasn't feeling well. Gojo was having his needed rest right now. Sukuna didn't want her to disrupt that. While making sure Gojo was comfortable in his arms, Sukuna nodded, confirming it.

There was a moment of silence. Then Yorozu said softly, "I'm happy for you."

She truly was, for the both of them. She realized Gojo was never trapped. Like Sukuna, Gojo was free and true to himself. Gojo could disobey the elders anytime. His relationship with Sukuna was proof of this. His obedience to the elders was just a choice. In the end, he had always been free.

It seemed they were not similar after all. Heh, good for him... Guess Yorozu was the only one who was trapped.

She had always thought Sukuna was lonely. He was so powerful and different from everyone. No one understood him. But Sukuna didn't need Yorozu to alleviate his loneliness nor did he need her to teach him about love. He had Gojo Satoru, his equal. Only Gojo Satoru could understand Sukuna. Yorozu couldn't do anything but accept that, because a beautiful free spirit like Sukuna deserved true love.

It didn't make it any less hurt though.

Sukuna didn't understand how she could be so genuine and fake at the same time. He could feel she didn't lie, but she also wasn't actually happy right now. Strange girl. Sukuna ignored her. He didn't care much about what she thought. Sukuna was only here for Gojo.

But Yorozu immediately had Sukuna's attention when she said this, "I know how to get Satoru out of the arranged marriage. Not just this one. Once this is done, no one will force Satoru to get married again."

Sukuna's sharp gaze focused on her, "Explain."

There was a glint in Yorozu's eyes. She smiled and sat up straighter, "I know the only reason Satoru has to marry is because his grandpa wants him to give him great-grandkids. As long as Satoru is unable to have children, he won't have to get married."

It didn't take long for Sukuna to understand the implications. Did she expect him to tell Gojo about this when he woke up? There was no way Gojo would accept this.

"Yorozu, you crazy bitch! You are not cutting my balls off!"

Nevermind, Gojo was actually wide awake and heard everything the whole time. Sukuna winced when Gojo suddenly shouted next to his ear.

Gojo said sheepishly, "Sorry, pookie."

"It's fine, starlight. Just promise me to get some actual sleep later, alright?"

"I will, Sukuna. Don't worry." Gojo already felt marginally better by the sound of Sukuna's cute nickname for him.

Yorozu didn't know what to do. Was it weird that she wanted to squeal at how adorable Sukuna and Gojo's interaction was and at the same time wanted to kill herself due to how mushy it was? Urgh, it should've been her, damn it! Sukuna should be talking like that to her. But they're so cute together- wtf Yorozu stop-

After reassuring Sukuna, Gojo scowled at Yorozu, "That's what you wanted all along, isn't it? Your revenge? You don't have to cut my balls off over your trees!"

Yorozu still had her facade on to hide her chaotic thoughts. She didn't know what she was thinking. She needed something else to distract herself. So she continued doing what she's been doing best, annoying Gojo. "Ew, no. I don't want anything to do with your saggy balls."

Gojo looked incredulous. "What- No, they're not-"

"Besides, why do I have to deal with them when Sukuna could just Cleave them off?"

Gojo gasped dramatically and looked at Sukuna, "Sukuna, you wouldn't!"

Sukuna gave Gojo a few pets on the head and replied calmly, "I wouldn't."

Yorozu added, "He would when there was no other way to get you out of the marriage. Do you think Sukuna will let you marry someone else?"

"It wouldn't work anyway. Everyone knows I can use reverse curse technique."

Yorozu was surprised, "You can?"

Gojo sighed, "Yes, Yorozu."

Yorozu crossed her arms, "Well, that's easy. Just say you can't use it on your balls anymore."

Gojo threw his hands up in exasperation, "My clan would never believe that. Even if they accepted that explanation, they would just bring me to the healers with reverse curse technique. I think they have seen enough of my balls for a life-time."

Yorozu raised her eyebrows, "Oh?"

Very Annoyed, Gojo asked, "What?"

"You let your healers see your balls all the time?"

"No! Is that all you get from what I said?"

Yorozu snickered, "How did that happen?"

Gojo huffed, "I don't want to talk about it."

Yorozu looked at Sukuna. Sukuna had glanced away. But Yorozu could see his eyes were practically sparkling in amusement. Aw, so cute. Sukuna's eyes were so expressive.

Then Yorozu realized something. Yorozu laughed, "Oh shit. Sukuna had already done it before, hadn't he? He had Cleaved your balls off so many times that you had to see the healers! Damn, it must've been a hassle to regrow them-"

"No! That's not what happened! Stop talking about my balls!"

Sukuna couldn't hold it anymore. Everything had been so ridiculous since he had been in this room. Sukuna wheezed.

Still sitting in Sukuna's lap, Gojo pouted, "Sukuna, stop laughing. It's not funny."

Sukuna just laughed harder. This was all so stupid! Yorozu laughed along with Sukuna. She believed she was genuinely having a good time for once. Their laughter had lightened up the atmosphere and swept away the frustrations. Gojo couldn't stay annoyed when Sukuna was laughing. His pookie was adorable when he was happy. Eventually, Gojo couldn't help but join in.

They really should be thinking of ways to get Gojo out of the marriage. But for now, they were just three young adults laughing about something as juvenile as balls.


Author's note:

Uraume: It seems no matter whether Gojo cheated or not, I still get to make meatballs. :)
Gojo: NO 😭

purpose of blindfold
Relieve stress on Six Eyes: ❌
Pretend to sleep to eavesdrop: ✔️

Gojo was tired but he didn't trust Yorozu. He wouldn't leave her with Sukuna. So Gojo was just resting in Sukuna's arms while listening to everything.

But now they were bonding over balls(?)

This has already been fully caught up to the updates in ao3. Now they will update simultaneously.

Gonna take a break, probably a few weeks, a bit longer if I'm really busy. But I love this fic too much. So I don't think I'll be gone for too long. See y'all in the next chapter!

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