Aokiji's Heart Torn Between D...

By typhomarangsparl1

29 0 0

Aokiji, a talented 14-year-old Marine, finds himself in an emotional turmoil. As a high-ranking officer, he i... More

About the characters
Chapter two: The aftermath of storms

Chapter one: The fun before the storm

9 0 0
By typhomarangsparl1

A black haired female was sitting on a ship that was currently sailing on a calm ocean and the female smiled and fixed the orange sunglasses and moved them to the top of her hat. The female smiled "Hey kizaru" spoke a brown haired male and the female looked over and nods "hey thatch" spoke kizaru and thatch smiled. A pelican dropped some posters on the ground. Curiosity roused among the crew as they gathered around to see what the pelican had brought. Thatch picked up one of the posters and his expression shifted to one of surprise as his eyes scanned its contents.

The wanted poster depicted Kizaru, capturing her captivating appearance and radiating an air of mystery and power. Her long, flowing black hair framed her face with elegance, and her piercing blue eyes held a glint of determination. The poster also featured her age, clearly stating her youthful seventeen years.

The bounty amount emblazoned on the poster caught everyone's attention, revealing a staggering 6,500,000,000 Berries. The crewmates exchanged astonished glances, realizing the magnitude of Kizaru's perceived threat and the recognition she had gained.

In the picture, Kizaru was shown leaning casually against the mighty figure of Whitebeard, their connection evident. The image spoke volumes about her association with the legendary pirate and the trust he placed in her.

Ace, standing nearby, couldn't contain his amazement. "Whoa, Kizaru! That bounty is insane!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he glanced between Kizaru and the wanted poster. "You've really made a name for yourself!"

Whitebeard, observing the commotion, approached with a proud and gentle smile. "Kizaru, my dear," he spoke, his deep voice brimming with admiration, "your strength and accomplishments have earned you the respect of the world." He placed a hand on her shoulder, conveying his unwavering support. "You are an integral part of our crew, and we stand by you, no matter what challenges lie ahead."

The crew members nodded in agreement, expressing their appreciation for Kizaru's skills and dedication. They understood the significance of her wanted poster, recognizing her as a valuable asset to the Whitebeard Pirates. As the ship sailed onward, the crew basked in the unity and camaraderie that bound them. A male walked over and looked at them "what's all the commotion about" spoke a male and kizaru smiled "hey akainu" spoke kizaru and akainu smiled "hey kizaru" spoke akainu. Ace picked up another poster and his eyes widening in surprise as he scanned its contents. The poster depicted Akainu, also known as Monkey D. Sakazuki, capturing his commanding presence and fierce determination.

Akainu's wanted poster showcased his imposing figure, standing tall and muscular, radiating strength and dominance. His jet-black hair, matching his intense personality, fell sharply around his face, accentuating his piercing eyes filled with a fiery resolve. The poster revealed his age, stating that he was a youthful fifteen years old, further highlighting the tremendous power he possessed at such a young age.

The bounty amount displayed on the poster caught everyone's attention, astonishing the crewmates. It revealed a staggering 5,500,000,000 Berries, testifying to the threat Akainu posed and the recognition he had gained throughout the seas.

In the picture on the wanted poster, Akainu was depicted sitting confidently on the back of Kizaru, emphasizing their close bond within the Whitebeard Pirates. The image showcased their unity and the trust they placed in each other. Garp and Sengoku, legendary figures attempting to capture the duo, were shown in the background, signifying the challenges and opposition they faced.

Marco, taken aback by the revelation, couldn't help but voice his surprise. "Whoa, Akainu! That bounty is on a whole different level!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as he observed the wanted poster. "This is going to make things even more intense for us."

Whitebeard, observing the crew's reaction, approached with a thoughtful expression. "Akainu," he said in his deep and commanding voice, "your strength and determination have not gone unnoticed. The world fears you, but you are a member of this crew, and we will stand by you."

The crew members exchanged glances, acknowledging the significance of Akainu's wanted poster. They understood the power and influence he held, as well as the challenges they would inevitably face as a result. Despite the tension that his strict sense of justice could create, they recognized the value he brought to the Whitebeard Pirates.

As the ship continued its voyage, the crew was filled with a mix of anticipation and determination. They were bound together by their shared loyalty and the unwavering support they offered each other. Kizaru smiled and thatch was amazed on the bounties they all had and akainu sighed and his dragon tail moved side to side and kizaru wolf ears twitched and she stands up and hugs akainu and akainu hugged her back. Akainu wraps his dragon wings around kizaru and smiled. Thatch smiles at them "that is adorable" spoke jozu and akainu ignored him and kizaru let him go and akainu let her go and they went on with the day. 

Akainu sat down and ace suggested they play a game of truth or dare and the others look at them and agreed. "Truth or dare Marco" spoke ace and marco smiled and looked at him and thought about it "dare" spoke Marco and ace thought of what to dare him. "I dare you to walk on the side of the ship" states ace and marco stood up and walked up the side of the ship and stepped on the side and started to walk on it and The watching crew held their breath as Marco carefully placed one foot in front of the other. Nearing the end of his journey, his boot slipped on a patch of slick seaweed. With a gasp, Marco windmilled his arms to keep from falling - a dangerous drop awaited below.

"Woah, be careful!" Ace called out in alarm. Yet before anyone could intervene, Kizaru had vaulted over the rail. She clasped Marco's flailing wrist with a firm yet gentle grip. Grunting with effort, Kizaru hauled Marco back on deck to cheers. Marco shot her a grateful smile. "Thanks for the save. I owe you one." Kizaru shrugged. "We watch each other's backs, that's what family's for." Jozu snorted. "Some dare, Pineapple Head! You almost earned yourself a swan dive." Marco rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Alright, you're up. Truth or dare, big guy?" A gamely gleam entered Jozu's eyes. "Dare, no question." Little did they know, an even greater challenge awaited on the horizon.

Dusk fell over the Moby Dick as the game progressed merrily. Jozu grinned, cracking his massive knuckles in anticipation. "Lay it on me, pineapple," he challenged. "Nothing too mad, y'hear?" Marco's eyes glinted mischievously. "I dare ya to give Thatch a smooch on the cheek!" Jozu's face turned red as a pomegranate. "Aw hell, do I have to?" He shot Thatch an embarrassed glance. Thatch winked, stroking his feathery mustache. "Pucker up, big boy." With a grunt, Jozu leaned in and gave Thatch a resounding smack. The crowd howled with laughter as Thatch wiped his cheek dramatically.

"Truth or dare, Vista?" Jozu called out once the hooting died down. Vista stroked his spiraling mustache thoughtfully. "Truth, I think." "Who was your first crush?" Vista chuckled good-naturedly. "That would be a certain raven-haired beauty who goes by Kizaru." Kizaru flashed a grin. "Guilty as charged. Though things never panned out between us." Her gaze flickered to Akainu playfully. "My heart belonged to another."

Akainu huffed, feigning annoyance while his dragon wings folded around her affectionately. Their close bond was the picture of trust - something this crazy, caring crew shared in spades. No matter the challenges awaiting, their loyalty would see them through. The stars shone bright as laughter and stories flowed freely into the night, cementing the unbreakable bonds between the Whitebeard Pirates. Family was what kept their hearts ablaze.The night deepened as revelry rang out across the deck. Tales of past adventures blended seamlessly into the latest escapades, keeping merriment alight like the stars above.

Akainu watched on with a faint smile, content to let Kizaru's familiar laughter wash over him. Their bond survived all hardship; such simple pleasures only strengthened its flame."Akainu! Your turn," Marco called out merrily. Akainu saw the challenge in steely blue eyes, responding with a smirk. "Dare."Marco's smirk matched his own. "I dare you to give our lady Kizaru a proper goodnight kiss."

Akainu rolled his eyes but complied, pulling Kizaru close as crewmates howled and hollered. Her lips were soft as moonlight against his scaled cheek. "Satisfied?" he rumbled at Marco, wings curling protectively around still-chuckling Kizaru. She nuzzled into his embrace, uncaring of catcalls and grins. Their intimacy sparked none but acceptance from family. As the last laughs died away and yawns took hold, Whitebeard arose. "To your bunks, you rascals! Dawn comes swift." The pirates obeyed, dispersing in pairs or groups through creaking passageways. Akainu and Kizaru lingered last upon the quiet deck, gazing out to star-dusted seas through a blanket of contentment. Whatever trials lay ahead, their bond was ink to weather any storm.The sun rose upon calm seas, bathing the Moby Dick in a rosy glow. Kizaru stirred, eyes lingering on Akainu's slumbering form. Their bond outshone any bounty.

"Kizaru!" called Thatch from above. "Visitors approach!" She climbed swiftly, spying twin specks upon the horizon. As they neared, she recognized friends - fellow rogues Luffy and Law, aboard their humble craft. "Ahoy!" called Luffy cheerfully. "Heard tell of your posters. Congrats!" Law nodded cordially. "Impressive accomplishments for one so young." Kizaru grinned. "It's the company I keep that boosts my threat." She gestured at Akainu, waking now belowdecks. "Speaking of, care to join us for breakfast? I'm sure our chef's fare exceeds your rations."The travelers accepted gladly. Over a hearty meal, tales flowed of their latest exploits, eliciting peals of laughter from all.

When full bellies began to still, Luffy sighed contentedly. "It's been too long since we've had the pleasure of your company, friends. Care to test your skills in a game of Liar's Dice?" The challenge was met with enthusiasm from Whitebeard's children. As dice were gathered and wagers laid, Akainu draped a wing over Kizaru's shoulders. "Shall we destroy them, love?" he rumbled softly. She grinned, fangs flashing. "Without mercy." The games had only begun. High seas and higher spirits awaited!

The dice rolled and wagers flew, as Kizaru and Akainu skillfully bluffed their rivals round after round. Laughter rang out at each revelation, whether victory or defeat.Finally only Luffy and Kizaru remained, the latter's grin growing ever more feral. "All in, rubber boy! Let's see what you've got," she taunted.Luffy matched her challenge, reaching the climax of the game with gusto. Their crews watched with bated breath as the final dice tumbled.

A hush fell. Then - "Five fives! I win!" Kizaru crowed in triumph. Luffy threw back his head and howled. "You got me, you cheat! Rematch tomorrow, you're on!"As evening fell and merrymaking mellowed, Kizaru sought out her beloved Akainu. "Another bounty collected, darling," she whispered, nuzzling into his embrace.Akainu rumbled softly. "As always, your skills dazzle and deceive. Well done, my love." They gazed out at gentle waves beneath a tapestry of stars, secure in the ties binding them.Whatever trials lay beyond the horizon, here was anchorage. With family at their side and trust between them, even the greatest challenges could be weathered with wits and warmth of heart. For now, in each other's arms, all was calm under the watchful eyes of night.

In the morning, kizaru and Akainu walked out of below deck and kizarus wolf ears twitched and Akainu looked up. "A storm is coming, this isn't good Akainu" spoke kizaru and akainu hummed and they worked to prepare the ship for the storm as the crew woke up and helped and thatch brought everyone breakfast and they all ate and smiled. "Thanks thatch" spoke kizaru and thatch nodded and smiled. The storm came and the water was rough hitting the side of the Moby dick and rocking it back and forth and the crew worked to get it under control. 

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