By Carat_Official

47.7K 2.4K 341

Dr. Choi Seungcheol x Dr. Chio Yoon Jeonghan Enemies to Lovers (Rivalry) - Adaptation - Wonder what will happ... More

EP 1 (Season One)
EP 2
EP 3
EP 4
EP 5
EP 6
EP 7
EP 8
EP 9
EP 10
EP 11
EP 12
EP 13
EP 14
EP 15
EP 16
EP 17
EP 18
EP 19
EP 20
Sneak A Peek! Hehe!
EP 21
EP 22
EP 23
EP 24
EP 25
EP 26
EP 27
EP 28
EP 29
EP 30
EP 31
EP 32
Sneak A Peek 2! Hehe!
EP 33
EP 34
EP 35
EP 36
EP 37
EP 38
EP 39
EP 40
EP 41
EP 42
EP 43
EP 44
EP 46
EP 47
EP 48
EP 49
EP 50
EP 51
EP 52
EP 53
EP 54
EP 55
EP 56
EP 57
EP 58
EP 59
EP 60
EP 61
EP 62
EP 63
Ep 64
EP 65
EP 66
EP 67
EP 68
EP 69
EP 70
EP 71
EP 72
EP 73
EP 74
EP 75
EP 76
EP 77 (Season One Finale)
EP 78 (Season 2)
EP 79
EP 80
EP 81
EP 82
EP 83
EP 84
EP 85
EP 86
EP 87
EP 88
EP 89
EP 90
EP 91
EP 92
EP 93
EP 94
EP 95

EP 45

362 24 1
By Carat_Official

- Third Person POV -

Jeonghan sat on his bed with Chow beside him ready to pounce on the freshly washed clothes.

"Why, don't even think about it! I just washed those!" Jeonghan cutely glared at Chow.

"Meow~" Chow gave Jeonghan her classic side eye.

"Nope! Not even the ugly alien pajamas!" Jeonghan took hold of the pajamas Seungcheol had given him. "I still need to give this back, y'know? I'm sure he'll be looking for it."

"Hmm... I wonder if he's home already. What do you think Chow?" Jeonghan asked Chow as he opened the pajamas to look at them once again before placing them aside.


"He wouldn't mind me visiting, would he?" Jeonghan unconsciously blushed cupping his face. "I mean, we're pretty good friends now. Randomly dropping by to give stuff back is perfectly normal."


"Y-Yeah, maybe you're right. It's a little too much. It's fine. Even if he's home, he's most likely tired form the trip."


His laptop showed a notification.

"Huh?" Jeonghan turned to look at his laptop on the table.

"A friend request? Already I made this account just a few minutes ago..." He reached out to the keyboard. "...Maybe it's a mutual."

It was a friend request from Yeon-ee.

Without a second thought, Jeonghan clicked on delete and smiled proudly.

And then he panicked.

'W-Wait?! Why did I just... ...I deleted it without thinking! Why would she send me a friend request though? Is it about work? Yeah, it's probably about the old clinic. Should I add her back? No, an email to her clinic would be professional... But why did she do that in the first place?!'

"Ugh... Do I really have to deal with his right now?" Jeonghan held his face groaning.



Yes... Chow was... Yawning as she stretched out the alien pajamas with her paws... Yes... The one Seungcheol gave Jeonghan.

"What did I just tell you?" Jeonghan wanted to scold Chow, but he was too cute. "Look you've got fur all over it."

Nevertheless, Jeonghan smiled standing up with the help of his crutches.

"Alright! Let's give it back!" He chuckled.


"You know how the saying goes... 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder!' We can't let my poor heart grow any fonder right?"


"You're a cat. You can't judge me!"


Up on reaching the Seungcheol's front door.

"The lights are on that means he's home..." Jeonghan knocked on the door twice as he fixed his hair smiling.

"Eh?" The door opened.

"Hi!" Mingyu greeted Jeonghan.

"Oh, you must be Cheol's friend, the one he picked up from the airport. Mingyu, was it?" Jeonghan smiled.

"Yeah, that's me. Kim Mingyu, pleased to meet you." Mingyu proudly pointed at himself mentally noting that Jeonghan was indeed one attractive man.

"Um... Chio Yoon Jeonghan." Jeonghan gulped admiring Mingyu's tall and god-shaped figure.

"Oh?! Choi? You must be Cheol's relative! A cousin perhaps?" Mingyu played around. "I don't think I've met you before, do you live around here?"

"O-Oh god no... It's Chio. C H I O. We're not related." Jeonghan moved his hands as much as he could. "But yes, I live next door actually. I moved here because I opened a vet clinic nearby."

"Oh! It's you! You're the vet!" Mingyu looked like an excited puppy with his hands in the air.


"Cheol told me so many stories about you! I've been looking forward to meeting you!" Mingyu hugged Jeonghan.

"I-Is that so? What kind of stories?" Jeonghan patted Mingyu's shoulder wanting him to let go.

"like how you were ready to start WW3 then he pointed out your forehead. I almost died laughing while he talked about it. He's so mean! But if you ask me, you totally could pull off that big forehead look! It really suits you!"

(~A: Okay I genuinely want to tape Mingyu's mouth! Like what is wrong with you!)

"Alright, that's enough." Jeonghan pushed Mingyu off him.


"I'm just here for Cheol. Where is he?"

"He dosed off on the sofa but I'm sure he'll wake up soon. Why don't you come in?" Mingyu smiled.

"N-No, it's okay. I'll just come back another time."

"We're having dinner soon. It'd be great if you could join us!"

"Sorry, I have plans for tonight."

"Han? Is that you?" Seungcheol yawned popping from behind Mingyu.

"Cheol! Just in time!" Mingyu glanced at Seungcheol.

"Hey! What are you doing out there? Come on in! Oh, and you should stay over for dinner, Mingyu's cooking!" Seungcheol beamed even in his tired state.

"Yeah. That's what I asked him..." Mingyu raised a finger. "...Too bad he's busy."

"Sure! That sounds fun!" Jeonghan smiled walking past Mingyu as he purposely bumped his shoulder with him.

"Oh? A sudden change of plan?" Mingyu gave a nervous chuckle.

Jeonghan simply turned his head and smirked.

"Heh~ So that's how it is..." Mingyu quickly understood what was going on. "...Interesting."


Missed me, babies?

Well, guess what!

I missed you too, cuties! >3<




If you have a second then please do ⭐️ Vote and Comment!

It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 883



Ask for permission before translating!



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