To Find What is Lost

By Youbethinkywingblurb

25.3K 1.6K 1.5K

Find is the story of a certain son of Hades, dragged out of his almost perfect life to attend a crazy magic s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Smiling
Chapter 2: Hades
Chapter 3: Goodbye
Chapter 4: Malfoy
Chapter 5: Sorting
Chapter 6: Oracle
Chapter 7: Blueprint
Chapter 8: Crush
Chapter 9: IM
Chapter 10: Library
Chapter 11: Help
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Argument
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 15: Avoiding
Chapter 16: Ron
Chapter 17: Ball
Chapter 18: Royalty
Chapter 19: Permission
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Confused
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Oggling
Chapter 24: Soul
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Arriving
Chapter 28: Knowing
Chapter 29: Shopping
Chapter 30: Snowballs
you're really sick of not having a choice
Chapter 31: Spying
Chapter 32: Obliviate
Chapter 33: Coward
Chapter 34: Gorgeous
Chapter 35: Speech
Chapter 36: Perfect
Chapter 37: Vision
Chapter 38: Door
Chapter 39: Tear
Chapter 40: Hogwash
Chapter 41: Traitor
Chapter 42: History
Chapter 43: Knowledge
Chapter 44: Unbound
Chapter 45: Silence
Chapter 46: Nothingness
Chapter 47: Stalling
Chapter 48: Love
Thanks Guys ;)

you never have a choice

460 20 11
By Youbethinkywingblurb

Dear readers!!! This isn't really a chapter it's just kind of a... idrk a something XD. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it because I'm actually going on holiday again! Today! *dodges bullets* Okay ik sorry I just started posting regularly and it's all blown off into the nether realm, what can one girl do against her parents' desires to regularly go abroad? Lol, just joking mum if you're reading this: love u <3 Anyway, I will try to post sometime but we're away for a week so if you don't get any new chapters in that time DON'T WORRY!! I'M NOT DEAD!! Gonna leave you in peace now with this deliciously short and question-evoking tit bit, pls remember to vote/comment I'd love to hear what you guys think especially of this particular part- Emmi


You are walking silently, down the corridor and right; left, right, right again, left again.

The door is there, huge, dark, oak, just the same as it was last time you came.

You hesitate.

She is behind that door. She is waiting for you. Reports, the thought makes you sick. Reports. That's all she cares about; the stupid mission, and stupid reports.

Why did you ever make this deal in the first place?

The answer to that is obvious:

You had to.

You had no choice.

You never have a choice.

"Come in."

Even her voice makes you feel nauseous. You open the door. There she is.

"Tell me everything."

You do.

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