Rumours ~ Ruikasa

Door m3naa_

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Before Wonderlands x Showtime happened to him, Rui had always felt so alone (apart from when he was with eith... Meer

Meeting Kamishiro!
Welcome to the band, Rui!β˜†
Realization, Development and Breakout
Lies and Understanding
Breaking The Ice
If Only You Knew...
'Just Friends', You Say...?
Things Sure Have Changed, Haven't They...
The Truth Comes Out
An Important Witness
All The Same Source
Opening Up To Each Other
Signs, Practice With The Troupe And Asking For Advice!β˜†
Bonus: Chaotic Confusion
In America!~
It's Been Years Since I Last Saw You...
Wait, No! Mom, That Would Be Incest!
Not A Chapter!
Are You Done Rotting Yet, Nene?
Our First Big Show And A Conversation That Had To Be Had!
Goodbye, America!
Back To School!
None Of It Was Real...?
The Sort Of Ending We've All Been Wishing For
Thank You For Reading!
Welcome To Nene's Daily Struggles!

The Question We've Both Been Wanting To Ask

366 11 270
Door m3naa_

It the morning, and today was tomorrow.

Those two facts were enough to get Tsukasa out of bed. He quickly got changed and rushed downstairs to look for Toya. After all, Toya could probably give him some advice on how to not mess up a first date.

He's been on a date before, right?

Halfway down the stairs, Tsukasa spotted Saki, who was munching on a sandwich that was her breakfast, and Toya, who was minding his own business on the couch.


"TOYAAA!!" Tsukasa jumped onto the blue-haired boy, who had been peacefully flipping through the pages of a thick chapter book—before he had been assaulted by the future star.

     Saki got startled and choked on her food, coughing and patting her hand against her chest. She only coughed more after she downed a glass of water.

Toya fell onto his side under Tsukasa's weight, closing his book and hugging it against his chest quickly to prevent any damage from being inflicted to its precious, perfect, pure-white pages.

Tsukasa landed on top of Toya in an uncomfortable position with his face buried in the cushions of the furniture.

Well, isn't this pleasant. A face-full of couch. Wonderful way to start the morning. Also, I think I'm squashing Toya's face.

"Please, Tsukasa!" Toya said in a voice muffled by Tsukasa's chest in his face. "Careful, I got this from the library! We can't damage it!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Tsukasa said, his voice subdued from his face being smushed into the couch cushions. Tsukasa sat up and got off of Toya before continuing. "I'm just kind of freaking out right now! I need your help!"

Toya sat up with a sigh. "What is it?" He asked, combing his fingers through his hair, which Tsukasa had messed up by barrelling into him.

Tsukasa abruptly placed both of his hands onto Toya's shoulders, making the blue-haired boy flinch.

"You've been on a date before, right?" Tsukasa looked Toya in the eyes seriously.

"You're going on a date?" Toya asked incredulously, unintentionally insulting Tsukasa.

     "Wait, what?" Saki stared at Tsukasa. "He is?"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Tsukasa frowned, his heart dropping into his stomach. "Is it really that hard to believe?"

"No, I didn't mean to insult you!" Toya shook his head. "But, to answer your question, yes, I have. It was more of a chill and casual one, though, and I'm pretty sure you're going to want to go all out to make it perfect."

Tsukasa sighed. "You know me too well," He rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess it won't be of any use to ask you, then."

"I thought so," Toya smiled at Tsukasa. "Sorry I couldn't help you."

     "It's fine," Tsukasa said dismissively. "I'll figure it out!" The blonde ran back up to his room.

     Toya nodded even though he knew the blonde couldn't see it, then turned his attention back to his book, flipping through its pages to find the one he was at before Tsukasa had attacked him. He stopped at his page and began to softly hum the song Mirai while reading.


Rui was talking to Mizuki again in the school hallway. About what? Random shit, of course! That's what they do!

"No, but, seriously, Lil' Bro was so scared!" Mizuki giggled uncontrollably as they tried to recount their anecdote to Rui. "His scream was more high-pitched than his sister's, I swear!"

"Poor Shinonome-san," Rui laughed. "You're such a menace, Mizuki."

     "Proud to be one!" Mizuki said with a confident grin spread across their lips.

     Of course you are.

"Rui!" Tsukasa went over to his friend and reached out his arms, making grabby hands.

     Rui felt like another one of Cupid's arrows was shot into his heart as his eyes met Tsukasa's. He felt his face warming up.

     Too cute!

     "Good morning, Tsukasa-kun!" Rui wrapped his arms around Tsukasa and pulled him in close.

     "Remember, I have to pick you up two hours after school ends." Tsukasa nuzzled into Rui's chest. "You're not allowed to forget. I won't let you."

     "Of course I won't forget about it," Rui smiled down at Tsukasa.

     "Stop making me feel like a lonely and single third wheel, idiots," Mizuki crossed their arms in a pout before sighing dramatically. "Oh, where's Ena when you need her?"

     Rui let go of Tsukasa, who frowned. "Okay, stop whining, Mizuki," The alchemist said.

     "Says you!" Mizuki glared at Rui, exhaling a puff of air indignantly. "You're always whining about how, um..." They pressed their lips into a thin line. "About... things."

     "Sure," Rui chuckled. "At least I don't whine about it when Tsukasa-kun isn't with me. Well, not out loud. Albeit I do think about him a lot."

Mizuki raised an eyebrow.

     Tsukasa blinked at Rui and tugged at the alchemist's arm. "You're seriously going to say that like I'm not here at all?"

     "What do you mean?" Rui tilted his head at Tsukasa. "I didn't say anything bad. You already know how I feel about you. What's there to hide?"

     "Yeah, thanks for the reminder," Tsukasa's cheeks turned red and he paused for a short moment. "I love you, Rui."

     Mizuki let out a whiney groan that was ignored by Rui. He was too occupied with being gay to say anything about it.

     The purple-haired boy smiled at Tsukasa, blushing. "I love you, too," He said in response. "But where did that come from?"

     Tsukasa looked down at the floor, locking his fingers together. "I guess I wanted to try saying it first this time."

     "Aww, how cute!" Mizuki said sarcastically. "Me and who?"

     Oh, shut up.

     "Figure it out," Rui said, mischievously glancing at his pink-haired friend. "Don't stop me from having my moments because you can't have yours."

     I'm sure Nene would've called you bitchless by now.

     Tsukasa tried and failed to stifle his laughter.

     "Haha, ouch!" Mizuki laughed. "So cruel, and for what?"

     Rui shrugged. "The opportunity was given, and I took it. It's as simple as that."

     "Oh, drop the act!" Mizuki said with a grin, placing their hands on their hips. "You just like making fun of me!"

     Rui laughed. "Maybe!"


     Classes dragged by slowly. Recess felt like it had taken years to come, and when it finally did, it wasn't a very enjoyable one at first.

     Akane had returned that day, and he was definitely not the happiest. When he found Tsukasa, he abruptly pinned him to the lockers, startling the blonde. Tsukasa's wrists ached from being pressed against the metal.

     Crap! Why's he here?!

     "A—Akane?!" Tsukasa's eyes widened and he tried to fight back against the taller male's grip. "Back already, huh?"

He's too strong for me! What do I do now?!

     "Shut up, Tenma," Akane said through gritted teeth.

Tsukasa stopped struggling against Akane. His body temperature began to rise steeply and his breathing became shallow.

     "Dude, back off," Ai said, their hands trembling.

Ai? What are you doing?! Go away!

"Or what, shrimp?" Akane shot the student a piercing glare.

"Just stop!" Ai stepped closer to Akane, shaking more and more with every step.

"You're shakin' like a leaf," Akane sneered at them. "Ya don't actually wanna defend this guy, do ya? You're just tryna look good."

A small crowd started to gather around the three students while the others all steered clear of the fight.

     Really? This interests you guys?

"No!" Ai inhaled sharply and stood up tall. "Leave Tsukasa alone!"

Akane rolled his eyes and ignored Ai's brave attempts.

"Let's see what happens when your beloved crush thinks you're the one doing this to me." Akane whispered nastily into Tsukasa's ear, making the blonde's stomach give a horrible wrench.

     Great, thanks, Akane. I did want the whole grade to know about my huge crush on Rui, thank you very much for asking.

"Pause. Crush? Okay, not important. Akane, what are you—" Ai cut themselves off with their own shocked gasp as another loud, metallic clang could be heard.

In one swift movement, Akane had thrown himself against the lockers, swinging Tsukasa into the position he had been in before. That being done, Akane slid his hands up to Tsukasa's fists and wrapped them around the blonde's firmly closed fingers.

Now, it looked like Tsukasa was the one pinning Akane.

     Oh no.

"All that's left is to make sure Rui sees this," Akane smiled at Tsukasa. "And he'll leave ya when he realizes he's been wrong about me this whole time. That he's been wrong about ya. He'll see how much better I am than ya!"

Tsukasa felt like the smile he'd received from Akane had injected some sort of poison into his veins.

     "Akane, this is so messed up!" Ai's voice cracked as they spoke.

     "Wait, what? No!" Tsukasa started to panic even more. "H—Haha, I mean—as if Rui would leave me like that!"

     "Ya mean, the way he so easily left me?" Akane said, making Tsukasa's eyes widen. "Don't think he'll treat ya any different, worm."

Tsukasa was taken over with a feeling of hopelessness and his heart shattered as it dropped from his chest and onto the ground.

     Wait, no... He wouldn't—he had a reason to leave Akane!

     "Suzuki!" Rui emerged from the crowd of students. "Leave Tsukasa-kun alone!"

The steps Rui took were firm and quick. It wasn't long before the alchemist was beside Tsukasa and Akane, who looked up at Rui with a false pleading expression on his face. Tsukasa felt a spark of hope deep down.

"Ah, so ya stopped wearin' the contacts, didja?" Akane's fake emotion was washed away and was replaced by a smirk.

"Shut up." Rui snapped at Akane before looking at Tsukasa.

     Oh no!

"Rui!" Tsukasa cried desperately. "It's not what it looks like, I promise!"

"No, don't listen to him!" Akane said with perfect acting. "Can't ya see that it's exactly what it looks like?"

How is he this good at acting?! I'm screwed!

Rui glared at Akane, leaned over the two and pried Akane's hands off of Tsukasa's with little struggle. Rui took Tsukasa's hand and pulled the blonde away from Akane.

Rui looks angry. He can't he angry at me, right? There's no way he believes Akane's lies!

Tsukasa was saying this to himself, yet why was he convinced otherwise...? The victorious smirk Tsukasa had seen on Akane's face before Rui took him away made his heart sink.

"Kamishiro, Akane's lying!" Ai said hurriedly as Rui continued taking the blonde away from Akane.

Some other students from the crowd took inspiration from Ai and called out sentences that suggested the same thing.

Rui ignored Ai and the others and he looked at Tsukasa. The alchemist looked angrier than Tsukasa had ever seen him before. Finally, Rui stopped at a spot where there were less people in the hallway and crossed his arms.

"Rui, I promise I didn't do anything to him!" Tsukasa desperately whispered to Rui, clasping both of the alchemist's hands in his. "Please, don't leave me!"

"I know, Tsukasa-kun," Rui's expression became slightly less angry as he whispered back to Tsukasa while squeezing his hands. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at him."

Tsukasa felt his fear wash away as a flood of relief came and replaced it. He started to smile. Rui cupped Tsukasa's cheek in his hand and put the other on Tsukasa's hip.

Students began to whisper again.

     Ai caught up to the two boys.

"W—Wait, Kamishiro, what are you..." Ai let their voice trail off as they realized. "Oh."

Ai got Rui's attention, but they soon dismissed him with a floppy wave of their hand before skipping away while humming Darling Dance.

Now slightly confused, Rui turned back to Tsukasa.

"I know you wouldn't do something like that," Rui said, smiling back at his blonde friend. "I won't ever leave you. I will always be by your side."

Tsukasa's heart fluttered. "Thank—"

The next thing Tsukasa felt was Rui's lips on his. The blonde closed his eyes and didn't stop it from happening. Tsukasa's stomach started to do somersaults while the butterflies started to float up from their slumber and frolicking around in it again.

     He's kissing me! Again! Oh my God!

Several exclamations and gasps could be heard from the people watching.

Akane, who had been watching from a distance, turned and walked away, putting on a poker face, but the aggressiveness of the way he was walking gave it all away.

Rui's lips were warm and soft, just like they had been when he and Tsukasa shared their first kiss back in America. This kiss was longer than their first, though.

Tsukasa didn't want to break away just yet. He wrapped his arms around Rui's waist and pulled him in closer so that their bodies were touching.

     I don't want it to end yet. Kiss me more, you pretty weirdo.

     The kiss lasted for six more seconds before Rui pulled away, his cheeks stained with a pink tint. The alchemist took his hands off of the blonde, who let his arms slide off of Rui and back to his sides. Tsukasa's face was red.

     "A—Another one already?" Tsukasa said with a trembling voice, trying to act confident when he was, in reality, having a gay panic. "Wow, you really can't resist me."

     Rui chuckled. "I really can't." He said jokingly, but somehow, Tsukasa knew that Rui had also meant it.


     "MOM! MOM, I'M GOING OUT!" Tsukasa called hastily, rushing all over the house. "JUST LETTING YOU KNOW 'CAUSE I GOTTA GO SOON!"

"Oh? At this time?" Ms. Tenma laughed as she saw her son running around. "You're dressed more nicely than usual. Why are you running all over the place?"

     Tsukasa looked down at his clothes for a second before sighing.

     These clothes looked casual to me.

"I can't find the hair comb." Tsukasa answered, looking through every drawer that came to view. "Do you know where it is? I swear it vanished."

     Where the heck is that thing?!

     "Why are you looking for it?" Ms. Tenma said with a new teasing ring in her voice. Tsukasa guessed that she already knew perfectly well why he needed it, she just wanted to hear him say it with his own mouth.

Please, just tell me where it is!

"He's going on a date!" Saki told her mother. "He said so this morning! He didn't say who the girl is, though."

     Yeah, 'the girl'. It's not like I'm attracted to boys or anything.

Ms. Tenma gave Saki a look whose meaning was something neither she nor Tsukasa could figure out, but the boy guessed that it had to do with himself liking people of the same sex.

Right, I never told Saki...

"You're going on a date, and you forgot to tell me? Your mother?" Ms. Tenma faked some chokes and some sobs.

"Actually, I did forget!" Tsukasa said. "I'm gonna message you a bit before I get back from the date, okay?"

"Okay," His mother chuckled. "Who are you going out with? Kamishiro?"

"Yeah!" Tsukasa answered quickly without pausing his search, despite the smile that formed on his lips and the way his heart skipped a beat.

"Ooh! I told you he liked you back!" Ms. Tenma smirked.

Yeah, I know that now, thanks!

"Wait, Kamishiro as in your male friend?" Saki sounded surprised. "You like boys?"

     Only now you're realizing that I like guys? Even when I was three, I'm pretty sure I had at least a hundred crushes that were on male cartoon characters.

     Tsukasa scrunched up his face at that uncomfortable thought.

     ...Okay, well, that's different. No need to bring up those unpleasant memories.

"Not important!" Tsukasa said, giving up on trying to find the comb and adjusting the locks of his hair with delicate fingers instead. "Bye!"

One moment ago, he had been in front of the mirror fixing his hair, but the next, he was at the door and leaving already.

"Have fun!~" Ms. Tenma called after her son from the doorway as he walked down the street—using the sidewalk, of course.

     Tsukasa turned backwards while walking and smiled at her. "I will!"

     Ms. Tenma smiled back at her son, and Tsukasa whirled back around so that he was walking properly again.

     Tsukasa had a smile on his face as he walked to Rui's house to pick him up. Tsukasa tried to make it look like he wasn't trying too hard to make his date with Rui perfect right down to the last detail—perfect, just like the alchemist himself was in Tsukasa's opinion.

When he arrived in front of the house, Tsukasa began to feel nervous. He swallowed and he walked up to the door ringing the doorbell.

It didn't take long before the door opened. It wasn't Rui that opened the door, but his mother.

Ms. Kamishiro?!

"Oh, Tenma!" The woman smiled at the boy. "Come on in!"

Does she not know about mine and Rui's date? Oh, well. I guess it won't kill me to talk to her for a little while.

She let Tsukasa in and decided to speak to him. "You're here to see Rui?" Ms. Kamishiro tilted her head.

"Yeah," Tsukasa said, a shade of light pink dusting his cheeks as they grew warmer.

Rui appeared in the room.

"Mom, who—" Rui stopped talking as he saw Tsukasa. His eyes began to sparkle. "Tsukasa-kun!"

Tsukasa's heart jumped at the sight of his friend.

"Rui!" Tsukasa outstretched his arms, smiling.

Rui ran over and hugged his friend, who gave him a short kiss on the cheek while blushing. Rui placed a hand over the spot Tsukasa had kissed and the two let go of each other.

"Aww!" Ms. Kamishiro said. "Rui, you never told me you were having Tenma over. I could have prepared something!"

"No, no," Tsukasa said. "We were supposed to go out, anyway."

Rui nodded, lowering his hand back down to his side.

"On a date?" Ms. Kamishiro asked, pressing her hands together. "Rui! Why didn't you tell me?"

Tsukasa blinked at the woman.

She immediately assumed it was a date! Does she know we like each other?

Rui blushed. "Um... I was, but I think I forgot to. Sorry."

"Oh, it's alright!" Ms. Kamishiro said with a friendly smile. "You two go ahead! Have fun!"

Rui smiled at his mother. "Thanks!" He looked at Tsukasa. "Let's go!"

Rui and Tsukasa waved goodbye to Rui's mother and the blonde, feeling a bit brave, took Rui's hand. The alchemist returned the action and held Tsukasa's hand firmly.

"Where are we going?" Rui asked Tsukasa.

"That's a surprise," The future star answered, a playful smile on his face. "I know you'll like it."

"I trust that you do," Rui lovingly smiled at Tsukasa and gave his hand a squeeze.

     Tsukasa broke his gaze by looking down at the ground. His face became hot.

     Too pretty. Stop that.

     Apparently, Tsukasa had said that out loud, because Rui replied to it with laughter.

     "Wait, I said that?" Tsukasa looked up at Rui, his eyes wide. "Like, with words? Not in my head but with my mouth?"

     Rui's eyes met Tsukasa's. "You did." He said.

     Tsukasa blinked. "Well, it's true." He said softly, making Rui blush.

     The alchemist was speechless and Tsukasa could feel his friend's body heat rising gradually.

"You're pretty, too." Rui said finally.

Tsukasa's breath hitched in his throat and he held Rui's hand tighter. Tsukasa blushed intensely at the compliment. He was struggling to find something to say.


     "Thank you," Tsukasa whispered to his crush.


    "No need to thank me for stating a fact." Rui said, his voice smooth and stable even though he was flustered.

"I have no idea how you manage to stay so composed," Tsukasa laughed.

"Oh, I'm actually a mess," Rui grinned. "I'm not as expressive as you are, but I feel the emotions intensely."

The two continued to talk to each other as the sunlight became increasingly dim by the minute. The streets had been splashed with a shade of blue as the sun fell below the rooftops, hiding itself away. The peaceful weather and the busy, car-filled city streets complimented each other.

Two fun hours passed, and the sunlight was long gone, but neither of the two boys missed it. The street lamps were on and the amount of cars passing the pair was considerably lower than it had been in the first hour of their date.

It's the perfect time!

"Rui, I need to take you somewhere," Tsukasa grabbed his friend's hand and tugged him along as he ran. "Trust me, just follow! You'll love it!"

I hope he will, at least. But what if he's not ready...?

Rui gripped Tsukasa's hand and decided to trust him. "Okay, but slow down!" The alchemist laughed.

The blonde slowed down. He couldn't keep a smile off his face. Not while knowing the question he was going to ask and while knowing that the answer would most likely be 'yes'.

     Tsukasa dragged Rui around the city until the streets became paths and the buildings became bushes and the street lights disappeared. The rough tapping of their feet against the concrete became the subdued tmp sound of their steps on wood.

     The future star slowed his pace down to a walk, and so did Rui. The two were out of breath, but it didn't change a thing, as the view was just as capable of stealing their breath right out of their lungs.

     It's perfect.

Rui squeezed Tsukasa's hand as he gazed up at the sky. "The stars..." Rui breathed.

     Tsukasa had taken Rui to a place where there were no lights, no tall buildings and no people. It was a peaceful and secluded boardwalk, where there were no light sources near. The stars shone in the sky. The sight amazed both boys, albeit the glow of the stars was quite weak.

     "I know, right?" Tsukasa turned his head to Rui. "It's beautiful. Like you."

     Rui took his eyes off of the sky and locked gazes with Tsukasa. The latter admired the way the moonlight made the alchemist look like he was glowing, and the way it illuminated half of his face while the other half remained submerged in darkness. The way it outlined Rui's hair and the way it highlighted each lock. The way it made his eyes shimmer beneath the moon.

     This is it, Tsukasa. Do it. Ask him now.

     "Rui, will you be my boyfriend?" He said, giving Rui's hand a squeeze.



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