The last avenger

By Anabell_Strange

132 13 0

The story is about a girl who was born when the 9 realms were in one line because of this she have all povers... More

1. My birthday
2. a "totally" normal day
4. The view from Erin
5. Asgard
6. The Rescue of Erin
7. There is more in the Universe
8. Natasha
9. A glimpse into the past
10. The fear
11. Nightmares
12. a long day
13. Time for a change
14. A small united family

15. Dreams?

1 0 0
By Anabell_Strange

We closed the door behind us and started tidying up the living room. It was nice to know that a family had reunited. I went upstairs and began brushing my teeth. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized I hardly ever used my powers, not like my father. He uses his powers almost in every situation, which I find somewhat strange. I mean, I have all the powers of the universe, while he only uses the powers he's learned. I probably have had my powers since birth, but they only manifested in a moment of danger, unfortunately not allowing me to discover my true powers. As cool as the powers are, they also come with many disadvantages. Because of my powers, I had to fight against Thanos, whom even Ironman couldn't defeat.

I rinsed my mouth as my father stood in the doorway behind me. I turned around, and he said, "You wanted to tell me about your dreams?" "Yes," I replied. "I think I know why I keep dreaming about the Blip all the time. My guess is that the Blip represents an irreversible turning point in the lives of almost all Anabell Strange variants, and the variants, including myself, had no opportunity to develop our powers." My father nodded, and I continued, "So, I'm not exactly sure why I dream about it so often, but I don't think I can change it. One thing I also wonder is why I'm having these dreams at this particular time. Why now?" My father looked at me, and I couldn't quite decipher his expression. It was a mix of confusion, fear, and somehow pride, although I didn't know what he could be proud of. One reason could be that I partially understand the connection between the universes, but that's not really the case. I've just repeated things he's told me before, nothing more.

He began to speak, "Perhaps you're dreaming of these things now because they're happening at this time in other universes. The multiverse is vast, and the timelines don't run parallel to each other." I interrupted him and said, "I've also noticed that my variants not only received their powers at different times but also for different reasons. I got my powers because of another attack by the Frost Giants, while another variant, who grew up in the Red Room, developed her powers from a different dangerous situation. I also wonder if there's an Anabell Strange where the powers manifested due to a positive situation."

I stopped talking and looked at my father. The Blip feels both like it was ages ago and like it was just yesterday. One thing that somehow scares me is that the Blip somehow laid the groundwork for the endgame, the fight against a Titan with all the Infinity Stones. I also have to fight against him, even though it will be a fight that wasn't part of the future my father saw back then.

Just as I was about to lie down, the doorbell rang. I opened a portal leading to the entrance and opened the door. Erin stood there and said, "Guess who's back?" She took off her shoes and jacket, already in her pajamas. So, we went back through the portal to my room and sat on my bed.

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