RWBY: Crimson Eyes

De The_S_Trio

187 2 0

The God Of Darkness along the same time as his older brother the God of Light gave humanity eyes with the abi... Mai multe

1-1-Enter Hirozashi Sukuni

1-2-Pre Shining Beacon

41 0 0
De The_S_Trio

Location - Apartment Complex, Vale

It was now the day after Hirozashi met Ruby, and when Ruby met Hirozashi, the red-eyed teen was asleep in his room, snoring away with a peaceful look on his face. In his room, there were various pictures of him when he was much younger, two of them being pictures of him holding some sort of silver trophy with the words "Mistral's Youngest Champion" engraved on it. Two people an adult woman with red hair and an adult man with black hair could be seen in the pictures lifting him up with proud smiles on their faces as they lifted the young boy into the air.

These two people being his parents.

And there were other pictures too, with him and a certain red hair girl standing side by side on a podium both of them smiling and posing with one another. 


The sound of an alarm going off can be heard all around the room making Hirozashi groan as he tapped the alarm clock ceasing its function before then getting up with a dull look on his face, his red eyes blank until he rubbed his eyes adjusting them to the sun light beaming into his room.

"Oh man... Didn't get a nightmare this time... Neat." He said with a sigh of relief, taking his sheet off of himself and standing up, stretching with a yawn.

"Ookay~... Time to start the day." He grins, walking over to the door until.



His scroll pings notifying him of a notification, clicking his tongue he waltzes over to the mobile device, grabbing it, tapping it a few times and looking at its screen to see what it's notifying him of.

"A text? From the old man?" He says confused, he shrugs before tapping the screen reading the text as he made his way towards the bathroom.

["Rememebr Mr. Sukuni, at three in the afternoon you are to be at Beacon by three in the afternoon, so its recommended you get there by half past two or less."] 

Reading the text, he tilted his head in confusion. "What is this guy... Oh wait." He palmed his face, remembering what happened yesterday.


Both Hirozashi and Ruby looked at Ozpin in shock at what the old man had just asked, neither could believe he had just asked them for an early join into Beacon... An amazing, rare opportunity for the two of them. Since both wanted nothing more than to become huntsman and huntress alike. Though for differing reasons.

"Old man... Did, did I mishear you? Did you just... Give us an early invite to Beacon?" Hirozashi asked with disbelief, his eyes wide in shock something that is quite uncommon for someone like him.

And Glynda who was watching on, initially against the idea was quite amused by the boy's shock as was Ozpin who let out a hearty chuckle.

"Percisly, I am giving you two the chance to join Beacon earlier than usual." He said, glancing at the both of them.

Ruby getting over her shock with a bright excited smile on her face nodded. "Yeah! I wanna join Beacon more than anything! It's dream..." The girl said with an overjoyed expression, accepting without thought.

As for Hirozashi he was a little suspicious wanting to know why the old man gave them such an early join, he folded his arms looking down in thought. Everyone in the room glanced over at him awaiting his agreement or disagreement.

"Ozpin..." Calling him by his "name" surprised both Glynda and Ruby since he seemed to usually call him old man... But as for Ozpin he just continued to smile.

"Yes, Mister Sukuni?" He responded, interlocking his fingers as he faced the boy who raised his head a bit to look at the sitting form of the man.

The red eyed teen tilted his head to the side with a small hum of thought for his question he's about to ask.

"I appreciate the offer; I really do hell I even agree to it... But I wanna know why? Why do Ruby and I get an early join? It seems unfair to those who've worked hard to even be invited into Beacon just be overshadowed by some kids a year and two younger than them, don't you think?" 

The question surprised Ruby and even Glynda who slowly began to look at the boy in a new light... She honestly thought he would of just accepted and bragged about how he deserved it more than anyone else... But he's actually being selfless for once?

"It would seem Sukuni has actually had me fooled." She thought looking at the boy incredulously. "Or... is this just him acting like it?" 

Ruby hearing the boy's words also began to think about it, it did seem quite unfair for them to get an early join... And it was strange too. " I mean I'm waay too young to even be going to Beacon... Sure I can fight really well and all that... But, isn't there more to it than that?" She wondered, looking down in thought.

As for Ozpin he kept his calm gaze and smile, feeling a little proud at the boy for not immediately blindly accepting his deal... Shows he's not as naive or as easily fooled as he was so long ago.

"You do have a point. It is unfair... However, is it really?" The man asked.

Hirozashi rose an eyebrow at the response. "What do you mean?" He asked shaking his head holding his hands up in confusion.

Ozpin chuckled as he stood up with a small grunt. "You and Ruby aren't like the rest at all... Your growths are far higher than you both think. Not only are you both prodgies both you both are very lucky though you would both say otherwise... I disagree." The man further explained, walking over and placing a hand on Hirozashi's shoulder with a warm smile.

The boy glanced at him before looking over at Ruby. The girl, noticing his gaze, looked away with a small blush but occasionally glanced back at him, but he wasn't specifically looking at her; he was looking at her eyes. Those familiar eyes that he can't remember for some reason, but he can feel power behind him—similar to his own but more... PURE.

He then glanced back at Ozpin who was still looking at him with that charming smile he's usually known.

"Hm, it's not just about us being "prodgies" is it? It's something else." He says with a narrowed gaze.

Ozpin just smiled back at him and snorted before turning from his looking over at Ruby.

"Hmhmhm, how "perspective" of you Mister Sukuni, it is not just about your natural talents... You also both have incredible but very rare abilities... One of you knows about them. And the other... doesn't." He states before walking back to his seat and sitting down glancing up at Hirozashi who now his arms had crossed with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Do you know what those abilities are? Miss Rose, Mister Sukuni?" The man asked, glancing at the both of them.

Ruby thinking about it shook her head with a shrug. "Uh... No. I'm lost, what ability do I have exactly? I mean you're not talking about my semblance, right?" She asked with a nervous chuckle, a little embarrassed she doesn't know what he means.

As for Hirozashi he knows exactly what the man is talking about, but he isn't sure if he should reveal it now out in the open.

"I know what you're talking about... But seriously is that all the reasonings you have to give an early join to Beacon?" He asked with a scowl.

Glynda scowled back at the boy. "Fix your tone and your face. Mister Sukuni, honestly when I thought you had actually grown you go right back to being a child." The woman scolded.

Hirozashi rolled his eyes ignoring her about to retort before Ozpin chided in.

"Mister Sukuni, that is my reasonings. And though you may think them dull or cliche... The Grimm have been getting stronger along with that she has been gaining new and more powerful recruits over these last few years... Along with the great war crippling most of Human and Faunus alike's military..." The man paused before looking up at the boy who had a more serious look on his face now.

"We will need ALL the help we can get. So, what do you say? Mister Sukuni." The man asks once more.

Hirozashi had his eyes down thinking about it for a moment before glancing over at Ruby. He wanted to know more about the girl and why she seemed familiar to someone he knew before.

He let out a soft sigh scratching the back of his head and offering Ozpin a tired smile.

"Sure... Why not."


Hirozashi chuckled remembering how he basically agreed because of some girl. He walked out of the shower with his hair soaked as is his near perfect muscular yet lean body, glistening from the water on it, he shakes his hair a little making some of the water fly out of it before grabbing a towel on the rack and using it to dry himself. 

After doing so he walks over to his mirror, looking at himself for a moment. "Can't believe I'm going to Beacon today... Honestly, I'd have thought I'd have wait another year... But oh well." He chuckled, narrowing his eyes a little as they faintly glowed momentarily.

He ran a hand through his hair with a small grin on his face. "Now if I can just get my huntsman license... I can actively go after that, bitch." He says with malice, excitement and bloodlust in his eyes and voice.

His eyes were glowing far more intensely now as a wide grin maniacal grin formed onto his face before he shook his head with a small chuckle, putting a hand on the side of his head with a woozy expression on his face.

"Yeesh, I need to chill... And change too." He muttered before walking out of the bathroom back to his room. "First, I'll change my clothes, then go to Beacon, then become a huntsman." He counted off the list of things he wanted to do on his fingers before pausing at the last one.

"And then kill the queen of Grimm or... die trying." 

He states with a small grin clenching his fists, walking into his room and closing the door behind him.


Location - Ozpin's Office, Beacon

After allowing an early join to both Hirozashi and Ruby, Ozpin sits in his office with a smile on his face, placing his large scroll onto the table, having just finished texting Sukuni, knowing full well the boy would probably have overslept out of habit. Glynda sat down on a couch next to a wall with a painting on it above the couch, reading some notes and lines she wrote down for the day ahead on her notepad.

The blonde woman couldn't help but think about last night, what Ozpin had decided on what Hirozashi had said... " With a small sigh, she places her pad down on the couch besides her, running a hand through her hair and looking up at the ceiling in thought with her eyes closed.

Hearing her, Ozpin glances over looking at the blonde who seemed to be in thought about something. "Glynda. Are you alright? You seem... Bothered by something." He says with concern evident in his tone.

The teacher opened her eyes before sitting up and looking over at him surprised that he suddenly called to her and with concern he usually only uses if it's her...

A small blush appears on Glynda's face as she fixes her glasses with a flustered expression which she quickly fixes by coughing her palm, Ozpin smiles noticing all these things, he knows she's fine... But he wants to hear it now.

"I-it's nothing you need to worry about, Ozpin... Just wondering about yesterday." The blonde muttered, slowly beginning to regain her composer.

Ozpin narrowed his eyes slightly with a small grin of amusement on his face. "Ah... I see." He hums, stroking his chin, sitting up from his desk walking over and sitting down next to her.

Glynda moved her hair out of her eyes, looking over at Ozpin with more neutral gaze though that didn't mean she wasn't still flustered at the sight and feeling of the man being next to her, he just had that charming and warm aura about him that she lov-... likes a lot.

Sure, she loved Ironwood in the past, but the man was far too caught up in his work for her and vice versa so it made sense for her and him to split before they could hurt one another in any way or form.

"Tell me, Glynda... What do you worry about?" He asked, placing a comfortable arm around her to ease her.

The blonde let's out a small sigh feeling his arm around her shoulder, she blinks looking away in thought for a moment before glancing back at him.

"I... I understand why you would let Sukuni in early due to his experience and knowledge of being a huntsman. That he has been training for almost his whole life... But he's very arrogant, immature sometimes and very violent as well; there is the possibility of him injuring or even killing a student if they bad mouth him."

 "As for Miss Rose... She's not experienced at all but is a very good fighter... But there is more to being a huntsman than being a good fighter." After listing her view on the pros and cons of the two new beacon academy students, Glynda glances over at Ozpin focused and curiosity to hear what he will respond back with to her complaints.

The silver haired man nodded subtly with a small smile. "I see what you mean, and you are right... Miss Rose is inexperience but that can be fixed easily after all you will be teaching her, and you are one of the best." Ozpin states with charisma flowing in his voice, charisma that Glynda can't help but adore.

So much so she looked down with a small blush at his praise but was really surprised at the fact she would be teaching Summer's daughter... If she were to tell her past self she would be doing so, she would definitely call herself crazy. She then shook her head remembering there was also Sukuni to know about.

"And Sukuni?"

Ozpin hummed in thought at the simple yet difficult question. "Sukuni may be arrogant and may have a liking to violence, but I'm sure he knows better than to go all out against a fellow classmate insulting him, than a criminal trying to kill him." He states with a small chuckle.

Glynda joins in a bit with his laughter before sighing looking into his eyes with a smile. "Well... Ozpin, if you're sure... I'll follow your lead." 

The man nods at her, giving her a kiss on the head making her even more heated now before he stood up. "Good to hear Glynda... Now, I believe we should get ready to greet our new students and maybe we can talk more afterwards." He said turning back to her with a smile, holding out a hand for her.

Glynda who was still a little heated from the smile, her heart skipping a beat after beat from his actions, regained her composer and glanced back at him with a nod. "Right... Let's get to work." She smiled back, grabbing hold of his hand.


Location - Bullheads

Hirozashi after doing his morning routine of eating and drinking then brushing his teeth afterwards, he made his way towards the bullhead on foot skipping over the rooftops at speeds that would normally be impossible for any teen his age, he moved like a blur until he slowed himself down reach the port in about 20 minutes of sprinting.

Which is impressive since the nearest bullhead port away from his house is a 2-hour drive, but he is used to running long distances, so it wasn't really much of a bother to him. He then, after storing his luggage on a kart, walked up the stairs, entering the bullhead, and glanced around to see a number of huntresses and huntsmen already seated or standing, talking amongst one another.


He hummed glancing around some more to see if he finds Ruby or anyone, he knows... And to his disappointment he doesn't... Well initially he doesn't anyway. So, with a small sigh of annoyance he sits down on a random spot or couch against a wall, looking at the others conversing with each other a little jealous.

Unbeknownst to him, he was seated next to a girl with long black hair and bright auburn, almost cat-like eyes. She wore a black bow on her head and a white crop top, a black vest, and a black scarf on the upper half of her body. On her arms were a black sleeve on her left arm and a black ribbon on her right arm, and on her legs and feet, she wore a very dark purple leggings and black boots. That and she had a very well-developed body that turned heads, attention she didn't wanted but she didn't pay mind to it.

【Blake Belladonna】​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇧​​🇪​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇪​​🇲​​🇴​ ​🇨​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇬​​🇮​​🇷​​🇱​

The ravenette was currently reading a book with a title named "Ninjas In Love", that was until she felt a presence that was terrifying... And familiar.

"This... This feeling... Who or what is causing this..." She wondered with a shocked look on her face.

She felt her heart increase, her breath picks up a little as well as her hairs beginning to stand up and her ears flopping in an intense feeling of fear, she clenches her eyes tightly and grits her teeth trying to stow whatever it is that was happening her away before slowly glancing over to the left of her... Only to see.

"... Huh?"

The girl's eyes that were filled with fear of what she thought was going to be a demon was suddenly confused as all she saw was a boy her age or older with strange black hair with red strands here and there along with that, he had the brightest red eyes she had ever seen, sitting down with a bored expression on his face, staring out into space, seemingly ignoring everything around her. Though despite his docile appearance, she could still feel an aura of death circling around him, though it was suppressed. It was still there.

"Who... Is that..."

She wondered with a quizzical gaze not believing that this guy could possibly be the reason she's feeling this way all of the sudden... He doesn't look normal, but he doesn't look too abnormal... At least from what she's seen that, and she had to admit he was quite handsome, but she wasn't interested in any guys right now after how her last relationship ended.

"This feeling of dread I'm getting from him... Despite him not purposefully expanding it out... I'll have to be wary about him whoever or whatever he is." She thought with narrowed eyes, gazing away from him back to her book but she does occasionally shoot some glances towards him.

As for Hirozashi who was unaware of all this was busy wondering what exactly Beacon would look like apart from some far away looking castle near a cliff near a giant crater with a large lake at the bottom and multiple waterfalls leading down towards it.

"That and there's a forest of Grimm surrounding it... Should be a nice place to grind some Negative Energy... Then just going out to the outskirts of Vale to fight'em..." He muttered under his breath before glancing over to his left, seeing a girl seated next to him.... Looking nervous about something.

He looked the girl up and down and had to admit, she looked pretty... Pretty familiar, he narrowed his eyes a little at her. "Hey." He called out to her with a smile.

The black-haired girl hearing him speak couldn't help but shiver a little from the sound of his voice, it didn't sound too deep but definitely not too high either... His voice perfectly suited him... Then again so does almost everyone else's.

But he was different, that she knew for sure... She had felt the same aura of death on numerous people before... Thanks to her Faunus's trait. But this aura felt vaguely familiar to a masked Atlas Ace member she and Adam ran into way back when. That same member was the reason she left the white fang.

But again, it felt suppressed or lesser than whoever or whatever that masked Black Ops member was... The Atlas Ace Member's aura felt soul crushing and life draining, this one felt approachable.

So, with that in mind Blake took in a deep breath in and out glancing over at him a bit nervously hoping that he wasn't calling out to her... And to her chagrin he was looking right at her but... Not in an aggressive manner... More docile if anything.

"Yes?" She answered in a cold manner and a bit hesitantly, narrowing her eyes unto him trying to keep up her fearless persona, albeit struggling a little.

The boy tilted his head to side with gaze with a flash of curiosity in his red eyes. "She has really nice eyes, almost... Faunus like... Hmm." He narrowed his eyes slightly; Blake felt a little worried seeing his focused half-lidded gaze upon her she felt as though she had been found out and it was all over.

"Heh, seems you act like you look... What's your name?" He asked in an enticing manner, resting his head on his hand giving her a small grin.

Immediately all the thoughts that Blake had about the boy being some being of pure evil were shattered... Replaced by the idea of him just being some pretty boy idiot. With that new thought in mind Blake scoffed and turned back to her book ignoring him.

Hirozashi blinked rapidly in surprise at the girl suddenly glared at him and looked back towards her book with a somewhat dumb and surprised look on his face not believing he just got ignored by the hot emo of all people.

"God damn... All my charisma must of ran out the window last night. Cause that was dreadful." He thought with a small chuckle before looking forward once more with a more amused expression than before finding the interaction between him and brunette funny.

An awkward silence formed between the two of them with the only noises being heard are the other Beacon students walking around, eating or talking with one another in the background. Blake sighs softly, moving her book slightly down, glancing over at Hirozashi once more.

"... Though, even if he IS just some playboy, his eyes look... Distant and dark. Same as Adam's almost." She mused, looking at the boy's red eyes with a hint more of interest before shaking her head realizing what she's doing.

"No... He's not like him, nothing like that monster in Faunus skin... At least I hope so anyway... After all he's going to a place like this. I doubt they would let someone like THAT, here." 

With that thought in mind the black-haired girl sighed, feeling her ears twitching in embarrassment at what's she's about to do, but she can't help herself she's now curious about the guy sitting down next to her.

"... Hopefully I'm not gonna regret this..." She muttered under her breath before saying.


Hirozashi who was currently in his own world thinking about all the crazy stuff he'll do once he reaches Beacon heard the girl who gave him the cold shoulder speak, her voice sounded pretty much what he expected; low, quietish, sorta introverted, and soothing too.

"What?" He turned over to her with a neutral but curious expression wanting to know what she meant by whatever she just said.

"My name. It's Blake..." She answered, her eyes narrowing as they shifted to meet his red ones once more, she decided to at least keep up her usual behavior, being the cold and aloof girl who usually keeps to herself. Though... She felt her heart thumping heavily in her chest, which didn't make sense to her since she felt calm as usual, only this sense of dread was slowly beginning to fade gone.

Hirozashi made an O with his mouth with a look of realization on his face hearing her, though he already did hear her and knew that she was saying her name... He just wanted to tick her off for the fun of it.

"Oh, gotcha..." He nodded, offering her a thumbs up and a nod before looking forward once more returning back to his own world which is staring out in space in thought.

As for Blake, the brunette's glare increased even more at him just giving such a subtle reply to her giving him what he wanted. She felt her ears twitching, threatening to make the bow on her head fall off if they persisted, and with that realization, she calmed down quickly, not wanting to blow her cover over something so miniscule.

"Honestly... What is this guy's problem, he asks me for his name and doesn't even exchange his!?" She grumbled.

"Are you not gonna give your name?" Blake asks with a neutral expression, raising her hand towards him.

Hirozashi glanced back over at her with a raised eyebrow. "Huh, you wanna know my name?" He asked, genuinely surprised since he thought she didn't seem the type to want to know anyone.

Immediately a thought popped into her head, "Is he playing it smug and cool or is he genuinely surprised?" She wondered with a small frown.

"Yeah, I do..." She retorted back with a neutral expression still, not believing how this is going so far with very little problems or conflict coming from someone who's been told the world is very against Faunus like her.

Hirozashi had a look of surprise, scratching the back of his head while laughing. "That's a surprise, thought you wouldn't've cared to be honest but okay, It's Hirozashi." He told her with a shrug, relaxing back against the couch.

She gives him a subtle nod in response, turning back towards her book with a curious thoughtful expression dawning on her face, curious about his eyes and the reason for them being the way they are.

"I wonder if he'll get upset if I do..." She thought before sighing softly and just doing it regardless.

After all, to gain knowledge or anything you have to sometimes take risks.

"Hirozashi. I have question." 


He glances over at the girl hearing her call his name.

"Your eyes... Why are they red...?" She asked with a neutral expression, her eyes narrowed onto his while still keeping her composure.

Hirozashi rose an eyebrow at the question. "Cause I was... Born like that?" He responded with a shrug as if it were obvious.

Blake's glare intensified as he gave such a straight-to-answer, she didn't like that at all."Right... And there was no... Other reason?" She asked, giving off a doubtful tone as a response, as if he was hiding something on purpose, though she was unaware of what.

The red eyed teen deadpanned at her, wondering why she was acting so skeptical over this. "Yes, there is no other reason... I just have red eyes. Same way you have auburn eyes or Yellow... Whatever color they are, I don't know." He shook his head.

The black-haired girl narrowed her eyes further at him, finding his attitude of not really elaborating further on the topic a bit of an annoyance, however she kept her cool, the calm cool girl she was known to be.

"Just asking, don't have to be so snippy about something as simple as eyes..." She retorted back with a shrug, she couldn't really deny his last statement, she had no clue on what color her eyes were either.

He couldn't help but snicker a little at the retorted giving her a mocking grin. "Well at least ya got your answer right, Miss skeptical?" He snarked.

"Just... Shut up..." She muttered her ears twitching under her bow as she did so, she couldn't stand it that he was finding humor in her being curious about what made him unique.

Then again, he did have a point... She couldn't really be angry since she had literally just ignored his response so... She grumbled, lowering her gaze back down to her book.

Hirozashi snickered with an eye roll looking forward once more. "No need to be mad, Blake." He says, taking out his scroll to play a game.

The black-haired girl grumbled once more before glancing up at his hair, it was mostly black with a hint of red streaks here and there. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion once more at him as she looked at his clothes that were also black and red.

"And I'm guessing your hair is natural as well?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hirozashi perked up at that question before grumbling losing the game having lost focus because of it... Or more because he was starting to get annoyed at the constant questions about his looks.

"It's natural... You really think this is dyed?" He deadpanned at her, ruffling his hair to show it is in fact natural.

The girl frowned further at his deadpanned and rather snarky comment, he reminded her so much of Adam with his arrogance and bluntness in replies to her questions, though Adam was far more brutal and far worse than this guy.

She glared at him once more with narrowed eyes as she asked a question to try to get under his skin, seeing as he got under hers a lot lately.

"A guy like you would seem like the type to do so." She hissed, wanting him to get as annoyed with her asking questions as she is with him not giving proper answers.

Hirozashi felt his eye twitch a little at that jab before grinning. "Making assumptions like that, ain't gonna getcha ya far, babe" He snipes back.

"I'm not making assumptions," She grumbled back, feeling a little bolder due to his jab back to her, this was becoming quite the petty squabble between the two, her ears twitching as they did so.

Blake's glare was intensified as she retorted back.  "I'm simply speaking the truth. Your eyes... Your hair... Your clothes..." She said as she glanced him up and down, judging him for now.

Hirozashi's grin increase as his eyes lit up with pride. "Look pretty damn good on me, right?" He said, gesturing down at himself.

"Yeah, I agree." He nodded with a chuckle.

"A pretty damn self-centered person too..." She thought as she tried to keep her composure as she responded to this cocky boy.

"You look like an edgelord who's way too into the goth scene..." She retorted.

"Ahaha-... Wha? Hey! I am not an edgelord. My clothes and their color are just an expression of myself, okay? And I literally have no control over my eye color and hair color-... Well maybe my hair but I'm not dying it!" He yelled at her with a small glare.

"Also, goth? Really and seriously you of all people are calling me that?" He retorted with a smirk.

She grumbled softly as she looked at him, she had struck a button in him it seemed, she could tell by the sudden spike of anger and the slight tone in his voice.

He was trying to hide that he was annoyed by trying to defend himself, however she saw right through it.

Blake's eyebrows raised at his counter, she had to admit he was somewhat right about that."Point taken. Though doesn't change the fact you look like a goth and not just any goth, but one with a major ego." She said with a small smirk.

Hirozashi rolled his eyes at her jab, his frustration starting to build... But also, his excitement at having a banter with this girl. "Well, it does take one to know one... But anyways, I don't look like a goth... My skin isn't pale as fuck, my hair isn't THAT spikey and it's not a mohawk either. And I don't even have painted nails, spikes, a choker and my voice isn't even raspy so how am I emo?" He retorted with a smirk.

The girl's eyes narrowed further, she hated that he was right, his entire persona as of now gave off such an edgy emo goth vibe, despite what he says. Although he was right, his lack of spiked hair and chokers did take out the overall goth factor a lot but not all of it.She looked away and grumbled.

"Fine, you aren't emo. And that's a big aren't, but don't deny you aren't a bit edgier compared to other students here." She said in a rather teasing and mocking tone.

The boy chortled at that, running a hand through his hair looking away with a small frown. "Yeah... I'm kinda jealous." He muttered. "So, anyway... All that emo shit aside. Why are you going to Beacon?" He asked her in a softer tone.

Blake raised an eyebrow at that change in tone, as he dropped this annoying, cocky edgelord act he had and replaced it with a soft, more toned downapproachable one, but she wasn't convinced yet, he was still the same guy who made her irritated after all.

The girl placed her fingers under her chin whilst she thought about his question, her eyes focused on him as she thought up an answer.

"The same as what brought you here. To become a Huntress, and to learn." She said simply, and bluntly.

Hirozashi hummed with a nod. "Alright... Basic ass reasons but, alright." He snickered.

The black-haired girl glares at him, rolling her eyes as he snickered at her blunt and basic answer to his question, and she had to admit... He was right, it was a basic answer, but did he have to make her feel like an absolute idiot for it?

"Well, that's pretty much it. Basic question equals basic answer, right?" She retorts back with a snarky look.

Hirozashi just laughed even more before sighing in relief; indicating he was really enjoying this even a bit more than when he met Ruby.

 "Hehe, Fair enough." He hummed, looking down at his hand for a moment contemplating something.

Blake's curiosity rose as she saw him look at his hand, her head tilting to one side, almost in a cat like manner making her seem cuter than she already was as she raised her single eyebrow, staring at him intently. She was curious as to what he was pondering at, however she didn't want to be the first to break the silence, so she kept her mouth shut as she waited for him to speak again.

After a waffle of silence, Hirozashi then spoke. "You know, why I wanna be a huntsman?" He asked with a small smile.

The black-haired girl's eyebrow raised further at his question, however her expression softens a bit, not being met with more sass or sarcasm from him now actually made him better in her book, if only a little bit.

"Why?" She asked back in a curious tone, placing her hands on her lap with her eyes focused on him.

The red eyed youth let out a sigh as a flash of memories came to his mind. "First it was for revenge, then it was for justice but now... Now it's both." He grinned, clenching his fist slowly.

Blake's eyes stayed focused and narrowed onto him as he finished speaking his answer, she figured it was going to be a whole sob story about revenge and justice but when he added 'now it's both...' she was intrigued even further, was that the entire story or was there something more behind it?

"Revenge?" She asked with a soft tone and a raised eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.

He nodded subtly looking down for a moment, his hair shadowing his eyes as he delves deep into his thoughts. He will get his revenge. 

"Yeah... Revenge, sweet, lovely, tasty revenge." He grinned, his voice distorting and deepening for a moment.

His eyes glowed an intense bright red beneath his shadowed face, Blake began to sweat a little in growing fear until Hirozashi rose his head up giving her his usual smirk and alluring look.

"Yeah. That and to show why I'll be the greatest huntsman of all time." He smirked, stretching his arms out wide to showcase his greatness.

"He definitely had some screws loose, for sure."  That was the first thought that came to her mind as she looked at his sudden and dramatic change of both demeanor and voice as she felt her heart flutter a little and grow tense.

"A little scary, but intriguing." She thought as she looked at him and his bright-red eyes, his smug grin almost felt like he was intimidating her somewhat, she didn't quite know why her heart was growing tense and fluttery either, but she shrugged it off as she spoke back to him.
"Oh yeah? and how exactly will you do that?" She asked trying to act like his little... Episode didn't faze her.

Hirozashi hummed in thought at the question before shrugging. "I dunno, just go with the flow. Basically, how I've pretty much done everything up till now." He answered a bit blankly to the disappointment of Blake who face palmed.

Definitely going with the flow... If you could even call it that- How exactly do you expect to become the best when you are so go-with-the-flow? She thought as she rolled her eyes and let out a soft groan at his lack of explanation to her question.

"So, you have no plan. You're just going to go where the wind blows. How great." She muttered, rolling her eyes once again.

Hirozashi chuckled, he really was starting to like this girl. "Obviously there's planning but mainly it's just going with the flow of things. And it's gotten me this far... So, no need for a change yet." He told her with smirk.

The black-haired girl huffed when she heard him say "going with the flow" yet again. This guy was really getting on her nerves with this. Didn't he have any sense of ambition or motivation to improve?

"Whatever you say, just don't expect to become the best if you keep on going this way." She said, her voice holding a slightly snarky tone as she spoke, yet her eyes narrowed in a judging look.

The red streaked hair boy still held his smile despite her little doubts, he's faced worse anyway. "Heh... Sure whatever you say sweetie." He sarcastically responded, leaning back on the couch with a soft sigh of relief closing his eyes.

Blake's face grew redder as he called her 'sweetie', and it wasn't from the heat either, but a mixture of annoyance at his arrogance and embarrassment that he would call her such a thing.

"Oh, will you stop with the whole arrogant thing?" She retorted, leaning back on her own chair.

Why couldn't this guy just act normal and not this annoying? He may be attractive and intriguing but good heavens was he irritating.

"And don't call me sweetie you twat." She cursed before going back to reading her book.

Hirozashi glanced over at her before rolling his eyes, resting his arms behind his head with a thoughtful expression. "Hmm, wonder what silver eyes is doing." He muttered, glancing out the window at the other bullheads flying in the sky.


On one of the other Bullheads not too far away from where the one Hirozashi was currently on.

Ruby was currently being hugged to death by an older girl with golden bright hair long, thick and wavy hair, bright lilac eyes; wearing a brown jacket, an orange scarf, black shorts and an orange shirt that seemed to struggle to hold back her large assets.

【Yang Xiao Long】​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇧​​🇺​​🇷​​🇳​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬​ ​🇭​​🇴​​🇹​ ❝​🇱​​🇮​​🇹​​🇹​​🇱​​🇪​❝ ​🇩​​🇷​​🇦​​🇬​​🇴​​🇳​

"I can't believe you're going to Beacon with me! My little cute baby sister, this is the best day ever!" The blonde exclaimed in delight as she continued to give Ruby a bone crushing hug.

"Pwease Stwap." Ruby groaned as she tried to push Yang off of her.

Yang chuckled a little letting go of her still keep that cheerful and proud expression on her face. "But I'm sooo proud of youuu!" She beamed, jumping giddily as well.

Meanwhile Ruby caught her breath almost having been suffocated by her sister's bazookas. "Hah... Sis, don't do that again... And really, it was nothing." She told her with a sheepish look and a small smile.

Yang shook her head at her little sister with a shrug. "What do you mean? It was incredible!" She cheered. "Everyone at Beacon is gonna think you're the bees knees." She continued to gleam putting a hand on her shoulder.

The silver haired girl frowned at that looking down as a thought came to mind. "I don't want to be "the bee's knees", okay? I don't want any kind of knees... I just wanna be a normal girl with normal eyes." She muttered with a dejected look.

Yang rose an eyebrow at the girl's down expression, but she still held her smile. "Hey what's wrong with you? Aren't you excited?" She asked, leaning down a bit putting both her hands on her shoulder.

Ruby sighed. "Yeah, of course I'm excited... I just..." She pauses for a moment in thought, remembering what Hirozashi had said. "I think it's a little unfair, since I got moved two years. I don't want anyone thinking I'm special or anything." Ruby explained, taking her hands off her shoulders.

Yang nodded in understanding before wrapping a comfortable arm around her. "But you are special and there's nothing wrong with that. So, what if some jealous losers say otherwise?" She said in a soft tone.

Ruby looked down thinking about it, while she didn't agree with the notion of the people who would be against her being "jealous losers", she did agree with there being nothing wrong with being special.

"You're better than they are, and you know it, dad knows it, I know it and clearly Ozpin does too." She told her with a grin, ruffling the girl's hair making the younger girl smile.

"Thanks Yang... You're the best." She smiled, hugging her sister.

The blonde girl smiled, hugging her back. "No problem, little sis... By the way, you said you met some guy yesterday? Heroinezashe or something." She said, pulling away from Ruby and waving her hand with a quizzical look on her face.

Ruby deadpanned at her sister before chuckling at her messing up Hirozashi's name. "No, Yang. it's Hirozashi." She corrected.

Yang made an O with her mouth in realization. "Right... Kinda weird name not gonna lie, but then again, Mistralians always got the weirdest names sometimes." She muttered at the end before glancing over at Ruby with a cheeky grin.

"Speaking of... You really wouldn't shut up about his eyes, voice and looks as well~" She teased, wrapping an arm around a now flustered Ruby's neck.

"W-what!? No, I didn't!" Ruby stammered, looking at Yang with wide eyes as a blush covered her face.

Yang gave her a cheesy grin seeing her flustered. "Hahaha, well maybe not but that's the idea I got." She snickered, ruffling the girl's hair some more.

Ruby groaned and squinted her eyes a little in annoyance at Yang's antics. "Your "ideas" are always lewd!" She grumbled, looking down.

The older blonde laughed at her sister about to tease her some more before her and Ruby's attention were brought over to a holographic screen showing the news about last night.

[... The robbery was led by nefarious criminal; Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities.]

As the reporter says that the screen shows a mugshot of the ginger who Ruby was fighting last night and is kinda the reason she's even heading to Beacon earlier than usual in the first place. Like it or not it's thanks to him and that's another reason why she isn't too onboard with the whole early join to Beacon thing.

"Jeez... I know last night, I was all excited but now... I dunno if I should be here anymore..." She thought to herself with a sigh, scratching back of her head with a doubtful expression before her eyes widen as she remembered.

She wasn't alone.

Hirozashi had also gotten an early join with her as well... Though, she doesn't know why. "I mean he looks strong and all but-"

"Hey, who's that?" Yang then asked, interrupting her thoughts as she looks over at her confused before glancing back at the screen to see a familiar face.

[My name is Glynda Goodwitch.]

"Oh." Yang expressed with a look of realization on her face.

Ruby couldn't help but laugh a little at her earning a glare from the blonde, who got her into a headlock pushing her against her large breasts then giving her a noogie.

"What're you laughing at?! You little cookie muncher?!" She playfully yelled as she rubbed her knuckle on the shorter girl's head.

"Ah! Stawp! I was laughing at something else; I swear!" Ruby yelped, trying to get Yang off of her.

[You are among a privilege few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy.]

Ruby had finally gotten Yang off of her, though it took a while and her hair was now disheveled, she groaned as she quickly fixed her hair glaring at the blonde, he just gave her a sly grin shrugging her shoulders.

The black-haired girl sighed. "Jeez... Why do you always have to do that." She grumbled, crossing her arms with an angry pout.

Yang snickered at her sister's adorable pout before responding "Well Rubes, it's not my fault you're so cute and easy to annoy." She told her with a grin.

Ruby narrowed her eyes at that stomping her foot on the ground. "Easy?! I'm not easy!" She denied, clenching her fists.

Yang just smirked leaning close to her face. "Afraid that you are, sis. But there's nothing... Well for now, nothing wrong with that." She reassured patting her on the head in comfort, resting an arm around her shoulder once more as she looked back at the screen.

Ruby grumbled under her breath before following her gaze.

[You have demonstrated the courage need for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.]

After the speech the hologram faded, everyone around the room began commenting on both the view from the bullhead window. Ruby gasped in surprised walking over to the window to get a better look.

"Oh wow!" She gleamed with a bright expression as she looked through the window down at the view below. "Look, you can see Signal from up here!" Ruby exclaimed with her usual childish expression.

Yang smiled seeing her sister more cheered up now, walking over to her placing a hand on her shoulder once more, following her gaze. 

"I guess home isn't too far away after all." Ruby muttered with a content smile.

Yang smiled with a small nod. "Yeah, it's not too far away from our new one. Beacon." She chimed in.

Ruby glanced up at her with a subtle nod of agreement.

"What a view, indeed." A calm voice said coming from a young man the same age as Yang, wearing what appeared to be knight-esque armor colored blue and white with a hood on his head that covered his face.

Ruby and Yang, hearing the calm and proper gentleman-like voice coming from the boy, were both curious and interested, mostly in Yang, to know who he was. 

The blonde had a sly smile on her face as she walked over towards him, the boy slightly turned his head, hearing her footsteps approaching him.


As Yang approached the boy, she tapped on his shoulder to gain his attention unknowing that she somewhat already did have his attention.

"Yes?" He answered, turning towards her gazing down at her.

Yang bit her lip a little as she saw the boy's bright blue eyes, glowing faintly under his hood and that small kind smile that brings a warm feeling to her soul for a reason she can't understand.

"W-well... Hello there, big guy." She stammered, growing a little flustered the longer she looked into those bright baby blues of his.

Hearing her stammering voice, the boy's continued smile and look of slight amusement, made the usual teasing blonde a red mess, she began coughing in her palm looking away trying to regain composer all while Ruby snickered in the background muttering "Karma" under her breath with a foxy look.

"Ahem... Uh, heh... Quite the eyes you got there..." She muttered, staring into them with wonder.

The boy chuckled at her staring and compliment giving her a bright smile. "Thank you." He beamed making the blonde's heart go crazy.

"N-no, problem... Hehe." She chuckled with a bright smile of her own. "Oh Gods... I just got here and the first guy I... Well not really the first guy that really catches my eye, has me on the ropes by basically doing nothing!?... Must be karma or something." She wondered with a sigh, crossing her arms under her breasts making them appear more bigger as if they needed to be, giving him a sultry look as he regained her composer finally.

"So, big boy... Mind giving me your name?" She asked in a playful manner, making Ruby groan a little in both disgust and annoyance at her sister's shamelessness.

The boy just continued to smile at her finding her attempts at seduction quite amusing and decides to amuse her back giving him his own name.

"Sure, I don't why not."

Yang and even Ruby was surprised he had agreed, honestly, they both thought he would have just left in either embarrassment or disgust judging by well how he carried himself.

He gave a respectful bow saying.

"You may call me Jaune."

"Jaune Arc, Son of Nicholes Arc and Diana Arc."

【Jaune' D Arc】​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇼​​🇮​​🇪​​🇱​​🇩​​🇪​​🇷​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇪​​🇽​​🇨​​🇦​​🇱​​🇮​​🇧​​🇺​​🇷​

[To Be Continued]

(A/N: Now I know what you all might be thinking. Why the fuck would you make Jaune not a loser from the start doesn't that ruin his character development and all that... And to that I say, trust me I could make this work. Anyway, if you enjoyed a vote and comment of criticism or praise or even both would be appreciated. Thank you and goodbye for now.)

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