Twice Fanfiction (Minatozaki...

Por bloodwriter1998

205 0 0

Short stories about Sana with OG Character and Twice Members. ❤️ P.S. It's been so long since I've written st... Mais

Meet OG Character
The Bodyguard
In Another Life

The Bodyguard Pt. 2

12 0 0
Por bloodwriter1998


A year had passed since Sana and I settled into our peaceful life in the Philippines. Amidst the tranquility, I held onto the engagement ring I had purchased, eagerly awaiting the perfect moment to propose to Sana. Marriage was on my mind constantly; I longed to make her my wife. As I went about my day, I stayed connected with my colleagues who still worked for the elder Minatozaki. Through them, I remained informed about the ongoing situation. Recently, we discovered a dangerous agreement between the Elder Minatozaki and the Elder Tuan, putting us at risk of being hunted down.

Jackielyn and Samantha, aware of the gravity of our situation, worked tirelessly to cover our tracks. Their efforts were commendable, but the threat loomed ominously. One evening, as I was preparing dinner, my phone shattered the calm with an unknown caller. Anxiety gripped me as I let it go to voicemail. The urgency in the message from Miyeon, one of our associates, sent my heart racing. In a frenzy, I called Miyeon back, only to hear the distressing news—our whereabouts had been compromised. Panic surged through me as I dialed Sana, urging her to return home immediately.

When Sana finally answered, I wasted no time in conveying the urgency of the situation. With a heavy heart, I instructed her to rush home. Turning to Ash, who had been keeping a watchful eye over us during her supposed vacation, I pleaded for her help. The gravity of my decision weighed heavily on me as I urged Ash to take Sana to safety. I knew the risks involved in confronting our pursuers alone, but I had no other choice. Time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford to hesitate. With determination, I began packing Sana's belongings, steeling myself for the impending confrontation. Every moment counted, and I was prepared to do whatever it took to protect the woman I loved.

As Sana entered the room and saw me packing her belongings, confusion and concern etched across her face. Her immediate response was to offer to pack my things too, but I halted her with a sorrowful gaze. "No, baby, stop," I implored gently, watching her with a mixture of love and pain. She paused, her eyes searching mine, her expression shifting from worry to anguish as tears welled up. Her voice trembled as she questioned me, demanding to know why. "I am not coming with you, Sana," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction. "I need to confront them. I need to buy you and Ash some time to escape." Her initial shock gave way to anger, her voice rising with incredulity and fear. She lashed out, hitting my chest with desperate force, but I held her close, absorbing the blows as I tried to calm her.

"Babe, you need to listen," I murmured, my voice thick with emotion. "I can't risk you getting caught with me. Your father is ruthless. I'm still your bodyguard, and it's my duty to protect you, even if it means sacrificing myself." Sana's sobs grew louder, her pleas becoming more desperate as she begged me to reconsider. But I knew running away was no solution. We couldn't evade her father's reach forever. It was time to confront the inevitable. "We can't run forever, my love," I whispered, gently pushing her away and zipping up her bag. "This confrontation is long overdue. It's time to face the music." As Ash arrived with her girlfriend, the gravity of the moment intensified. I nodded to Ash, confirming that Sana was ready. With one final embrace and a lingering kiss, Sana reluctantly parted from me, leaving our sanctuary behind.

Alone in the quiet aftermath, I retreated to my study, steeling myself for the battle ahead. With grim determination, I armed myself, each weapon a testament to the lengths I would go to protect the woman I loved. Ready for whatever awaited me, I steeled my resolve, knowing that whatever the outcome, I would face it head-on.


As we drove away, the weight of the situation pressed heavily upon us. My gaze shifted to the passenger in the backseat, her eyes fixed on her phone, likely studying a picture of Alessandra. It was a scene I had anticipated, the temporary solution we had concocted now revealing its inevitable shortcomings. We had challenged powerful adversaries, and the repercussions were swift to follow. Lost in my thoughts, I felt the comforting touch of my girlfriend's hand, her sad smile reflecting the shared concern we felt for Sana. We knew our limitations; all we could do was ensure her safety. Alessandra had entrusted her to our care, and as her bodyguards, it was our solemn duty to protect her.

Alessandra's courage was unparalleled, and her willingness to sacrifice herself for her loved ones was a testament to her character. It was no surprise she excelled in the role of a bodyguard; her bravery knew no bounds. Suddenly, the crackle of my earpiece snapped me back to reality. Samantha's voice broke through, concern evident in her tone. "Ash? You there?" "Yeah, what's up?" I responded, bracing myself for whatever news awaited. "Is Alessandra with you?" Samantha inquired anxiously. I swallowed hard, the weight of my response heavy on my heart. "No. She stayed behind," I admitted, a pang of guilt tugging at my conscience.

Samantha's sigh spoke volumes, her words laced with apprehension. "The Tuans sent 20 men to hunt them down. I'm assuming you have Sana with you?" I exchanged a glance with my girlfriend, her eyes widening in alarm. "20 men? Isn't that overkill? They're facing only one person. And yes, Sana is with us," I confirmed. "Hiroshi gave Chen Alessandra's files. They now know how dangerous Alessandra is. They know she's not just an ordinary bodyguard; she was trained to kill, originally meant to be a mercenary. They understand the threat she poses," Samantha revealed. My girlfriend's surprise mirrored my own. Alessandra's true nature, concealed from many, was now exposed. While to outsiders she appeared as a skilled bodyguard, we, her colleagues, understood the depth of her capabilities and the dangers she faced.

Samantha's silence met my desperate plea for assistance, I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. "Sam?" I called out again, hoping for a different response, but it was Jackie's voice that finally broke through the silence. "As much as we would want to back her up, Ash, we can't, for now," Jackie's voice came through, laden with a heavy sense of responsibility. "Jackie?" I questioned, seeking further clarification. "Yeah, it's me. If we back her up now, we wouldn't be able to be each other's ears and eyes. We need to side with the Minatozaki and Tuans for now so we can plan and help Alessandra from the inside," Jackie explained earnestly.

Her words carried a sense of urgency and strategy, reminding me of the complex web of alliances and risks we navigated in our line of work. Relief washed over me as Jackie assured me that they were doing everything they could and that Alessandra's allies, Alexa and Margaux, were safe. "Alright, I'll do my part. Just update me from time to time," I replied, a sense of determination settling over me as I glanced at my girlfriend, who listened intently. "We will, Ash. I promise you," Jackie assured me before the call ended. As the line went silent, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Alessandra would have to face this ordeal alone for now, but Jackie's reassurance gave me hope that we would come to her aid soon.

Turning my attention to the back seat, I saw Sana sleeping peacefully, her troubled thoughts hidden beneath her serene exterior. Despite her outward calm, I knew the fear and worry that gnawed at her heart, mirroring my own. Amid the uncertainty, all we could do was wait, stay vigilant, and trust in our comrades to pave the way for Alessandra's eventual rescue.


As the sound of vehicles pulled up outside, I knew the moment of confrontation had arrived. With a steady hand, I switched off the lights, relying on the darkness to conceal my movements. My heart pounded with adrenaline as I braced myself for the onslaught to come. In the stillness of the night, I heard the creak of the front door, followed by the unmistakable sounds of chaos and panic as my carefully laid traps sprung to life. The leader's voice cut through the chaos, his words a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked outside my sanctuary. Staying hidden in my study, I held my breath, every sense heightened as I waited for the inevitable. The door rattled as intruders attempted to breach my refuge. With precision honed through years of training, I remained poised, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

As the door swung open and the men entered, my trap sprung into action, dispatching two of them with lethal efficiency. Emerging from my hiding spot, I swiftly dispatched the remaining two with a swift and silent execution. Peering cautiously into the hallway, I surveyed the carnage below, six assailants lay lifeless, a testament to the effectiveness of my preparations. Yet, there was no time to dwell as the bedroom door burst open, revealing another group of adversaries. Reacting swiftly, I dodged their initial barrage of gunfire, returning fire with deadly accuracy. Two fell under my onslaught, while the others sought cover, their movements desperate and erratic.

The leader and his reinforcements rushed upstairs, their shouts echoing through the house as they closed in on my position. With limited options, I seized a flashbang, hurling it towards my assailants before unleashing a barrage of gunfire. As the blinding light and deafening noise engulfed the room, I emerged from the cover, seizing the opportunity to eliminate three more threats. Each shot fired was a testament to my determination to survive and to protect those I held dear at all costs. Though outnumbered and outgunned, I refused to surrender to despair. With every move calculated and every shot precise, I fought on, driven by a fierce determination to emerge victorious against the odds.

As I attempted to retaliate against the assailants, pain erupted through my shoulder as their leader's shot found its mark. My movements slowed, hindered by the searing agony radiating from the wound. Each subsequent action felt like a herculean effort, my resolve tested by the relentless onslaught. Despite the debilitating pain, I refused to yield, clinging to the remnants of my strength as I continued to fight. Sweat mingled with blood, blurring my vision as I struggled to maintain focus amidst the chaos surrounding me.

But the pain proved too overwhelming, a sharp, unbearable agony slicing through me, sending me crashing to the ground. Gasping for air, I clutched at my wounded shoulder, feeling the warmth of my lifeblood seeping through my fingers.

Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, I glimpsed the menacing figure of the leader of the assassins, his triumph evident in the glint of his eyes. Determined to defy him until the end, I attempted to rise, each movement met with fierce resistance from my protesting body. Before I could mount a defense, a brutal kick sent me sprawling, my weapons scattering across the ground. Darkness threatened to engulf me as I struggled to stay conscious, the last flickers of defiance burning within me. But fate had other plans, as the leader's grip tightened around my throat, his chilling words echoing in the darkness. Despite my efforts to maintain composure, I could feel the tendrils of unconsciousness creeping in, enveloping me in their cold embrace.

With a cruel smirk, the leader delivered a final blow, plunging me into the abyss of unconsciousness. As darkness consumed me, I relinquished control, my fate now in the hands of my captors, my spirit unbroken despite the physical defeat.


As the chilling words reverberated through the room, a sense of dread settled over Jackie and me. The satisfaction evident on Elder Minatozaki's face was sickening, a cruel validation of his twisted intentions. My heart sank as I imagined the horrors that awaited Alessandra at the hands of our enemies. Meanwhile, Hiroshi wasted no time in relaying the news to Chen Tuan, his voice dripping with malice as he described Alessandra's fate. My blood ran cold as I listened to their conversation, knowing the danger Alessandra now faced. Chen's sinister laughter sent shivers down my spine, his intentions clear as he eagerly anticipated Alessandra's interrogation. It was a gut-wrenching realization that Alessandra would likely endure unspeakable horrors to satisfy their thirst for information.

Turning to Jackie, I saw the silent communication in her eyes, urging me to take action. With trembling hands, I reached for my phone, knowing I had to inform Ash of Alessandra's capture. Dialing Ash's number, I waited anxiously for her to answer, my heart pounding with each passing second. When her voice came through the line, I struggled to find the words to convey the devastating news. "Alessandra has been captured," I whispered, my voice shaking with emotion. The weight of the words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the perilous situation our comrade now faced. As I relayed the news to Ash, a sense of helplessness washed over me. But despite the despair threatening to consume us, I knew we had to stand strong, united in our determination to rescue Alessandra from the clutches of our enemies. 

My heart sank as Ash's panicked voice erupted through the phone. "What?!" she yelled, her distress palpable even through the receiver. Alessandra, my best friend, was in danger, and the realization weighed heavily on me. I tried to suppress my tears, but the overwhelming sense of helplessness threatened to consume me. How could I stand by while Alessandra faced torture at the hands of our enemies? "I just heard Hiroshi relay the news to Chen," I managed to say, my voice trembling with emotion. "He gave them instructions on what to do with Alessandra. I know they're going to torture her, and knowing Alessandra, she will not give them what they want."

Ash fell silent on the other end of the line, but Tiffany's voice soon filled the void. "Sam, is there anything that we can do?" she asked, her tone filled with concern. I shook my head internally, feeling the weight of our powerlessness. "Sadly, there's nothing we can do for now," I responded, my voice heavy with regret. "We can't risk getting caught, just like what Jackie said. If we get caught, we won't be able to help Alessandra." Tiffany sighed in resignation, expressing her feelings of guilt. "I'm sorry, Jackie and I couldn't do anything," I apologized, feeling the weight of responsibility bearing down on me. Ash, however, offered reassurance amid our despair. "No need to apologize, Sam," she said. "We know you and Jackie are doing your best. Just keep us in the loop."

With a promise to keep them informed, I ended the call, steeling myself for what lay ahead. Making my way to Jackie, who was busy preparing the car for Mr. Minatozaki, I confirmed the news with a simple nod. Her sigh of relief mirrored my sense of gratitude, as we prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, determined to stand by Alessandra's side in any way we could.


We were almost at our safe house when Tiffany, my girlfriend, asked me a question that I was trying to avoid answering. "Should we tell Sana?" she asked as she looked at me, her eyes filled with concern. "I don't know, Fany. I want to, but for the sake of her sanity and well-being, I don't want to. But I'm also worried that she'll get mad at us if she finds out herself and learns that we knew about it," I responded, feeling torn between protecting Sana and being honest with her. Tiffany glanced at the back seat and saw Sana still asleep. "Should we ask Jackie?" she suggested, seeking guidance in this difficult situation.

"I think we should," I agreed, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on me as I accelerated the car. After 30 minutes, we arrived at our safe house. Sana had just woken up, grabbed her bag, and went straight inside her room, locking the door behind her. We knew she was in no mood to talk, but this was also our opportunity to seek advice from Jackie. I dialed Jackie's number and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" she answered in a hushed tone. "Jackie, Sam told me the news. But, Fany and I were wondering if we should tell the young Heiress. We're worried that if we don't tell her and she finds out about it on her own and learns that we knew, she'll get mad at us," I explained, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on me.

Jackie sighed, her voice strained with emotion. "For now, keep it to yourselves. If she asks about Alessandra's situation and you can control her outburst, do it. But for now, do not say anything," she ordered. "Okay," I replied, exchanging a glance with Tiffany, who nodded in agreement. Jackie ended the call, leaving me with a heavy heart. I did not want to lie to Sana, but for her sake, we had to. I called Jackson and Soyeon, informing them about Alessandra's capture. Jackson was furious, and Soyeon was extremely worried. Soyeon asked if she could tell Miyeon about Alessandra's capture, but I told her to hold off for now. I feared that Miyeon might inadvertently tell Sana about it.

As Tiffany cooked food for the three of us, I retreated to my study. I looked at the picture on my desk, a snapshot of me, Alessandra, Jackie, Sam, Margarette, Alexa, and Margaux during our training days. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized how much Alessandra meant to us. She wasn't just a colleague; she was like a sister to all of us. She protected us, loved us, and cared for us. She was our best friend.

Tiffany and I sat down at the dining table to eat. Tiffany attempted to coax Sana into joining us, but the girl declined. We respected her decision and proceeded to eat in silence. However, the tranquility was shattered when my phone buzzed with a text message from Samantha. I froze as I read the words, feeling a rush of panic and dread wash over me.

"Alessandra is here. She's wounded and they brought her straight to Chen's chamber," the message read. I glanced up at Tiffany, whose eyes reflected the same concern and fear that I felt. I set my phone down on the table, trying to steady my shaking hands as I relayed the news to Tiffany.

"Alessandra has arrived, and she's wounded. They brought her immediately to Chen's chambers," I informed her, my voice trembling slightly. Tiffany's shocked expression mirrored my own, and she instinctively reached out to comfort me. Her embrace was a source of solace amidst the chaos raging inside me, and I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

Feeling overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, I struggled to regain my composure. Tiffany's soothing touch grounded me, and I forced myself to focus on formulating a plan. If we couldn't rescue Alessandra immediately, then we needed to devise a strategy to thwart Elder Minatozaki, Chen, and Mark Tuan. There was no time to waste; we had to act swiftly to save our friend.


A jolt of freezing water splashed over me, ripping me from the brief respite of unconsciousness. Gasping, I blinked away the disorientation, my body instinctively tensing against the biting cold. Through the haze of pain, I surveyed my surroundings, my heart sinking as I locked eyes with Chen Tuan, Jungkook, and Hiroshi Minatozaki looming over me. Anger surged within me, fueled by the knowledge of what awaited. They sought information about Sana, but I vowed silently to endure whatever they inflicted without revealing her whereabouts. "Good morning, pretty lady. But it's a shame—you won't be so pretty after this," Jungkook taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he crouched before me. His words echoed hollowly in my ears, serving only to steel my resolve.

"You'll tell us what we want to know, then we'll let you go back to being her bodyguard," Jungkook continued, standing tall with false confidence. But I couldn't help but scoff bitterly, my laughter ringing out in defiance. Their expressions twisted with surprise at my reaction, but I met their shock with a defiant smirk. Hiroshi understood the depths of my training, yet he also knew the breaking point that lingered beneath. "Bastard!" Jungkook's enraged cry preceded a brutal blow to my face, the impact sending shockwaves of pain through me. But even as blood filled my mouth, I couldn't resist the taunt that slipped from my lips.

"You hit like a girl," I spat, my smirk unyielding despite the agony pulsing through me. Jungkook's fury only intensified, evidenced by the glint of steel as he drew a knife. "Yeah? Hit like a girl?" he sneered, slicing into my thigh with merciless precision. Agony tore through me, my teeth grinding together as I fought to suppress the cry building in my throat. Yet, even as darkness threatened to claim me, I refused to yield.

"Enough!" Chen's voice thundered through the room, silencing Jungkook's trembling form. He strode towards me, gripping my hair with a brutal force that elicited a pained groan from me. Yet, as he stared into my eyes, his demands fell on deaf ears. "Don't make this harder, Gray. Tell us what we want to know," he demanded, his grasp tightening as if to reinforce his words. But defiance burned fiercely within me, fueled by my determination to shield Sana from harm. "Fuck you," I spat, knowing well the volatile temper that lurked beneath Chen's composed exterior. And true to form, his restraint snapped, his fist crashing into my gut and then my face. Blood filled my mouth, weakness threatening to consume me, yet my resolve remained unyielding.

"Where is Sana, Gray?" he pressed, his voice laced with frustration. But I met his gaze with a defiant smile, my words dripping with scorn. "Up your ass," I retorted, laughter bubbling up despite the pain coursing through me. Chen exchanged a glance with Hiroshi, a silent agreement passing between them. "Lean her back," Chen ordered, and I watched as his men obeyed, my chair tilting back as a wet towel covered my face. Panic clawed at my throat as I struggled to breathe, suffocation tightening its grip around me. Water cascaded over my face, drowning out the world in a torrent of agony.

I fought against the overwhelming urge to succumb, to surrender to the darkness lurking just beyond reach. But as the torture ceased and I gasped for air, Chen's eyes bore into mine with an unspoken challenge. "Ready to talk?" he inquired, the threat of further torment hanging in the air. Yet, with a defiant shake of my head and a smirk upon my lips, I silently vowed to endure whatever horrors they inflicted. For Sana's safety, I would endure.

Chen's relentless interrogation continued, and each attempt to break my resolve met with defiance. Despite the blurring of my vision and the heaviness of my breath, I refused to yield. "Where did you hide her, Gray?" Chen's voice cut through the air, accompanied by the menacing sound of a sharpened knife. With a weary gaze, I lifted my head slightly, summoning the last shreds of my strength to respond. "I already told you, she's up your ass," I retorted, meeting Chen's enraged gaze head-on. His fury surged, evident in the determined stride towards me and the swift jab of his knife into my hand.

I bit back a cry, clenching my jaw against the searing pain radiating from the wound. With a desperate stomp of my foot, I sought to distract myself from the agony, refusing to give Chen the satisfaction of witnessing my suffering. But his words cut through the haze of pain, taunting me with the promise of relief in exchange for betrayal. "Why don't you end your suffering, Gray, and just tell us where Sana is," he urged, pressing down on the blade embedded in my hand. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I fought to maintain my composure. "I-I told you, s-she's up your a-ass," I stuttered defiantly, bracing for the inevitable retaliation.

Chen's response was swift and brutal, the knife plunging into my thigh eliciting a sharp cry of pain from my lips. Yet still, I refused to relent, my resolve unyielding even in the face of relentless torment. "Let me ask you again, Gray. Where is she?" Chen demanded, his voice dripping with menace. I met his gaze with steely determination, the only response I could muster amidst the agony coursing through me. "I don't know," I gasped, the words torn from me as Chen dragged the blade across my thigh, igniting a blaze of pain that threatened to consume me. "Fuck!" I cried out, each breath a battle against the overwhelming torment assaulting my senses.

I sat there, bloodied and battered, the pain radiating from my wounds unbearable. The deep gash on my thigh seeped blood, draining me of strength as I struggled to remain conscious. "Chen, let me handle this," I heard Hiroshi's voice, a brief reprieve from the torment inflicted by Chen. Chen begrudgingly acquiesced, leaving the room with Jungkook in tow. Hiroshi approached me, his expression initially softening with remorse before morphing into fury. "I entrusted you with my daughter, Alessandra. I trusted you to protect her and keep her safe from harm. Not to sleep with her and kidnap her," Hiroshi's voice resonated with disappointment and anger. I couldn't blame him; his trust had been shattered, replaced by betrayal.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Minatozaki. I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with your daughter," I confessed, meeting his gaze with a mixture of regret and defiance. His demeanor softened momentarily, acknowledging the complexity of emotions at play. "Alessandra, you could have confided in me about your conflicting feelings. As her father, I only want what's best for her," Hiroshi's words held a hint of understanding, tempered by the weight of parental concern."I understand, Mr. Minatozaki, but I can't stop loving your daughter," I asserted, refusing to deny the depth of my feelings despite the consequences. "I treated you like my own daughter, Alessandra. And this is how you repay me," Hiroshi's tone shifted, disappointment overshadowing any semblance of warmth. In a swift motion, he brandished his gun, the cold metal glinting in the dim light of the room.

Before I could react, searing pain erupted as a bullet tore through my flesh, searing agony coursing through me. "Where is she, Alessandra?" Hiroshi's demand pierced the air, his voice laced with urgency and desperation. "I don't fucking know. Do I look like someone who keeps tabs on missing people?" I retorted, defiance fueling my response even as tears welled in my eyes. His response was swift and merciless, each strike of the whip against my wounds eliciting cries of agony. "Fuck! Fuck you! You old bastard!" I screamed, the pain unbearable as tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"Don't make me ask you again, Alessandra. Where is my daughter!" Hiroshi's voice boomed, his frustration palpable as he delivered blow after blow, each one a testament to his determination to extract the truth. "I told you, I don't fucking know!" I yelled, my defiance unyielding even in the face of relentless torment. But his retaliation knew no bounds, the vicious assault intensifying as he sought to break my resolve, leaving me to endure the excruciating pain, each moment a testament to my unwavering determination to protect the one I loved.


We stood outside the chamber, unable to bear the sounds of Alessandra's torment. The anguished cries pierced through the air, causing Jackie's shoulders to tremble with silent sobs. Alessandra was like a little sister to her, and witnessing her suffering was devastating for all of us. "My God," Margarette whispered, her voice choked with emotion. I glanced at her and saw tears welling up in her eyes, mirroring the pain we all felt. Jackie turned around, wiping away her tears with determination. "Hang in there, Alessandra," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sounds of Alessandra's anguish.

As we watched through the glass window, we were interrupted by the arrival of Mr. Tuan, Jungkook, and Mark. Their presence sent a chill down my spine, knowing what they were capable of. "Jackielyn," Mr. Tuan called out, his tone betraying a hint of urgency. We turned to face him, bracing ourselves for whatever request he had. "Can you prepare a video camera? We would want to record a video to send to Ms. Minatozaki," he requested, his expression unreadable. We nodded in agreement, hiding our turmoil behind forced compliance. The gratitude in Mr. Tuan's smile was unsettling as they returned to the chamber. We exchanged a solemn glance, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

As we made our way to fulfill Mr. Tuan's request, Jackie reached for her phone, a desperate need to reach out to Ash evident in her actions. "Get inside a room, Jackie," I advised gently, understanding her need for privacy in such a vulnerable moment. Jackie nodded in agreement, seeking solace in the solitude of a nearby room. Margarette and I continued our task, the weight of Alessandra's suffering heavy on our hearts as we searched for a video camera, each step a painful reminder of the cruel reality we faced.

Once we handed over the video camera to one of Mark Tuan's men, they wasted no time in setting it up inside the chamber. My heart sank as I watched Alessandra's almost lifeless form, battered and bloodied, yet defiant.

With the camera in place, Mark Tuan began the recording, his voice dripping with malice. "Hello Ms. Minatozaki, I am with your father, Hiroshi Minatozaki, and your future father-in-law, Chen Tuan. We recorded this video to send you a message," he declared, his words laden with menace. The camera shifted to Alessandra, her battered face bearing a resilient smirk. Despite her weakened state, she refused to show weakness in front of her captors.

"As you can see, we have your lover here. We're so sorry we tortured and beat her up because she won't tell us where you are, she had to play the hero," Mark taunted cruelly, his words like daggers. "But, if you want to save her and keep her alive, then just come home to me, and let's get married. If you ever try to pull that stunt again, I will make sure that your lover dies right before your eyes," he threatened, his grip on Alessandra's head tightening. "Say hi to your lover, Alessandra," Mark teased, a sadistic gleam in his eyes. Alessandra, however, remained resolute, her gaze unwavering as she addressed the camera directly. "Sana, do not listen to whatever he's saying. Just stay wherever you are. I'm gonna be fine," she said firmly, her warm smile a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

It was a heartbreaking sight, witnessing Alessandra's unwavering resolve to protect her love at any cost. My heart ached for both Alessandra and Sana, trapped in this cruel game orchestrated by their enemies. "You fucker!" Mark lashed out, and his violence met with Alessandra's defiant laughter, further fueling his rage. "You better come out of your hiding place, Ms. Minatozaki, before I decide to end your lover's life," Mark threatened, his words hanging heavy in the air as he ended the recording. As they uploaded the video and sent it to Ms. Minatozaki's email, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and helplessness. However, Jackie had already informed Ash about their despicable plan, and we could only hope for a swift and decisive response to save Alessandra from further harm.

**ASH'S POV** 

Jackie's revelation about Alessandra's torture left me stunned and overwhelmed with disbelief. The realization that they were resorting to such cruel measures to manipulate Ms. Minatozaki shook me to my core. Meanwhile, Tiffany busied herself making coffee, her movements a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on my mind. "Babe, what should we do?" I asked Tiffany, my voice strained with worry, as she handed me a cup of coffee. Her response mirrored my uncertainty, her sad and concerned expression reflecting the turmoil within. "I don't know, babe. Should we go through Sana's things?" Tiffany suggested tentatively, seeking a course of action amidst the chaos. I hesitated, grappling with the moral implications of invading Sana's privacy, especially given the circumstances. "I don't know if that's appropriate," I responded, torn between the desire to protect Sana and respecting her personal space.

Our deliberations were interrupted by the sound of footsteps descending the stairs, signaling Sana's arrival. She joined us at the dining table, seeking solace in Tiffany's comforting embrace. My heart ached at the sight of her weariness, her trust in us palpable as she leaned against Tiffany's shoulder. Suddenly, Sana's phone chimed with an email notification, shattering the fragile tranquility of the moment. An alarm flashed between Tiffany and me as we exchanged panicked glances. Swiftly, I intercepted Sana's phone, fearing that she would see the contents of the email. Sana looked at us with confusion, prompting a hastily contrived explanation from me. Tiffany supported my excuse, her nod of agreement reinforcing my words. Yet, Sana's concern only deepened, her questioning gaze demanding answers.

Turning to Tiffany, I silently implored her to help me navigate the delicate situation. With a sigh, Tiffany stepped in, offering a reassuring explanation to Sana, emphasizing our shared commitment to Alessandra's promise of protection. Relief washed over me as Sana seemed to accept Tiffany's words, her gaze lingering on us with a mixture of sadness and understanding. I seized the moment to express my gratitude to Tiffany, kissing her forehead tenderly. However, the tender moment was tinged with sorrow as I noticed Sana's gaze fixated on her phone's lock screen—a poignant reminder of the love and bond shared between her and Alessandra, now imperiled by the unfolding turmoil.


As the video played, my heart plummeted into the depths of despair. Seeing Alessandra, battered and broken, shook me to the core. The sight of her enduring such torment, all because of me, filled me with an overwhelming sense of guilt and anguish. Alessandra's resilience, her unwavering strength even in the face of unimaginable suffering, brought tears streaming down my cheeks. She had kept her promise to protect me, sacrificing herself in the process. But I couldn't bear the thought of her enduring another moment of pain. With each passing second of the video, my resolve strengthened. Alessandra deserved better than this cruel fate. She deserved to be free from the clutches of those who sought to harm her.

As the video ended, I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins. I couldn't sit idly by while Alessandra suffered. It was time for me to take action, to do whatever it took to save her from this nightmare. 'My love, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault,' echoed in my mind, a painful reminder of the consequences of my choices. But amidst the guilt and sorrow, a flicker of determination ignited within me. I couldn't change the past, but I could shape the future. With Tiffany and Ash by my side, their comforting embrace providing solace amid chaos, I knew I wasn't alone in this fight. Together, we would find a way to rescue Alessandra, to bring her back to safety where she belonged. As I clung to them, my tears mingling with theirs, I made a silent vow to Alessandra. This time, it was my turn to protect her, to stand by her side no matter the cost. I would do whatever it took to ensure her safety and happiness, even if it meant sacrificing myself in the process. With newfound determination burning bright within me, I wiped away my tears and steadied my trembling resolve. Alessandra had risked everything for me, and now it was my turn to repay that debt, to prove that her love had not been in vain.

Dread coiled in my stomach as I dialed Miyeon's number, knowing I had to confide in her about Alessandra's dire situation. With each ring, my heart pounded louder, anticipation mingling with fear. When Miyeon answered, her voice crackled with concern, but as I poured out the details of Alessandra's torment, her concern quickly morphed into seething rage. I could practically feel the heat of her anger through the phone. "Miyeon, listen to me. I am going back and marrying Mark, just to save Alessandra. She doesn't deserve what's happening to her. She's there because of me," I pleaded, my voice trembling with emotion. Miyeon's response was explosive, her fury matching the storm raging inside me. She lashed out with a barrage of words, questioning my sanity and the validity of my plan. "Are you fucking insane, Sana?! We have saved you from that asshole and you're going back?! Don't you think that the sacrifices Alessandra made for you would just be in vain?" Miyeon's voice thundered through the phone, echoing my own inner doubts. I felt a surge of frustration rise within me as I implored Miyeon to hear me out. "Miyeon, will you please listen?!" I pleaded, my voice straining with desperation.

Her sigh on the other end of the line was both a concession and a warning, signaling her reluctant agreement to my plan. With a heavy heart, I laid out the details of my strategy, knowing that Miyeon was my anchor in this tumultuous sea of uncertainty. "I will marry Mark and you will be my maid of honor," I explained, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside me. "I will go along with his game and we will find out why he is so persistent in marrying me." As I revealed the intricacies of my plan, I braced myself for Miyeon's response, knowing that her approval was essential to my success. But her groan of frustration only served to heighten my anxiety. "Oh my God! You're driving me insane, Sana!" Miyeon exclaimed, her exasperation palpable even through the phone. "But do I have any other choice? No. You're my best friend and I will not let you do stupid things alone."

Her words were a balm to my troubled soul, a reassurance that even in the face of danger, I was not alone. "Thank you, Miyeon. I'll let the others know. I love you," I said, gratitude swelling within me for her unwavering support. "I love you too," Miyeon replied softly before ending the call, leaving me to grapple with the weight of my decision. With a deep breath, I composed myself, steeling my resolve for the challenges that lay ahead. As I prepared to face Tiffany and Ash, I knew that their reaction would be just the beginning of the tumultuous journey ahead.

As I descended the stairs, I found Tiffany and Ash engaged in conversation with two unfamiliar women. Their gaze shifted to me as I approached, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness. "Uhm. Hi," I greeted awkwardly, breaking the silence that had settled over us. "Hi Ms. Minatozaki," the two women responded in unison, introducing themselves as Alexa and Margaux. After exchanging pleasantries, I took a seat beside Tiffany, who regarded me with a worried expression. Summoning my courage, I began to share the weighty news that had brought me to them.

"Guys, I need to talk to you about something," I started, drawing their attention. As I revealed my plan to return home and marry Mark to save Alessandra, I watched as their expressions shifted from curiosity to concern. "I already spoke with Miyeon, and she somehow agreed," I explained, bracing myself for their reaction. Their response was immediate and palpable. Alexa's outburst captured the collective sentiment, echoing the anger and frustration that simmered beneath the surface.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Ms. Minatozaki. We got caught protecting your ass and now you want to go back there and marry the asshole?!" Alexa's words rang out, punctuated by the disbelief etched across their faces. But I remained resolute, determined to convey the gravity of my decision. "Listen to me. I have a plan, I will not go in there without a plan," I asserted, meeting their incredulous stares with unwavering resolve.

Their anger was palpable, their concern evident in every word they uttered. Ash's admonition cut through the tension, a stark reminder of the promises we had made to Alessandra. "There's a reason why we don't want you to go back there and marry Mark. Alessandra made us promise to protect you, and we intend to keep that promise even if it means locking you up in your room or tying you to the bed," Ash's words carried a weight that hung heavy in the air. But I refused to be swayed, steadfast in my determination to save Alessandra from further suffering.

"No, listen to me first! I am marrying Mark, and I will play along with his game," I insisted, my voice unwavering despite the mounting opposition. As I unveiled the intricacies of my plan, I could sense their reluctance giving way to cautious consideration. "God! This is fucking insane and stupid, I can't believe we're going to agree to this," Alexa's exasperated declaration mirrored my doubts, yet her eventual acceptance filled me with a sense of relief. As Ash embraced me, promising their support and urging me to keep them updated, I knew that I wasn't alone in this perilous journey. With their unwavering support, I felt emboldened to face the challenges that lay ahead, determined to see my plan through to its uncertain conclusion.

As I stood outside that unfamiliar building, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. I had made the call to my father, sealing my fate in exchange for Alessandra's freedom. The weight of my decision hung heavy on my shoulders as I followed my father's men into the depths of that ominous place. As they led me into the room, my breath caught in my throat at the sight before me. Alessandra, bound and bruised, sat slumped in a chair, her once vibrant spirit now dimmed by the torment she endured. The glass wall that separated us felt like an insurmountable barrier, mocking my helplessness.

When Mark's taunts pierced the air, I felt a surge of anger and despair. Alessandra's defiance was a ray of light in the darkness, but beneath her bravado, I sensed her vulnerability. How could I have allowed her to suffer like this? As Mark's cruel words echoed in the room, I watched helplessly as Alessandra's gaze met mine through the transparent barrier. Her eyes, filled with betrayal and hurt, pierced through my soul, and I could scarcely bear the weight of her silent accusation. "No... Sana... You did not..." Her words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable laden with pain and disbelief. My heart shattered at the sound of her voice, knowing that my actions had brought her to the brink of despair.

"I'm sorry, Ali. I had to save you," I pleaded, my tears mirroring hers as they cascaded down my cheeks. But my words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the weight of her grief. As Alessandra's sobs filled the room, I longed to hold her, to offer her some semblance of comfort in her darkest hour. But the glass barrier remained, a cruel reminder of the distance between us. "Please don't hate me," I begged, my voice cracking with emotion as I pleaded for her forgiveness. But she offered no response, her silence a crushing blow to my already fractured spirit. As Mark's men untied Alessandra and carried her away, my desperation reached its peak. I called out to her, my voice raw with anguish, but she remained motionless, lost in her torment.

"Please, Alessandra! No! Baby! Please!" I cried out, my words echoing in the empty room as I watched her disappear. The weight of my guilt bore down on me, threatening to crush me beneath its suffocating embrace. In that moment of unbearable loss, all I could do was cling to the hope that Alessandra would find the strength to endure, to survive the darkness that threatened to consume her. And as I stood alone in that desolate room, I vowed to do whatever it took to make amends for the pain I had caused.


As I lay there, bound and broken, my eyes caught sight of her across the room. At first, I thought my senses were deceiving me. It couldn't be possible. Yet, there she stood, tears cascading down her cheeks, a heartbreaking sight that mirrored the turmoil within me. Betrayal flooded my veins, mingling with the pain that pulsed through my battered body. How could she have defied my explicit instructions? I had pleaded with her to stay away, to preserve her safety while I faced the horrors alone. But in her misguided attempt to rescue me, she had shattered the trust I had placed in her. I had made myself clear, assuring her that I would endure whatever came my way. I didn't need saving; I could navigate this nightmare on my own. All that mattered to me was her safety, the promise I had made to protect her echoing in my mind.

But she hadn't listened. Instead, she had thrown herself into the lion's den, heedless of the consequences. Did she truly believe that her presence would offer solace amid my torment? Or was it her guilt driving her to seek redemption at my expense? The questions swirled relentlessly, tormenting me with their unanswerable riddles. Had she persuaded the others to support her reckless endeavor? Had they forsaken the oath they had sworn to keep her safe? The mere thought filled me with a profound sense of abandonment and despair. Yet, it was the emotional anguish that cut deepest, slicing through the layers of pain that gripped my soul. Her presence, a constant reminder of her betrayal, inflicted wounds that bled far beyond the physical realm.

As I listened to her pleas for forgiveness, begging me not to hate her, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions surge within me. How could I forgive her when she had shattered the foundation of trust upon which our relationship had been built? My faith in her, once unshakeable, lay in ruins at my feet. In that moment of profound vulnerability, as darkness threatened to consume me whole, I grappled with a single, haunting question: Was I wrong to believe in you, Minatozaki Sana?

As consciousness gradually returned, I found myself lying on a soft bed, liberated from the chains that had bound me to my torment. Tentatively, I raised my arm to assess the extent of my wounds, finding bandages enveloping every inch of my battered body. Sitting up, I surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings of the room, disoriented yet relieved to be free from the clutches of agony. Just as I began to gather my bearings, the door creaked open, and Tiffany, Ash's girlfriend, stepped inside. Anger surged within me at the sight of her, a member of the very group entrusted with Sana's protection. "Hey, Alessandra," she greeted me softly, her gaze avoiding mine as she fidgeted nervously. "What are you doing here?" I snapped, my tone sharp with resentment.

Tiffany's eyes welled with tears as she struggled to meet my gaze. At that moment, my anger threatened to consume me entirely. "Alessandra, please... I'm sorry," she pleaded, her voice laden with remorse. I scoffed bitterly, crossing my arms defensively. "Now you're sorry. Do you have any idea of the pain I endured to protect her? The agony I suffered? I don't think so. You promised to keep her safe, but what did you do?" Tiffany's tearful explanation only fueled my anger further. "We all disagreed with her plan, but she insisted on saving you. She said she had a plan and would find a way out. She feels guilty because she believes she's the reason you were in danger," she explained.

I fought to contain my emotions, but the floodgates burst open, unleashing a torrent of tears and frustration. "You all disagreed, yet you still went along with it. Trained bodyguards, trained not to yield. What plan could she possibly have? She feels guilty for my predicament? I chose to protect her, to fight for our love. It's my duty to shield her, care for her, love her. I'm not just her lover; I'm her protector." As Tiffany wept, Ash and the others entered the room, their guilt evident in their downcast gazes. Jackie, once a beacon of assurance, now faltered under my accusatory glare. "Fuck you!" I erupted, my anger boiling over. "You promised to keep her safe! Why was she involved? Why did you agree to her plans?" Jackie could barely meet my eyes, and when Sam, my closest friend, attempted to soothe me, I pushed her away in my fury.

"You! You're supposed to be my best friend! How could you?" I seethed. "She had the only viable plan!" Alexa interjected, her voice tinged with frustration. "It was reckless, yes, but hers was the only option that could guarantee your safety. You're rescued now, safe again. Can't you see that, Alessandra?" Her words struck a nerve, but my resolve remained unyielding. "You wouldn't understand, Alexa. You've never sacrificed anything for others' sake." Silenced by my rebuke, they shuffled out of the room, leaving me alone with my anguish. As tears mingled with my frustration, I succumbed once more to the solace of sleep, wrestling with the betrayal of those I had trusted most. How could they?

A month after I healed from my physical wounds, I found myself once again at Sana's side, my role as her protector reinstated. Though she often glanced in my direction, I made a point to ignore her entirely. I refused to succumb to her charms again, not after the heartache she had inflicted upon me. Miyeon had joined us, assisting with the preparations for Sana and Mark's impending wedding. The mere thought of Sana marrying that despicable man filled me with fury.

We ventured into a bridal dress shop, with me stationed guardedly behind Sana and Miyeon as they perused the gowns. Sana's inquiry about a particular dress drew my attention, and despite my efforts to remain indifferent, I couldn't help but steal a glance. She looked stunning, as always, but I quickly quashed any admiration, reminded sharply of her betrayal. "I don't believe my opinion matters, Ms. Minatozaki. I am merely your bodyguard," I replied icily, watching as her expression shifted from one of anticipation to one of sadness. Miyeon shot me a meaningful look, but I met her gaze with defiance, refusing to yield.

Hours later, they settled on a wedding dress, and Sana emerged from the fitting room radiating beauty. Our eyes met, and she questioned me once more, her smile inviting validation. Reluctantly, I conceded, unable to deny her allure. As Miyeon excused herself, leaving me alone with Sana, she seized the opportunity to initiate a conversation. Reluctantly, I agreed to listen, though my anger simmered beneath the surface. "I'm sorry..." she began, and my fists clenched with suppressed rage. "I did what I thought was right. All I wanted was to save you."

Her words stoked the flames of my fury. "I didn't need saving, Ms. Minatozaki," I retorted, attempting to rise from my seat. But she implored me to stay, pleading for understanding. "Why would I listen to you? You didn't listen to me when I told you to stay safe. Why did you do it, Sana? How could you? Everything I endured to keep you safe... It was all for nothing," I spat, the bitterness of betrayal poisoning my words. Her attempt to justify her actions only fueled my resentment. "I didn't ask you to sacrifice yourself! I didn't ask you to protect me! It was all you, Alessandra!" she protested, but her words rang hollow in my ears.

"A-Ali... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way... Baby..." she pleaded, reaching for my hand. But I recoiled, shaking my head in disbelief. "Don't call me by my nickname. We have no connection. I am just your bodyguard, and this will be my last day," I declared, rising to leave as her sobs echoed behind me. I ignored her cries, steeling myself against the pain as I walked away from the dress shop.

I was inconsolable when Miyeon entered the room again. She rushed to my side, enveloping me in a tight hug without needing any explanation. "I lost her, Miyeon. It's all my fault," I confessed through tears, my voice trembling with anguish. Miyeon attempted to soothe me, her words a balm to my wounded heart. "Hey, she's just hurt, Sana. Just give her time. She loves you, and she's just really hurt," Miyeon reassured me, her hand rubbing comforting circles on my back. After a few minutes, I managed to regain some composure, and we left the room to finalize the purchase of my wedding dress. But even as I browsed through the gowns, my thoughts remained consumed by Alessandra. The weight of guilt bore heavily upon me; I was the cause of her newfound coldness and distance, and I felt powerless to mend the pain I had inflicted upon her.

On our way home, a call from our friends diverted our attention. They requested our presence at their shared home, prompting Miyeon to instruct the driver to change course. As we arrived and entered the house, we were met with somber faces. "She's quitting," Jackie informed us, her tone heavy with regret. Despite their attempts to dissuade her, Alessandra remained resolute in her decision to leave. In the ensuing silence, the reality of the situation began to sink in. We were interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open, revealing Alessandra's unexpected presence. She regarded us with confusion, prompting a sheepish response from the others. Alessandra's resignation weighed heavily on me, and I found myself compelled to seek her out.

The girls encouraged me to confront her, and though hesitant, I ascended the stairs to her room. Knocking softly, I entered to find her in the midst of dressing. She greeted me coldly, her demeanor guarded as she invited me in. Awkwardly, I took a seat beside her, struggling to find the right words."I heard you were quitting," I began, my voice choked with emotion. Tears welled in my eyes as I pleaded for her understanding. "I am so sorry, Alessandra. I am so sorry for causing you so much pain, I am so sorry for everything... It's all my fault," I confessed, my voice breaking with each word.

She offered me solace, pulling me into her embrace as I wept uncontrollably. "I understand if you no longer love me, but I just want you to know that I love you so, so much... I was willing to give up my happiness to protect you... You have done so much for me, and I only wanted to pay you back by saving you," I confessed through sobs. She lifted my chin, meeting my gaze with tear-filled eyes, a maelstrom of emotions swirling within them. "I love you," I declared, pouring out my heart as I leaned in to kiss her tenderly, hoping against hope that she would forgive me.

Alessandra and I shared a deep, passionate kiss, our lips locked together as if we were trying to merge into one soul. The intensity of our connection was undeniable, a testament to the love we still held for each other. As we pulled away from the kiss, our eyes met, filled with a mix of desire and tenderness. We began to undress each other, our hands exploring every curve and contour of each other's body. My gaze lingered on Alessandra's length, a rush of desire flooded over me, igniting memories of the passionate moments we shared. Despite the challenges we faced, her presence still stirred a deep longing within me, reminding me of the intense pleasure she brought into my life. I missed the feeling of fullness, the sensation of her body intertwining with mine in moments of pure ecstasy. There was something undeniable about the way she made me feel, a connection that transcended physicality and reached into the depths of my soul. Her size, her touch, her ability to bring me to the brink of bliss and beyond – all of it echoed in my mind as I yearned for her once again. I craved the intimacy we shared, the intimacy that only she could provide. Despite the uncertainties and complexities of our relationship, one thing remained certain – the undeniable allure of Alessandra's presence and the profound impact she had on my heart and body. 

Alessandra reached out and gently caressed my face, her fingers brushing against my soft cheeks. "I love you, Sana," she whispered, her words, spoken with such sincerity, resonated deep within my soul, affirming the bond that existed between us. "I love you too, Alessandra," I whispered back, my voice barely above a breath, yet filled with all the love and devotion I held for them. At that moment, our eyes met, and I saw reflected in her gaze the same depth of affection and longing that I felt. As we lay down on the soft bed, our hands continued to wander, exploring each other's bodies with a sense of wonder and awe. We kissed again, this time more urgently, our tongues dancing together as we explored the depths of each other's mouths. My hand slowly moved towards Alessandra's beast, gently stroking it as we continued to kiss. Alessandra let out a soft moan, her body arching slightly in response to my touch. I could feel the hardness beneath my fingers, a testament to Alessandra's desire for me. Alessandra then guided my hand to position it where she wanted it, and I obliged, wrapping my fingers around it. I began to stroke it gently, my touch sending shivers of pleasure down Alessandra's spine. 

As we continued, I felt Alessandra's body tense, her breathing becoming more labored. I knew that Alessandra was close, and I wanted to make sure our lovemaking was perfect for both of us. I increased the pace of my strokes, our kisses becoming more passionate and intense. Alessandra's moans grew louder, her body trembling as she reached the peak of her pleasure. I could feel the warmth and wetness between my legs, a clear indication of my arousal. I wanted to feel Alessandra inside me, to be as close as possible during this intimate moment. Without breaking our kiss, I positioned myself beneath Alessandra, guiding her length towards me. Alessandra entered me slowly, our eyes locked together as we both felt the connection deepen. I wrapped my legs around Alessandra's waist, pulling her closer as we continued to kiss passionately.

As we moved together, our bodies creating a perfect rhythm, I could feel Alessandra inside me, filling me completely. The sensation was overwhelming, a blend of pleasure and love that left me breathless. Our kisses grew more intense, our moans mingling together as we reached the pinnacle of our lovemaking. I felt the warmth build within me, my body tensing as I prepared to climax. Alessandra's thrusts became more urgent, her breaths coming in short gasps as she too neared her peak. With a final cry of passion, we climaxed together, our bodies shuddering in unison as waves of pleasure washed over us. We held each other tightly, our hearts beating in sync as we rode out the aftermath of our intense lovemaking.

As we lay together, the afterglow of our lovemaking enveloping us, I couldn't shake the lingering doubts that clouded my mind. Alessandra's sleeping face, serene and beautiful, held a sense of tranquility that eluded me. I found myself tracing the contours of her face, lingering on the curve of her lips that had brought me so much joy. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice when Alessandra's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting mine with a tenderness that tugged at my heartstrings. Before I could speak, she drew me close, her lips meeting mine in a soft, tender kiss that spoke volumes of her longing.

"I missed you," she confessed as she held me tightly, her words like a balm to my troubled soul. I ran my fingers through her hair, aching to hold onto this moment of closeness. "Are you still mad at me?" I dared to ask, my voice trembling with uncertainty. Alessandra pulled away slightly, her eyes searching mine with a mixture of emotions that mirrored my own. Her response was a revelation, a flood of emotion that washed away my doubts and fears. "I thought I could stay mad at you, but I was wrong," she admitted, her voice filled with love and longing. "I love you, Sana. I love you too much, and I am willing to go through hell again just to be with you and keep you safe."

Her words filled me with a warmth that spread through my entire being, melting away the walls I had built around my heart. As she kissed me again, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, knowing that we were truly meant to be together. But Alessandra's next words brought me back to reality, reminding me of the challenges that lay ahead. "But you need to promise me that this time you will heed my words and if you're planning anything, you will need to tell me," she demanded, her tone firm but filled with love. I nodded eagerly, a sense of determination rising within me. I knew that together, we could face whatever obstacles came our way. With a smile, Alessandra hugged me tightly, and I knew that no matter what the future holds, as long as we were together, we could overcome anything.

A month had passed since that fateful night with Alessandra, a night that now held a significance I couldn't have imagined. As I sat there, nervously waiting for the results of the pregnancy test, my mind raced with thoughts of what the future might hold.

When the test came back positive, my heart skipped a beat, and a rush of emotions flooded through me. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my shock and excitement.

The sudden commotion drew the attention of the others, and they rushed to my side, their faces filled with concern. As I showed them the test, their expressions shifted from worry to joy, and even a hint of annoyance from Miyeon. "Yah! Why did you have to scream like you were in danger!" Miyeon scolded me, her words laced with a mix of exasperation and relief. I couldn't help but chuckle nervously, realizing the unnecessary panic I had caused. But Alessandra's reaction was one of pure joy and excitement. She hugged me tightly, her embrace filled with love and anticipation. "I'm going to be a momma!" she exclaimed, her excitement contagious as she spun me around in her arms.

I giggled at her enthusiasm, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness wash over me. The girls congratulated me, their smiles and words of support giving me strength and determination. With the news of my pregnancy, Alessandra became even more protective, her love and care for me evident in every gesture and action. It was both comforting and amusing to see her fierceness in keeping me safe, especially when it came to dealing with Mark's advances. Despite his attempts, I knew that I was safe in Alessandra's arms, surrounded by the love and protection of those who cared for me. As I looked toward the future, I felt a renewed sense of resolve to execute my plan and protect our growing family from any harm that may come our way.


The night of the wedding was a culmination of months of planning and anticipation. As Sana and I prepared to execute our plan, the weight of our mission hung heavy in the air. I could feel the tension coiling in my stomach, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirling within me. "Are you ready, Sana?" I asked, trying to mask my apprehension with determination. Sana's response was resolute, her determination shining through despite the uncertainty of the situation. I watched as she rubbed her stomach, a silent gesture of reassurance to both herself and Alessandra's unborn child.

Together, we made our way to the church, the gravity of our mission weighing heavily on our shoulders. As we walked down the aisle, I shared a glance with the ally bodyguards stationed discreetly throughout the church, a silent acknowledgment of our shared mission. When Sana reached the altar and the ceremony began, I could sense the tension mounting. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched Mark's smug expression, his eyes fixed on Alessandra, who stood resolute beside Sana. Then, as Sana spoke her vows, a recording played, exposing Mark's deceitful intentions. The shock and disbelief on his face mirrored the anger and satisfaction coursing through me.

When chaos erupted and Alessandra leaped into action to protect Sana, I knew that our plan was in motion. The sight of Mark's downfall filled me with a sense of justice and vindication. As the confrontation unfolded, I stood by Sana's side, my body tensed and ready to defend her at a moment's notice. When Mr. Minatozaki took matters into his own hands, I felt a surge of adrenaline, knowing that the tide was turning in our favor. And as Alessandra unleashed her fury upon Mark, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for her unwavering loyalty and determination. She was more than just a bodyguard; she was a fierce protector and a true friend.

As the chaos subsided and Alessandra made her way to Sana, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Despite the turmoil and uncertainty, we had emerged victorious, united in our resolve to seek justice and protect those we loved. And as I looked at Sana and Alessandra, wrapped in each other's arms, I knew that our bond had only grown stronger through adversity. Together, we had faced the darkness and emerged into the light, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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