Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

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One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
War of hearts
Beautiful Evening
My innocent Fiancé.
First date
Heartbreak and misery
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Melodious Escape ~ 5
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 7
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9

The Return - Chapter 4

30 4 0
By piadreamer

Warning - Use of strong language and violence.


*Next day at Breakfast*

"Chris Lightwood, Liam Twinn, Julias Vincent, Derik Morgenstern. These are the names we got that are somehow involved with both Herondale and Penhallow circles. How? We are still trying to figure that out." Jace said as he played with the fork in his hand, barely eating his breakfast. The surroundings around them were tense as they were out mostly all night and everyone wanted to know the progress around this case, especially Clary.

"Chris as in Gabriel's son?" Robert raised his brow. "That boy might be a piece of work but he's not an officer or related to any government service. Why him?"

"We don't know Robert," Luke said. "None of them are, actually. But they are somehow connected. We are trying to get more names that are common between Henric, Rodrick, Will, and Imogen. We don't know how large their circle is, what this is about!"

"And what are you going to do about these names? Are they the next victims?" Simon asked curiously.

"That is what we are not sure about, Simon. It could be anyone. Maybe someone we haven't found the names of. It's so frustrating!" Izzy said, grabbing her hair and letting out a tired sigh.

"I'm starting to find this deadline stupid," Maryse said. "Clary, I get why you want your wedding on that particular day, but just look at Jace. Is that how you want your husband to look at his own wedding? Like a zombie?"


"Ma, please. It's not even that about anymore." Jace said. "You have seen how many people this bastard has killed already. We need to find him as soon as possible. For everyone's sake."

"That doesn't mean you people sacrifice rest." Alec said, "I'm not saying sleep peacefully. I remember how I used to be, but you do need a little rest. At least to gain focus and think. So please, just go and rest for a while, in separate rooms, by the way."


"No kiddo, Lucian! You're coming with me and I'm advising everyone to get their partners and go to your rooms. It had been the longest night for everyone." Jocelyn said in absolution, leaving no place for arguments.


"Something's going on in your head, right?" Magnus asked as Alec kept gently scratching his husband's scalp, cuddling close in silence.

"What if we make them his next victims, Magnus?"

"What?" Magnus frowned and looked into his eyes.

"Izzy said those four might not be his next victims, but what if we make them? Lure them all to one place? Including the killer? Searching all those school records might take forever. This way we'll get to the killer first and know who's behind that mask."

"Bur how darling and.. what.. what if my gut feeling is wrong and I had to... kill that person?"

"You know I'm with you, babe. No matter what. Just keep your weapons with you just in case. As for how, if they are involved in something together, they might be talking to each other in some way, maybe dark web. And that killer might be keeping an eye on them.

We need to figure out a way to lure four of them in one place, the killer will definitely come there. And we'll be there too. To know the face behind the mask. I know it's a risk as my dear family of FBI would be thinking in similar ways, but we need to do this."

"Are you certain, darling? You have risked so much already for me."

"And I will keep doing it," Alec said in a whisper, then leaned to peck on his husband's forehead. "Always. So stop with these stupid questions and let's do this."

"I... I know a little bit of hacking. If they are using some kind of code to communicate, it must be on their phone. Maybe a secret message app or mail, something. If we can figure it out, we can use that to lure them into one place. But how are we going to make sure that the killer is following them?"

"Good question," Alec said, eyes fixated on the wall in front while his thumb rubbed against Magnus' hand. "What if we send some anonymous tip to the killer?"

"Are you insane, Alexander?" Magnus sat up and glared daggers at him. "No. We're not doing such a thing. Let me get into their phones first, if by any chance that killer is keeping an eye on them, or tracking them, I'll get to know, but we're not doing any stupidity like that."

"Jeez, love! Calm down. I have a spare laptop with me, which I barely use. We can use that. The sooner we get this over with, the better."


"Bingo!" Magnus squealed, making him sit up alert, as he was about to fall asleep.

"What? What happened?"

"The killer has bugged their phones. I've come across chats from which it's evident that they had come across the killer but luckily ran away unharmed."

"So it'll be easy to lure the killer too. Good. But where, when, and how?"

"See here, they're using this code to meet at... oh wow, remember this place, darling?"

Alec read the message then saw the picture that was attached and his jaw dropped. "Where I lured Gabriel to, the abandoned construction site. Where you..." he trailed off and exchanged a look with his husband.

"Should we do it now? Everyone's tired and asleep so it'll be easy for us to leave." Magnus said, "I'll deliver the message to everyone's mail from the same address, asking them to meet in half an hour. The killer will get the message too and will be there. If in case... I... I had to.... kill... it won't be tough to..."

"Hey," Alec cupped his husband's face, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes, noticing the pain, shame, and hesitation in them. "Love, it's okay. If you for whatever reason have to kill again, I'm with you, okay? Be it the killer or... them. Let's do this now."


*In the Lightwood Farmhouse Backyard*

"You do realize once our partners realize we're gone, they'll kill us, right, Luke?" Jace said, raising his brow at his soon-to-be father-in-law and boss.

"It was so tough to sneak out when Simon is a light sleeper. He's definitely going to kill me." Izzy said, handing a tablet to Jia.

"We can't stop until this killer is caught, and you all know that," Jia said sternly. "Now, what's this about?"

"It's a message Liam, Chris, Julias, and Derik received a few minutes ago. Looks like a meeting ground for them. Whatever it's about, it might or might not be related to their connection with other victims. We can follow them and find out if it's related or not. In any way, it definitely is something shady, and we can uncover something big."

"You have a point, Izzy. Nice work. But how do you get this information?"

Izzy exchanged a look with Jace. "We have actually hired an ethical hacker for cases like these," Jace said hesitantly.

"And you two didn't care to tell us? Seriously?" Luke raised his brow.

"Sorry boss." They both said in unison.

"Anyhow, let's move. This message says to meet in half an hour. I'll deal with my wife's scolding later."


*At the construction site*

"How the heck you got a gun, darling?" Magnus asked as they hid behind a large pillar, examining the area.

"From one of your sources, don't ask whom."

"Seriously!?" Magnus deadpanned.

"Magnus, do you really want me to be defenseless?"

"No, but... I.. I don't want you to -"

"I won't unless it'll come to that. Relax now." Alec reassured. "Though, these gas bombs will be helpful to keep those four away."

Magnus analyzed the number of small tear gas bombs they had to distract the four men and sighed. He hoped that whoever was behind the mask, he wasn't a psychopath and they could talk to him while keeping the four alive and safe. He was hoping to know the reason behind all this instead of that person being a crazy psychopathic impersonator whom he had to kill.

"Magnus...." Alec whispered, and he noticed that Chris and Derik were coming from the right side entrance while Liam and Julias were from the left one, and the killer was nowhere to be seen.

"Dammit! What now?"

"It's impossible that killer wouldn't have seen... oh thank god!" Alec sighed and so did he, when he noticed the killer coming in from the broken wall in front of them, noticing the four of them walking right into his lap.

"What the fuck!" Derik yelled. "How!?"

"It's alright, Derik! We're four and he's alone. Let's kill that bastard!" Julias said and increased his pace and so did others and the killer stood in his spot, analyzing the situation.

"Let's do this," Alec said and took out a gas bomb and Magnus nodded.


"Oh wow! Did we hit a jackpot!?" Jace said as they all took out their guns, who were hiding behind broken walls and doors, looking at the scene unfolding in front of them. Not only the four men were there but the killer, impersonator or real, was there too.

"Looks like it, kiddo! Let's move before he runs. And make sure to catch the four of them too." Luke ordered, but before they could take a step forward, a blast occurred close to them and they moved back in their position.

"The fuck was that!?" Izzy said in a concerned tone but had an alert stance.


"Other side too, Alexander," Magnus said and Alec took out the gas bomb and threw it towards Chris and Derik's direction.

"Let's go before he runs!"


"There's someone else here." Jia said, "But it doesn't look like it's an accomplice of the killer."

"Then what now, should we attack?" Izzy asked.

"No." Luke said, "Let's wait and see. If any of them tries to run, then only we'll chase and attack, understood?"

"Yes, sir." The three of them said in unison.


"Stop! Don't run!" Magnus screamed at the top of his lungs, blocking the killer's way while Alec pointed his gun at him.

The killer panted, searching for his way out, but Alec kept pointing his gun on his forehead, making sure that he didn't run.

"We said, stop!" Alec yelled. "You're not leaving without answering us!"


"Alec!? Magnus!?" Izzy looked baffled as she saw the scene in front.

"What the fuck!? What are they doing here?" Jace said.

"I get why Alec, he led this case five years ago. Guess old habits die hard." Luke whispered, "But Magnus too? That doesn't make sense."

"If he wanted, he could've helped us, Luke." Jia said, "This doesn't make sense at all."

"In any way, Jia, record the conversation. Whatever happens, we'll have the proof."

Jia nodded and started recording while still maintaining her stance and keeping her eyes on the killer.


"Who are you and why are you doing this?" Magnus asked, "Just answer our questions. That's all we want."

The killer shook his head, trying to find an escape when they blocked his way again.

"You're not leaving until you answer us," Alec said.

"Alexander, the bomb's effect is decreasing," Magnus said, noticing that the four were on their feet again, trying to run toward them.

"Here," Alec said and handed one bomb to him as they threw it in either direction, stopping their path again. "If you think we're helping you, then you're wrong. We're buying us time so that we can learn why you are impersonating him, if you have a legit reason then maybe we might help you, but only if your reason is justified and feel like you're right in killing them."

The killer stopped, sinking Alec's words then looked at Magnus and his heart started racing badly. He had a strong feeling that he knew the person behind the mask, and he had no intention of killing him. And it doesn't seem like the killer wanted to hurt them. Who was it, and why was he doing this?


"Alec did not just say that," Jace whispered, unable to believe what his brother just said.

"I'm not understanding anything they are doing, Jace." Izzy said, "Why go after the killer alone?"


The killer looked between them once again as if deciding what to do next. They were prepared if he tried to run but instead, he tilted his head and started removing his mask, making them sigh with relief and exchange a look.

Once the killer completely took off his mask, Magnus couldn't believe his eyes. "Kristelle!? What the fuck!?"

"The heck!" Alec lowered his gun and looked between both of them. The killer had dark brown hair tied in a bun, almond-shaped brown eyes and strangely her features were way too similar to his husband, the only difference was that she was around Izzy's height. "Magnus you know.... her?"

"I... yes. What the hell, Kristelle? What is all this?"

"Don't get between this, Magnus. Just don't. Leave!" She said desperately.

"No, I'm not. What in the world, Kristelle? I... I had a feeling I knew the person behind the mask, but... you. Why? What turned you into... this?" 

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