The Doctor and The Deathly Wi...

By jokermadhatter

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*Not related to New Life; Second Chances* Ivy Potter (femHarry) had become the Mistress of Death, along with... More

Cast List
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
The Aftermath of the Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London
World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Surprise
The Runaway Bride
The Pregnancy
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
The Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
Interlude 2
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude--Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Aftermath of Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Doctor's Daughter
The Doctor's Daughter Aftermath
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead
The Stolen Earth

Journey's End

644 21 6
By jokermadhatter

The gold energy flowed out of the Doctor's hands as the other's took cover, "What about Ivy and Harry?" Donna asked in worry.

"They're beings of time. I think they'll be alright," Mickey answered.

The Doctor looked at his wife again to see her now looking at him in worry, still pointing at his severed hand. He then had an idea and knew the two Deaths knew something. With effort, he slammed his hands into the jar that held his severed hands. The hand absorbed it and then the Doctor stood up feeling completely normal, "Now then. Where were we?" he asked the others.

"What the fuck just happened?" Martha asked over communication.


"Where the hell is she?" Jackie growled out, landing near the TARDIS, blasting a nearby Dalek.


"There now," the Doctor says checking on his hand. He blew on the jar making the glowing stop. "You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but as soon as I was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to. Why would i? Look at me," the Doctor smirked slightly.

"Your wife is still frozen and Jack is too, continue," Donna sassed.

"So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle, namely my hand. My hand there," he pointed to the hand Ivy nad Harry were pointing at, "My handy spare hand I lost on Christmas Day from a sword fight. What do you think?"

"You're still you?"

"You're still an idiot?" the Doctor mocked, now sounding very much like Susan when she's irritated.

"That was such a Susan comment," Mickey said quietly, Donna nodding in agreement.


Ianto and Gwen were surrounded by bullets hanging in the air. "What is this?" Gwen asked.

"What is that?" Tish asked from inside the room.

"The Doctor and Harold were helping us make Time Locks as a defense program. I didn't think it would work right now, but now that Susan is now frozen mid regeneration, there is likely some time energy in the air either amplifying it, or setting it off," Ianto theorized.

"But that means none of us can get out," Gwen said.

"Nope. Not without unlocking that Dalek. Only a being of time could probably do something about the Dalek, but they're all unavailable now. Susan saved everyone in the building," Ianto answered looking back at the Time Lady who used herself as a shield.


"Shit!" Mickey suddenly jumped. They all looked up to jump again and see Harry and Ivy pointing outside.

"They somehow move when we're not looking," Donna explained.

"Like a Weeping Angel?" Mickey asked, recalling Martha talking about her run in with them.

The Doctor's eyes widened, "The Weeping Angels are beings of time, so are these two," he realized.

"It doesn't explain Neville and Fred, they don't have gold," Mickey said.

"But they have magic, with a small essence of Ivy's meaning they have a little teeny tiny bit of Time, even if it doesn't show," the Doctor explained since he had more knowledge over the marks other than those with the marks and Ivy.

Suddenly the power goes out, "They've got us. Power's gone. Some kind of chronon loop," the Doctor said. The TARDIS tilts and the Doctor hurries to grab his wife while Mickey managed to grab Harry before either could fall.


Jackie was going to do something ballsy, and she didn't like it, but she needed to find the couple she came to care about and her idiot daughter. She had been approached by the other universes version of the Doctor worried about her missing husband and knew the Deaths were together. She puts down her gun and approaches the Daleks, "I surrender," she said.

"All humans in this sector will be taken to the Crucible," the Daleks said. Jackie walks out, hoping she could return Harry to the worried brunette who can't save her universe by herself.


Martha made sure her mother was protected as for some reason she couldn't access the EMP or contact her siblings and left again now knowing how to use the transport. She landed in Germany and witnessed the Daleks that apparently knew German too as they spoke "Exterminieren!" instead of "Exterminate!"


"There's a massive Dalek ship in the center of all the planets. They're calling it the Crucible," Mickey told them.

"Great, so we're going there," Donna sighed and then turned to the Doctor, "You said these planets were like an engine. But what for?"

"Rose, you've been in a parallel world longer. That world's running ahead of this universe. You've seen the future. What was it?" the Doctor asked the blonde. He was becoming aware that there may be a version of him over there who was worried over Harry and feeling useless to save their universe.

"It's the darkness," Rose said.

"So helpful," the Doctor deadpanned.

"The stars were going out," Donna added, giving Rose a starting point.

"One by one," Rose added, "We looked up at the sky and they were just dying. Basically, we've been building this, er, this travel machine, this, this er, dimension cannon, so I could—well, so I could..."

"What?" the Doctor asked impatiently.

"So I could come back. Shut up," she said when most rolled their eyes, "Anyway, suddenly, it started to work and the dimensions started to collapse. Not just in our world, not just in yours, but the whole of reality. Even the Void was dead. Something is destroying everything," Rose explained.

"Yeah, and you caused it," the Doctor said bluntly, "Now another version of me is probably pissed at you and feeling helpless to save their universe, and now this is being put on me before other Deaths start appearing in another universes and end up being like these two," the Doctor motioned to the two Deaths, some startling yet again when the two had found Rose again and glared.

"They're listening," Mickey noticed.

"What do you mean?" Sarah Jane spoke up.

"You just mentioned another version of you, the one that would be with Harry—Harry's wife actually, and how she's feeling helpless. Harry's glaring harder than Ivy," Mickey explained. They all looked back and the glares had disappeared replaced with blank faces. They now had blank expressions, still pointing at the hand, but now they stared in Donna's direction.

"In that parallel universe, you said something about me," Donna said.

"The dimension cannon could measure timelines, and it's, it's weird, Donna, but they all seem to converge on you," Rose told her.

"Apparently Ivy and Harry agree on that," the Doctor mumbled, noticing that they weren't just looking in the redhead's direction, no, they were staring at her. The scanner beeped. The Doctor checked it and then looked at the others, "The Dalek Crucible. All aboard," he said sarcastically.

"Doctor, you will step forth or die," a Dalek called from the outside.

"We'll have to go out. Because if wee don't, they'll get in," the Doctor told them tensely, "They can't get Ivy or Harry."

"You told me nothing could get through those doors," Rose argued.

"Last time we fought the Daleks, they were scavengers and hybrids, and mad. But this is a fully-fledged Dalek Empire, at the height of its power. Experts at fighting TARDISes, they can do anything. Right now, that wooden door is just wood. Right now that wooden door is the only thing protecting my wife," the Doctor said calmly.

Donna hears a thumping in her ears and meets Ivy's eyes. Ivy is still staring and still pointing at the hand.

"What about your dimension jump?" Mickey asked Rose.

The blonde shook her head, :It needs another twenty minutes. And anyway, I'm not leaving," she said, not noticing the others rolling her their eyes.

"What about your teleport?" the Doctor asked Mickey.

"I think being near Magic who is currently frozen is affecting the magic powering and the rest went down with the power outage," Mickey answered, "I can't think of another way, I might be good with technology, but I'm not Jack, this was more Jack's area."

"And Jack is frozen," the Doctor sighed, "Right then, all of us together. Yeah. Donna?"

Donna had gone quiet, and now was staring in the direction of the hand Ivy was pointing at.

"Donna?" the Doctor called.

Donna snapped out of it, "Yeah."

"I'm sorry. There's nothing else we can do," he apologized. Donna could see the dread in his eyes, the sadness in his eyes. She really had think about it from his standpoint. Right now she knew her mother and grandfather were safe behind Susan, Neville, Fred, and George's barrier along with the Time Lock and Thor was safe in the tower, but Susan was frozen mid regeneration, her child had to be put to into a deep sleep because he was too young to deal with what he was feeling, the Doctor's twin children, stepson, and wife are also frozen and his wife is currently being protected by a wood door that could easily be broken down by the enemies outside.

"I know," Donna told him calmly.

"Surrender, Doctor, and face your Dalek masters," the Daleks said.

"I'm so glad Harold isn't here, he would've made a comment about that," the Doctor mumbled getting a slight smile from Mickey and Donna despite the tense situation.

"Crucible on maximum alert," another Dalek said.

"Daleks," Rose gasped.

"Yes, Rose, you let the Daleks through," the Doctor snapped. Sue him, his whole family was frozen.

"Oh, God," Mickey groaned, now knowing the full situation. He just left Susan to Daleks. He left a Time Lady to defend frozen children and get zapped by a Dalek only for him to be too late to prevent a Time Lord from being zapped and possibly wasting regeneration energy. Mickey yelped. They jumped and looked back at him. Harry had grabbed him. Ivy stayed still staring at Donna and pointing to the hand. Mickey moved his shirt to the side revealing a faded gold Deathly Hallows mark.

"Martha and I didn't want one," he said.

"It's temporary," the Doctor said, making them turn back to him, "Ivy told me once that she can give a temporary one but it would be faded. Harry, who is not a part of this universe gave you one, though..." he trailed off. He motioned everyone to look away form Harry and Mickey felt the grip leave.

"Doctor, exit the TARDIS," the Daleks called.

"Right," he sighed, "It's been good, though, hasn't it? Most of us. All of it. Everything we did," he looks at Donna, "You were brilliant," he looked at Mickey, "You became brilliant—you were an ass at first," Mickey nodded, he turned to Sarah Jane, "you were brilliant," he looked at Rose, "You were a pain," making Rose frown again. He approached Ivy who had briefly looked away from Donna to him, but still pointing, "I know you and him have a plan, so I'll you see on the other side," he said quietly, kissing her forehead again.

The Doctor led them out of the TARDIS, Donna lagging behind as Ivy's eyes were back on her. She could hear the thumping, like a heartbeat.

"Daleks reign supreme. All hail the Daleks!" a red Dalek called.

"Daleks reign supreme. All hail the Daleks! Daleks reign supreme! All hail the Daleks!" the other Daleks chant.

Donna stops in the TARDIS, hearing the heartbeat getting louder. The Doctor looks up seeing the Daleks flying around between the planets. The Daleks continue chanting.

"Behold, Doctor. Behold the might of the true Dalek race," the red Dalek taunts.

The Doctor noticed Donna still in the TARDIS, still allowing the Daleks to possibly get a view of them, not seeing the shielding affect around the two beings. Harry and Ivy had the Deathly Hallows, they both could shield themselves from view, "Donna! You're no safer in there," he called to the redhead.

Donna was about to move forward but the TARDIS doors shut in front of her.

"What?" the Doctor questioned in surprise.

"Doctor? What have you done?" Donna called from inside.

"It wasn't me. I didn't do anything," the Doctor called back.

Donna spun around inside the TARDIS, "Oi! Oi! I'm not standing behind!" she raised her voice at the TARDIS but paused seeing Harry and Ivy turning to her, yet again. "Why do you keep staring at me? And pointing at that hand?" she asked, tears forming in her eyes. She was scared and she knew it. She didn't know if she would see Thor, her mother, and grandfather again. She had finally worked up the courage to go on a date with Thor after learning more about Asguardian culture, and now it may not happen. Her mother lost her husband, and now might lose her daughter, Donna didn't know how her mother would handle it.

Outside she heard the Doctor yelling, she knew it was because of her being trapped but also because he didn't know what was going on and his wife was in the TARDIS too, "What did you do?!" she heard him spit out. She knew the Oncoming Storm she briefly saw before was on the verge of coming out.

"This is not Dalek origin," she heard the Dalek answer.

Donna startled, Ivy had moved closer.

"Doctor!" Donna calls.

"Stop it!" the Doctor yells, "She's my friend. Now open the door and let her out!"

Donna had tears down her cheeks hearing this, again while she knew he was panicking about Ivy, she knew he spoke the truth. Donna found herself becoming best friends with the couple, even if Ivy looked kind of terrifying being frozen with all of her forms coming forward.

"This is Time Lord treachery!" she heard a Dalek, she thinks it was the same one, declare.

"Me? The door just closed on its own," the Doctor argued.

"Nevertheless, the TARDIS is a weapon and it will be destroyed," the Daleks said. Donna's eyes widen. She sees Harry and Ivy hanging on so she rushed to do the same. The TARDIS was dropping. "Doctor!" Donna screams.


"What are you doing? Bring it back!" the Doctor yells in urgency. Sarah Jane and Mickey had felt their hearts stop, the Doctor's wife and best friend were both just dropped to their deaths. Rose could care less, more Doctor for her. But then again, Donna is in there.

"What have you done? Where's it going?" the Doctor questioned again.

"The crucible has a heart of Z-neutrino energy. The TARDIS will be deposited into the core," the red Dalek tells them.

The TARDIS dropped into the molten core.

"But Donna's still in there!" Rose yelled.

"Let th—her go!" Mickey yelled, almost slipping up.

"The female the TARDIS will perish together. Observe. The last child of Gallifrey is powerless," the red Dalek said. An image of the TARDIS in the core appeared.

The Doctor kept quiet, he truly hoped that if Harry and Ivy could hear, that they had a plan. 'Please be okay,' he sent through the cold bond. He held hope because the bond was still cold, meaning it was still there.

"You are connected to the TARDIS. Now feel it die," the red Dalek said.


Donna moves forward, in her daze again. The hand had fallen next to Ivy. She grabbed it and startled when both the regeneration energy in the hand had flowed between her and the hand, but also when Ivy grabbed her hand and Harry grabbed the severed hand.

The glowing in hand surged up and formed a new body looking just like the Doctor. "It's you!" Donna said in surprise.

"Oh, yes!" the "Doctor" said in astonishment.

Donna looked down, not being to help it as they were both crouched down because of the two Deaths, "You're naked!"

"Oh, yes," the "Doctor" repeated in the same tone.

"Again, lucky Ivy," Donna mumbled, just happening to see it.

"I know," the "Doctor" said in the same tone. "Look away from them."

They both look away from Ivy and Harry and both feel the grips on their hands move away. "You have a Mark," Donna noticed when she looked back.

"That I do, so do you," the Doctor clone said, heading back to quickly get himself some clothes, ignoring the new gold Deathly Hallows mark that marked his chest. Donna looked down to see a bit of gold and green peaking out and found a Deathly hallows mark on her chest too. She looked back at Ivy who had a small smile on her face.


"Total TARDIS destruction in ten rels. Nine, eight, seven, six..."


The Doctor clone, now wearing a blue suit without a tie, pressed a button on the console, eyeing both Harry and Ivy openly with a look of appreciation in his eye.

"I didn't know you swung both ways," Donna couldn't help but say, noticing his eyes lingering on Harry too.

"Time Lords can switch gender when they regenerate, they don't care about gender," the Doctor clone admitted, "I'm just more open about it."


"...Five, four, three, two, one," the Dalek had counted down and the TARDIS disappeared. The Doctor was mentally telling himself to act distraught, he still feels his bond with Ivy. He can't show his happiness because the Daleks will know, so he kept a blank face.

"The TARDIS has been destroyed. Now tell me, Doctor. What do you feel? Anger? Sorrow? Despair?" the red Dalek listed in anticipation.

"Yeah," the Doctor said in a small voice.

"Then if emotions are so important, surely we have enhanced you?" the red Dalek asked.

'Now,' Mickey startled—did he just hear Harry's voice? "Yeah? Feel this!" he said out loud, shooting the Dalek.

"Exterminate!" and then Mickey was "dead".

Rose screamed, "Mickey?" she cried.

The Doctor saw a bit of time energy surrounding Mickey, emanating from the temporary mark. He kept his face blank, but mentally he was thinking, 'Oh you brilliant duo.'

"Rose," the Doctor called, "Come here. Leave him."

"They killed him," Rose said in tears. Did she cause this? (Yes, yes you did)

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Escort them to the Vault," the red Dalek ordered.

"There's nothing we can do," the Doctor quietly told the others, "But wait."

Sarah Jane and Rose gave him a surprised look, noticing he surprisingly didn't look devastated.

"They are the playthings of Davos now."


"All repaired. Lovely. Shush," the new Doctor shushed Donna and the TARDIS, "No one knows we're here other than the other me," he said.

"How?" Donna asked before she could stop herself.

"Ivy's here, he can feel it," he told her, "We got to keep quiet though because he's going to pretend his best friend and his wife and her equally attractive counterpart just fell to their deaths because the Daleks are idiots enough to not know Lady and Lord Death are on the ship. Anyway," he turned back to the TARDIS, "Silent running, like on submarines when you can't even drop a spanner. Don't drop a spanner! I like blue. What do you think?" he asked, motioning to the blue suit he had on.

"I haven't purposely met Harry but I'm sure both of them will think you're adorable, I on the other hand think you are bonkers," Donna answered honestly.

The clone Doctor reddened a little bit before looking offended, "Why? What's wrong with blue?"

"Is that was Time Lords do? Lop a bit off, grow another one? You're like worms," Donna questioned.

"No, no, no, no, no. I'm unique," the new Doctor claimed, "Never been another like me. Because all that regeneration energy went into the hand," he raised the hand he grew from, "Look at my hand. I love that hand. But then you touched it. Wham! Shush. Instantaneous biological metacrisis. I grew out of you. Still, could be worse," he said with a shrug.

"Oi, watch it, Spaceman," Donna snarked.

"Oi, watch it, Earth girl," the clone Doctor snarked right back, "Ooo, I sound like you," he said in realization, "I sound all, all sort of rough."

"Oi!" Donna says in offense.

"Oi!" the clone quickly copies.

"Oi!" Donna echoes even louder. "Shut up!" she says to the two Deaths who now looked amused.

"Spanners. Shush. I must have picked up a bit of your voice, that's all. Is it?" he asked himself, "Did I? No," he gasped, "Oh, you are kidding me. No way. One heart. I've only got one heart. This body has only one heart—the two hearted bastard," the clone Doctor said in disbelief, cursing out his original self. Ivy and Harry looked more amused.

"What, like you're human?" Donna asked.

"Oh, that's digusting," the new Doctor cringed.



"Stop it!" Donna scolded him and the two Deaths with creepily wide grins.

"No, wait. I'm part Time Lord, part human. Well, isn't that wizard?" the new Doctor said, they both paused and then turned to Harry, the wizard in the room, and he stared back.

"If I helped create you, wouldn't you have magic?" Donna asked.

"Likely," he answered.

"You gonna try?" Donna asked.

"Don't want this one calling me Barty since I look like Barty and I would have Crouch magic," the new Doctor said, motioning to Ivy.

"Fair—what was that noise I kept hearing, that heartbeat, and how do these play into all of this?" Donna asked, motioning to the two Deaths who had grabbed them.

"That was me. My single heart. Because I'm a complicated event in time and space. Must have rippled back, converging on you," the new Doctor said, "With these two, I assume because of the impact it would have on you that Ivy was making it safe for you to hold that information because no human should have that information. That's why yours has gold and not just green, Wolfie wanted to keep you safe."

"But, you're a human?" Donna questioned.

"But I also grew from a Time Lord's hand, and in case it did go wrong I have a gold—oh, wait there's green now, yeah I may have magic, and so Harry gave me that extra protection."

"So we'll both be okay?" Donna asked.

"We both will have migraines until we deal with all that information, you more than me, I already know it, but yes, we will be okay," the new Doctor guaranteed.

Donna recalled what he had previously said, "It converged on me? Why?"

"Because you're special," the new Doctor said.

"Oh, I keep telling you, I'm not," Donna sighed.

"Ivy doesn't give marks to just anyone. My original self doesn't open up to just anybody. He depends on you, he's depending on your right now and he wouldn't support somebody who wasn't worth it. Right now, he knows you're alive because he knows Ivy is and he's depending on you to be able to save him because right now he's losing hope about saving his wife and children and he needs you, Donna. You present yourself with all that attitude, all that lip, because all this time you think you're worth it. The Doctor's feeling like that right now, like if something happened to his family, that he shouldn't be saved."

"Stop it," Donna said quietly.

"But look at what you've done. You're the one that found me—him again. Your granddad, he's met him before. Your car. Donna, your car. You parked your car right where the TARDIS was going to land. That's not a coincidence at all! We've been blind. Something's been drawing you back to us for such a long time—maybe it was Ivy unintentionally again?"

"But you're talking like destiny. There's no such thing. Is there?" Donna asked.

"it's still not finished. It's like the pattern's not complete. The strands are still drawing together. But heading for what?"


Martha, back in Germany, has reached Osterhagen Station One, reaching out for somebody else.


Mickey coughs after being thrown in the rubbish, sitting up and looks for a way out. He noticed his Deathly Hallows mark was really temporary as it has disappeared.


Jackie gets closer to the others.


"Activate the holding cells," Davros orders as spotlights shine down on Sarah Jane, Rose, and the Doctor keeping them in place. "Excellent. Even when powerless, a Time Lord is best contained," Davros adds while the Doctor fought off the slight smirk that wanted to form on his face. He still felt Ivy, so he still had hope.

"Still scared of me, then?" he said out loud.

"it is time we talked, Doctor. After so very long," Davros continues.

"No, no, no, no, no. We're not doing the nostalgia tour. I want to know what's happening right here, right now, because the Supreme Dalek said Vault, yeah? As in dungeon, cellar, prison. You're not in charge of the Daleks, are you? They've got you locked away down here in the basement like, what, a servant? Slave? Court jester?" the Doctor spoke.

"We have an arrangement," Davros said.

'Bullshit,' the Doctor's Watcher couldn't help but say.

"No, no, no, no, no. No, I've got the word. You're the Dalek's pet!" the Doctor argued.

"So very full of fire, is he not," Davros was now speaking to Sarah Jane and Rose, "And to think you crossed entire universes, striding parallel to parallel to find him again," he said, now looking at Rose.

"Leave them alone," the Doctor spoke.

"They are mine to do as I please," Davros argued. The Doctor glared darkly, he may not like Rose, but he won't put up with that. That, and Sarah Jane was being spoken to also.

"Then why am I still alive?" Rose asked.

"You must be here. It was foretold. Even the Supreme Dalek would not dare contradict the prophecies of Dalek Caan," Davros said.

"So cold and dark. Fire is coming. The endless flames," Caan's voice spoke.

"What is that thing?" Rose asked.

"You've met before. The last of the Cult of Skaro. But it flew into the Time War, unprotected," the Doctor said.

"Caan did more than that. He saw time. Its infinite complexity and majesty, raging through his mind. And he saw you. Both of you," Davros said. Sarah Jane and Rose were confused, if Caan saw time, wouldn't he have seen the Bad Wolf? The Doctor, however, knew very well all forms of his wife can hide themselves with that cloak of theirs and had likely replaced her image with Rose's.

"This I have foreseen, in the wild and the wind. The Doctor will be here as witness, at the end of everything. The Doctor and his precious Children of Time. And one of them will die," Caan continued.

Rose and Sarah Jane could feel the essence of anger from the Doctor. They both knew that the Daleks were referring to companions, but the Doctor's mind likely shot to his actual children. 'Calm down, Doctor,' the Watcher warned.

"Was it you, Caan? Did you kill Donna? Why did the TARDIS door close? Tell me!" the Doctor demanded. Sarah Jane's eyes slightly widened as it finally hit her. The Doctor would've been angrier over Ivy, but he hasn't once mentioned her. 'He knows something,' she thought.

"Oh, that's it. The anger, the fire, the rage of a Time Lord who butchered millions. There he is," Davros taunted, "Why so shy? Show your compassion. Show her your true self. Dalek Caan promised me that too."

"I have seen. At the time of the ending, the Doctor's soul will be revealed," Caan's voice spoke.

"What does that mean?" the Doctor asked.

"We will discover it together. Our final journey. Because the ending approaches. The testing begins," Davros said.

"Testing of what?" the Doctor said, feeling a bit uneasy.

"The Reality Bomb," Davros answered.


Jackie sneaks off from the prisoners when they're distracted by a fallen woman. 'I'm sorry,' she thinks to herself, opening the door with a spare sonic the female Doctor lent her, going through the door just as she sees something glowing in the air.


"Behold. The apotheosis of my genius," Davros gloated as the setting of the reality bomb counted down.

"Activate planetary alignment field."


"It's the planets. The twenty seven planets," the new Doctor said in realization.


'Calm,' the Watcher reminded the Doctor.

"That's Z-neutrino energy, flattened by the alignment of the planets into a single string. No, Davros. Davros, you can't! You can't! No!" the Doctor panics. Forget being calm, they were going to do something that would destroy his wife and children!


"Single string Z-neutrinos compressed. No way," the clone Doctor spoke in the TARDIS as he watched the planets glow.


Jackie lets a tear fall down as she pressed her teleporter to move farther away.


"Test completed," a Dalek announced.


"What is it? Doctor, what did it do?" Donna asked in worry, noticing his expression.


"Doctor, what happened?" Rose asked.

"Electrical energy, Miss Tyler. Every atom in existence is bond by an electrical field. The Reality Bomb cancels it out. Full transmission will dissolve every form of matter," Davros said.

"The stars are going out," Rose spoke.

"The twenty seven planets. They become one vast transmitter, blasting that wavelength," the Doctor said.

"Across the entire universe. Never stopping, never faltering, never fading. People and planets and stars will become dust, and the dust will become atoms, and the atoms will become nothing. And the wavelength will continue, breaking through the Rift at the heart of the Medusa cascade into every dimension, every parallel, every single corner of creation. This is my ultimate victory, Doctor! The destruction of reality itself!" Davros celebrated.

'He does know it will destroy himself too, right?' the Watcher's voice had cleared again as the Eleventh Doctor spoke, 'I really have to stop letting him through,' the voice went back to the Watcher's.


"Prepare for universal detonation. The fleet will gather at the Crucible. All Daleks will return to shelter from the cataclysm. We will become the only life forms in existence," the Red Daleks call.


Mickey found himself through a panel to find Jackie, "Well, if it isn't Jackie Tyler."

"Mickey," Jackie sighed happily and pulled him into a hug, happy to see him.


Martha makes contact with other Osterhagen stations.


The clone Doctor had built a new device, "So what is this thing?" Donna asked.

"It's our only hope. A Z-neutrino biological inversion catalyser," the new Doctor replied.

"Yeah. Earth girl, remember?" Donna sassed.

"Davros said he built those Daleks out of himself. His genetic code runs through the entire race. If I can use this to lock the Crucible's transmission onto Davros himself..." the Doctor trailed off.

"It destroys the Daleks?" Donna asked.

He nodded, "Biggest backfire in history."


"Incoming transmission. Origin Planet Earth," a Dalek announced.

"Display," the Red dalek orders.

Martha appeared on the screen "This is Martha Jones, representing the Unified Intelligence Taskforce, on behalf of the human race," Martha said, falsely using UNIT instead of EMP.

"Send transmission to the Vault. Continue to monitor," the Red dalek ordered.


"This message is for the Dalek crucible," Martha said appearing on the screen in the Vault, "Repeat. Can you hear me?"

"Put me through," the Doctor demanded.

"It begins as Dalek Caan foretold," Davros raved. The Doctor could feel the Watcher rolling his eyes, he could feel the Other rolling his eyes too.


"The Children of Time will gather, and one of them will die," Caan had said.

"Stop saying that. Put me through!" the Doctor snapped.

"Doctor! I'm sorry, I had to," Martha said.

"Oh, but the Doctor is powerless. My prisoner. State your intent," Davros spoke to her.

"I've got the Osterhagen Key. Leave this planet and its people alone," Martha threatened, "Or I'll use it."

"Osterhagen what? What's an Osterhagen Key?" the Doctor asked in confusion.

"There's a chain of twenty five nuclear warheads placed in strategic points beneath the Earth's crust. If I use the key, they detonate and the Earth gets ripped apart," Martha explained.

'No mentioning the kids!' the Other spoke in one of his rare occurrences.

"What?" the Doctor's voice still had gone high pitched, "Who invented that? Well, someone called Osterhagen, I suppose. Martha, are you insane?!?!"

"The Osterhagen Key is to be used if the suffering of the human race is so great, so without hope, that this becomes the final option," Martha said.

"That's never an option," the Doctor argued.

"Don't argue with me, Doctor!" Martha snapped, "Because it's more than that. Now, I reckon the Daleks need these twenty seven planets for something. But what if it becomes twenty six? What happens then? Daleks? Would you risk it?"

"She's good," Rose couldn't help but say.

"Fuck off, Rose Tyler," Martha couldn't help but say.

A new transmission was sent through, "Call all pepper pots, Mickey Smith here, are you receiving me? Don't send in your back up, or I'll set this off," Mickey said, holding up a gem attached to a chain.

"Oh, good he got it," Sarah Jane said.

"He's still alive," Rose said in belief.

"What is that?" Jackie's voice spoke making Rose and the Doctor startle.

"Mickey what are you doing?" the Doctor asked.

"Sarah Jane sent me a Warp Star and I wired it to the mainframe. I break this shell, this entire Crucible goes boom," Mickey said.

The Doctor turned his head to Sarah Jane, "Where did you get a Warped Star?" he asked.

"Sarah Jane Smith. I believed you looked familiar," Davros said, "After all these years."

"Davros," Sarah Jane said, "It's been quite a while," she then turned to the Doctor, "I didn't want to know what they were doing to the prisoners, but it's Daleks so it's bad."

"It is," Mickey and Jackie confirmed.

"On top of that, they just come right back to life," Jackie added.

"They don't die," Mickey added.

"Impossible," Davros denied. Rose, Sarah Jane, and the Doctor all knew very well that it was true and it has to do with who was in the TARDIS and now Rose was getting that clue of the Doctor's lack of reaction to anything other than Mickey and Martha's drastic options.

"Oh, this is meant to be. The circle of Time is closing. You were there on Skaro at the very beginning of my creation," Davros reminisced.

"And I've learn how to fight since then. I knew I'd be taken so I handed it off," Sarah Jane said.

"And I'm not afraid to open it," Mickey said.

"Now that's what I call a ransom. Doctor?" Rose called seeing his blank expression.

"And the prophecy unfolds," Davros said.

"The Doctor's soul is revealed. See him. See the heart of him," Caan's voice cpoke.

"The man who abhors violence," Davros continued, "never carrying a gun. But this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons."

'Because they know what needs to be done,' the Other spoke in the Doctor's head, 'And they're bluffing, they wouldn't risk our family and you know that.'

"They're trying to help," the Doctor defended them. He pretended he wasn't sure. He knew they were basically buying time for his TARDIS to return with whatever Ivy and Harry were attempting.

"Already I have seen them sacrifice today, for their beloved Doctor. The Earth man who fell opening the Subwave Network," Davros said.

"Who was that?" the Doctor asked, already knowing.

"Neville Longbottom," Mickey answered on the screen.

"How many more will die? Just think. How many have already died for you?" Davros asked. The Doctor kept a straight face, ever since Ivy came into his life, he's felt more confident about human life and knowing who could be saved and who would die, and he knew unless it was truly their time, none have died for him (besides Neville who he knew Ivy saved). "The Doctor. The man who keeps running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory Doctor. I have shown you yourself," Davros boasted.

"Enough. Engage defense zero five," the Red Dalek called.

"It's the Crucible or the Earth," Martha repeated, trying her hardest to keep a straight face.

"Transmat engaged," a Dalek called.


Martha's eyes widen, "No!" she drops the key before she's taken away.


Mickey drops the Warp Star as he's also taken away. He reappears with Jackie where the Doctor, Rose, and Sarah Jane are kept, grabbing Martha as she appeared next to him, "It's just me," he tells her, feeling her tense when someone grabbed her.

"Don't move, all of you, stay sstill," the Doctor told them. He touched the forcefield making it light up.

"Guard them!" Davros ordered, "On your knees, all of you. Surrender!"

"Do as he says," the Doctor spoke calmly. He was beginning to feel a warming feeling and he didn't know what it was because it was coming from Ivy. Did she unfreeze?

"Mum, I told you not to," Rose complained.

"Oh, I'm soory," Jackie started sassing, "I had to help Ivy's counterpart's wife because she's pretty much helpless since her husband's here and her world is going kaput cause of you."


"Doctor," Donna spoke cautiously. The new Doctor had paused, feeling what she was talking about. He turned around to the two Deaths. "Ohhhh," he said in amazement.


"The final prophecy is inplace. The Doctor and his children, all gathered as witnesses. Supreme Dalek, the time has come. Now, detonate the reality bomb!" Davros called.

The Doctor's widened, but not from that, it was from the faint, 'Hello, my Doctor,' from a rough feminine voice in his head. His companions looked startled when he was suddenly showing a little smile.


The bomb is being revealed, "Activate planetary alignment field," the Red Dalek called. The planets glow.

"Universal Reality detonation in two hundred rels," the Red Dalek continued

But then the planets stop glowing. A gold glow surrounded the planets.


"You're screwed," the Doctor commented, startling all of them.

"How?!" Davros asked, also stunned by the comment.

The Doctor listens, "That." They all pause as the sound of the TARDIS invades the room.

"Huh?" most of the companions voiced. Somebody who looked exactly like the Doctor but with blue pants and a blue jacket and a brown shirt stepped out. He sucked in a breath, running across the field ignoring his original self's warning only to be hit by the Daleks, throwing the device he was holding and being trapped.

Donna then runs out, seeing the gizmo exactly where it should've been dropped and she left the TARDIS doors open as she ran for it, "Doctor! I've got it. But I don't know what to do!" she said and tighten also gets zapped sending right where she needed to be, but again, dropping the gizmo.

"Destroy the weapon!" Davros orders.

"Donna! Are you alright?" the Doctor called.

"Funny thing about distractions..." the other Doctor spoke.

"How are there two of you?" Rose asked.

"Shush it, blondie, funny thing about distractions," the other Doctor continued. The Doctor couldn't help but noticed he sounded like Donna. "You don't notice who escaped or entered through the TARDIS..." the other Doctor trailed off.

"Hello again," Ivy, or should they say Wolfie spoke. Everybody's head shot to the door.

"AHHHHH!" Davros screamed making them briefly look at him in surprise, before they startled in surprise when they looked back to see Bad Wolf had moved closer. Bad Wolf was dressed in all white wigth white fur sitting on her shoulders much like she does in Ivy's head, she had a gold glow to her almost forming wolf like ears at her head.

"Mysterious thing about the reality and time," Bad Wolf continued, speaking in all of their heads, "They can be hidden, those who control can hide. Especially when there is two," Bad Wolf's voice doubled with a masculine voice and everyone turned to see Harry who's Bad Wolf persona had also come through.

"Funny thing about distraction," both say, arms raised now when everyone had looked away from them, gold aura's seeping out, "You don't notice the Doctor Donna doing her job while we destroy your Daleks."

"Are they moving now?" Martha asked quietly.

"No, I think they respective wolves are working together to push through time," Mickey answered.

Donna popped up, "Mmm, closing all Z-neutrino relay loops using an internalized synchronous back-feed reversal loop," she points, "That button there." She pressed a button on panel she was thrown against.

"Systems in shu..."

"Detonation ne..."

"Expla..." all the Daleks including the red one all disintegrated from the Bad Wolfs.

"Donna, you can't even change a plug—oh," the Doctor said and then realized what happened.

"I better be able to change a bloody plug, Donna!" the other Doctor yelled.

"Shush it one-hearted Spaceman," Donna sassed back.

"Ew!" the Doctor cringed looking at his other self.

"Don't remind me," the other Doctor grumbled.

"You'll suffer for this," Davros told Donna.

Donna just gave a small smirk before flipping a lever and Davros gets electrocuted.

"Oh, bio-electric dampening field with a retrograde field arc inversion," Donna said gleefully.

"Exterminate her!" Davros ordered.

"Oh, too sad, you're the only one left," the other Doctor spoke since his two hearted self was getting over a shock.

"How?" Sarah Jane finally asked.

"Part Time Lord, part Human, the both of us. Woo!" the cloned Doctor said in sarcasm.

"Oh yes, a two-way metacrisis with a little bit of interference. Half Doctor, Half Donna," Donna said.

"The Doctor Donna," the Bad Wolfs spoke, once again in their heads.

"Holding cells deactivated," Donna said, making the spotlights disappear, "Seal the Vault. Well, don't stand there, you skinny boys in suits. Get to work. Make your wife and potential husband unfreeze," Donna ordered. The Doctor was startled when other Doctor suddenly sped by him at the mention of "potential husband".

"Stop!" Davros was yelling.

"And spin," Donna sang as Davros was now spinning. "And the other way."

"What did you do?" the new Doctor asked.

"Trip switch circuit breaker in the psychokinetic threshold manipulator," Donna answered.

"But that's brilliant," the new Doctor responded.

The Doctor looked at his clone, "Why did we never think of that?"

"Because you two were just Time Lords, you dumbos, lacking that little bit of human. That gut instinct that comes hand in hand with planet Earth. I can think of ideas you two couldn't dream of in a million years. Ah, the universe has been waiting for me. Now, lets send that trip switch all voer the ship. Did I ever tell you, best temp in Chiswick? Hundred words per minute."

"Ha!" the new Doctor couldn't help but laugh while the original looked amused.

Mickey jumped when Ivy appeared next to him with a gun in her hand and he grabbed it and guarded the trio from Davros.

"Ready? And reverse," Donna ordered. The planets, now restored with the Bad Wolfs' help, were placed back in their correct times and places by Donna and the Doctors.

"Off you go, Clom," the Doctor called.

"Back home, Adipose Three," the new Doctor called.

"Shallacatop, Pyrovillia and the Lost Moon of Poosh. Sorted. Ha!" Donna called.

"Ha!" the new Doctor echoed.

"We need more power!" the Doctor called.

"Is anyone going to tell us whats going on?" Rose asked.

"He poured all of his regeneration energy into his spare hand. I touched the hand, Harry touched the hand, and then Ivy touched me—that's the interference, he grew out of the hand and but that fed back to me. But, it stayed dormant in my head till the synapses got that extra little spark, kicking them back to life. Thank you, Davros! Part human, part Time Lord. And I got the best bit of the Doctor. I got his mind," Donna explained.

The Doctor looked worried, "Harry and Ivy grabbed us to give us marks. For me to live and for Donna to not lose her memories," his clone said quietly.

"So there's three of you?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Three Doctors?" Rose added.

"Oh, the things Jack would've said," Martha sighed.

"Imagine if he comes across another Susan," Mickey added.

"Dalek Caan promised me!" Davros argued.

"I believe he knew this would happen. Ivy here seemed genuinely surprised to find that Donna always seemed to find us again. It wasn't the Bad Wolf, it was Caan making sure this would always happen," the Doctor said, "One planet remains, we'll take it with the TARDIS. Come on, lets gets the wolves back in."

But Harry and Ivy stood again at the door of the TARDIS pointing where the clone Doctor was working, "Finish the prophecy," the wolves said.

"With or without the Reality Bomb, these ships can destroy cosmos if someone gets a hold of them. Maximising Daleknanium power feeds. Blasting them back! In the TARDIS!" the new Doctor ordered as the wolves had moved back in and now frozen again...or are they?

"EMP call them!" the new Doctor told his previous self, getting the TARDIS near the Earth.

"EMP, this is the Doctor, are you receiving me?" the Doctor called.

"Loud and clear. Susan is still frozen if you wanted to know," Gwen responded.

"Thank you, Gwen," the Doctor answered.

"She sounds familiar," Rose said.

"Doppelganger of Gwyneth," the Doctor answered, "Now Gwen, I need you to open the Rift Manipulator. Send all the power to me."

"Doing it now," Ianto spoke up.

"What's that for?" Gwen asked.

"It's a tow rope," the Doctor answered, then turned to Sarah Jane, "Now then, Sarah, what was your son's name?"

"Luke. He's called Luke. And the computer's called Mister Smith. JARVIS is also on the computer," Sarah Jane answered.

"Yes, we're still watching," Pansy spoke up. They peered down at the screen where Luna and Pansy had perked up. Stephen was moving around a lot better around them.

"You two look better," the Doctor commented, not seeing Ivy give a little wave to the two witches. She looked back to see her lack of shadow. Harry also had a lack of a shadow, but she wasn't worried like she would be in the library. Death was still frozen for Susan's sake.

"Doctor," Donna reminded him.

"Right, caling Luke and Mister Smith," the Doctor called, "This is the Doctor. Come on, Luke. Shake a leg."

"Is Mum there?" a boy answered.

"Oh, she's fine and dandy," the Doctor answered.

"Yes! Yes!" Sarah Jane exclaimed.

"Now, Mister Smith, I want you to harness the Rift power and loop it around the TARDIS. You got that?" the Doctor asked.

"I regret, even with the help of JARVIS, I will need remote access to TARDIS base code numerals," Mister Smith answered.

"Oh, blimey, that's going to take a while," the Doctor sighed.

"No, no, no," Sarah Jane spoke up hurrying over to the communicator, "Let me. K9, out you come!"

"Affirmative, Mistress!" a new robotic voice spoke.

"Oh! Oh ho! Oh, good dog!" the Doctor praised, "K9, give Mister Smith the base code."

"Master. TARDIS base code now being transferred," K9 responded.

"Harold?!" Pansy exclaimed, grabbing the attention.

"He's stumbling in," Luna said, "Tony and Hela are starting to move."

"Shit, okay, everyone hurry up!" the Doctor exclaimed, "That means Susan's going to regenerate outside the TARDIS."

Everyone rushed around, "Sarah, hold that down. Mickey, you hold that. TARDISes are designed for six pilots and all of you have some knowledge. Martha, keep that level. Jackie keep that steady. Donna, other me, you know where to go," the Doctor called out. He briefly was trying not to pay attention to the fact he thought he saw Ivy and Harry moving, they had to get Earth back to place. They get the Earth back to place and celeberate. The Doctor felt a small hand on his arm and found Ivy's full green eyes staring back and blinking, a smile growing on her face. He beamed back and kissed her deeply, happy to have his wife back.

"Susan," Ivy mumbled.

The Doctor hurried over to the communicator, "Are Harold, Hela, and Tony moving?"

"Yes," Steve had answered.

"Okay, Harold I need him at EMP to wake up Damian and fill in Jack on what will happen with Susan. It's not Jack's first regeneration with Susan, but I'm unsure if they explained it to Damian."

"Pansy and Harold just left," Steve informed them, "Tony is taking JARVIS back, by the way."

"Okay!" Sarah Jane called.

"Now, Luke," the Doctor continued.


"I have somewhere else I need to be and soon as that is under control, I will drop off your mother, okay?"

"Okay, I knew about Susan and figured you would go there first," Luke answered.

They landed in the EMP and rushed out to see Damian crying and Jack holding him. George had his arms wrapped around his twin. Elysium and Eilam were holding each other while Teddy held them. Jack and Damian quickly entered the TARDIS when everyone came out, Ivy immediately rushing to her other children who were happy to see her.

"Susan will remain frozen until she enters the TARDIS," Harry spoke.

"Who is that?" Eilam asked.

"Hello, Eilam, I'm your mother's counterpart," Harry answered.

Elysium's eyes widen, "You have a version of us?"

"I do," Harry answered.

Ivy shrunk the shield Susan made of her regeneration energy and the Doctor pulled her into the TARDIS. Susan started blinking and then moving her arms, looking back she sees her father, "Oh thank goodness you're back," she said, and saddened seeing her glowing hands and her crying son. She walked over to her husband giving him the last kiss she would give in that form, then look at her son. "You'll know I'll still be mommy, right?" she asked. The little boy nodded and reached his arms out. Susan carefully maneuvered her arms to not touch either Jack or Damian with her regeneration energy and hugged her little boy with her arms before cringing and moving back.

"Okay," she told her father. She gave a little wave to her siblings that had entered the tARDIS with Ivy and threw her arms back. When she came too she looked at her hands, her skin tone was darker, her hair was longer, black and thicker. "That's different," she said, then paused, "Yay, I'm British again," before passing out and then popping back up, "I'm fine—or not," she fell again, this time asleep. (Leigh-Anne Pinnock as the Fourth Susan)

"She gets that from you," Harold couldn't help but say to the Doctor.

"So, the Master is friendly in this universe and has apparently named this incarnation after me, since his name is Harold," Ivy couldn't help but tell the man who Harold practically shares a name with.

"Ivy!" Harold whined as Harry snickered.

"Who's he?" Elysium said, spotting the clone Doctor.

"This version of your father likes to make clones," Ivy said.

"Oi!" both Doctor exclaimed.

"Jenny," Ivy said.

"Right," both said.

The Doctor then drove the TARDIS to drop off Sarah Jane. Stepping out with the Doctor, Sarah Jane saw she a little bit away from her house. "You know, from being such a lonely man from when I first met you, your family has grown a lot. Not just with Ivy and your children," Sarah Jane told him. The two hug, "I need to get back to Luke. He's only fourteen. Long story. And thank you!" Sarah Jane smiled as she ran off, the Doctor giving her a wave as she left.

"This is amazing," Wilf mumbled as he looked around the TARDIS.

"And they'll be fine?" the Doctor asked his wife as Sylvia approached them.

"Why is my daughter acting like this?" Sylvia asked him.

"She had to do a thing which caused my clone and she got a bit of my mind in her head, but she saved us all and Earth," the Doctor told her honestly.

"She has my mark on her so she can support that brain, but my husband may want to sort through some things because she still may be dealing with headaches, but Thor doesn't have to worry about her being immortal," Ivy said told them both, then at the Doctor, "Your clone will need to go to Harry's world as he was the one to mark him. We were not sure if him being half human would've given him the same affect it would've given Donna, even if he was part of a body that was originally a Time Lord. I don't think he's too angry about that," she explained. They looked over to see Harry blushing and the Doctor wearing a smirk.

"Looks like other me has competition," the Doctor mumbled.

"Your clone or your counterpart?" Ivy asked.

"Both," the Doctor answered, pulling her to him, "I have missed you."

"I've been listening, I've been with you," she said softly, pecking him on the lips.

"Foreman-Harkness house," the Doctor called when the TARDIS lands.

Susan popped up again, "Foreman-Potter-Harkness, I've been magically adopted," she said matter-of-factly, but still with a little bit of slurred speech as she drops again.

"Okay, come on," Mickey said, ushering her out since Jack was holding Damian still. Damian gave a wave to his aunt and uncles before he was taken out with Martha following.

"Donna, you look younger," the voice of Lily Potter spoke up.

"What happened?" James Potter asked. Padfoot whined, wondering what had happened too.

"Death, Time, and Magic were all frozen, you two, Remus, and Tonks were all actually portraits and Sirius was frozen," Donna answered as the Doctor landed in the parallel universe.

"Hello, I'm your daughter's alternate self," Harry spoke up.

"I'm guessing you're named Harry?" James asked.

"That I am, excuse me," Harry turned around with his arms wide open as the TARDIS doors busted open and a tall brunette woman bressed in brown sped into his arms.

"Oh, that's what I look like," the Doctor mumbled, figuring he had an alternate self and that they may be female.

"Can we keep him?" Harry asked, pointing at the clone, giving puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," the female Doctor gave in, "But he needs a different name."

"Not Barty Crouch Jr.," both Harry and Ivy spoke, making both male Doctors roll their eyes.

"You could use John Smith," the Doctor suggested.

'John Smith' shrugged before agreeing and the trio walked out with Jackie giving one last hug to them both before leaving to get back to her son while the couple practically tossed Rose out of the TARDIS.

"We thought we should let you know that Thor is on his way to the Noble house," Loki spoke up.

"Well, that answered my next question. I think it's my time off the TARDIS, but I'm not quitting, okay, Space Boy?" Donna said.

The Doctor chuckled, "Okay."

"And when you regenerate again, you're going to come and see me, okay?" Donna added.


"Now, help me with all this unnecessary stuff in my brain, I suddenly have an attraction to Ivy I don't want," Donna said making the couple laugh as their children cringed. Then Donna was reunited with Thor.


The Doctor and Ivy dropped down on their bed in the Lord and Lady room in the Potter manor. They held each other close, before things got "steamy" as they showed how much they missed each other.

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