Blue Summer

By rubayataumeed

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"When do I sleep? My eyes are heavy all the time, but when I close them, they burn. So I haven't slept in a w... More

Part 1: A Blue Summer
Chapter 1: Annyeonghaseyo!
Chapter 2: Misao's Oppa
Chapter 3: A friend
Chapter 4: The School Festival
Chapter 5: The Confession
Chapter 6: Redemption
Chapter 7: Ibuki's new job, the first day
Chapter 8: A Fateful Affair
Chapter 9: Cheongug Pharmaceuticals
Chapter 10: A choice to make
Chapter 11: A friend of a decade
Chapter 12: A dream of the future
Chapter 13: Love is tough
Chapter 14: Heuksando Summer
Chapter 15: A Twisted Fate
Chapter 16: A past that hurts is a past that heals
Chapter 17: Smile!
Chapter 18: The Hidden
Chapter 19: Dark Summer
Chapter 20: Till Death Do Us Part
Part 2: A Summer Dance
Chapter 21: A Lonely Spring
Chapter 22: The Seoul conundrum
Chapter 23: Utopian dream in the dystopian cage
Chapter 24: The Song of death
Chapter 25: When the veils fall
Chapter 26: A Promise of Old
Chapter 27: "If chance has it, I will save you!"
Chapter 28: Hope as it shines
Chapter 29: The will to live and love
Chapter 30: A heartfelt reunion
Chapter 32: The Memories
Chapter 33: The setting of the future
Epilogue: Change has come
Mini Chapter 1: Joon-Woo talks about his childhood
Mini Chapter 2: Joon-Woo talks about his family
Mini Chapter 3: Joon-Woo explores his learning

Chapter 31: A new beginning

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By rubayataumeed

Maki ran to her brother, sobbing in grief and in joy. Ibuki hugged his sister, his only family and promised to never leave her alone and disappear. He kissed her cheeks and said, "I missed you, my sister. My lovely, strong little angel."

Maki smiled, with tears still in her eyes, and kissed her brother back, "I missed you too, Oppa."

Seo-Yun and Heechul also hugged Ibuki, giving more love to heal from the pain. Seo-Yun had prepared a special dinner for him to welcome him. Ibuki had never so much love given to him ever before. Maybe all he needed to heal was all this love and for him to understand that there was love, to never doubt it and abandon it.

The smell of homecooked food, the joy of reunion and the love that he now shared with a family he knew nothing about till about two years ago. He sat eating with them and laughing with them. Misao shared the stories of the old German lady she had befriended. Maki told her time at school with her friends. Then the conversation turned to Rui and Lisa's marriage, and Misao suggested that it better happen while she was there. At the end of the dinner, Seo-Yun and Heechul brought a cake in front of Ibuki, on which was written: "Happy Birthday Ibuki."

Everyone wished him, and he blew the candles. His wish was to live with this happiness forever. After the cake was cut, and the birthday celebrated Misao took Ibuki out for a walk. Ibuki hadn't felt the fresh air in a long time, being stuck in the facility with the air of nothing but death and pain.

Misao held his hand as they walked in her small garden.

"You finally in Germany?" Ibuki asked.


"How is it there?"


Ibuki smiled, "More beautiful than here?"


Misao stopped and turned face to face with Ibuki. She looked him in the eyes. His eyes were gleaming.

Misao sighed and, placing her arms around Ibuki, hugged him.

"I am sorry," Ibuki said.


"For disappearing like this or at least causing the events to turn like this."

"You don't have to be sorry. And I know better now how I feel about you."

Ibuki put his hand on Misao's head and leaned onto it.

"I like you, Ibuki."

Ibuki said nothing.

Misao waited for a response, but it did not come. She spoke, "Ibuki?"

"I heard you. I just... I want to stay silent. Feel this moment. Let my pain leave me. Let the last of my demons die."

So, Misao remained silent, still hugging Ibuki while he stood leaning on her head.

Except for Ibuki and a few other captives, the police questioned everyone. They had now contacted the police in Germany to arrest Yun-Ji and send her back to Seoul, where the law would deal with her. It came as a shock to Uno when he found that his mother was the one behind Ibuki's disappearance. He was devastated.

Uno stood frozen as the police took his mother away. She had given up and admitted to her deeds. She had no chance of lying. Uno was left alone and his last resort was to head back to France to his paternal family. So he left Germany two days after his mother was arrested and sent back to Seoul.

He contacted Sungmin about the details, and he assured him that none of what had happened would affect him. Uno trusted his uncle and finally let go off of what had happened.

Sungmin had stepped down from his position as the director of Cheongug and handed it over to Woon-Gi, who was more than happy to finally not only take the position but also extend a friendly hand to Sungmin. Sungmin took it rather as a formality. Sungmin returned to his position as a surgeon. Woon-Gi, in his first deed as a friend of Sungmin, decided to set him up for a date, which Sungmin refused, much to Woon-Gi's disappointment. Although Woon-Gi worried that Sungmin would die without a family, Sungmin had other plans.

Two days after Ibuki had been saved from the torture, he visited his home. It was empty and lifeless. He could not bear to live there again. The demons might have left him, but they still delved into the house and could come back if he went in again. So Ibuki decided not to go in. he was to go to the rehabilitation centre that day, and while he would be there, Maki would stay with the Park family. Once he returned, he planned to pursue fashion design, and once he settled, he would buy a new house and stay there.

Ibuki went back to the Misao's home. She was in her room with Youra and Joon-Woo, who had come to meet Ibuki. He came into her room and saw the two. He asked about their well-being, and they replied with a fine.

Finally, the three got to ask Ibuki about everything that had happened to him at the facility. Rather than being scared or hesitant to share all that had happened, Ibuki shared the story of triumph, where he, like a hero, dealt with the villains at the facility. He used humour to make it seem less dreadful than it actually was.

Misao, all through the story, kept her head on Ibuki's shoulder, smiling at his witty humour.

While this was happening downstairs, Sungmin arrived to meet Heechul and Seo-Yun.

"Welcome, Mr Choi," Heechul greeted Sungmin.

He sat down, and Seo-Yun brought him some tea.

"I heard you are no longer the director of Cheongug," Heechul said.

"You heard right, my friend. I have resumed my work as a surgeon. Nothing much, just that the position tired me out. I actually came here to discuss something. About Ibuki and his sister Maki."

Heechul nodded, "Yes, what is it?"

"It seems they have lost their mother, and your family is taking care of them for now. Right?"

Heechul nodded, and Seo-Yun sat beside him to participate in the discussion.

"Well, they don't have a family as such anymore, and it was my secretary who ruined everything for them."

"Yes, well, and?"

"I feel I should compensate them. You know well that I am not married, nor do I have any children of my own. I would not mind to adopt them," Sungmin said.

Seo-Yun smiled, "That is a wonderful suggestion. They would get a new beginning and a new family."

Heechul nodded in agreement, "I agree. You can talk to Ibuki. He will leave for rehab in the afternoon. So better talk to him now so he can motivate his sister, and they can move in with you."

Sungmin nodded.

Seo-Yun went upstairs to bring Ibuki down to talk to Sungmin. They were given a separate space to talk.

Ibuki sat face to face with Sungmin as he smiled at him.

"Don't worry. I am not here to take you and lock you. I want to ask you if you are fine with becoming my son?" Sungmin asked.

Ibuki was confused, and seeing his confusion, Sungmin clarified, "I meant, are you fine if I adopt you and your sister?"

Ibuki smiled, "I don't know. Maki would be fine, I guess. But I.."

"Ibuki," Sungmin went near him and placed his hand on his head, "You need a family. And I need one too. I know your sister is your family, but with only you two, it would feel rather lonely. I want to make you my family to help you heal from the wound Chang has inflicted on you."

Ibuki sighed, "You won't abandon us when we will need you the most?"

"No, I won't."

"You won't ignore Maki and her needs?"

"No, neither her nor your."

"Will you love us unconditionally?"

"Yes, yes, I will. Like a father is supposed to."

Ibuki leaned forward and hugged Sungmin, "Alright. I accept you as my father and my family."

Sungmin left after this saying he would return after the requirements for adoption were fulfilled. Once he was gone, Ibuki went back to Misao. Youra and Joon-Woo had left while he was talking to Sungmin. Now, the two sat in her room near her window.

"Mr Choi is adopting you. It is so nice of him!" Misao said.

Ibuki smiled. He turned to Misao, who was sitting beside him, and said, "When is Rui getting married?"

"He said that Lisa and he would be fine for the next week."

"Can I attend it?"

"Of course you can!"

"I want to give them something."


"Well, it is a surprise."

"You can let me in on that."


Misao giggled.

"I am serious. I am not telling you what the surprise is," Ibuki pouted.

Misao laughed and said, "Alright, alright. I won't force you."

Afternoon finally arrived, and Ibuki was to be taken to the rehabilitation centre. There, Yoeun-Ho was to first inquire him after which he would be settled in there. Rui and Misao drove to the rehab. Ibuki did not feel like going. It was like he was free and now to be locked again but Misao ensured him that it was necessary for him to get better.

Finally, they arrived at the centre, and Ibuki got out of the car. Rui and Misao walked him up to the centre gate from where he was to be taken in while Rui completed the formalities. As Rui went to complete the formalities, Ibuki stayed to say goodbye to Misao.

"You will go to Germany after two weeks. Right?" he asked.

"Yes. I will miss you. I, though, will probably visit on Christmas," Misao said.

Ibuki took a deep breath. He leaned forward towards Misao, "Do meet me while you are here."

Misao nodded, "I will."

Ibuki kissed her before turning to leave, "Take care. And best of luck."

Misao was about to tear up, but she held her composure as she waved at Ibuki, who entered the centre. After he was left there, Rui returned and Misao and he went back home.

A week went by, dull though but filled with excitement. Rui and Lisa's wedding had been finalised, and the preparations were being made. A wedding hall was booked, guests were invited, and necessary purchases were made.

Misao had it in mind that Ibuki wanted to attend the wedding, so she begged Rui to ask the centre to allow Ibuki to do so. She kept saying this to him throughout the week, and finally, he listened to her and went to the centre to ask for permission. The centre generously allowed Ibuki to attend Rui's wedding.

Finally, the auspicious day arrived, and everyone gathered for the occasion. Joon-Woo went to pick up Ibuki from the rehabilitation centre hours prior to the wedding. He carried with him a large bag, which Joon-Woo inquired about, but Ibuki said nothing.

When they arrived, Ibuki immediately asked Misao to take him to Lisa. Misao was rather confused over Ibuki's urgency to meet Lisa. Nevertheless, she took him to the room where she was getting ready. Upon seeing Ibuki, Lisa was happy and hugged him. He, in turn, congratulated her on her special day.

"What's in this bag, Ibuki?" she asked.

"Your wedding dress!" Ibuki pulled out a magnificent white dress from the bag. It was extremely beautiful and well-made. There were handmade flower prints on the dress. It had long transparent sleeves.

"Where did you get it?" asked Lisa in awe.

"Made it. I made it especially for you," Ibuki replied.

Everyone was surprised. Lisa could not fathom the work that must have gone into making it.

"How?" she asked, holding the dress.

"I worked for a tailor for a while, and I had a design ready at hand. So, I used the design and the skills I learned from the old man to make the dress. It might not be perfect, but I made it with heart."

Lisa hugged him and thanked him, "Trust me. It is perfect for all the love that you have put into it."

"It will look beautiful on you!" Misao exclaimed.

When the wedding ceremony began, Lisa entered the hall with her father, wearing the dress. She looked flawless in it and the love and gratefulness Ibuki had put in it made it even more beautiful. Rui couldn't take his eyes off his future wife. She held her hand and said, "You look like an angel."

And so two souls were brought together and blessed. Ibuki looked at the happiness that came with marriage, especially marrying the person one loved the most.

He smiled. That is all he could do. No pain, no tears, no agony, no fear, no anxiety; Ibuki was free to enjoy his life now that his demons had finally left him.

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