Rumours ~ Ruikasa

By m3naa_

14.1K 310 4K

Before Wonderlands x Showtime happened to him, Rui had always felt so alone (apart from when he was with eith... More

Meeting Kamishiro!
Welcome to the band, Rui!☆
Realization, Development and Breakout
Lies and Understanding
Breaking The Ice
If Only You Knew...
'Just Friends', You Say...?
Things Sure Have Changed, Haven't They...
The Truth Comes Out
An Important Witness
All The Same Source
Opening Up To Each Other
Signs, Practice With The Troupe And Asking For Advice!☆
Bonus: Chaotic Confusion
In America!~
It's Been Years Since I Last Saw You...
Wait, No! Mom, That Would Be Incest!
Not A Chapter!
Are You Done Rotting Yet, Nene?
Our First Big Show And A Conversation That Had To Be Had!
Goodbye, America!
The Question We've Both Been Wanting To Ask
None Of It Was Real...?
The Sort Of Ending We've All Been Wishing For
Thank You For Reading!
Welcome To Nene's Daily Struggles!

Back To School!

330 8 136
By m3naa_

It was three in the morning, and Rui was wide awake and his imagination was active. He was laying on top of his bed and his focus was completely on the scenes playing in his head.

"Tsukasa-kun, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Ew, no. I like girls." Imaginary Tsukasa said curtly, making Rui—both the real one and the one that lived in the imagination of the real one—feel like he was punched right in the stomach.

"Wait, no, the real Tsukasa-kun wouldn't say that! Redo it!" Imaginary Rui rubbed his forehead in frustration.

The imaginary land reset itself for what felt like the millionth time as Rui regained his composure after that last gut-wrenching scene.

Clear skies, cool wind, sun high up in the sky. Rui and Tsukasa on the rooftop again, at school. It was lunch break.

"Tsukasa-kun, will you be my boyfriend?" Imaginary Rui tried again as if he hadn't been cruelly rejected a mere few seconds ago.

"No, sorry, what I said was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing... I'm actually straight." Imaginary Tsukasa looked apologetic.

"I don't like that ending, though!" Imaginary Rui whined. "Why can't I imagine a scene where Tsukasa-kun doesn't reject me? Maybe I should try asking a different way?"

The real Rui wiped his mind clear again and made the scene reappear.

"Tsukasa-kun, will you go out with me?"

Imaginary Rui paused.

"No, not like that, he might think that I'm asking him out on a date—wait a second."

Then Rui sat up in surprise. He remembered that, back in America, he had actually asked Tsukasa on a date. They hadn't yet decided when or where it would be.

I completely forgot!

Rui checked the time. It was still three in the morning.

I don't know why I expected the time to be any different than when I last checked.

The alchemist picked up his phone and argued with himself over whether to text Tsukasa or not.

What if his ringer's off and I wake him up? Agh, but if I forget to ask him...

Rui pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes and he took a deep breath. He opened his conversation with Tsukasa and saw the words "Tsukasa-kun❤️ has notifications silenced".

Rui was hit with a wave of relief. He could message the blonde without having to worry about waking him up.


     The words "Notify anyway" appeared as his message sent. Rui ignored the words and continued typing.

<I know it's 3 AM, but I just remembered that I have something to ask you.>
<Do you want to, maybe, go out sometime this week?>

     Rui immediately shut off his phone and he covered his face with his hands. His skin was hot and his heart started beating faster.

     There. I did it. Now I don't have to worry about forgetting it... I only have to worry about getting rejected.

     Rui was startled by a small, high-pitched ding! coming from his phone. He was startled into removing his hands from his face.

     Crap, that was loud!

     He turned off his ringer and he hoped that his mother hadn't heard the sound and woken up.

     Rui checked the notification he'd recieved. Surprisingly, it was from Tsukasa.

<Woah, you're still awake too?? I think it's the time difference, I still haven't readjusted lol>
<Anyways, yeah, I would love to go out with you sometime, Rui!!!! (^ν^)♡>
<Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?>

     Rui's heart rate accelerated as he stared at Tsukasa's message, dumbfounded. The cute emoticon made his heart skip a beat every time he looked at it.

     He wants to go out! With me! Tomorrow!!

Rui took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

Don't mess this up. Be careful. Choose the right words...

<Yes, tomorrow would be great>

That was so dry! Ugh, why did I write it like that...?

<Yay!!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)>

Rui's frustration disappeared completely and he didn't bother trying to suppress the smile that was fighting its way onto his face. Tsukasa was way too cute for him to not smile.

     Tsukasa-kun seems so happy!

<That's settled, then!>
<But where would we go?>

<I haven't thought of that>
<Idk, maybe we could ask Nene or Emu about where to go? (ㆀ˘・з・˘)>
<They might know some good places>

     Rui chuckled softly.

<But it completely depends on the people, too>
<I guess we could use that as a last resort if neither of us can think of anything>



<Why don't I take you somewhere, but you don't know where? Like a surprise!!! (*^▽^*)>
<I have a place in mind, but I want our date to be extra special!!!!!>

     Rui's chest tightened and he could feel a smile making its way onto his lips once again.

<I like that idea.>
<I look forward to it 😊>

<Me too!!!!!>
<See you at school, Rui (*゚▽゚*)>
Rui loved a message

<See you, Tsukasa-kun.>
Tsukasa-kun❤️ loved a message

     Rui dropped his phone onto his chest and he stared at the ceiling. His body temperature had risen a lot over the time that he and Tsukasa were texting. Rui heard his heart beating against his chest and he could feel the adrenaline flowing through him.

He had a date with Tsukasa, and Rui had to make it perfect for the future star! There was no way he was going to mess this up. Rui was going to make sure that Tsukasa had a great time.

Maybe, after the date, I could ask him the question.


     It was back to school for Tsukasa! Luckily for him, one of his classmates told him that she had written some notes on the material Tsukasa had missed while he was away in America with Rui and Nene and Emu.

     After putting his things in his locker, he went to go find Rui, as usual—except something was different. They both aware of their feelings for each other.

Tsukasa's heart almost leaped out of his chest as Rui came to view.

"Good morning, Tsukasa-kun," Rui smiled at his friend.

Tsukasa waved at Rui. "Hey! You sleep well?"

"Not really," Rui said. "I only remember texting you, and that's it."

Tsukasa blushed. "Same for me," He said. "I, um... I'm really excited for it."

Rui's eyes widened a bit and his cheeks flushed. "Me too, Tsukasa-kun."

"Yo, Tenma, Kamishiro!" A student that Tsukasa didn't recognize walked up to the pair. "Are you two okay?"

"What?" Tsukasa looked at Rui. "Rui, do you know him?"

"No," Rui answered before turning back to the student. "What do you mean, 'are you two okay'?"

"Well, you had a fight with Akane, didn't you? He, like, had a knife! A real one!" The student said, his eyes wide. "Was the fight staged?"

Tsukasa's jaw dropped.

How does this guy know about the fight?! I don't remember seeing anyone else in the hallway!

"Wha—No," Rui said, shocked. "It was real, but it happened two weeks ago."

"T—Two weeks ago..." The student looked down at the ground and his cheeks turned pink out of embarrassment. "Never mind, then. Oh, and, by the way, Akane was suspended for two weeks. He should be back any day this week."

"This week?!" Tsukasa repeated, afraid. "And we just got back! Gosh, what kind of luck is that?"

"It's alright, Tsukasa-kun," Rui put a reassuring hand on the blonde's shoulder. "I'll make sure he leaves you alone. He won't bother us anymore."

Tsukasa smiled at Rui, feeling a sense of safety from his friend's hand on his shoulder. "Thank you."

The student, who was still there, glanced from Rui to Tsukasa, his eyes pausing on Tsukasa. "...Am I interrupting a moment?" He said, catching the attention of both boys. "Oh. Oops. Yeah, um, good luck."

With that, the boy turned and left.

"How did he know about the fight?" Tsukasa asked Rui, wide-eyed.

     Ack, stupid! Of course Rui doesn't know how that dude knew!

     Rui opened his mouth like he was about to say something before closing it. He looked like he was thinking about something.

     Wait, does he actually know something about it?

     "We need to talk to Mizuki," Rui said finally. "I think they'll know."

     "Mizuki...?" Tsukasa echoed, tilting his head. "As in, Akiyama, your friend from middle school?"

     Why them...?

Rui nodded. "I see them over there. I'll go talk to them."

Tsukasa's chest tightened and he was taken over by a strong feeling of displeasure.

Rui started to walk away, but Tsukasa was quick to grab his hand.

"Wait," The blonde blurted. "I wanna come with you."

Rui squeezed Tsukasa's hand and smirked. "You jealous?"

     Yeah, I'm jealous.

Of course, the blonde refused to say those words out loud. Instead, Tsukasa let out a small grunt and didn't answer Rui's question. The blonde averted the alchemist's teasing gaze.

Rui chuckled and tugged on Tsukasa's hand. "Let's go." He said, an amused tone in his voice.

Tsukasa, satisfied, followed Rui as he walked over to Akiyama. They approached the pink-haired person as they were speaking to Shiraishi. Tsukasa realized that he'd been glaring at Akiyama and immediately forced his expression to relax.

"Hey, Mizuki!" Rui waved at his old friend with his free hand.

Shiraishi's eyes met Tsukasa's. She looked like she was aware of Tsukasa's feelings and could see right through the blonde's facade. The sense of discomfort too overwhelming for him, Tsukasa looked at Rui and away from Shiraishi.

"Oh, Rui!" Akiyama grinned. "Hey! How was your trip?"

Tsukasa held Rui's hand tighter, as if he thought his friend would drift away from him if he let go.

    See, Akiyama? Rui's mine.

"It was nice," Rui answered plainly. "Mizuki, about that post you were messaging me about the other day—"

"AHA! YOU SAW IT, RIGHT?! I'M NOT CRAZY!" Akiyama cackled, getting the attention of many other students that were innocently and peacefully minding their own business in the hallway.

Shiraishi and Tsukasa stared at Akiyama.

"I'm sure everyone that just heard you say that thinks otherwise," Rui said, glimpsing at some of the people that had started to murmur to one another. Uncomfortable with the stares, Rui let go of Tsukasa's hand and wrapped his arm around the blonde's waist before pulling him in close. "And, no, I didn't see the post."

Tsukasa blushed at the way Rui was holding him. The future star's hips were against the alchemist's. The blonde found the way Rui was holding him comfortable. He was enjoying being touched like this by Rui (not like that, you horny people, get your minds out of the gutter). Tsukasa leaned onto Rui's shoulder.

"You didn't?!" Akiyama cried. "But I mentioned you in the comment section!"

"On Instapic?" Rui asked. "I deleted it."

"What? But I made you an account and all!" Akiyama frowned.

"Yeah, but I only downloaded it so that you would stop nagging me to get it." Rui admitted. "It was there for no reason, as I didn't use it. So I got rid of it."

"Completely understandable," Shiraishi said with a wave of her hand. "I did the same thing."

"Fine, whatever. Why did you come to see me?" Akiyama said dismissively, although their face still showed some frustration.

"I think I know what's in the video you're talking about," Rui said in a hushed tone. "How much was filmed?"

"Up until when you beat that guy's ass," Akiyama jabbed their fists at the air. "And it cut off when you were in the middle of carrying Tenma away. But I know what happened after!" They smirked.

Tsukasa tensed up.

Wait, what? Someone filmed our fight with Akane?

"Do you really, Mizuki?" Rui quizzically eyed Akiyama.

"Of course I do," Akiyama's smile widened as they rubbed their hands together mischeivously. "You two eloped and had sixty-nine children and lived happily ever after and blah blah blah."

Both of the boys blushed heavily and Rui shot Akiyama a glare as Tsukasa buried his face into the alchemist's shoulder.

"Oh, come on!" Akiyama giggled. "Don't look at me like that! Just look at the way you're holding him and tell me you're not together!" They motioned their hands to Rui's arm around Tsukasa.

     "Yeah, looks like homosexuality to me," Shiraishi laughed. "Take that from me—a proud lesbian."

Rui and Tsukasa looked down at what Akiyama was motioning to. Rui slid his hand off of Tsukasa's waist and down to the blonde's hand. Tsukasa frowned at Rui, clearly not very happy about it.

"Yeah, okay," Rui said. "Anyway, my questions have been answered. Goodbye, Mizuki!"

"Wait!" Akiyama said loudly. "You wanna hang out tomorrow? It's been a while since we last did something together, just the two of us!"

Rui glanced at Tsukasa, who'd started to glare at Akiyama again. The pink-haired person saw the blonde's glare and frowned at him, hurt.

"Calm down, Tsukasa-kun, there's no need to be so angry," Rui frowned at the blonde before turning back to Akiyama. "Sorry, Mizuki, but I can't hang out with you tomorrow day. I have other plans."

"Aww," Akiyama sounded disappointed. "Alright. We'll hang out some other time! An, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Heck yeah!" Shiraishi grinned.


Word count: 2242

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