Always You (Leah Williamson x...

By Woso_23

102K 1.6K 192

Cara Gross is a professional football player for the german national team and vfl wolfsburg.She is the daugth... More

The Beginning
Meeting the Team
An end and a new beginning
Summer Break
Training Camp
Training Camp II
First Game in Red
Do you need a Hug ?
Come with me
Blue eye
North London Derby
You are jealous
Its okay..
Back in London
Can't i find new friends ?
Ask her.
(Happy) New Year
Im sorry.
I have made a decision
Arnold Clark Cup
Coming Home
You are my everything
Magical Place
The Start.
What have i done ?
Im there for you
Feeling Better
The House
Instagram Posts
Hello II :)
One Second
(Im so sorry :( )
Info :)


1.4K 26 3
By Woso_23

Leah POV:

,,That's my room" i hear Jacob say loud through the door and sigh

,,No i wanted it first!" I hear Holly say and shake my head while putting down the clothes in my hand.

,,If you two keep argue then i will take this room" Ben says and i open the door and look to all three of them with a annoyed face.

,,There are enough rooms for everyone.Dont speak that loud otherwise you three will sleep on the couch!" I say with a serious tone.

,,Damn..Leah calm down"Holly says and chuckles slightly.

,,Just play Rock,Paper and Scissors..the Winner gets the room" i tell them and they nod and play.

The first one who lost was Ben and then Jacob lost the battle against Holly.

She celebrates a bit while she is jumping ,,Haaa my room" she says with a big smile and goes inside the room and closes the door.

I shake my head with a small chuckle and look to Jacob and Ben.

,,Why is she soo annoyed and everything ?" Ben asks him while looking at me.

,,She misses Cara..and is worried that she will miss her flight to get here in time" Jacob says and smiles at me before he walks away.

,,That is not true" i say a bit louder to him while he walks away and shake my head before looking to Jacob.

,,It is true right ?" he asks with a small grin and i sigh.

,,Yes it is true" i tell him and he grins at me.

,,You know that Cara would to anything to not miss her flight and to get here in time.Dont worry about something like this Leah..she will be here believe me.She wouldn't want to miss your first christmas together not after what happend last year" Ben says and takes his bags in his hands again.

,,She will be calm down" he says and walks away to get to the last room.

I sigh and go back to the bedroom for me and Cara to unpack our suitcases.

Cara and her Dad Robert would come to our house here in the north of England tomorrow.
Her and her Dad did some charity work in Germany and were visiting Children's Hospitals and some organisations to give out presents for everyone and to spread a bit of Love to those who have a hard time or dont get enough love.

And yes that she does something like this is amazing and i think its very nice that they try to give something back but im worried that she will miss the flight or that the flight gets canceled.

Its just would be to stressful and i want to spend our first christmas together and in peace.
After the euros everything turned a bit around.
We now got a lot more eyes on us and have a lot more work to do outside of the pitch especially i as the Captain had a lot going on.

People see us on the streets ,the stadiums get very full and the media sees us.

It is incredible that Women's Football keeps growing and its not just like that in England.Its the same in Germany,Spain,France and so on.
But that also means that we are present in these other countrys too.

Luckliy i know that it will get easier with time and will be normal for us one day but right now it takes a lot of strength to get done with everything which is why im so excited for this time with Cara and our families.

Just us and our loved ones so we can calm down and start good into the second half of this season.

I know its not been easy for Cara either starting with the hate she got and her being one of those top players ,she has a big name and it continues to grow since she is playing in an amazing season.
But this also means she got a lot of media duties and events just like i do.

Another thing that worries me is how much she plays.Viv,Beth and i just looked it up a few days ago and Cara played every single game and that till the end since the 12th December of 2021.
That is now more than one year ago.

She played every minute for Arsenal and her national team.Luckliy she hasnt got any problems with her body which is why she can play but i and a lot of girls in the team are a bit worried that this will be to much after a while.

We have important Games coming up in the second half of our season and will probaly just have a small break before we will go to our national teams for the World Cup.

I know Jonas talked to her and asked her how she was doing and if she was still okay with playing that much.He said to me that she is more than okay with that and that she will continue to play till she notices that something is off.

I just rolled my eyes back then and thanked Jonas for talking with her about it.That is just typically Cara.
She probaly thinks she will let her team down when she says she isnt fit enough to play and just continues.

I sigh and put all our clothes away into the drawer before i went down to sit down in the living room where my parents talked to Cara's Mom and her grandparents.

,,Where is Granny ?" i ask Mom while i sit down.

My Mom wanted to answer but then Granny Bernie came out of the kitchen with a tea in her hands and sat down on one of the couches.
,,Here i am" she says with a smile and continues to talk to all the other ones in the living room.

I dont how many different topics are going around in this kind of group but i barely can keep up with them.

Mom and Cara's Mom Lily were talking about the latest things that were going on in their lives as if they didnt text each other it already.

Grandma Bernie was chatting with Granny Eve and Granny Tina about a lot of different things about food,sports and politics.

And Cara's Grandpa Henry was talking to my Dad about football.

I just smile a bit to myself and try to take a good picture without anyone noticing and send it to Cara.

You wont believe how many different conversations are going on here haha
Missing you xxx

I smile slightly at our texts and text a bit with Keira before Cara answered me.

I can imagine it haha
Missing you too xxx

Flight is still going 😉
Dad and i will be there on time tomorrow.

I hope so.
Being alone for one night in this new bed is already enough.

Can't wait to see you again to spend so much time with you xx

Who wouldn't want to spend time with me ? haha
I miss you too you have me back tomorrow ;)

Honey❤️:We will text later..i need to go you ❤️

I smile slightly and look to Bella who came to me and sat down on my legs to get some pets from me.

,,Let me texted with Cara" Mom says and i grin slightly and nod to her.

Lily smiles at me ,,Didnt know my daugther had that much power to let you smile like that" she says with a small chuckle.

,,Oh she definitely has that power believe me" i tell her and smile before i get included into the conversation from my mom and Lily.

Cara's Mom was amazing she really welcomed me with open arms like the rest of Cara's Family and treated me nearly like her own daugther.She also checked in to know how im doing too and texts me sepreatly from Cara to make sure im good which i found extremly cute.

Talking to Lily and Cara's Dad Robert over the last months made me realise how much she got from her parents.She has a lot from both of them.

We all decided to take walk since Bella needed to get out and we wanted to see a bit of the nature around us.I had Henry the son from my cousin Jordan on my arms and played with him a lot i just love children.

After a while we returned back to the house and decided to watch how mine and Cara's Grandma's were making dinner ,i wanted to help them but they said the kitchen was already full enough with Mom and Lily by their side so i just watched.

It's incredible to see how much chaos can go on there but they still get done with the meal and made an incredible dinner.

We ate in the living room before we went outside to sit at the fireplace and to talk about different things.

,,Sooo you and Cara will have your first anniversary soon..have you two anything planned ?" Granny Eve asks me with a big smile.

,,Not really..we wanted to talk about it the next days.But i dont think we will do much that day" i tell them.

,,Well i know what Cara has planned" Lily says with a small smirk and takes a sip of her red wine.

I look confused to her and smile ,,She has planned something ?What does she want to do ?" i ask her and she chuckles slightly.

,,I can't tell you that Leah..otherwise i will get in trouble" she says with a smile and i just accept.

I will not get anything out of Lily that is clear but Cara..i will get it out of Cara.Im her soft spot and she will tell me after a while which is why i grin.

,,Leah..dont ask her..let her surprise you" Mom says with a smile cause she knows what im gonna do.

,,But i want to know how i am" i tell her and she laughs

,,I know but will be much better when you wait like your supposed to" she says and smiles at me.

We talk about different things before it got late and we all decided to head into our bedrooms.
I sighed when i looked at the empty bed and got into my side near the window like always.

It is just so unusual to sleep alone.
Having her next to me just calms me down so much ,its not like i can't sleep without her next to me because then i would have big problems at the international camps but i sleep better having her by my side.

Her warmth body and her touch makes me feel safe and loved which is one of the things i love the most about her.

She can touch my arm and calm me down in seconds or when she looks me in the eyes this is when i know that i anything can happen but i still would have her my by side.

Honey❤️:Sleep well my love..can't wait to have you in my arms tomorrow again

I smile at the message that she send an hour ago and dont respond to it since she would be sleeping already.

She will be here in time and then we could finally have time for ourselfs and celebrate Christmas together.

Next Day

I woke up cause off a scream downstairs and heard Bella barking which is why i quickly stood up and went downstairs

,,Bella..quiet now!" i say a bit louder while walking down and was greeted with Mom,Jacob,Lily who were standing next to Cara and her Dad Robert.

,,Dont yell at Bella like that..she is just excited to see me again" Cara says with a grin and i look confused to my watch on my wrist.

,,What the hell are you doing here already ?" i ask her but dont give her time to answer since i was jumping on her and hugging her tight.

I hear her laugh after she catched me aswell as our family but i just smile at her.

,,I wanted to surprise you" she says and looks at me.

,,Let me guess..everyone knew accept me" i say to her and she chuckles slightly and lets me down slowly.

,,No this time no one knew..this is why Mom and Amanda were screaming..they thought we were criminals" she says making us laugh slightly.

,,Next time dont come into the house that quiet and i wont attack you with a wooden spoon" her mom says and points at her with the wooden spoon making me laugh even more.

,,You should have told me..i would've cleaned upstairs" i tell her and she shakes her head with a grin.

,,You are here one day and the bedroom already looks chaotic ?Really Leah" she says with a small smile and i lay my arms around her neck.

,,Dont be love me so you need to accept my chaotic side" i tell her and she lays her arms around me and sighs.

,,You are lucky that i love you that much that it doesn't border me anymore to clean up after you" she says and i hit the back of her head playfully.

,,Asshole" i say making her chuckle

,,Cute Asshole" she says and i shake my head with a grin before i kiss her lovingly.

We were just seperated for a few days and i missed her like crazy.
I could never be apart of her again for a longer time.

A bit later

Cara POV:

Surprising Leah and seeing her reaction showed me once again how loved i was from her and her whole family to be honest.

Everyone was happy we were finally here and im happy that i was finally here to spend time with our loved ones.

I sat in the Garden with Bella by my side to rest a bit since i was a bit tired.Im starting to feel the last months to be honest.

Since the euros and everything that happend i didnt have much time aside from football i either was on the pitch or had some media and events to attend to.
It took a lot of energy to do everything and that i've played every game for a whole year now.

Beth,Viv and Leah told me the other day that i have played every game in a year and that they start to worry a bit about me.
I said that i was fine which is true as soon as im on the pitch i get a lot of energy but afterwards im just tired.

Plus i dont get younger my recovery takes longer cause of my playing time and my age even though im just 26.

I wanted to use this free time to fully recover and to put everything into the second half of the season before we would go to the world cup.
And i wanted to reflect this last year.

Even though the hate comments and everything stopped and i know that they were complete wrong i still think about the euros and what happend.

I would lie when i say that i dont think about that free kick anymore.

I sigh and close my eyes to rest but Leah came to me and laid down next to me on the lounger.

,,Missed me that much ?" i ask her while she cuddled into me and put a blanket over us.

,,Yes." she says making me smile and i nod while looking forward.

,,How was Germany ?" she asks

,,Good..seeing these kids smile makes me a bit sad that i can't help more kids but i try to accept it" i tell her and she smiles at me.

,,And all the media events ?Any Questions about us ?" she asks and i smile at her.

,,Not directly..just asking if my private life is as successful as my career" i tell her and look at her.

,,What did you say ?"

,,I said yes and nothing more..they can keep speculating" i say.

,,We could play some photos.We could go public" Leah says and i look surprised to her.

,,Do you want too ?" i ask her.

,,Yeah kind of..i mean it would be easier ,we wouldn't have to look out.You see that its easier for Beth and Viv since they went public maybe it will be the same for us" she says and i nod slightly and sigh.

,,Maybe on our anniversary..everyone would be shocked that we are together for a year then" i tell her and she nods with a chuckle.

,,They all would be shocked that we were together during the euros" she says and i nod slightly and pet Bella who still laid there between my legs.

,,Are you still thinking about it ?" Leah asks a bit quiet and i sigh and nod.

,,You had an incredible tournament Cara and you are the best player right mistake will not define your career" she says and i nod.

Leah looks at me and begins to stroke my cheek and turns my head to her.

,,Talk to me" she says and i look to her.

,,Its not the hate or anything i got afterwards..its what happend on the pitch that is still in my head.The Freekick ,the fact that we lost.I wanted to win this tournament more than ever..and now i just want to win anything i can get.I want to show the world and myself that i can still win trophys like back then with Wolfsburg or in the youth national teams" i tell her and she nods.

,,You know that im proud of you deserve that win Leah..and it has nothing to do with you or the whole england team.I would feel the same if it was Sweden or Spain or anyone else" i say and sigh.

,,This upcoming World Cup is my chance to show that i can win trophys..that Germany still can win trophys".

,,You will get your chance..i cant say that you will win against England when we face each other in the world cup but im sure you will have a good tournament" she says and i grin slightly at her.

,,I want revenge for this loss" i tell her with a smile and she grins at me.

,,You will not get will lose again.I will slight tackle you again if i have too" she says and comes a bit up to me and kisses me.

,,Just play like you did these last months and you will be successful...We will be frustrated too that we didnt win something big with Arsenal but our time will come.Im sure it will" Leah says to me and kisses me again.

,,So please dont leave Arsenal and me for Barcelona" she says with a small laugh and i grin at her.

,,I will not..atleast now" i tell her with a grin and kiss her quickly.

I look into her eyes and smile
,,But trophy or success could make me as happy as i am when i have you in my arms.Your my safe space and my world..having you by my side is the best thing that could happen to me" i tell Leah.

Her eyes soften and she looks at me with tears and her eyes
,,Why are you crying ?" i ask her.

,,Im just emotional" she says and hugs me tight and i smile at her.

,,I love you so much" Leah says looking at me and kisses me.
,,Im so lucky to have you" she says and i grin and kiss her cheek hugging her.

,,I love you too" i say still having her in my arms ,i look to Bella who stood up coming to us and trys to lick over my face.

,,Noo Bella..please not" i say and try to hide my face while she is too excited.

Leah laughs while just watching how Bella wants to give me kisses before Bella sits down next to me and let her head down on my chest.

,,Sure..make your self comfortable like Leah" i say and Leah lays her head down again and pets Bella while being in my arms.

,,Even though im slightly still happy that i am in this situation" i tell her with a smile.

,,Will not be better when we have three kids later" Leah says.

,,Three ?I need to look after four kids later..God help me"

,,Four ?I said three Honey" Leah says slightly laughing.

,,I mean four.Three Kids plus four.I need to look after four" i tell her and Leah punches me playfully.

,,Asshole" she says laying down again.

,,Cute Asshole" i say with a grin and kiss her head looking at Bella who really is comfortable in this postion will getting pets from Leah and Me.

I hear how the Garden Door from the House opens and hear the voices of my mom and Amanda who came outside and look at us.

,,How cute you three are" my mom says with a big smile on her face.

,,Your sure your comfortable Cara ?" Amanda asks me slightly laughing.

,,Not really but as long as the future Mrs.Gross and Bella are comfortable im okay" i say making my mom and Amanda smile really big.

I know these two are planning mine and Leah's Wedding in their heads for months.

,,Who said i will take your name ?" Leah says making me look at her.

,,Why not ?Its a good name" i tell her.

,, also good.Cara Williamson sounds amazing to me" she says with a grin.

,,Mhm..Leah Gross doesn't sound bad to me" i tell her looking at her with a smile.

,,How about you two do a double name..everyone would be happy" my mom says and i look to her.

,,Will be a problem to fit on a jersey but i think that was the plan already am i right ?" i ask Leah and she nods with a smile.

,,Yep..double name it is.Just your proposal is missing" Leah says looking at me with a grin.

,,Still need to find the perfect ring plus we still have a lot of time.Dont worry the proposal will come" i say and hug Leah looking to my mom.

We smile at each other.

She knows and i know but no one else does and it should stay in that way for a bit more.

Later that day

Today is Christmas Evening ,in Germany we would unpack our presents today at the evening after having dinner but in England its the morning afterwards.

We decided to do it in the english way so today would just be having dinner together playing some games and having fun and tomorrow morning everyone would get their presents.

I look at the tree and i must say its hard to wait till tomorrow.Im used to the German Way and if we were in Germany i would have my presents now.

,,Look at her..just like when she was 10" Grandma Eve says with a small laugh.

,,You alright there ?You will get your presents soon enough" Mom says and i look over to her and my Grannys aswell as Bernie and Amanda.

,,Im alright..i just want it to be tomorrow" i say and Leah comes to stand next to the other ladies of this house.

,,You know that you will never get your presents on Christmas Evening again right ?" she asks me with a grin and i sigh.

,,One Reason to live my own life in Barcelona" i tell her with a grin ,,Or maybe i should go back to Wolfsburg" i say with a grin obviously joking.

,,You will love me to much to leave Arsenal" Leah says with a smile.

,,Well you could come with sure Barcelona or Wolfsburg would be interesting in getting you too" i say standing up.

She shakes her head and smiles ,,No..never" she says and i grin.

,,Or i go to Chelsea" i say making them all chuckle once again.

,,You would still be in England and in London"

,,But you would never date someone who plays for Chelsea"

,,True..but your not leaving Arsenal" Leah says and i grin.

,,How could i..they pay me extremly good" i say with a grin.

Everyone laughs a bit and i smile
,,I will get through this till tomorrow..well i think so atleast" i say with a smile.

We ate dinner a bit later before we all sat in the living room to play some games with the whole group.
Leah sat between my legs with Henry her nephew on her legs and i show her a photo i took of them earlier.

,,Something against it if i post it ?" i ask her with a grin.

,,It's giving a bit of soft it" she says with a smile and i grin.

,,The People will go crazy you know that" i say to her.

,,They already go crazy over every photo we post of the other one..let's give them that and a bit more the next days and make an official post when we have our anniversary" she says and i nod and smile.

,,Let's do that" i say and kiss her cheek before i lay back to write a caption for this post.

@Cara_Gross7 posted tagged in this post @leahwilliamsonn and others
Spending Christmas with the family❤️❤️❤️
Glad that i got these people by my side at this beautiful time of the year.
Merry Christmas everyone! ❤️


@keirawalsh: Merry Christmas ❤️
Excited to see you two soon! ❤️
@lena_oberdorf: Merry Christmas
Can't wait to see you again! 🤍
@RobbyS_12: My Girl Leah 🫶🏼
(Love you too Cara! 🫶🏼)
@funwithEl70: Much love! 🫶🏼
@liawaelti: ❤️❤️❤️
@jbeattie91: Merry Christmas to you two and your familys! ❤️
It's such a soft launch omg!!
@wlw_woso: Those two soooo cute omg 😍
Arsenal getting a new couple once again! 🤌🏼😭😍

We had a great evening with the family before everyone got to bed since it was already late.

I already laid in bed when Leah came out of the bedroom and we looked at each other.

,,I love you" i say to her with a big smile on my face.

Leah grins and comes to the bed and sits down by my side
,,I love you too" she says and gets down to kiss me gently and strokes my cheek.

,,I love this time of the year..having our families with us and that we get to spend this time together" Leah says to me and i smile at her.

,,There is not better way than spending christmas together like this" i tell her with a smile and kiss her again.

Leah goes over to her side of the bed and slips under the covers before she turned to me and cuddled into me.

,,My World" i whisper into her ear and kiss her cheek with a big smile on my face.

She looks into my eyes and smiles
,,Excited for tomorrow ?" she asks and i grin

,,Definitely..can't wait to open up my presents" i tell her with a big smile on my face.

,,God you're like a child!" Leah says slightly laughing while looking at me.
,,I hope this stops when we have children" she says with a big grin.

,,Why should it stop ?I will be even more excited then seeing how our little ones open up their presents" i tell her with a grin and look down to her.

,,Can't wait for this to be woken up by our kids to go downstairs and see what Santa brought them.To drink Hot Chocolate together and to wear some dumb christmas jumpers.
To have you in my arms while we look to our kids and seeing them unwrapping their presents.
God i can't wait for that to happen" i tell her and look to her.

Leah looks at me with a big smile on her face and looks into my eyes.

Her eyes are so soft and when i look at them i know that i never saw something more beautiful.

,,God i love you so much"Leah says before she gets closer to me and kisses my gently.

,,I love you too" i say into her lips smiling.

New Year

Leah POV:

We had the best start into this new year and i hope its just stays that way for the future.

Having Cara by my side this time was the best thing that could happend to me.
Thinking about how we started into the year 2022 and how we leave it now is such a big difference.

We had our struggles and it was definitely difficult but we always tried our best to work on our relationship and to make things better and right now we are in the best place to keep things like this.

We look to each other with so much love and i hope it stays like this.

We had our first new years kiss and had our fun with some music and playing games with our families.
We laughed so much i thought i would get a cramp in my stomach sometimes.

Tomorrow everyone would drove or fly back to their own home.
Yes i will miss everyone a bit but im excited to spend some days alone with Cara.
We didnt have that much space alone because we are a lot of people in this house and it definitely doesn't help that Holly is in the room next to us but like Cara promised me we will use the time at home for some more private things.


Cara and i sat on the couch watching a film with our families and we were covered with a blanket.I sigh

Dont get me wrong i love spending time with these people but it's been sooooo long since Cara and i got a bit heated id say.

I mean since we are here we tried but its difficult when your mom walks in a few seconds before your shirt gets pulled off you.
We both were ready for the other one definitely and couldn't keep the hands from the other one.

I mean whenever i get the chance to touch Cara i do it.
She stands in the kitchen with her grandmas then i definitely get behind her and hug her.

We sit at the dining table and eat breakfast or eat dinner as soon as Cara sits down beside me her hands goes to my thigh and finds their place there.I lay mine on top of hers and play with her fingers like i always do.

I sigh a bit thinking about the lost opportunitys to have our fun and get with my hand under Cara's Shirt and stroke her abs.

She looks slightly confused to me wanting to know the reason i do this.

I know it drives her crazy when i touch her naked stomach like this and my hand is not on her upper abs ,its on the lower abs.

I smile to her and grin slightly
,,Let's go upstairs" i mouth to her  without a sound.

And she smiles at me slightly ,,How ?" she whispers to me and i sit up.

,,Cara and i will go upstairs.I dont feel that well" i tell our family and they all look at us.

,,Everything okay or do you think you get sick ?" my mom asks immediately looking worried to me.

,,Yes..just my endometriosis" i say with a smile and look to Cara.

She grins slightly at me and nods
,,I will take good care of her" she says standing up and her mom nods.

,,We know that.If you girls need something let us know" Lily says and i take Cara's hand.

,,We will..have a good night" i tell everyone.

,,Good Night" everyone says to us back and i drag Cara with me upstairs and she closes our door behind us.

,,You are such a smart girl" Cara says to me and pulling me to her kissing me.

I grin into her lips and soon my back reaches our bed ,we kiss the other one with so much passion and love.

,,God i love you so damn much" Cara says kissing my neck and i grin while i moan slightly.

,,I love you more" she says but we here how something is in front of our door.

Its not a knocking sound but something makes sounds in front of our door.
Its more like a scratching sound.

Cara sighs and steps up from the bed laying a blanket over me since i already lost my shirt and opens the door.

,,Bella" Cara says and sighs.

Bella takes her opportunity and gets into our bedroom to lay down at the end our bed.

Cara was about to close the door when we heard voices coming closer she looks down the aisle and sighs quietly.

,,Already tired ?" she asks

,,'s late and you know how much i love to sleep" Holly says and i sigh while laying in bed.

Sadly those walls in this house are extremly thin we know that cause we can hear Holly talking to her friends on her phone.

,,Well then have a good night" she says and smiles before she closes the door and sighs.

,,Not today" she says and gets back into bed to me.

,,I dont think we will get dont with it while being in this house" i tell her and she smiles and looks to me.

,,I make it up when we are back at home..nobody can get in our way there" she says kissing me with a grin and i nod with a grin too.

Flashback ends

8 Days later

Cara POV:

,,Wake up is our first anniversary" i hear Leah say loud.

I open my eyes and sigh looking at her ,,God's 7 in the morning" i tell her and she grins.

,,And ?I want to spend this day with you and do some fun things" she says hugging me and kisses me with a grin.

,,Happy Anniversary Honey..i love you" Leah says looking at me and i look at her with a grin and stroke her cheek.

,,Happy Anniversary Darling..i love you too" i tell her and kiss Leah's forhead with a smile.

,,Soooo you said you plan our tell me what we are going do to" Leah says and i sit up and look at her.

,,You will see..first of all i will make us some breakfast and then we get ready" i tell her and sit up.

Leah looks at me a bit sad and i sigh looking at her with a small grin ,,You will know soon enough Darling..we will have a lot of fun today" i say to her and kiss her before i got to the kitchen.

I made us some breakfast while Leah was getting ready before i took a quick shower and got to her again so we could eat together.

,,Is my outfit okay for the day ?" Leah asks standing up and i nod with a smile.

,,'s perfect.You look amazing" i tell her with a smile and she stands up and kisses me gently.

,,Close your eyes" she says and i grin at her.

,,What are you going to do ?" i ask her with a big grin and she laughs slightly.

,,Not what you are thinking of Idiot..just close your eyes" she says and i chuckle before i closed my eyes.

I hear how she goes away but comes back a bit later ,,Open" she says and i look to her.

I look to the flowers and grin ,,These are beautiful" i say with a smile and i grab the bouquet and grin.

,,Thank you Darling" i say and stand up to kiss her gently.

,,Look into the envelope" she says and i nod and take the envelope before i lay the flowers down.

I open it and grab a ring out of it

I look confused to Leah its Leah's ring ,the one she always wears on her pointing finger.

,,Why are you giving me this ?" i ask her with a smile.

,,It's a family ring as you know..and you are my family so i want you to wear it from now on.I want that you have something from me with you all the time.Like the bracelet or the necklace" she says to me and i grin at her.

,,Thank you my love..that is very kind and i love it" i tell her and smile before i put the ring on my pointing finger and smile.

,,But..your ring must be replace.Good that i got you something" i tell her with a grin and give her a new ring that i bought her.

She grins at me ,,You really remember everything i like" she says.

Its a ring that we saw the other day in the city and of course i try to remember as much as i can so i can get it for Leah to make her happy.

I put the ring on her pointing finger and hold her hand in mine.
,,The next ring that you will get goes on your ring finger" i tell her and lay my arms around her.

She grins at me and her arms go around my neck ,,You promise ?" she asks and i nod.

,,I promise" i tell her and kiss her lovingly.

Well let's say it like that Leah will freak out when she finds out that maybe that ring is already in our apartment.

We got outside a bit later and got to play Top Golf like Leah wanted to for a long time.
We had our fun and i think everyone around us noticed that we both wanted to win since we were pushing the other one with some flirts and some bets.

I can confirm you that Leah's needs to do the dishes for the rest of the month which i found funny even though i now need to watch Mamma Mia 1 and 2 this evening.

Dont get me wrong i like these movies but since i am together with Leah i saw them atleast 25 times.Which is a lot for me.

We got back to our car and i open the door for Leah and turn to her ,,Where do you want to go out for dinner ?" i ask her.

,,Nowhere" she says with a smile

,,Nowhere ? What do you want to do then ?" i ask her a bit confused.

,,Let's order pizza watch Mamma Mia and just lay in each others arms for the rest of the day" Leah says with a grin and strokes my cheek.

,,Sounds amazing" i tell her with a grin and kiss her cheek.

We smile at each other and i close Leah's Door before we got home and ordered our Pizza like Leah wanted to.

We got into some comfortable clothes and laid down on the couch with the pizza watching Mamma Mia.

,,Thought about the pictures you choose for your post ?" Leah asks me and i look at her.

,,Oh i completely forgot that but i already now which photos im going to choose" i tell her with a smile.

,,Do you want to do it now ?" i ask her and she smiles at me.

,,Do you want too ?" she asks me with a small grin.

,,If that means i can kiss you in public like i want to..yeah definitely" i tell her with a grin and she laughs slightly and i chuckle a bit.

She looks at me and nods ,,Let's do it..grab your phone and type everything in so we can post at the same time" Leah says and i nod and grab my phone immediately.

We made our posts ready and i look over to Leah who holds my hand.

,,Wait..promise me that no haters or the media can tear us apart.It's just us right ?" she asks and i nod immediately.

,,Yes.Just us and me and i swear the words from every other person doesnt matter" i say and she grins at me and gets closer to me.

,,I love you" i tell her and she kisses me gently.

,,I love you too" she says with a smile and we both click on the post button at the same time.

Now everyone will know that we are together and we are not just friends like we said all the time.

Now it's official and i couldn't be more happier than i am right now with her in my arms.


Here it is :)

First of all Hello :)

The next chapter will just be the instagram posts from both of them just so you know :)

Im extremly sorry you had to wait so long but i just didnt have much time to finish this chapter for awhile.
I try to bring out chapters a bit quicker the next time but i can't promise it.

I have my work and an private life that gets a bit busy with the summer coming but i try and use my free time for this story cause i love writing these storys.

I hope you like this chapter :)

Write some comments so i know what you think of this chapter i would appreciate that.

Leave a ⭐️ if you like it :)

Have a good day/evening 🫶🏼

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