Percy Jackson- Truth or Dare

By BlueSeraphos

7.4K 145 63

This is my first book. So, DON'T JUDGE ME! XD This book is about Percy Jackson characters play truth or dare... More

Let's Play Truth or Dare!
Percy gets turned into a book
Leo gets a makeover!
Jason the blonde superman
Frank becomes a cute little kitten.
Shout Out!
Paint me like your Greek boys
Stuck on an island?
A singing Frank?
The Golden Trio?!

Sword Art Online?

292 2 1
By BlueSeraphos

So guys sorry I didn't update for a long time- Major writer's block. Did I say that correctly? Anyway, my exams are in Sept so.... Yea. And I got a new laptop! 😄
Leo's P.O.V

Oh gods. I wonder what will Jason do to me....
We were all back into Cabin 3 and was waiting for Jason to choose his victim.

'Jason? Are you done thinking yet?!' Percy shook Jason.

'Yea, it's Leo but I need to think of a dare! So shut up!' Jason grumbled.

5 mins later.....

Percy snored loudly. Jason still haven't think of a dare for me. Oh well. The rest are playing charades are the moment while I fiddle with my tool belt. How long will this take?

10 mins later.........

Percy was drooling by now. It's a funny sight. Just like Annabeth said. She smirked at me, noticing I was trying to hide my laughter from staring at Percy drool.

' I GOT IT!!!!!!!' Jason screamed.

'WHO?! WHAT?! WHERE?! ' Percy shouted, grabbing his sword from his pocket. He had jumped up from the floor where he had landed after being shocked awake. ( A/N : Is there such a thing?)

'Oh gods, Percy! There's no one attacking camp if you are thinking of that. You fell asleep!' Annabeth face-palmed.

'Oh.' Percy sat down and kept his sword.

'Anyway, remember how we always use Facebook?' Jason asked.

We all nodded. ( A/N: Let's just pretend that the Demigods fb one is connected to this)

'Well. Remember how Blue said something about Sword Art Online? And how we totally missed Asuna and Kirito? ' Jason continued.

'ASUNA!!!!! KIRITO!!! EEEEEEEE!!!!' Blue fangirled like crazy. Everyone covered their ears. Percy's sis sure can scream.

'Leo? I dare you to enter the world of ALfheim Online and find Asuna and Kirito. Remember not to annoy them. ' Jason said.

'ALfheim Online?' I asked, I never heard of it before. I didn't watch the whole series.

'The second part of SAO.' Jason sighed.

'But...... We don't have the head thingy.' I replied.

'Blue?' Jason held out his hand.

'Here. Use it safely. Or I'll kill you. ' Blue shot a death glare to me. Oh damn! I better use it safely......

'You ready Leo?' Jason asked.

'WAIT! What is ALfheim Online?' I asked, confused.

'Something like SAO but instead of SAO its ALO. There are magic and fairies. Players are fairies and can fly.' Jason sighed, clearly annoyed at me.

'There are different races of fairies, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You will
be randomly put into a race.' Jason added, plugging the head set in.

'Okay.... Here goes nothing.' I took a deep breath, laid down on one of the many beds around and put on the head set.

'Link Start!'

Go watch Sword Art Online if you haven't. It's AMAZING! Comment on what race you want Leo to be:

Cait Sith : Living toward the west of the World Tree, Cait Siths are skilled beast tamers with the best eyesight and high speed. They are recognizable through their cat ears and tails.

Gnome : Inhabitants of the Frost Areas of the North, the brown-styled Gnomes are the largest of the fairy races and specialize in Earth Magic.

Imp : Living in the Alphine Areas of the Southeast, the purple-styled Imps are the masters of night and are blessed with great night vision.

Leprechaun : Living at the Frost Areas of the North, Leprechauns are the blacksmith race and are blessed with mechanical wings.

Pooka : The Pookas from the Northwest specialize in using music in combat to confuse and attack opponents and support allies.

Salamander : Inhabitants of the Desert Area of the South, the red-styled Salamanders are considered the strongest race in terms of attack power and are masters of Fire Magic.

Spriggan : From the Ancient Runes Area of the Northeast, the black-styled Spriggans are masters of Illusion Magic and excel in treasure seeking.

Sylph : From the Grassland Area of the Southwest, the green-styled Sylphs are considered to be the fastest race and are masters of Wind Magic.

Undine : From the Wetland Area of the East, the blue-styled Undines are masters of Healing and Water Magic.

There is also one more race but although that isn't counted ( Leo can't be that) I'll put the information below:

Alfs : The rumored Alfs are the legendary race blessed by the Fairy King Oberon with unlimited flight. It is believed that the first of the available starting races to reach the top of the World Tree and gain an audience with the Fairy King would be elevated to this special race, but it was revealed to be FALSE.

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