Hold Me

By DyellaHaim

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Danielle meets a model named Carter. Neither of the girls knew what it was like to fall in love, until they m... More



973 19 4
By DyellaHaim

*Third Persons POV*

Este walks in the already unlocked door to Carter's house and walks straight through and into her bedroom. She notices the big pile of blankets in the middle of the bed and immediately knows who is under it. She sits on the side of the bed and brushes off the food crumbs.

"Dude, why are there so many crumbs in you bed?" She asks the pile. She gets no verbal response but a bag of chips and a plate with a piece of bread gets pushed out from under the blankets. Este helps herself to some of the Doritos while she waits for Carter to come out. She can't stay in under there forever, she'll suffocate. "Carter? Wanna tell me what's wrong?" Este asks after a while. Carter sits up and wraps one of the blankets around her head. "Woah! You look like a raccoon on crack." Este laughs at her own joke. Carter's makeup is smeared all around her eyes from crying. "But seriously what's up? Who do I need to kill?"

"Your sister, but please don't actually kill her." Carter says being pouty.

"Which one? Did Alana get chocolate in your hair again?" Este asks and Carter shakes her head no. "Then what did the little shit do?"

"Nothing. It's Danielle."

"Really? What did she do?" Este asks surprised that her sweet sister made this girl cry.

"She broke up with me." Carter cries. Este pulls her into a hug.

"Try not to get makeup on my white dress."

"I won't."

"I'm shocked to be honest. What gave her a reason to do that?"

"She said your dad won't talk to any of you, and that its my fault."

"Bull shit! It's not your fault, he is just being an asshole. He'll get over it in a few days, I don't know what her problem is. Stay here, I'll be back in an hour tops, maybe two. But I'll be back." Este says and gets up from the bed. She leaves the house and heads towards Danielle's place.


Este bangs on Danielle's apartment door.

"What?" She hears D's voice faintly.

"Open up!" Este demands.

"Go away Este!"

"No! I need to talk to you." Este hits the door again out of frustration.

"What?" Danielle asks after she opens the door.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Este asks closing the door behind her and following her sister into the living room of the small apartment.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what you did. You know how stupid it was. That's why you're sitting in here crying because you want to take it all back. I know you." Este says.

"I was trying to make the better choice."

"Do you think you did?" Este asks starting to calm down and lower her voice. Danielle shakes her head. "Well how are you going to fix it?"

"I don't know."

"You know we leave for tour in a little over a week right?" Este asks and Danielle nods. "Let's go get your girlfriend, you're going to apologize and take her to do something she likes, then after you're going to ask her to go on tour with us."

"Okay. Is she mad at me?" Danielle asks.

"No, she is heartbroken." Este says.

*Carter's POV*

"You have ten minutes to get ready, we are gonna go out!" Este yells at me as I get up from my bed.

"Este I don't want to."

"You don't have a choice."

"Actually -"

"Shut up! You're wasting your ten minutes." Este looks at her wrist as if there were a watch there.

"Fine!" I get up and rush to get ready.


"Ugh! How do I look?" I ask Este when I'm finished getting ready.

"Great, now let's go!" She pulls me out of my house.

"Wait! I forgot my phone and wallet!"

"Go get them," She lets go of my arm and I run into grab my things and lock the door on my way out. "Ready?" She asks once I'm sitting in the passenger seat of her car. I nod my head and she backs her car out of my driveway.

"Where are we going?" I ask as she barely drives down the road.

"Don't worry about it."

"Well I am."

"Be quiet and put this on." she hands me a black bandana.

"A bandana?"

"Yes, put it over your eyes so you can't see anything."

"Okay, now I'm scared. Let me out."

"I would never hurt you! I love you dude, now just please put it on. I have a good surprise for you." She explains.

"Okay fine." I put it on but make sure I can still see through it.

"Can you see anything?" She asks.

"Nope!" I lie.

"Okay then, what's this?" She asks and holds an object up.

"Your phone." I answer.

"Fix it you cheater!" She hits me quite hard in the arm. She pulls into a parking lot and parks her car. She fixes the bandana so I really can't see anything then drives off.


"Why are we stopped?" I ask and get no answer. I hear someone get into the back seat. "Who just got in the car?"

"Stop asking questions, I'm not going to answer them." Este says and I feel the car start to move again.

"Sorry, I just feel like I'm being kidnapped."

"If I put on some of your favorite music will it help you calm down?" She asks.

"Yes, put in Wolf Alice please." I love Wolf Alice and can't stop listening to them ever since Alana introduced their music to me.

"Good choice." Este says then asks whoever is in the backseat to find the music on her phone.

"Hey! Is that Lanzo back there?" I say and reach my hand back and touch the persons leg.

"You really think Alana could stay quiet for this long?"

"No." I laugh. "But it can't be Danielle because she hates me."

"She doesn't hate you."

*Danielle's POV*

I'm sitting in the backseat of Este's car. Carter said that I hate her and my heart broke even more. I hope she doesn't really think that.

"She loves you a lot Carter. She made a mistake and she will apologize soon." Este says. They're talking like I'm not even here. Well Carter doesn't exactly know that I'm here.

"I love her a lot too. I already miss her." Carter says.

"You'll see her soon."

"Hopefully tomorrow before you guys go to Taylor's party." Carter says hopefully. She doesn't even know she will see me in less than an hour, and that she will most likely be going to the party with us.

"Yeah, hopefully." Este repeats her.

*Carter's POV*

"Wake up!" Este yells in my ear scaring the hell out of me. I sit up quickly then remember I can't see anything.

"What the hell? Where are we?" I ask in a tired voice.

"Just a second." Este answers and my door opens. Someone pulls the blindfold off my eyes. I take a few seconds for my eyes to adjust then I see Danielle with a small smile on her lips. I smile at her and her smile grows bigger.

"Hey beautiful, I'm really sorry for being stupid. Forgive me and we can go into the zoo?" Danielle asks with a hopeful smile.

"How can I not forgive you? And how did you know I really wanted to go to the zoo?"

"You've told me many times in the last little while. I don't even know why you wanted to come here? It's hot and smells like shit." She says and I laugh. I lean over and give her a tight hug.

"Okay, get the hell out of my car! I'll see you in a couple hours." Este says and pushes me out. D shuts the car door and we wave as Este drives away.

"I'm so excited!" I say and run towards the entrance with Danielle's hand in mine.

"See, I knew you were really only two years old." Danielle laughs as she tries to get me to slow down.

"Twenty-two!" I correct her.

"Okay baby."

"I'm not a baby."

"You're my baby."

"Okay," I smile and let her wrap her arm around my neck. She lets go of me while she pays for us to get in. We walk into the children crowded zoo.

"So you take me back?" Danielle asks.

"Yes of coarse!" I smile and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Good," she kisses my cheek.

*Danielle's POV*

"I just need like a quick power nap." Carter explains as she lays down on the shaded bench with her head rested on my legs.

"We haven't even gotten half way though this place. Do you want me to buy you a drink or something?" I ask.

"Yes please, I want a soft pretzel and Dr. Pepper." She gives me her order.

"Okay, I'll be back. Don't get kidnapped."

"I won't!" She says and I lift her head off of my lap and stand up. I walk to the food stand and wait in the long line of annoyed parents and screaming children. Why did she want to come here so bad? But in a way it's better than like an amusement park filled with teens and young adults that would be more likely to recognize me.

"Hi," I say somewhat shyly when I'm ready to order.

"Hi, I like your sunglasses!" The guy says with a happy expression. I give him the order and he winks at me before turning around. Awkward.

"Thanks." I force a smile. He leans out the window and I look at him confused.

"Can I have your number?" He asks.

"No," I say and feel a bad for being so blunt, it probably seems mean. I should explain. "Sorry I have a girlfriend."

"Aye! The more the better!" He says cockily.

"Fuck off." I say and turn around. I've never said that to a human being, other than in the car and just joking around. I kind of feel bad for being so rude. But that was disrespectful and unnecessary. What is wrong with this society, mostly the men. That reminds me that my dad and I aren't speaking. But I have Carter and that's great. I give Carter her food and sit next to her.

"Thanks babe!" She says with her mouth full of food.

"You're welcome." I give her a small smile.

"What's up?" She asks her mouth now empty. I explain to her what the guy working said to me. "Hold this, I'll go beat his ass through the window!" She says and hands me her things.

"No! Don't!" I grab her and pull her back down to the bench.

"Okay I won't. But you're okay?"

"Yes I'm fine." I smile.


"I'm great. I'm happy. I'm glad you're here with me."

"That's a better way to say 'fine'."


"So did you enjoy the zoo?" I ask Carter as we exit the park.

"Yes! Thank you so much! I liked the Tigers and the Penguins, but I didn't like the spiders and snakes because they were really scary. And I'm a little upset they didn't have sharks or dinosaurs." She rambles making me laugh.

"Well if you want to see sharks I could take you to Sea World or an aquarium. And if you want to see dinosaurs I can take you to the theatre to see Jurassic World." I explain.

"Let's do those for other dates!" She smiles.

"Sounds good," I smile back. "maybe on my days off on tour we could do something in the other cities."

"What?" She asks confused.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you. Do you want to join us on tour?" I ask her as Este pulls up in her car.

"Yes! Really?"

"Yeah!" I open the back seat door of Este's car and Carter jumps in excitedly. She sits in the middle seat and buckles her seat belt. I sit next to her and close the door.

"Hey Este! Guess who's joining you on tour!?"

"Who?" Este asks looking back at her through the mirror.

"This girl!" She points to herself with the biggest smile. How adorable is she? Extremely adorable.

"Oh yay! I can't wait!" Este does a little dance taking her hands from the steering wheel and almost hitting another car that's trying to pull out of the parking lot.

"Shit! Este!" I freak out. "That could've been an accident!"

"I know. But it wasn't." She replies.

"Oh shit! They pulled over and the lady is getting out of her car!" Carter points with her arm fully extended. I pull her arm down and hold her hand so she doesn't do it again. The angry looking woman bangs on the empty passenger seat window. Este rolls it down and the woman just sticks her head in and looks around the car like its her business.

"What are you? A police officer? Get out of my car!" Este says quite rudely.

"You almost ran into my van!" The lady yells.

"I'm sorry about that ma'am." Este apologizes seriously.

"There are six kids in there all under the age of twelve!" The woman continues to yell. I'm getting a little scared, she's crazy.

"Woah! They're all yours?" Carter asks in amusement.

"Yes! And she could've killed us!" She points in Este's face. Este looks at her like she is completely insane.

"We weren't even going five miles per hour." Este says plainly, nervous about upsetting the woman even more.

"I'm going to call the police. Don't move!"

"I have to, people are trying to get through."

"Fine! Move over there." She points to the spot behind her car and Este pulls into that spot. We watch the lady talk on her phone. "They'll be here in less that ten minutes."

"This is bullshit," Este chuckles. We all laugh together.

Twenty minutes later the police show up and we all get out of the car.

"Where's the damage?" The officer with the pornstache asks looking around both vehicles.

"There isn't any." Este states.

"What? Then why am I here?" The officer asks confused.

"Ask her." Este points to the woman who is trying to take care of three children at once. The officer walks over to her and they have a conversation about what happened.

"You girls are good to go. I'm not even going to question, she seems unstable."

"Thank you sir." Este smiles and shakes his hand. He shakes Carter's hand then mine with his big sweaty man hands. I wonder if Este has hand sanitizer in her car.


*Carter's POV*

"Bring like, all kinds of stuff." Danielle says after I asked her what to pack.

"Okay?" I stare at her for a second the walk into my closet to get started. I pull out my luggage and open it so it's ready to be stuffed. Danielle is just sitting on my bed eating Cheetos and watching tv. We are supposed to go stay at Este's tonight because we are all getting on an early morning flight. Dash gave me his plane ticket for tomorrow and said he will just come before tour starts. That guy is too nice, passing up Taylor Swift's party isn't something I would do out of kindness.

I throw in some pants and some shorts first. "Aren't you going to fold those?" Danielle asks with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Nope. I don't have time for that." I throw more stuff in.

"I'll do it then. Just pile your stuff and I'll fold it and put it in."

"Aww thanks babe!" I smile. She sits on the floor and starts folding my clothes for me.


"Almost done with my clothes!" I say happily as I hand D another t-shirt. "oh yeah!" I laugh. I grab all the underwear and bras from my drawer and drop them on top of Danielle's head. She smiles awkwardly and starts putting it all in my suitcase without a word. She is adorable.


"You and D can sleep on the air mattress." Este says pointing to the bed in her small living room.

"But E that's my bed!" Alana complains.

"You can sleep by me."

"But they're gonna do gross things on my bed!"

"First, it's not your bed, you just sleep on it a lot. Second, if sleeping is gross to you, then yes they are going to do gross things." Este says to Alana. Alana makes a pouty face. "Go to bed baby!" Este demands pointing towards her bedroom. Alana drags her feet as she walks down the short hallway and pushes open the bedroom door.

*Third Person POV*

"Can you not sleep?" Danielle asks Carter shortly after she wakes up from all of Carter's rolling around.

"Nope." Carter admits and rolls over to look at Danielle.

"How can I help?"

"I don't know, sometimes this just happens." Carter answers.

"What do you usually do?"

"Lay there until I fall asleep, it usually takes hours."

"You haven't slept at all?" Danielle asks her.

"Nope!" Carter giggles. Danielle grabs her phone from the floor next to her and checks her phone.

"We have to wake up in less than a half hour. Do you just want to get up?"

"You can go back to sleep, I'll be fine." Carter offers.

"No, I'm ready to get up now that I'm awake anyway."

"We don't have to get up, we could just lay here." Carter suggests and moves her body closer to Danielle's before kissing her lips softly.

Danielle moves away a little and covers her mouth embarrassed. "I have morning breath,"

"No you don't." Carter giggles and pulls Dani closer to her again. "So what if you did anyway?" She kisses her again.

"Why are you in such a kissy mood?" D asks her.

"Who knows I haven't slept in twenty four hours. Do you not like it?"

"I do, don't worry." D smiles and goes in for another kiss.

"I knew you would be gross!" Alana says loudly scaring the two girls and they quickly separate themselves from each other.

"It's not gross." Carter says looking up at Alana.

"It is. You're making out with my sister, that's pretty gross."

"I'd say it's pretty hot." Carter shrugs.


It's not a very comfortable flight for Danielle. She has Carter asleep on one shoulder and Alana asleep on the other. She is afraid of waking them or making them uncomfortable so she can barely move.

"Would you like something to drink?" The flight attendant asks as he walks by.

"Yes please, can I get a water and a Dr. Pepper for her?" Danielle asks pointing to Carter.

"Yes, and anything for her?" He asks pointing his pen at Alana.

"Probably just water, thank you."

"I'll bring that right out." He smiles and continues on down the isle.

"Okay time to wake up." Danielle whispers to herself and starts raising her shoulders to wake the two girls. Alana wakes up quickly and wipes the drool from the side of her mouth. Danielle looks down at the wet spot on her leather jacket. "Gross!" She leans over to wipe it on Alana. Carter's head falls off D's shoulder causing her to wake up in panic. "Oh shit sorry!" Danielle grabs her to insure her that she is okay. Carter gives her a pouty face and D pulls her down to lay on her lap.

"Hey! You never let me lay on your lap anymore." Alana whines.

"It's different." Danielle replies.

"Here are your drinks." the attendant returns with a cart full of different beverages.

"Sit up baby girl, I ordered a drink for you." Danielle leans down and says softly to Carter. Carter sits up slowly and looks around as if she was pissed off at everything. The attendant hands them each their drink and Danielle and Alana thank him. Danielle opens Carter's can of soda and puts a straw in it for her. Carter takes the can and starts sipping from the straw while staring at Danielle. "Do you feel alright?" D asks her before moving some of her girlfriends blonde hair out of her face.

"Yeah, just tired." She answers giving D a small smile.

"You can sleep some more if you need."

"Sounds good." Carter lays her head back on Danielle's boney shoulder.

"Lay here," D pats her lap for Carter to lay there instead. "and use my jacket as a blanket." Danielle removes her favorite leather jacket and uses it to cover the cute girl laying on her. She leans down as best as she can and kisses Carter's cheek. Carter turns her head and grabs Danielle pulling her into a kiss on the lips. Carter lays her head back down and soon falls asleep.

"Sleepy bb." Danielle whispers to Alana while petting Carter's hair.

"Sleepy shit head!" Alana says making herself laugh.

"Don't say that!" Danielle gets offended. "You know if I marry her you won't be baby Haim anymore."


"Carter is younger than you. So if I marry her she will become the fourth, and youngest Haim sister. Therefore she would technically be baby Haim." Dani explains.

"But if you had a baby that would be baby haim." Alana adds.


"But I'm still baby Haim for now."

"Yes bb sister." Danielle smiles and reaches over to ruffle Alana's hair.


"Yay! You guys are here! I'm so excited!" Taylor greets the three sisters and Carter with a tight hug.

"Let's get this party going!" Este yells. The party had already technically started, but it doesn't really begin until Este walks in.

The four girls quickly take their things into Taylor's giant house and change into their bathing suits. They make their way out to the pool and greet everyone who is already there. Este doesn't waste anytime to cannonball into the pool with Alana following her. Danielle jumps from the edge of the pool to one of the inflatable flamingos.

"Come on babe!" Danielle shouts to Carter who really isn't that far away. Carter takes a big jump and grabs onto Danielle almost causing them to fall off. They both laugh while getting in a position that won't cause them to fall off. Carter lays on her back and pulls Danielle down to lay on her stomach.

"You're so cute!" Carter gushes.

"You are!" Danielle kisses Carter before turning around switching her head with her feet. Carter pushes her feet off of her and moves to lay next to Dani.

"I want to cuddle you!" Carter says trying to hug Danielle.

"You're gonna give me a weird tan!" D pushes her away.

"You tan?" Carter asks sarcastically following with a small chuckle. Danielle sits up and pushes her off the floaty, which didn't really help her situation because Carter climbed right back on and got her all wet. "Just embrace it," Carter laughs as she tries to hold onto the struggling Danielle. When D finally gets free enough she pushes Carter back off of the flamingo, but this time Carter grabs ahold of her and pulls her in. "Hah! Got ya!" Carter smiles now standing in the water. D splashes her then makes her way to the edge of the pool.

"I'm going to go get a drink." Danielle says as she pulls herself out of the water. Carter quickly follows her.

"Are you mad at me?" Carter asks D, keeping her distance.

"No!" Danielle smiles and wraps her arm around her girlfriend.


"You're getting sunburned, I told you to put sunblock on." Danielle says poking her girlfriends red back.

"I'm not burning, I'm tanning." Carter corrects her.

"You look pretty red to me."

"Whatever." Carter tries to look at her back side to see if it really is red. Danielle searches for some sunscreen in her bag, when she finds it she pours a glob onto Carter's back. "Hey! I said I didn't want any!"

"Just let me rub it in, it will be like a massage." Danielle says.

"Okay fine." Carter agrees. Danielle sits on the edge of Carter's chair and starts rubbing the sunscreen lotion all over the blonde.

"You're already burnt, but it's worth preventing it from getting worse."


"They're lighting fireworks, are you two going to stop making out and come outside?" Calvin asks Danielle and Carter as he retrieves something of Taylor's off of couch.

"Yeah we're coming." Danielle gives him a small smile before standing up from the couch. She extends a hand to help Carter up. Carter takes her hand and doesn't let go until they get outside with everyone else.

"Woah! I love fireworks!" Carter smiles staring up at the sky as it lights up with different colors. Danielle watches Carter rather than the fireworks. Carter's childlike amusement is much more interesting to her.

"Well I love you!" Danielle grabs her hugging her from behind. Carter's heart starts to race and her face gets hot, she loves when Danielle says things like that to her. There is nothing better than Danielle admitting her feelings.

"I love you too, like a lot." Carter giggles and spins around to kiss her adorable girlfriend. "You're such a cute little froggy!" Carter coos and squeezes Danielle in a tight hug.

"A froggy?" Danielle asks laughing.

"Yes, frogs are adorable! At least I think so."

"Well if you think so then okay." D smiles and kisses Carter again.

"Ahh I just realized I'm missing the fireworks! You distracted me bb!" Carter quickly turns back around and looks up at the sky. Danielle doesn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the girl once again.


"Danielle I can't sleep!" Carter whines moving around in the bed and throwing the covers off of her.

"Why?" D asks sleepily.

"My back hurts,"


"Yes." Carter admits.

"I told you. Go to sleep." Danielle rolls over, her back facing Carter.

"But baby, I can't, it hurts." Carter wraps her body around Danielle's, spooning her.

"I'll go get you a cold wet towel and some aloe Vera." Danielle says, escaping Carter and walking out of the room. Carter lays there waiting for her girlfriend to return. Danielle soon returns with a few things and turns the bedside lamp on. "Okay, this is not weird I'm just trying to help you feel better. Take your shirt off, that actually looks just like my shirt. Take my shirt off."

"Your shirts seem to be so much more comfortable and they smell like you, that's the best smell ever." Carter explains her reason for wearing her girlfriends t-shirt. She strips it off and holds it up to her face taking in its scent.

"Okay, lay on your stomach." Danielle demands nicely and Carter does as she says. D rubs aloe on the burn and lays a cold towel over the top of it to cool her down.

"I feel better already." Carter says with her face in the pillow.

"Good." Danielle smiles. She takes the things back to the bathroom and returns to the bedroom and gets right in bed. Carter doesn't hesitate to cuddle up to her.

"I love you Danielle." She whispers in her ear.

"I love you Carter."

~~~~ Do you guys like Third Person POV? I've never done it before hah. Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment! I love reading what you guys have to say about my story. If you ever need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to message me :) ~~~~

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