The Apocalypse 5: Residuum

By Pinkamena666FIM

114 7 0

The first brand-new APOCALYPSE story in 13 years using ideas from the Original Version plus a whole bunch mor... More

The Power of a Whisper
Foxy Fatalis
In the Nic of Time
Mobius Strip'd
Unlikely Partnership

Actions Speak Louder

9 1 0
By Pinkamena666FIM

Freedom Fighters HQ

The next morning, Jason opened his eyes with a sigh, memories of his bashed and beaten team running through his head. He looked over at Blaze, who had a black eye, bruised cheek, and a cut lip. He gently stroked her cheek before she cracked her eyelids open. Jason smiled at her and rubbed her back.

"I'm gonna check on the others," he said. "Will you be okay?"

Blaze nodded. "Doesn't hurt... that much... anymore."

"Good." Jason leaned in and kissed her forehead before he left the bed to get dressed.

Moments later, he left the room and headed down to the lobby for breakfast. He headed into the kitchen to prepare something for Blaze when he heard approaching footsteps. He looked over his shoulder to see Tails walking awkwardly over to the couch and dropped down with a sigh. Silver floated behind him, his leg still bandaged.

"How are you two doing?" He asked.

Tails looked over. "Back still hurts."

Silver nodded. "Same with the leg."

Jason sighed, knowing Honey was still out. "That's four down."

"Four?" Tails asked. "How's Blaze?"

"I don't know. She said her face still hurts. I don't know if she's hurting anywhere else. I still have to check in with Sonic, Knuckles, and Bunnie."

"Bunnie seemed fine," Silver pointed out.

"Same with Sally," Tails added.

"Yeah, but..." Jason began. "Something emotional happened between Sally and Fiona. She was in tears. I've never seen her like that before. And the way she was clutching Nicole's device..."

"Who's left?" Silver asked.

Jason raised his hand. "Me and Bunnie? Maybe Jet, too."

"We need more help," Tails said as he let out a groan, probably back pain.

Jason got a tray of cereal in milk with a glass of orange juice. It wasn't much, but it was something. "I'm gonna bring this to Blaze, then check on Honey," he said as he picked up the tray and headed for the elevator. "We'll have to look into recruitment at this rate."


The Plaza

Whisper opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. She looked out the window and decided today was the day she was going to confront Jason. Maybe. She still felt naked without her gun,  but knew having it would make her look ready to fight.


Jason set the tray of breakfast down on the table next to Blaze's side of the bed. He gave her a pat before he left the room. He stepped across the hall to Sally's door, when he heard a faint moan. He paused and leaned in before he heard Sally's voice.

"Oh, Nicole... Yes..."

"Okay," Jason muttered, quickly heading for the stairs.

He made is way up to the third floor where Honey's, Silver's, and Bunnie's room was. He went to the cat's door and knocked. "Honey?" He asked.

"Come in," he heard faintly.

He entered the room to find Honey still in bed. Understandable. He walked over to her side of the bed and knelt down. "How ya doing?"

Honey sighed. "Body still aches, as does most parts on my body, but... I think I wanna try getting up later."

"Alright, just... don't overdo it."

"How's everyone else?"

Jason chuckled softly. "Oh, we got our asses kicked last night."


"And five others."

"Six?" Honey asked. "Seriously?"

"I know. Sucks, right?" Honey just smiled. "Well, you take it easy. I have to go discuss recruitment with the others."


"Yeah, we need more members. Way more."


Anti-Freedom Fighters HQ

Fiona sat at the bar as she watched the news. There was a reporter talking with the witness who called the Freedom Fighters. He then interviewed the construction workers who found the disabled bombs. "Still a good attempt," she said as she sipped her shot.

The bar door opened and Thrax entered, followed by Nicolette, Viper, and Raze. "Come on," she said. "We must discuss."

Fiona left the bar and followed them down to the basement. "So, we beat them up pretty good, huh?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you about," Thrax said. "Should we wait for them to recover? Give them a chance?"

"Screw 'em," Fiona said with a smirk. "We need to win one to show the city we mean business."

The wolf nodded. "Fair enough. Let's start brainstorming."


"Okay," Jason said as he re-entered the lobby. "Recruitment."

"Who would be crazy enough to join us?" Silver asked. "Hey, would you like to join the Freedom Fighters and get your butt kicked?"

"Well, we wouldn't phrase it like that," Jason said, before he saw Blaze coming down the stairs. "Blaze?"

She gave him a wave. "Recruitment. Good idea," she said as she headed for the front door.

"Going out?"

"Yeah, I wanna go for a walk."

"Alright, well... be careful."

Blaze shot him a smile, liking that he trusted her enough to understand her own limits. She left the tower and sighed as she felt her lip. She then headed out and turned right, walking along the side of Central Park. After walking quite a bit, she saw a newspaper salesman and decided to take a chance. She walked over to him, and her saw her immediately.

"Hey, you're with the Freedom Fighters. You look terrible."

"I know," Blaze muttered. "Hey, have you seen a brown wolf around recently? Kinda cute. Eyes like slits?"

"White shirt and black jacket?"

Blaze gasped. "Yes! Where?"

"She asked me about you guys. Came from that direction." He pointed in the direction Blaze was walking.

It was then that Blaze spotted it. The Plaza. Of course. She thanked the man and took off running as fast as she could. Once at the hotel, she ran into the lobby and over to the front desk.

"Welcome to the Plaza," a woman behind the counter greeted. "Can we... Whoa. You look like... Wait. You're a..."

"Freedom Fighter, yes," Blaze said quickly. "I'm looking for a brown wolf. White shirt. Black jacket. Eyes like slits. Makes you wonder if she can see."

"I recognize her, but... we aren't allowed to give out..."

"It's important."

The woman hesitated, then sighed. "Freedom Fighter business?" Blaze nodded. "Alright."


Whisper was doing her stretching in front of the TV when she heard a knock on her door. She let out a gasp and ran to grab her gear. She stopped when she heard a familiar voice.

"Whisper?" Came Blaze's voice. "It's Blaze. I... I'm not here to fight. Please?"

The wolf had her hands on her gun. After debating her situation, she let go of the gun and walked over to the door. After taking a deep breath, she slowly opened it, coming face-to-face with the purple cat.

"Can we talk?" Blaze asked. "Or... can I talk?"

Whisper saw the bruises on her face and simply stepped aside. Blaze gave her a smile and entered the room. Whisper closed the door and turned to her surprise guest. The purple cat rubbed her arm nervously.

"I wanted to start by saying thank you. For last night. We would've all died without you."

Whisper gasped internally. She hadn't considered that she had saved six lives. Seven, if you count Nicole. She remained silent, but walked over to the couch and sat down before holding her hand out, offering a seat. Blaze smiled and took her up on that offer, taking a seat.

"I know you're after Jason," Blaze continued. "I don't know why. Because you don't talk much, but... he isn't bad. In fact, he's probably the best human there is. After all, he's the only one trying to save the world. And has done so multiple times before. I just... wish I could be stronger so I could help, but..." She then sniffled and wiped away tears, making Whisper let out a silent gasp. "I can't keep my feelings out of it, and... I keep losing the fight. Then there's you. You're so... focused. So committed. We... We need help, Whisper. Most of us are down for the count now. If the city needed us this very second... I doubt we'd be able to help."

Whisper looked down at the floor, going over what the cat was saying. She did miss hanging out with others. Like the ones from her village. Like Tangle.

"Why do you need Jason?" Blaze asked.

Whisper looked up at Blaze and opened her mouth. "He shares DNA... with the man who destroyed my home... and captured my friends."

Blaze was taken aback by her voice. It was sweet, smooth, and calm. Lovely, even. Not to mention she actually spoke. "Ah... Well, his mother's dead and his father's dead."

"Did you ever see his father die?"

"N... No. Jason heard he had been killed."

Whisper got up from the couch. "I think his father is the one I'm looking for."

Blaze got up, too. "Come back with me. Explain everything. We can help each other."

Whisper thought for a moment before she looked over her shoulder at her guest.


Fiona sat in her usual seat at the table, watching Thrax and Nic discussing ideas at the whiteboard. "If it's all the same with you, I think I'll go for a walk."

"A walk?" Thrax asked. "You were seen on the news."

"So?" Fiona asked. "Human cops aren't allowed to deal with Mobian problems. And I kicked the shit out of the Freedom Fighters. Not to mention, we all pounded them last night. Who's gonna stop me?"

Thrax sighed. "Just don't lead unwanted guests back here."

"Didn't plan on it," Fiona said as she got up and left.


Jason, Silver, and Tails were throwing ideas back and forth when the front door opened. They looked over to see Blaze step inside. She gave a light smile and looked over her shoulder. Stepping aside, the three were shocked to see the wolf step in. She was carrying a bag and rifle case and had her mask clipped to her hip.

She seemed nervous, but Blaze put a hand on her back and gently helped her walk forward. "This is Whisper. Whisper, that's Tails, Silver, and... Jason."

Her eyes fell on the human, who just waved at her. The awkward silence was cut when Sally came down the stairs, holding Nicole tightly in her hand. She came to a stop when she saw the wolf.

"Oh," she said. "Hi."

"Sally, this is Whisper," Blaze said. "She... doesn't talk much."

"Hence the name," the chipmunk said as she finished her journey down the stairs. "Welcome to the Freedom Fighters?"

Blaze nodded. "She was staying at the Plaza the whole time. And she's agreed to move here."

"A step down, I'd say," Sally chuckled. "But we could use all the help we can get."

Whisper suddenly left Blaze and walked over to the kitchen table where Jason was seated. She set her bag and case down before she took the seat across from the human. Jason just watched her, unsure of what she would do. The others all watched her, too. The wolf took her mask and set it on the table as she tinkered with some of the settings. She then slid it over to Jason and waited.

"Um..." Jason muttered as he slowly picked it up. "I just..." Whisper said nothing. He sighed and put the mask on, a recorded video playing. "Whoa." It was like he was looking through her eyes as she watched the mustached man talking to... "Mekka!" He gasped. "Who's he... Wait..."

"Good work, Mekka," the man said. "Put her with the others. Then, I believe it's time you met Jason."

The robot nodded. "Acknowledged," the hedgehog said, before it reached down to pick up the squirming lemur.

The video stopped and Jason took off the mask. "That man."

"Your father," Whisper said plainly.

Jason eyed her when he heard her voice. "I don't wanna believe that, but... I believe you." He slid the mask back over to her. "So, you think I know where to find him?"

"I was hoping."

Jason sighed and leaned back. "That Lemur?"






Jason nodded. "Well, I guarantee, if you stick with us... you'll most likely run into him. Trouble has a habit of finding us."

Whisper hesitated before she took her mask and clipped it back on her belt. "I hope so." She then got up, grabbed her things, and headed over to Blaze.

"Ready to see your room?" She asked, getting a single nod. "Right this way," she said, leading the wolf over to the elevator. "Third floor."

As Blaze hit the button, Jason looked over at them. "Whisper?" The wolf looked at him as the elevator dinged. "We'll find her."

Whisper opened her mouth to say something, but just gave a very faint smile before she followed Blaze into the elevator. When the doors closed, Jason looked over at Sally.

"Sweet girl," Sally said with a smile.

Jason chuckled. "Yeah. Now that she isn't trying to tranquilize me."

Upstairs, Blaze opened the door to one of the free rooms. "It's not the Plaza, but..."

Whisper walked inside and looked around. "It's smaller." She walked over to the bed and ran her hand over the sheets. "Reminds me of home." She turned and headed over to a desk and set her rifle case on top of it. Her bag was set down on the floor.

"I'm really glad you're with us," Blaze said with a smile, before a single tear ran down her cheek. "I... I'm just sick of being a failure, you know?" This got Whisper's attention. "I've let them down twice already. Even after what happened to Honey."


"Yeah. She was attacked by Fiona when we went out to look for..." She stopped and eyed Whisper.

The wolf's mouth opened slightly in a silent gasp before she looked away. "After I attacked you?" Blaze just nodded. Whisper looked up at Blaze again. "Where is she?"

Blaze led her over to Honey's room and knocked. "Honey? You up?"

"Yeah!" The cat called.

"You have a... visitor."

"Visitor?" Honey asked. "Uh... Come in?" Blaze opened the door and held her hand out. Whisper slowly stepped into the doorway, making Honey gasp. "Brown wolf? The one we were looking for?" The yellow cat was sitting on the edge of her bed in a casual crop top and shorts.

Blaze nodded as Whisper slowly walked closer, looking timid. Even though her eyes were mostly closed, Honey could tell she was observing the bruises. The wolf walked over and took a knee in front of the cat.

"You got hurt... looking for me?" Whisper asked.

"I-I..." Honey stammered.

"Because I attacked your friends?"

"It's... It's not your fault. Fiona was the one who jumped me."

Whisper slowly got to her feet and leaned in extremely close. "Leave her to me." She then pulled away and walked back to her room.

Blaze just eyed Honey and shrugged. Back in her own room, Whisper gathered her gear, minus her rifle, and left. Ignoring the elevator, she passed by Blaze and Bunnie and headed down the stairs. The rabbit looked at Blaze, confused. Whisper made her way through the lobby, ignoring Jason and the others before she went to the front door. She grabbed the door handle, but the door wouldn't open.

"Oh," Jason said. "Button on the wall. Code to get back in is 5938." Whisper slapped the button before she left. "I didn't see her bags or gun, so I guess she's coming back."


Fiona was walking down the sidewalk, casually whistling to herself when Whisper swung in and kicked her into an alley. Due to the swing kick, Fiona got some air before she slammed hard into the hard ground. She rolled a little before coming to a stop. Pushing herself up with her hands, she looked over to see the wolf.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked, getting to her feet.

Whisper didn't say anything. She just removed her jacket and set it down on a trashcan before she turned to the fox. Fiona smiled and walked towards her as Whisper did the same. Fiona threw a punch. Whisper ducked and slid to the side before she swung her foot. Fiona caught it with her left hand, but Whisper quickly dropped to the ground. Her foot slipped free of Fiona's hold as she rolled away and quickly got to one knee. Fiona turned to her as the wolf dove into a somersault and lunge at the fox. Fiona dropped, grabbed her, and used her knee to throw the wolf backwards.

Whisper rolled, jumped at the wall, and kicked off with a flying kick. Fiona spun to the side as the wolf landed and threw her elbow. Whisper blocked and threw a punch. Fiona blocked and attempted to knee her opponent. Whisper jumped back as the two stared each other down.

Fiona smiled. "Wow. Finally a challenge."

The two re-engaged and started throwing kicks and punches, each one getting blocked. Fiona grabbed Whisper's wrist and threw her against the wall. She went to kick, but Whisper dodged and grabbed her leg, yanking on it. Fiona stumbled before Whisper uppercut her in the face, knocking her back. Fiona hit the ground hard and felt blood trickle from her nose.

"Ah, damn," she muttered. Whisper just stood a couple feet away, watching and waiting. Fiona looked up at her and chuckled as she got to her feet. "Not bad."

She then ran at the wolf and threw punches. When Whisper threw a punch, Fiona manages to grab her arm and punch her twice in the stomach before uppercutting her. Whisper fell backwards with a grunt. Fiona smiled and walked over to her, going to kick her in the side. However, Whisper rolled away and kicked her in the ankle.

Fiona yelled out and dropped to one knee before Whisper kicked her in the face. Fiona fell back again and held her face. "Ah, shit!" She exclaimed, pounding the ground with her free hand.

Whisper stood up and walked over to her. Fiona quickly got to her feet, but Whisper grabbed her and threw her into a cluster of three trash cans. The fox collided with them and fell over again. Whisper walked over to her as the fix rolled onto her back. The wolf raised her boot and pressed it down on Fiona's neck. The fox gasped and grabbed at her ankle, trying to pull her off. Whisper just watched as it became harder and harder for the fox to breathe. Fiona could feel her lungs emptying, and she thought for sure this wolf would kill her.

Suddenly, to her shock and relief, Whisper removed her foot. Fiona rolled onto her side and coughed, gasping for air. Whisper left her and walked over to grab her jacket. Fiona looked up as the wolf slipped her jacket back on. The wolf then glanced over at her.

"That's for Honey," she said, before she fired her grapple and zipped away.

Fiona watched her leave before she continued coughing. When she had enough air, she let out a yell and slammed her fist down on the ground.


Whisper entered the Freedom Fighters' HQ with only a light bloody nose. Bunnie looked over from the living room. "Oh, honey," she said when she saw the wolf. "You're bleeding."

The actual Honey was seated next to her. The yellow cat got up with a wince of pain before she walked towards Whisper. "What happened?" She asked. "Where'd you go?"

Whisper stopped at the stairs, paused, and then looked over at the cat. "I dealt with Fiona," she said before she headed up the stairs.

Honey looked over at Jason, Blaze, and Sally, before she looked back at Bunnie. "Who is she?"

Blaze smiled. "Our newest member."

"Did she just take on Fiona and only get a bloody nose?" Honey asked.

Jason nodded. "It would seem so."

"She did it for you," Blaze pointed out. "She doesn't show much emotion but..."

"She felt bad," Honey finished. She then smiled. "I think I'm gonna like her."

Jason smiled and then looked around at everyone. "Alright. I think we need to start going after Mobian prison camps. One of them's bound to have Whisper's friend, as well as other fighters."

"That's true," Sally confirmed. "But, can we afford to split up? We barely made it out last night."

Jason leaned back in his chair. "Then we need to make it quick. Which means we need information and not just go out at random."

"Ideas?" Blaze asked.

Jason sighed. "Unfortunately, I do."

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