the ruins of the day painted...

By gloriousviktacos

223 10 6

The once flourishing Earth is mysteriously overrun by a deadly disease. Billions practically murdered overnig... More

a heart that's full up like a landfill
i think my brain is rotting in places
yesterday, today, and tomorrow
falling away from me
why have you forsaken me?
i could be lonely with you
not even sure if this is real
contigo quiero estar
you do this to yourself
im moving past the feeling again
tired of this body
i get mean when i'm angry like a bad dog
i don't smoke except for when i'm missing you
and i was so young when i behaves twenty-five
this town has dragged you down

i see things nobody else sees

8 0 0
By gloriousviktacos

new chapter yay
tw: homophobic slurs, mentioned murder, implied/referenced eating disorder, and normal zombie stuff

Amity clutched the granola bar in her slender fingers. She stared intensely at the snack, deciding between a decision that could change her whole day. It was a chocolate peanut butter chip. It was decently sweet but it was certainly a lot for her. Her fingers traced the red outline of the familiar cellophane.
She slowly turned it to the back, and lifted the back part to see the calories. The bold printed 90 calories burned an image onto her brain. She bit her bottom lip as she carefully attempted to open the treat. Her head was so overfilled with thoughts worth negative words that she didn't even hear the door slam open.
Amity snapped her head and stared at her mother like a prey looking at the hungry predator. She quickly stuffed the food underneath her thin leg even though she knew her mother saw.  Amity stared straight into her mother's eyes full of deep hatred. Amity's own tired from lack of sleep yet so sharp it could cut a diamond.
“You know why I'm here?” Odalia asked, her voice calm. Amity swallowed the lump in her throat but kept eye contact.
“Don't show fear,” she thought as she didn't break contact. Her hazel eyes bore into Odalia's arctic colored eyes, resembling her cold heart.
“I didn't raise an idiotic daughter, did I?” The rhetorical question went through Amity's brain as she stifled out a ‘you didn't raise us at all’ card, only to realize her mistake. She quickly glanced to the side, breaking contact with the lion. Odalia snatched Amity's chin and forced eye to eye contact. Odalia pursed her lips into a thin line. “Don't mumble dear, what did you say?”
“I said,” Amity became more stern with each confident breath she took,” you didn't raise us at all.”
The impact of the smack surprised Amity, but not for the idea of it. The speed and strength her mother put into her hand was surprising. Amity instinctively held her now bruised cheek with her hands, caressing the area that stung like hell.
“Don't you ever talk back to me again, do you understand? Do I make myself clear?” Amity stared straight forwards, nodding blindlessly.  She avoided eye contact with her mother.  What a way to please the lion.
“Now, I came to ask a question but with your unacceptable behavior, I'll have to ask later,” Odalia gave a small smile. “I really want you to do better, Amity. I can't have a Blight misbehaving like this.”
“I apologize,” Amity nodded her head in hopes of Odalia leaving her in peace. “I won't do that again, I promise.”
“I forgive you,” Odalia turned to the door and left the room. Just before she closed the door, she turned around to look at Amity. Her narrow eyes shone a bright cerulean against her pale skin.
“Don't eat that, dear. I can barely see your collarbone.”
Holding the gun still, Amity thought of all the times Odalia made her want to rip her fucking throat out. She didn't care for the murmurs, the slurs, the fighting, the gasping, and especially not the gaslighting.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Boscha had screamed in her ear over and over again. Her so-called girlfriend, that is. She could hear the murmurs and Darius fighting with Lilith and Alador. She could hear Camils whispering in Spanish, and she could most definitely hear Luz by her side, standing silently. She couldn't head anybody else so she assumed they stayed in their rooms. Her mind dozed off elsewhere as she thought of her horrid mother.
The studying, shaming, dieting, fighting, screaming, zoomed through her head as she realized her mistake. She had killed someone. And that someone was her mother. Her mother. The one who carried her in the womb for nine months. The one who raised who for fourteen years.
Odalia only wanted the best for her children. She wasn't as hard on Emira and Edric since they weren't the ones taking over the family business one day.
And what family business anyway? Nothing matters anymore. She never has to worry about her parents ever again, or the amount of food that enters her body. She never has to worry about her appearance and being on displayed like a fucking star for all to see. It wasn't no show and tell anymore.
She was free.
For the first time, Amity Blight was free. No more stupid schoolwork, no more aggravating parents, no more slurs thrown at her, no more hiding from the world, and especially no more of her mother. Amity couldn't think of what she thought about her mom.
Would she be happy that a dyke killed her? Amity flickered back to memories of them fighting when Odalia searched through Amity's texts with Boscha. How unsupportive she was. How angry she was. How disappointed she was. All because she liked a girl.
She never knew that Emira and Viney were dating. even if they were childhood friends. She didn't care when she wasn't invited to her wedding. But why did Amity matter more?
More to her stupid mother than her siblings? Than her father? Amity watched our of the corner of her eye her father's arms filled with the twins. She felt a pang of jealousy that it wasn't her in her father's arms. Her thoughts were interrupted by someone putting their arms around her.
“Come on, let's go get you freshened up,” Lilith placed her hands ever so lightly on Amity's shoulders and led her away from all the chaos. Amity followed her downstairs to the kitchen where Katya was waiting. She seemed confused about what happened. Lilith went to Katya and whispered something real quick in her ear but Katya must've understood it.
Amity sat beside Lilith at the kitchen table. Her eyes were lifeless as Amity stared into the corner of the ceiling, her mind drifting away. Lilith was the one to break the silence.
“Are you okay?” She asked, her voice noticeably shaking. Amity nodded her head. Lilith bit her bottom lip as she fiddled with her thumbs. “We aren't mad at you. It's just, just complicated. Now, I don't expect you to tell me why you did it but-”
“She was going to kill him,” Amity said, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked into Lilith's jade green eyes and repeated herself. “Odalia was going to kill my dad.”
Katya placed two cups of warm water in front of them and sat across from the two. Amity avoided eye contact with both. The three of them sat in silence.
“You don't have to sit here with me, you know,” Amity finally spoke out. She looked up at the two women. “I made a mistake and it's my fault, but please don't sit here feeling bad for me. I'm an awful person and I don't need to be reminded of it.”
“You aren't a bad person Amity,” Lilith began. “How do I explain this? Your mother, she-”
“Your mother was an abusive asshole,” Katya interrupted. “And I'm sorry to put it that way, but I've been working here since I was sixteen. I'm twenty three now and seven years have given me enough time to observe you guys. I only came to work here because it was the only job I could find after immigrating here from Russia with my family. I heard the fighting between your parents, but I didn't want to lose my job. It's your mom, not you.”
The dim lights slightly reflected Katya's dark hair. “Talk to us when you're ready. We're here for you.”
Amity gave a small smile, but something else distracted her. She excused herself and went up to the window. A small figure in the distance caught her eye, and she figured it just be a walker. It wasn't rare to see them. Usually, they walk away from the gate and the few that do get inside are immediately killed by whoever is on guard duty. But no one was there since there was a dead body in her parents room. She looked again and realized there were more, much more. It came from a different area, meaning it broke its way through the large gate.
In the dark sky, she saw a mob of these hideous creatures walking slowly towards the house. Amity yelled out for Lilith and pulled her to the window to look at the walking dead. Before she knew it, the drama she caused was over since something new took its place.

Okkkkk so um I saw this post a bit ago where it was comparing old Amity to timeskip and it said something like she got happier and her body changed, and someone hc that Odalia was more stricter with food and stuff so idk it just stuck. anyway odalia is an assholr and I don't tend to her to be like full on homophobic, I just mean that she doesn't want specifically Amity to like women bc she wants a successful family business. Next chapter is probably more on Lilith.
also a bit on katya: I based her off a friend who shares the same name and immigrated from Russia. I just thought it was cool for her to be Russian. I'll get to her more on later chapters, and rn, it's all mushy since all the BIG BIG things don't happen to maybe chapter 13 or 14 then it'll make a bit more sense.
moving on to me
I'm really sick like I went to school sick and I was hallucinating all this random shit and even took a test making up a language and somehow getting answers??? idek I just know I did godawful on that test. and I nearly passed out in the halls so I'm not going to school tomorrow, which allowed me to stay up writing this.
also almost 1k hits???? wtf???? 😭 that's insane istg and I'm already on chapter 10.
chapter title is from dollhouse by Melanie martinez
have a nice day!!!

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