Ms. Hummingbird (Various Gens...

By SweetPea-23

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"Trust me, Aether, my life isn't as great as my wanted posters make it look." ~*~ "You are Mr. Owl. I am Ms... More

Prologue -1-
Barbatos Statue -2-
Red Crystal, Red Girl -3-
Mr. Owl -4-
The Knights of Favonius -5-
Troublesome Work -6-
Stolen Book -7-
Gliding Exam -8-
Leap of Faith -9-
Treasure Hunt -10-
Wild Goose Chase -11-
Temple of the Wolf -12-
Temple of the Lion -13-
The Alchemist and the Sister -14-
Experiments: Trial 1 -15-

Results? -16-

395 19 7
By SweetPea-23

The smell of roasted fish invaded your senses as you, Aether, and Paimon all approached Albedo who was lounging against a stone pillar with his arms crossed. Upon sensing your presence, he looked up. "That was fast!" He commented, eyes trained on the food, "Looking forward to tasting — I mean, testing — the results..."

Aether swiftly handed his fellow blonde the dish who gladly took it, tearing off a piece of the fish and popping it into his mouth in the process. His eyes lit up. "Mm! An average outcome experimentally, but you've really brought out the flavor. You seem well-versed in the science of gastronomy." He complimented.

Although, he deflated seconds later back into his matter-of-fact stance. "As far as the proliferation hypothesis is concerned, we've come up short. Seems like food presents the same headaches in your world as it does ours," he paused, "Unless... Could it be that the natural laws of this world are limiting your unique abilities?"

With pursed lips, Paimon gave him a blank look. "We just didn't know how to channel elemental power into the food. It's a little more complicated than adding herbs and spices, y'know!" She yelled.

Albedo nodded. "Not to worry, at least we put some food to good use, no need to feel disheartened. And here's your portion, enjoy! I can box it up if you like." The platinum blonde said as he passed you the dish. You smiled calmly. "Thank you, but it's pretty small. I'm sure we'll be able to finish in a second or less." You dropped your voice to a hushed whisper, "plus, you don't know about Paimon's black hole stomach."

Not hearing your last bit, Paimon swooped in and grabbed the dish excitedly. "Woohoo, thanks! Glad you were paying attention." The little pixie cheered. Aether chuckled. "You're Paimon's new favorite. It's not often that she gets this much attention." He joked causing you to stifle a laugh.

A small smile crossed the blue eyed male's face. "I can tell that you're good friends. Paimon was keeping an eye on you and your safety during the whole experiment. Not that Paimon would have been able to do much if things had gone wrong, but anyway..." He finished with a shrug.

With the fish falling from her mouth, Paimon gaped at the male's audacity. "Hey! You were being nice a second ago! But you do have tasty recipes, so Paimon forgives you." She debated with herself for a moment before nodding and smiling. "And you're right, we are good friends. You have good friends too, right? Good students?" The girl questioned with a tilted of the head.

Albedo blinked, seemingly surprised at the girl's words. "...Uh, yes! I'm fortunate too, I suppose. Anyway, moving on to the next experiment." He said hastily, "There are all manner of alchemical items here," he gestured towards his cave/lab, "keeping them in their proper place is a challenge at the best of times. A while ago, I had the misfortune of misplacing a batch. I managed to retrieve the majority, but two vials have been evading me: Anemo Crystalfly elemental extract and Electro Hypostasis powder."

Passing the plate back to him, Paimon narrowed his eyes at the blonde. "Paimon's barely finished eating and you want us to go gathering again?" She interrogated sharply. "Don't worry if you can't locate them. I was planning to replace them anyway, though finding them would save me the hassle. If you had, say, a "superpower," like night vision, or vibratory sensing, lost property would be a thing of the past. I must have dropped them somewhere in the area where you were looking just now.

Paimon clicked her tongue. "So... guess we'd better take a look?" She said slowly. Aether nodded and placed a hand to his chin. "There should be some elemental traces on the lost items." He noted. Paimon perked up. "Oh yeah! You could use Elemental Sight!"

Albedo tapped his chin. "Hmm, an interesting term... Compelling," he muttered to himself before looking back up, "See what you can find, I'll be over here."

As the three of you wandered back into the cave, you nudged Aether on the arm. "I really hope he doesn't end up being another Kaeya who makes us do all the work for him." You whispered. The braided blonde only laughed indulgently. It didn't matter to him, after all, it just meant more time with you!


"Goodness, you managed to find them? Incredible, a thousand thanks." Albedo said gratefully as he stuffed the vials into his pockets with a glad smile. "I'm wondering, this Elemental Sight... This is what allowed you to locate the items, and find me here in the mountains, correct?" He asked.

Paimon enthusiastically nodded. "Yup! Guess it does sorta count as a superpower, huh..." She said smugly. Albedo only shook his head. "Unfortunately, though Elemental Sight is seldom seen, it is not unheard of in Teyvat. Only a never-before-seen, otherworldly power would be of benefit to my research." He said nonchalantly.

With widened eyes, Paimon backed up in shock. "You mean... We failed again...?" She spluttered out. You gave her an awkward, close-eyed smile and gently patted her head. "There, there." You mumbled.

"Don't be disheartened," Albedo said calmly, "this falls entirely within my expectations. Besides, getting these items back? I'd call this a very worthwhile experiment." He turned back to Aether. "I have to commend your deduction that the items would contain elemental traces. Right then. Up until now, our research has focused on your otherworldly identity. Our research on your identity as one of us is just beginning."

Aether nodded determinedly. "With you to the end." He said firmly. Albedo continued, seemingly pleased with this. "In essence, the differences between humans are reflected in our intellectual and physical capabilities. Let's start with physical." He turned to his left. "Looking out from where we're standing, can you see what Sucrose is doing?"

Everyone turned to where he pointed and sweat dropped. You could hardly look four yards in front of you before your vision was completely obscured by the snowy weather. Aether clicked his tongue. "Nope." He said blankly in response.

"It's a total white-out out there," you commented, also staring into the snowy abyss, "if a White-tailed Ptarmigan flew by, we wouldn't even be able to get a glimpse at it!" You turned towards Paimon, "their plumage is completely white as to camouflage in snowy terrains." You explained. "Ah," was Paimon's only reply.

Albedo went on. "And if you jumped from here and landed on that cliff — the one over there — could you see her then?" He asked the other blonde who simply shook his head. "Nope."

"So what about if you planted a single blow on the mountain face here and it burst into a million fragments? Then could you see her?" Aether sweat dropped at Albedo's carefully thought out question. "Nope."

You raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like we're still on the superpower test." You commented. Albedo only sighed. "Hmm, then I shouldn't get too excited. Still, we'll gain a more thorough understanding with an experiment. I know of a location that will be perfect for a physical test. Please, follow me."


"Well look at that handsome fellow," you whistled in an impressed manner, "Look at those big, white eyebrows. You can tell it's a Northern Goshawk by that barred gray chest that helps him blend in... By the way, they have a tendency to swoop in and pick up small mammals like rabbits and squirrels so stay close, Paimon." You warned, eyes still trained on the majestic gray beauty flying above you.

The white haired girl let out a high pitched noise of shock and fear, face draining of what little color it had as she continued clinging to you even tighter. "H-HUH?! Why would you say that?!" The girl yelled into your ear as you continued holding her with one arm.

The platinum blonde man beside you stroked his chin and hummed. "Hmm... What a vast knowledge of the avian species you have. Interesting... Anyways, onto the next test." Albedo gestured towards the side of the mountain the four of you were currently on while giving Aether a dead serious look. "Well, off you go."

Paimon's eyes widened yet again. "You... You want us to jump!? From up here!?" She cried in disbelief. Albedo only shrugged. "Not necessarily — not if you know of a better method, that is." Aether sweat dropped. "We'd better have a better method." He muttered.

"Whichever method you choose, the experiment will end when you reach the opposite shore of the lake," Albedo informed, holding a hand out to the lake below, "I will factor the time expended and your top speed into my comparative analysis."

Paimon tapped her chin in thought. "The opposite side of the lake... So... We're gonna be swimming?" She asked. "Without limitations, we complete tasks intuitively using the method that seems most rational to us. Some of us would be unable to stand the icy waters... Others might find the whole thing rather refreshing. No matter what choice you make, it's all a part of the experiment. For me, every detail is invaluable to the research." Albedo concluded simply.

Aether hummed a bit. "This is actually less stressful than the superpower part." He noted. Albedo nodded and took out his clipboard. "Then if you would, please. I eagerly await the results."

Paimon suddenly popped up from her place within your one arm, crossing her own arms as she glared at Albedo. "Wait a minute... While we're busy testing, what exactly are you gonna be doing?" She asked suspiciously. "Me?" He questioned, pointing to himself, "Recording data, responding to risks, providing... emotional support..."

"So if we do decide to go swimming, you gonna dive in with us?" The girl pressed on. "No, unless you're thinking of conducting competitive research?" Albedo responded with an innocent head tilt. Aether quickly shook his head, signaling her to be quiet. The girl sweat dropped. "Oh, uhh... Forget Paimon said anything."

With that, you and Aether approached the side of the mountain. "Well, you think we can use our wind gliders?" He asked, hands positioning themselves on his hips. "We are going for speed and efficiency," you reminded, "so it'd be the best option. However, you've only flown with the gentle breezes of Mondstadt, so this might be a change. Here, take out your wind glider."

Aether nodded and his big gray wings appeared on his back. You observed it for a second before letting out a satisfied hum. "These were made with steadiness in mind rather than speed. That's why there're so bulky. But don't worry, that's good in weather like this. Just make sure you keep yourself steady and firm but also able to move with the motions. Position yourself like... this." You placed your hands over Aether's hips, shifting it slightly to a better posture. "O-Oh?!" Aether stammered out, face redder than a tomato.

Albedo raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the scene, tapping his pen against the top of his clipboard. "Do they do this often?" He questioned the blank faced girl next to him. Paimon pursed her lips. "They're both smart... but also kinda dumb." She whispered back. Albedo hummed and wrote something down. "Dully noted."

Back to you, you paused before registering what you were doing and quickly pulled away with pink cheeks. "Ah. Sorry. Here, I'll go first." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the still red faced male. "Y-Yeah. Lead the way!"

The course was surprisingly quick and straightforward. The hardest part was the winds, but you and Aether managed. Albedo met you at the meeting point a few moments later by using his Geo Vision to float down with Paimon at his side.

"Great work, I've never seen a performance quite like it," the alchemist said with a calm little smile, "Your reputation precedes you, Travelers. The data shows that you both easily outperforming the average citizen in Mondstadt. If it turns out that the natural laws of Teyvat do not affect you, I should be able to make various inferences about the otherworldly civilization you belong to. If the natural laws of Teyvat do affect you, then I shall be able to make inferences into the kind of evolution that would occur under the absence of such effects. The innumerable possibilities that this could present, the captivating insights... It will be something to savor again and agai—"

Just as Albedo was getting really into his rant, Paimon spoke up loudly. "Buuuut how does this help your RESEARCH?" She questioned blankly. "You've helped me to unravel many of the problems that were holding it back," he countered simply, "When we return to the campsite, I should be able to show you something interesting."

The blonde next to you pursed his lips. "What else have you researched this thoroughly?" He asked. Albedo looked away for a split second. "I may be about to make some analogies between you and a few... unusual specimens. I hope you won't be offended. Gold, Petrified Trees, a sun eight times the size of our own..." You glanced Aether over. "You definitely are sunshine coded," You muttered. "A-Ah. Thanks." He responded.

After all, someone once said they reminded him of the sun and Lumine of the moon. His golden eyes glanced over at you. Perhaps you could be the Dawn or Dusk. Or maybe even the stars that shined like the light in your eyes when you were excited or talked about things you loved... Anyways!

"The essence of the investigative process is enthralling, but such feelings are inevitably fleeting in nature," Albedo went on easily, "I'm willing to pour all my energy into research, and yet specimens are finite. As the unknown transitions into the realm of scientific understanding, the feeling of enlightenment is lost. All these things that start out as objects of fascination end up possessing the prosaic mundanity of a Sunsettia or a Sweet Flower. They cease to be noteworthy."

A noise of understanding left Paimon's lips. "Oh... So that's why you wanted to paint those hilichurls? Because you got to see something new and interesting in the differences between them?" She asked. Albedo nodded in confirmation. "Precisely. To quote my exact words from earlier, these creatures are, for the most part, "quite boring... not worth closer inspection." There is precious little about them that serves to pique my curiosity now."

There was a few moments of silence as you and Aether nervously watched Paimon as her eye twitched. "So after all these experiments, are we gonna be, like, boring to you? Like some basic draft of a sketch?" She said, growing irritation showing in her tone.

"Of course not," Albedo refuted, "You have been of great assistance to me, and I will remember this friendship for a lifetime. Now, before we head back to the campsite, there's one more experiment: intelligence." Uh-oh. "Follow me, there are some other ruins nearby."


The ruins Albedo lead you three to had a sort of dark blue tint over the sky. The structures themselves were covered in snow, eroded and cracked from the constant harsh weather and winds. "I imagine you must have encountered more than a few conundrums during your travels." Albedo began once you reached the center.

"I'd like to observe your intelligence by means of a practical test of your capabilities — much as we did for the physical test. Aether pursed his lips tiredly. "Wouldn't a written test suffice...?" He asked cautiously and slowly.

The platinum blonde huffed. "I'd like you to explore these ruins and return with your findings. There are two puzzles located at the far ends of the ruins. After completion, you should be able to activate the mechanism in the center. As with the physical test, there are no restrictions. Everything you do is an action I wish to observe."

Clicking his tongue, the outlander beside you just shrugged. "I'm getting good at these." He boasted, sending a glancing smirk in your direction. You let an amused grin crawl over your lips. "A tried and tested adventurer I see." Albedo observed.

You nodded. "Where there's a will, there's a way." You said softly. "Remember that this is a test of intellect. So should you get lucky in any way, that won't be factored in as part of the test." Albedo informed, "So, let's see you in action. Start wherever you like."

Overall, the pillar puzzle and Seelie gardens puzzle went by with a hitch, Aether being surprisingly clever throughout it all despite his technique of trial and error but... who were you to judge? Eventually, you all regrouped back at the cube thing in the middle.

"It should now be possible to activate the central mechanism," Albedo said with sureness, "Exactly what will happen when you do is something I'm looking forward to finding out." Paimon crossed her arms and sent him a deep glare. "Hey, explaining things is Paimon's job!" She complained.

Upon activating the device, Albedo perked up. "Oh? Seems that the water level has suddenly decreased. We should be able to see what's in the water now, let's have a look." Just as he finished his sentence off, a rocky noise echoed from behind you. You and Aether quickly whipped around with wide eyes as the ground lowered. "Wow! A secret area. Those never fail to amaze me." You commented before quickly jumping into the newly formed space. Aether blinked at your sudden action but quickly followed with Paimon and Albedo in tow.

The inside of the drains were pretty barren aside from some moss, rocks, and weird, golden, glowing symbols on the walls. "What's this?" Albedo muttered as his crystal colored eyes glossed over them.

"Unfamiliar patterns." Aether responded slowly before furrowing his eyebrows in a concentrated way, "Still... I feel like I've seen these before..." He whispered to himself. You glanced over at him, but Albedo spoke up before you could say anything. "To the best of my knowledge, these belong to a script of some kind. They can be found all over Teyvat, but they've never given up their secrets."

He tapped his chin. "There's still a lot to learn about them, and as for why they should ever have come to rest here... A true mystery." The male then pulled out some paper and began to make a rough sketch of the three glowing symbols. "Let me make a copy first. I'll make time to go over them in greater detail after our research."

Paimon deflated sadly. "Another thing for the "don't understand" list. Unsolvable mystery this, weird experiment that... It'd be nice to get some cool results for once." She sighed out loudly. "Seems like if you want the reward, you gotta pay the price." You scoffed and put your hands on your hips. "Don't I know it."

Once Albedo was finished with his sketch, he put the paper away and turned to face you two with a smile. "I've truly gained a lot from all this. Comparatively, the little reward I can offer is too small to mention." He shook his head sadly before perking back up. "Let me return to the campsite first. By the time you get back, I may just have a fleeting miracle for you to witness."

With a fleeting nod, he abruptly turned and marched away with a determined glimmer in his eyes. Aether blinked. "See you soon." He said awkwardly. "I take it I passed the intelligence test." The blonde whispered to you who nodded in agreement. "Still, I can't help but wonder what an alchemist will reward us with." You mumbled.

Nodding along, Paimon agreed. "Paimon's kinda looking forward to seeing the result of all this brain ache, too... Unless you can think of anything better to do, let's head back to the campsite." Before you or Aether could respond, a smooth yet deep voice sounded from behind causing your eyes to widen in surprise.

"Not so fast," Rosaria drew out with her arms crossed, "You're not leaving until I'm convinced that nothing dangerous is going on here." Paimon flung up in the air in shock. "Wah! You! You didn't leave the mountain!?" The girl yelled.

Rosaria's eyes hardened. "I most certainly did not. And I've witnessed everything that you and Albedo have been up to. I must say, you let your guards down. Or maybe you were drawn in by his compelling-sounding hypothesis and friendly demeanor?" She chastised with a glare.

Aether blinked. "What do you mean? He has ulterior motives?" He questioned in a confused manner. The sister simply went on. "Taking orders from a complete stranger, drinking anonymous potions, participating in all kinds of strange experiments? I'd sooner believe you were tricked than that you would be so naive. Or perhaps... you were colluding from the beginning?" She muttered with narrowed eyes in thought.

Paimon nudged you a bit. "Sister Rosaria's guard's so high, she can't even see over the top of it!" The girl whispered to you. "Well, these things are usually a result of one's surroundings." You defended back.

"We were just helping him with his research." Aether responded innocently, "And I don't think he's a bad person." Rosaria tsked. "It doesn't matter what you think, he could be a saint for all you know. But I understand him a little better than you, Outlander." She hissed, "I'm only concerned with one thing: whether his alchemy has transformed you into something more sinister."

Paimon looked absolutely appalled by her audacity. "No way! Paimon would've sensed it. And anyway, he didn't even use any alchemy..." She said quickly. Rosaria hummed. "With an alchemist of his level, you wouldn't sense a thing. In any case, I'm not about to let a potential threat back into Mondstadt."

Frowning, the little pixie tilted her head. "So, what're you gonna do?" She asked. "You came here to be sure, so you must have your ways of assuring yourself." You said soundly, understanding her on a certain level you wish you couldn't.

A perfectly shaped eyebrow arched up. "I've gotta hand it to you, you have your moments. If I can be sure that nothing you came into contact with is dangerous, that's good enough for me. I've investigated everything else. The only items left on the agenda are these symbols." She said gesturing towards the glowing script behind you.

"But we don't even know what they mean!" Paimon shouted. "Hmm... That much is true, not to mention... Seems like there's nothing more to them." The Sister mumbled slowly as she approached them. "But for insurance purposes, I'd better make a copy... Hmm. This is now a location of interest — regular patrols should be set up here."

She looked back at you three, taking each of you into account. Satisfied with her observation, she nodded to herself. "Now then. All things considered, I deem that you pose no immediate threat. Which is what I was hoping. I would have been one very unhappy Sister if you'd made me work overtime on your account."

Blinking, Paimon tilted her head. "...Overtime?" She questioned. You raised your eyebrows. "Gee, I didn't know Sisters were so... dangerous, I suppose?" You finished off uncertainly.

Rosaria continued on easily. "Before we go our separate ways, Outlander, a word of advice," she said sharply, directing her eyes at Aether, "Don't be so quick to trust Albedo, and don't repeat the same mistakes that you did this time. You made a lot of rash decisions today."

Her gaze snapped to you. "And you... I'll be watching you." Your eyes widened before blinking several times. "What'd I do?" You whispered, leaning over to Aether. He just shrugged, continuing to look at her with questioning fear.

With a quick huff, the Sister turned her heels and was out of there in seconds, not even looking back once. Paimon was agape at her fleeting figure. "She's gone. So stubborn! Mondstadt doesn't have many people like that." She quickly reassured the two of you.

Aether sweat dropped. "Maybe she just lacks security." He offered up with a shrug. You looked to where the woman had disappeared off to. "People like that are more sensitive than you may think." You noted softly.

Paimon hummed, considering your words, before shrugging. "Huh, never mind her. Let's go see Albedo!" She exclaimed, an excited glint in her eyes.


Back at his campsite, the sky much notably darker now, Albedo patiently waited for the three of you calmly and with crossed arms. The observation board near him had filled up with a variety of more data, none of which you could even try to understand. Another thing you took note of was the colored pencils on the table beside the blonde, many of which the colors having match your outfit and such.

"You're back! Good timing," Albedo greeted pleasantly before you could look further into it, "I've just about reached a conclusion. You took quite a while. Did you get held up on the way back?" He asked with a curious tilt of the head.

Aether sweat a bit at the memory. "Quite literally, by a sister no less." You let out a deadpan smile. "She doesn't too fond of outsiders, really." Albedo huffed a bit in amusement. "Aha, I wouldn't worry, she's just doing her job." He reassured before moving on.

"Time for the results," he declared with a hint of excitement in his eyes, "We got a myriad of data today, and it was very difficult to finish all the research in one go. But the integral preliminary conclusion that I can offer you is... You're very much like a human from this world."

The three of you were deadly silent for a whole minute before Aether finally spoke up. "That's it?" He asked. Paimon crossed her arms and sent the alchemist a mighty glare. "You couldn't tell that just by looking? We spent all day working our butts off for that!?" She cried out angrily.

Albedo moved his hands in a calm down motion. "Please, I understand that this may have seemed self-evident to you, but in fact nothing in this world should be taken for granted. Have you ever considered that the world of Teyvat may have a natural hostility to outlanders?" He questioned suddenly.

Your eyes hardened. "From the very moment Aether showed up, he's been nothing but helpful and kind. I can't find a reason for them not to show him the same form a decency even if, for some other reason, they don't fully trust him yet." You were quick to fire back. Aether bashfully ruffled his hair and laughed. "Aha... Well... I guess only the gods would know."

Albedo, addressing your words in particular, nodded. "Understandable, however, I mentioned the natural laws of this world. Aether's able to converse with me here without consequence, and nothing seems amiss. But it's arguably a small miracle. The only other life form that, like you, has come here from afar, is the seed that I mentioned. Under the effects of Teyvat's natural laws, it isn't even able to sprout, let alone bloom."

The male paused for a moment before lifting his hand up, palm facing upwards. "But after I observed you, I had another idea. Imitating you helped to inspire my alchemy, and so..." A flicker of purple and yellow, so bright they nearly appeared white, danced over his palm.

"Whoa! It looks like — something's appearing!" Paimon exclaimed excitedly. Suddenly, the beautiful lights took the form of a large flower, sort of like a lotus, that bloomed right in front of you. Unfortunately, moments later, it disappeared.

Albedo sighed. "The transition from nothing into something, from shoot to stem... And now to fruition. Is not nurturing otherworldly life also nurturing the world itself?" He pondered poetically. "Aww..." Paimon said sadly.

You stared at the space the flower once was. "It was short-lived, but still, it was beautiful." You said calmly. Albedo sighed again. "It would seem that that's as far as we go. A transient bloom of incomparable beauty... Life's proudest achievement." He said wishfully.

With a little pout, the pixie spoke, "Paimon thought, with all our efforts, it might have bloomed forever. And it didn't even have any fruit..." The girl complained. The platinum blonde only shrugged. "Life is a manifold tapestry of free entities, its value shouldn't derive from how long it stays with us. Even a momentary burst is precious. A short life can be well-lived. A life lived efficiently, lived to perfection, is necessarily one unburdened by loneliness. So, do you understand what I meant about us conversing here arguably being a small miracle?"

You furrowed your eyebrows for a moment. "Well, I haven't withered just yet." You mumbled to yourself thoughtfully. Aether hummed. "I wonder... how my sister is..." He whispered longingly.

Paimon blinked. "Eh? Things feel a little heavy right now..." She observed before smiling and slapping Aether on the back. "Hehehe, don't be sad, Aether, you've got Paimon and Y/N to look after you." She suddenly turned towards the alchemist with a determined look. "Albedo, Paimon really wants to be your friend."

With his eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, Albedo let out a little smile. "...Thank you all. Even if dispelling loneliness is not essential for life, it certainly doesn't hurt. Your help inspired me to discover the means to make a flower bloom."

Aether deadpanned. "So I'm a helpful specimen?" He asked bluntly. "I mean that the time that I've spent traveling with you in the mountains was a valuable journey for me," Albedo clarified before looking a bit bashful, "In the future... If the need arises... Can I solicit your help again?"

You sent him a gentle smile. "Sure, even if you just want some company, find me anytime." You answered kindly. "Well... Glad I can count on you." The alchemist responded with the same air of softness.

Eventually, after bidding Albedo a tired goodbye, your group was off to Mondstadt for a well deserved rest. However, when you three left, the calm smile washed away from male's face, eyes drifting over to a potion on the side. "I made a point throughout of telling him how ordinary the results were... But what was that sediment I saw forming at the bottom of the vial? It should not have been there... What could it mean?" He pondered before walking over to the table.

"Those born of earth are bound by its imperfections, but those born of chalk are free of impurities... You and I are alike, both composed of a substance that has yet to be fully defined..." He suddenly lifted up the blank papers surrounded by colored pencil to reveal roughly colored and sketched drawings of the outlander's dear companion.

"Perhaps this is why I feel a certain draw to those said imperfections," he whispered solemnly, eyes hardening with grief as he stared at your face, drawn at an angle so it wasn't looking back at him. "If one day, I lose control... destroy Mondstadt... destroy everything... Can I rely on you to stop me?"

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for not updating, I've been a bit busy and Albedo's story quest is like, three times longer than the others. Thank, loves!♥️

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