Reflections in Your Gaze ⋆ Ju...

By chanhechan

502 37 8

"Yang Jungwon! Do you hate me?" "Quite the opposite Ji." Best friends au Melodies of Love: Book 2 (can be... More



29 2 1
By chanhechan

"Jungwon, I can't find Jiwon!" Jungwon's mom burst into the room in panic. Both Jungwon and Jiwon snapped awake, shocked by the sudden commotion. 

Surprised to see them together, Mrs. Yang stammered, "Oh, I... I'm sorry, I didn't realise..." 

"It's 7 in the morning, Mom, keep it down," Jungwon interrupted, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled out of bed towards the bathroom. 

Mrs. Yang chuckled awkwardly, "Right, sorry," she mumbled before hastily retreating from the room. 

Jiwon, still trying to shake of her sleepiness, looked around in confusion, "What's going on?" she mumbled. Jungwon nodded and dragged her out of his room, as he began to chance into his uniform. 

"Ew did you put on makeup?" Jungwon questioned, eyeing Jiwon sceptically.

"Well yeah, it's the first day, and I need friends,"  Jiwon replied, giving him a "Duh" look before returning to her breakfast. 

"You'll get them immediately if you stick around me," Jungwon boasted, to which Jiwon rolled her eyes. "Popular guy?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jungwon nodded slightly. "No, thank you. Stay away from me in school," Jiwon retorted, prompting Jungwon to mutter a sarcastic, "Yeah sure," as he rolled his eyes. 

"Jiwon I don't care what happens, you will be sticking with Jungwon and that is final." Aunty Yang declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. 

Before Jiwon could respond, Jungwon's dad chimed in, "You two better stick together. Jiwon hasn't been in Korea for so long; it will be hard for her." 

Jungwon nodded in agreement with his father's statement. Jiwon could help but groan in frustration at the thought of being glued to Jungwon's side the entire day. 

After breakfast, Jungwon dragged Jiwon out to the care because she didn't want to go to school. "Get in Gongju." Jungwon said pointing to the car door he had opened. Jiwon rolled her eyes and mocked him, "Gongju," before reluctantly getting inside. 

Jungwon chuckled at Jiwon's childish behavior, finding it funny to tease her and annoy her. 

"Let me warn you about someone," Jungwon began, cautioning Jiwon. "Miyeon, don't go close to her; she's two faced, manipulative and harsh. For context she used to like Heeseung, and now she likes me." 

"She likes them rich, but Jungwon is mine," Jiwon whispered, loud enough for Jungwon to catch the first part. However the second part was too soft for him to hear, leaving him to frown in curiosity about why she didn't want him to hear the rest. 

The drive to school took about 7 minutes, thankfully with lighter traffic than usual. Before Jungwon could even unbuckle his seatbelt and turn towards Jiwon, she had already jumped out of the car and made a dash towards the principal's office, despite not knowing the way. 

Jiwon followed the instructions of the people she asked along the way. Finally, after a few inquiries and directions, she reached the principal's office and knocked on the door, patiently waiting for it to open. 

"Come in," a voice called from within the office. 

"Hello, I'm Lee Jiwon." She greeted with a smile, bowing politely. "New student of course. Hello, I am Park Jinyoung, the school's acting principal," replied Mr. Park, gesturing for Jiwon to take seat in front of him. 

a/n: JYP oppar has made a debut in Melodies of Love 

"So, Lee Jiwon, introduce yourself," Mr. Park prompted.  

"Uhm, well my name is Lee Jiwon. I am 18 years old this year, and I just came back to Korea yesterday." Jiwon replied, her voice trailing off. 

Mr. Park waiting for Jiwon to continue, but when she remained silent. She remarked, "Sorry, I'm not so good with words." 

"Obviously, you're not that good," Mr. Park quipped, causing Jiwon to look up immediately, startled by his response. Jiwon brushed it off with an awkward chuckle. 

"So how do you know the Yang family?" Mr. Park's sudden question caught Jiwon off guard. She didn't expect him to ask that. 

"Umm, I helped once," Jiwon lied, feeling a twine of guilt as she did so. Mr. Park nodded, seemingly accepting her answer. 

"Let me tell you something before you start; be careful of Miyeon. Don't get in trouble with her." Mr. Park warned, his tone serious. Jiwon chuckled nervously, unsure of why he was cautioning her.

"Why?" she questioned, curiosity getting the better of her.

"Her family is best friends with the Yangs, and they are also the biggest shareholders of this school. Many students have gotten kicked out because of her," he explained, making Jiwon nod in understanding.

"The file says your parents are unknown here, and only Mr. and Mrs. Yang know about it. So, you might have to defend yourself. I don't want someone to be kicked out, and you seem nice," Mr. Park complimented, earning a grateful smile and a bow from Jiwon. 

"Enough talk, here is your schedule," Mr. Park said, handing a paper to Jiwon and shooing her out of his office. "Thank you," Jiwon replied, bowing once more before leaving.

As she navigated through the crowded corridors, she couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations. People were screaming things like, "Oh my god, he is so hot," but Jiwon paid no mind and continued on her way to find her classroom.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally found her classroom. Inside, there was a teacher who looked to be in her mid-twenties. She was incredibly pretty, with long hair and a warm aura around her. She always seemed to have a smile on her face.

"Mrs. Lim?" Jiwon called out, drawing the attention of her homeroom teacher.

"Lee Jiwon?" Mrs. Lim asked, and Jiwon nodded in reply. Mrs. Lim's smile brightened as she approached Jiwon.

"I'm Lim Yoona, your class, English, and Maths teacher," she introduced herself, leaving Jiwon impressed. Not only did Mrs. Lim possessed beauty, but she also exuded a warm personality and intelligence. Before Jiwon could say something the bells rang and everyone started rushing into class. 

"Class, we have a new student today," Mrs. Lim announced with a smile, though it quickly disappeared when she noticed a particular student missing from his seat. "Jiwon, introduce yourself," she instructed.

"Hello, I am Lee Jiwon, and I am 18 years old this year," Jiwon said, offering a small bow.

"Jiwon, go find a seat for yourself," Mrs. Lim instructed, prompting Jiwon to nod and scan the classroom for an empty spot. She spotted two vacant seats in the back, beside the window, and decided to sit there.

"Lee Jiwon, or whatever your name is, that's Jungwon's seat you're sitting in," a girl remarked, rolling her eyes at Jiwon, who gave her a disgusted look. Jiwon nodded but remained seated, causing the girl to scoff.

"Miyeon, keep quiet, you are in class," Mrs. Lim interjected, silencing the girl and restoring order to the classroom. Miyeon begrudgingly obeyed.

Suddenly, a boy burst in, panting heavily, and all eyes turned to him. Mrs. Lim questioned, "What's the reason for being late today?"

"I was in the principal's office searching for someone," he replied, and Mrs. Lim accepted his excuse, pointing him to an available seat.

"Jungwonnie oppa, someone sat in your seat," Miyeon pouted, gazing at Jungwon with her puppy eyes. Jungwon ignored her and walked straight towards Jiwon. 

"You made me search the entire school for you, idiot," Jungwon said, ruffling Jiwon's hair. She slapped his hand away, annoyed that he messed up her hair.

"Sit down, Mr. Jungwonnie," Jiwon mocked Miyeon, while Jungwon chuckled.

"Yes, ma'am," Jungwon obeyed, taking a seat beside Jiwon. Jiwon glanced around and noticed everyone looking at them, including Mrs. Lim.

Jiwon and Jungwon exchanged confused glances as they noticed everyone's eyes on them. Jiwon caught Miyeon glaring at her from the corner of her eye and responded with a small smirk. Wanting to play along, she leaned her head on Jungwon's shoulder and whispered, "I wanna sleep."

Jungwon immediately understood the situation and couldn't help but smile at the way Jiwon showed her jealousy. 

Jungwon and Jiwon had caught the attention of all their classmates, wondering how the two knew each other in the first place. The chances of spotting Jungwon less than 2 metres away from a girl was already rare, the fact that he was being so close to Jiwon was definitely something new.

Someone who happened to be boiling at this show of affection was Miyeon, completely turning red at the fact that the new girl was busy taking away her chances to be with Jungwon.

"Miyeon dear, why don't you focus your attention at the board instead. Jungwon might seem a lot more interesting to you, but staring at his face isn't going to make you pass this subject." Mrs. Lim's comment made Miyeon turn into an even more vibrant shade of red as the entire class began laughing at her.

a/n: and Mrs. Lim slayed 🤭 

The main culprit of the laughter was none other than Jiwon herself, a tear of pure joy and happiness sliding down her cheek as she continued to mock Miyeon. Beside her was Jungwon who also seemed to be fighting a battle as he struggled to hold in his laughter.

"So this is the legendary Miyeon that you and that Principle seemed to be talking about, the one that everyone is scared of." Jiwon pulled Jungwon closer, softly whispering in his ear. "Look at her, nothing but a scaredy cat herself, I'll set her in line in no time." 

Jungwon harshly slapped Jiwon's shoulder as she continued to laugh at the so-called 'Mean girl'.

It's been less than 10 minutes and this new girl has already made me a laughing stock, Miyeon thought before turning her focus to the front of the class.

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