To Find What is Lost

By Youbethinkywingblurb

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Find is the story of a certain son of Hades, dragged out of his almost perfect life to attend a crazy magic s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Smiling
Chapter 2: Hades
Chapter 3: Goodbye
Chapter 4: Malfoy
Chapter 5: Sorting
Chapter 6: Oracle
Chapter 7: Blueprint
Chapter 8: Crush
Chapter 9: IM
Chapter 10: Library
Chapter 11: Help
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Argument
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 15: Avoiding
Chapter 16: Ron
Chapter 17: Ball
Chapter 18: Royalty
Chapter 19: Permission
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Confused
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Oggling
Chapter 24: Soul
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 27: Arriving
Chapter 28: Knowing
you never have a choice
Chapter 29: Shopping
Chapter 30: Snowballs
you're really sick of not having a choice
Chapter 31: Spying
Chapter 32: Obliviate
Chapter 33: Coward
Chapter 34: Gorgeous
Chapter 35: Speech
Chapter 36: Perfect
Chapter 37: Vision
Chapter 38: Door
Chapter 39: Tear
Chapter 40: Hogwash
Chapter 41: Traitor
Chapter 42: History
Chapter 43: Knowledge
Chapter 44: Unbound
Chapter 45: Silence
Chapter 46: Nothingness
Chapter 47: Stalling
Chapter 48: Love
Thanks Guys ;)

Chapter 26: Home

469 30 23
By Youbethinkywingblurb

The next few days passed in a blur, and before he knew it Nico was due to pick up Will.

"Don't get lost again." warned Draco from where he was standing a few feet away, they were just outside the school bounds (officially, this time) and Malfoy had come to see him off (for reasons which he firmly told Nico had nothing to do with missing multiple lessons).

The ghost king rolled his eyes, he and Draco were back in the good zone, as he had apologised for being a grumpy brat when they got back. It had been mostly Pansy's idea, Nico would never have apologised of his own accord.

"Don't worry yourself so much, I'll be fine. I've dealt with the problem."

At this Draco frowned slightly. "I still wish you'd tell me what the problem was." he said, playing with his lip in between his teeth as he did when he was anxious or worried.

"How many times do I have to say it, it doesn't matter anymore. I dealt with it so there's no point worrying anyone."

"Do you know how unreassuring that is?" asked Draco irritatedly, rubbing his face with a hand.

Finally Nico sighed, he gave the blonde a softer smile, "You really don't need to worry, I promise. I've got it all under control."

Draco gave him a slightly bitter smile in return, "Just go." he said, "You'll be late for Will."

Glancing at his watch, Nico realised he was right and dissaparrated with a crack. After the typical super-dark-pressure-chamber-tube feeling of apparition he appeared on top of a familiar hill, next to a familiar pine, looking down at a familiar camp full of familiar demigods. He wanted in that moment to break down and cry from relief and joy at seeing this place again, and he also wanted to run down into the valley and meet everyone he hadn't seen for months; maybe even give out some hugs! Then he remembered he couldn't. He was only here to pick up Will, nothing longer. The thought made his heart wrench but he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, composing himself. When he opened them again a boy was standing in front of him, blonde hair and huge grin just like what seemed like years ago when he had last seen his boyfriend.


And then they were in each other's arms, kissing as if there was no tomorrow.

"Um, yuck." said a voice from behind Will, and the two boys broke apart to see Percy walking up the hill, but not just Percy. There was Annabeth, and Jason, and Grover and Piper and Chiron and Kayla and the Stoll brothers and every other camper. The sight overwhelmed Nico with joy, and he threw himself at all of them.

Everyone was so surprised to be receiving hugs from the son of Hades that they almost forgot to throw him into the canoe lake. Almost.

A long, wet, thirty minutes later Nico stood beside Will on Half-Blood hill. He was trying his best to not be too grumpy at the campers, Percy had dried his clothes (at wand point) so that had helped a lot. It was just how things were at Camp, he reminded himself.

"Wow, I haven't been here for ages." he thought. The thought made him sad, but he decided to take it as an incentive to memorise every detail of every person here, every plant, every building. It was impossible, of course, but he did his best.

Then he had to leave, and he fought off tears as he and Will vanished, speeding away back to a place that could never truly be Nico's home.

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