Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRA...

By CarAtiny_21

1.5K 119 4

When Yun SeByeol, 21 years old bilingual girl, who lives on earth filled with both magic and technology, does... More

๏Crow's Nest๏


68 5 0
By CarAtiny_21

Yun SeByeol's POV~

I was at the dining area right now. God, was I hungry. Hungry would be an understatement. I was starving. Staying awake most of the night and only being able to sleep for 4 hours, I was a little grumpy too. After that smile last night, I left after just few minutes. I wonder if Jongho had any sleep. He wasn't here right now though so I assumed that he is sleeping.

"Did you had a good night sleep, Golden?" Yeosang asked me with a warm smile.

How is he so smiley even in the morning.

I tried to give him a smile back but that only turned into a yawn.

"Yeh, not bad. I'm still a little sleepy though." I answered.

Should I ask him for any medicine for insomnia? I should. But not here, I don't want everybody to know. The more the people know, The more questions will arise and I'm not ready to answer them yet. I'll ask him alone, later.

"Alright, that's good. You can sleep again after lunch. We won't have much work that time." Yeosang suggested.

"God, you are so sweet Yeosang. Turn it down a little." I said chuckling.

Though, his face got a little colour at that, he looked confused.

"What should I turn down?"He questioned tilting his head cutely.

Awwwwwwww, he's a baby.

I laughed at his confused expression, "Nothing, nothing." I said, "And yes, I'll probably sleep after lunch."

He nodded with another warm smile.

He than resumed his conversation with Yunho.

There were only 3 members here right now. I heard, others will be here any minute.

I turned to my left and found Mingi with his head on the table with a glass filled with wine or rum? I'm not sure.

"Drinking early in the morning, Mingi?" I asked.

"Yes and?"He questioned back.

Grumpy much?

"Hey! Talk to Lady Golden nicely you big oaf." Retorted Yunho.

Mingi grumbled at that and raised his head up from the table with a conspicuous scowl.

"I can talk to her however I want. She's not a princess or a glass that she'll break easily. And I'm not talking to you big foot. Am I?" Mingi recountered harshly.

"It doesn't matter if I'm not the one you're talking to. Lady Golden is a women too. And you better treat her with respect.You have no right to talk to her like that. And why are you even so grumpy? I already apologised for eating your fish. What else do you want me to do?!?" Yunho asked agitated.

"That was my fish, you beanpole. And you ate it without even asking me. How could you do that to me?! WHAT ABOUT MY MORAL TRUST?!? I TRUSTED YOU YUNHOE!!"

I flinched a little at Mingi's loud voice.


"DUMB?!? DID YOU JUST CALLED MY FISH DUMB?!?" Mingi shouted even louder with walking towards Yunho.

Before he could reach him, Wooyoung was inbetween them, stopping Mingi from crushing Yunho and pushed him a little back to his place.

When did he even got here? I looked around and saw all of the pirates in the room watching us. Elora and Athena were here too.

"Calm down guys. Calm down. Already fighting early in the morning. Take a break. Let's first have our breakfast than you guys can fight." Wooyoung said laughing and sat beside Mingi who has again putted his head on the table grumpily.

Yunho sighed loudly and stared at me apologizingly.
Did I just encountered a Yungi moment?? Oh my god!! That was amazing!! They even have chemistry in this world!! Exciting!!

Smiling back at Yunho, I looked around and just hoped that everyone would be here soon so we could eat.

I was also about to lay my head on the table when I felt someone poking my shoulder. I looked back and saw the twins.

Smiling I asked, "Hey Alex and Austin. How are you boys?"

They smiled back at me a little too innocently and Alex answered,"We're amazing Miss. Golden. We hope you're  fine too. We just came here to say-"
Austin interrupted with a little blush on his cheeks, "That you look beautiful today Miss. Golden."

Giving me no time to thank or answer them, they both ran away in speed of light.

I just stared at the the door from where they left and before I could even laugh at their childish and cute deportment, The devil's entered.

All of the pirates stood up in respect for the captain, some even bowed at him. I was just sitting there looking at the act unfold, not realizing that the pirates of this table were also standing.

The only one's sitting were, me and Athena.

With a single nod from Hongjoong, everyone took their seats.
In a blink of an eye, The food was here and served. Wow, that was quick.

Author's POV~
Sitting arrangement:
    Seonghwa.                       Athena.
San.                                                  Yunho.
    Elora.                                   Yeosang.
       Wooyoung.                 Golden.    

Yun SeByeol's POV~

I noticed that Jongho wasn't present.

Everyone was minding their own business, eating and conversing loudly.

Taking the first bite, I almost choked when I heard Elora asking me a question.

"Where were you last night Miss. Golden?" She asked seriously.

Now, not only me but everyone on the table had stopped eating and looked between us.

Yunho, Yeosang, Athena and Mingi looked confused and interested while San, Elora and Hongjoong had no expression. I can't figure out what they're thinking. Wooyoung was looking at me with a little smirk. But Seonghwa, oh god. The distrust and hate in his eyes was so evident that it almost hurted me. Why does he even hate me? What did I do?

Drinking the water and clearing my throat. I stared straight into Elora eyes, Wow. Those deep ocean blue eyes.

Not the time Byeol!!

"Why?", I questioned her back seriously.

"You weren't in the room when I woke up." She said, pausing a little, "Were you planning to run away Miss. Golden? "

I was takes aback at that. Why would I? It's not like I have anywhere to go. I'll try to find a way to go back to my world though, when I get a chance ofcourse.

"No. I wasn't.", I answered without wasting a second. " I was with Jongho."


There was silence for a whole minute. And then laughter could be the only thing audible. Wooyoung and Mingi were laughing until they were out of breath while Yeosang and Yunho were laughing loudly too. Seonghwa was snickering as if I just did a huge mistake and he was ready to have some fun with killing me. Athena and Elora had a confused yet interested look. Only Hongjoong and San had a poker face.

"You want us to believe that my lady? " Wooyoung asked in between his laughter, while wiping few tears from the corner of his eyes.

God, I feel like a clown right now. What was so funny about this? I am telling the truth. Why are they laughing at me?

"What's so funny about it? I'm telling the truth. " I said exasperated.

"Because Princess Golden, if you would've been with Jongho last night than you wouldn't be here right now." Mingi replied sarcastically while laughing.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" I asked a little perturbed.

"That means Lady Golden that you would be probably swimming with the sharks right now or just stabbed to death." Answered Yunho.

Oh wow. Just?!? Just stabbed??
I was getting a little scared now. Is this a joke for them?

"I-I'm telling the truth though. I was with Jongho last night. I couldn't fall asleep so I just went out to have some air when I found him controlling the helm and thought of accompanying him." I told them the complete truth.

But again they were laughing their ass off. Even Yeosang now.

I am feeling too uneasy with their reactions. Was I really supposed to be dead right now?

"It's alright Miss. Golden. We trust you." Elora said a little more gently,"It's just-"

Cutting her off Seonghwa said, "We don't trust her Elora. Don't lie to reassure her."
He than looked at me and said in a mocking tone, "We don't trust you one bit and tell us the truth now. Where were you last night Miss. Golden? What were you doing and what are you planning? And lie one more time Miss. Golden, than we might have to deal with you in our way."

Oh wow.
Did he just fucking mocked and threatened me?? Oh hell nah.

"I am telling the truth Quatermaster." I replied making each word sound clear while gritting my teeth a little, "And I don't care if you trust me or not. I'm not here to gain your trust or be your friend so if you're not ready to handle the truth, than, than you can go to hell because I don't care anymore."
I stood up indignantly.

I was done with this treatment. I mean I understand if they can't trust me yet but I'm telling the truth. This is too unfair for me.

I was about to leave because I had already lost my apetite when Elora asked calmly, "Are you sure you are telling the truth Miss. Golden?"

"Yes. Yes I am. Why would I even lie?? And why is this so hard to believe? " I questioned back irritated.

"Because Jongho is a Berserker."

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