By doomedingoldglitter

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NOT MY ORGINAL WORK !!! "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath... More

Chapter One: Unknown
Chapter Two: An Extra Follower
Chapter Three: What Tickles Your Pickle
Chapter Four: Banana Pants (Or As Straight As A Flexible Ruler)
Chapter Five: Well Do You Know Harry Styles?
Chapter Six: Awkward
Chapter Seven: Game On
Chapter Eight: Torry
Chapter Nine: You're Both In The Wrong
Chapter Ten: Bad Damage Control
Chapter Eleven: Not That Kind Of Follower
Chapter Twelve: It's A Very Gay Heaven
Chapter Thirteen: Harvey And Karma
Chapter Fourteen: Mean Girls
Chapter Fifteen: A Rough Time
Chapter Sixteen: Field Day
Chapter Seventeen: Signs
Chapter Eighteen: Steps Along The Way
Chapter Nineteen: Unlabeled?
Chapter Twenty One: I'm Yours
Chapter Twenty Two: Sucker Punch
Chapter Twenty Three: Bye/Bi
Chapter Twenty Four: Because It's You
Chapter Twenty Five: As We Make Up Our Minds, We Come Falling Down
Chapter Twenty Six: Epilogue

Chapter Twenty: Six Upset People

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By doomedingoldglitter

"Niall?" Darren stared at him expectantly. "Why aren't you doing anything?"

"Um," Niall said. Louis shot him a death glare. "Erm, yeah! Uh, Louis!"

"Niall, I-" Louis said, prompting him to interrupt.

"Oh no! I feel so betrayed!" Niall cried out and Louis wanted to hit him in the face. Not smooth. Not smooth at all. Louis sat up on the bed, wrapping the duvet around his waist and threw a blanket at Harry on the floor.

"Niall! I am so sorry!"

"No Louis!"

"Niall, I love you!!" Louis hopped up from the bed and dramatically stormed towards the two.

"No!" Niall yelled, arms flying in the air. "Don't even look at me..." he sobbed. "Those eyes used to undress me and make me feel so naked and've undressed Harold." Darren's eyes shifted from Louis to Niall to Harry, trying to make sense of everything.

"But –" he started but Louis interrupted him.

"Niall, I can't beg you enough! Please forgive me! You're the sparkle sparkles in my life! You're my sunshine."

Niall whipped his head in the opposite direction and stomped into the other room dramatically. Louis suppressed the want to roll his eyes, but threw Harry's clothes at him where he was half lying on the floor, before running after Niall. Darren stood awkwardly in the doorway, eying Harry as he quickly pulled on his boxers and a pair of sweats.

"Niall my sweet love!" Louis exclaimed, sounding a bit like Romeo shouting to Juliet from the garden. "I cannot live without you."

"Louis." Niall said, whipping his hair to the side. "You had me! And then you lost me."


"Is that a butterfly on your chest?" Darren asked Harry suspiciously.


There was a loud smack from the living room. "Ow! You fucking prick –"

"Doesn't Harry Styles have one of those?" Darren frowned.

"Er," Harry said awkwardly.

Realization hit Darren's eyes and he paled. "Oh dear."

Louis was in the middle of ducking from flying pillows and other objects and trying to hold up his duvet at the same time, when Darren stormed into the room.

"You slept with Harry Styles?" he asked. His eyes were big and confused and something else that Louis couldn't define as anything else than betrayal.

"Well shit," Niall said and sat down on the couch, looking like he wasn't going to bother anymore. He might as well could've popped a pack of crisps and put on the tv too. Harry came into the room, meeting Louis' eyes, giving a tiny shrug of discomfort. Darren's eyes were swimming with confusion and thought, until they nailed on Louis.

"You're not even dating are you..." he said lowly in realization. Louis winced at the betrayed expression on his face. Louis' cheek was still stinging from the slap that Niall had placed there a few moments ago, but the look of disbelief in Darren's eyes hurt more.


"Some friend you are, Louis," he said lowly, and then he turned and left. Louis winced as the door slammed shut.

"Shit," he sighed and slumped down on the sofa.

"It's your own fault, man." Niall told him like he didn't already know, shrugging where he was sat on the sofa.

"I know," Louis grunted, closing his eyes, leaning his head back against the couch.

"Um, he also just found out you slept with me," Harry said worriedly. Louis groaned even louder. Harry walked over to him and put his hands on his shoulders, giving a tight squeeze. "Do you think he'll tell?"


"Of course not!" Niall defended. "Darren is nice. He won't say anything, even if you deserve it. And who'd believe him anyway?"

"Thanks," Louis muttered.

"I'm gonna' shower. Georgia is coming over." Niall informed and left the room. Harry's hand was still placed on his shoulder and Louis reached up to hold it.

"I'm a sucky friend."

"You're not a bad friend. You just should have told him you and Niall weren't dating from the start." Harry said as he shuffled awkwardly around the couch, still holding his hand.

"Which means the same." First he had lead Darren on even though he knew he wasn't interested, then he'd let him believe he was dating his friend, when in reality he wasn't because he was screwing a famous rock star.

"Louis. From now on no unnecessary lies okay?" Harry squeezed his hand from where he was standing in front of him.

"Yeah okay."

"Good." Harry leaned down and gave him a small kiss. Immediately the memories of the previous night blossomed in his brain and he couldn't help but grin. He patted the sofa next to him, prompting Harry to sit so he could be a good boyfriend and feel him up.

"Er," Harry said awkwardly. "I'd kind of rather stand," he mumbled, face reddening. Louis frowned in confusion, then... oh. His eyes widened and he swallowed. Harry blushed deeply in red when he knew Louis understood.

"Oh my." It was hot. Yup, really hot. Louis looked up at him, being kindly reminded that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He stood a bit awkwardly, shying away but still holding his hand. Harry thought it was embarrassing. It definitely wasn't.

"That is..." Louis murmured and pulled Harry closer. "Extremely sexy..." he whispered against his skin. Harry gave a soft moan in his ear and Louis couldn't fight it and pulled him down in his lap. Harry squealed in surprise when he was pulled down to straddle Louis where he was sitting, wrapped in the blanket. Harry winced at his sore muscles and Louis couldn't help it, it was just so sexy. He smacked his bum loudly and Harry yelped in both sudden pain and surprise. But his move away from the touch only brought him closer to Louis' body. Louis gave his neck a kiss and massaged the bum cheek with a smile.

"Sadistic bastard," Harry muttered but his hands came into his hair.

"Sorry love," he smirked.

"You kinky."

"You would know," Louis grinned and kissed his jaw. "Want to come into my duvet? I'm naked inside."

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile. "Who wouldn't?" he grinned and kissed him.


The Mirror – Biggest scandal! Liam Payne's girlfriend together with another guy!

Pictures of the One Direction member Liam Payne's girlfriend appeared after Friday night. Rapports told us she'd been spending the earlier evening at dinner with Liam and the rest of One Direction and a few friends, but later Friday night these pictures of her, shaking out her professional moves appeared – together with another guy.
The couple has been dating for more than a year and a half and this is mind-blowingly unexpected! Poor Liam! What a scandal! Shall we send over flowers and chocolate and maybe a stripper or two?

"This is fucking bullshit!" Liam exclaimed as he burst into Louis' bedroom.

"Um, hello Liam?" Louis said questioningly. Louis was sitting on top of Harry's shirtless back, giving his almost asleep boyfriend a massage.

"This is shit!" Liam angrily flopped down on the bed, pushing his phone in Louis' face. "I'm in the fucking picture! Look! Here, see my back?" Louis saw a picture of himself and Danielle dancing and he could barely make out Liam's familiar back in a corner of the picture.

"I fucking hate The Mirror!" he threw an arm over his face, groaningly loudly.

"Who hates the mirror? Louis because have you seen his face? Oh snap!" Niall grinned as he casually stepped into the room as well, followed by Georgia.

"Um, okay. Can you all-" Why the hell were they in his room?

"I hate The Mirror," Liam said viciously. Harry made a groaning sound from where he'd buried his head in a pillow. He'd been having bad a headache pretty much all day (since breakfast) and all this fuzz wasn't exactly helping.

Niall flopped down on the floor. "Oh, massages! Do me next!"

"I'll do you," Georgia offered.

"Why isn't there anything in your fridge except for milk and coco pops?" Zayn asked, irritated. He came into the room, shutting the door behind him, to lie next to Liam on the bed.

"They are seriously trying to ruin my life! And Dani's, like..." Liam ranted on.

"Like, if you could at least have some bread, that'd be good."

"Oh god. It feels so good..." Niall sighed contentedly.

"I'm a natural, I know."

"Guys," Louis tried. He had a slight feeling Harry was trying not to cry. Their voices were annoying noises.

"I can't believe this! People think we've split-"

"Can you actually go shopping soon? You're fridge has been empty for days. How am I supposed to –"

"Aahhhhh. Christ!" Niall moaned.

"Okay, ew!" Louis exclaimed.

"Can I sue The Mirror?"

"If you buy actual food then Harry can surely –"


"Oh my god!" Louis cried out. The room snapped quiet. "Why are you all in my room! Liam, I'm sorry about this and I'm sure you can clear it up immediately. Niall, stop sounding like you're being fucked and Zayn, if you want food, go buy some!" The room was silent for a while and Louis could feel Harry sigh out in relief beneath him.

"Hah, I didn't get yelled at," Georgia snickered.

"Shut up," Niall muttered.

"Hey! I'm giving you a free massage!"

"You offered so-"

"Guys! Shut the fuck up. If you're going to be in here, shut your mouths and listen to the freaking godlike voice of Ed Sheeran that you haven't even noticed is singing beautifully into our ears. Let Harry sleep and be quiet!"

The boys and Georgia rolled their eyes but complied. "I bet you could sue them if you were in America..." Zayn muttered lowly.

But they remained silent after that. It was kind of nice really. They had Ed Sheeran on a low volume, giving the dark room a cozy atmosphere. Harry half slept against Louis who trailed his fingers lightly over his back while typing out on his phone, trying to help Liam out. Niall was on the verge of sleep too, even though it was only afternoon. Georgia had made tea and was sipping from her mug, now having moved on to massaging Zayn's shoulders.

Liam was frowning at his phone, trying to sort things out.

Liam Payne (@Real_Liam_Payne)
Dani and I are not split! Just clearing up some rumors and please ignore the false accusations

In reply to Liam Payne
Satellite (@softspotforLiam)
@Real_Liam_Payne What about these pictures of @DaniellePeazar twit.pic/109utvw.u3

Liam Payne (@Real_Liam_Payne)
@softspotforLiam That's actually a close friend of ours...

Louis read the answering tweets and his brow furrowed. People didn't believe him, they thought he was just trying to cover it up because he still loved her. Louis wanted to help.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
@DaniellePeazer I'm officially challenging you to new dance off. Bring it bitch

Danielle Peazer (@DaniellePeazer)
@TheTommo You're playing with fire, prepare to get knocked out ;)

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
@DaniellePeazer Please.

Liam shot him an appreciative smile and Louis shrugged. What were friends for? Louis sighed impatiently and sent out another text to Darren. He hadn't answered all day. He felt really bad about it and had tried to reach him for hours. He wanted to explain even if it didn't matter. After all Darren was a friend.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked lowly.

"Darren," Louis whispered back. "He won't answer."

"Well, it was only this morning it happened. You've got to give him some time man." Liam said.

"Yeah but he's a friend. I want to explain, I-"

"Louis. You have to let him be mad."


"No," Liam said. "Look. He has feelings for you. You dated him for yes, about two seconds but you knew he liked you and you knew you never would want him back. Then he finds that out, just to be lied to again. He thought you were dating one of his close friends. Do you know how hard that must have been? The guy he was in love with dumps him for his friend." Liam took a pause to let Louis think and take a breath.

"And he sets aside his feelings for you because he wants you to be happy. Then he finds out you've lied to him yet again and you're not with his friend, you're fucking somebody else. And he had to see you two together. Do you get how much that must have hurt? Not only have the guy he wants lied to him multiple times and caused him unnecessary pain, but also he had to see him sharing a bed with someone else." Liam told him seriously. "Give him time, Louis."

It was hard to hear, but it was all the truth. Louis had done all that. He guessed he could let Darren be for a while then. But Louis would definitely talk to him about this later. He hated when he didn't get to say what was on his chest and he had a slight feeling Darren had a little something to say too.

Liam squeezed his shoulder and he gave him a grateful smile back. He realized just what a great friend he was. He was very honest but kind and always so helpful. They all lied in silence for a while, enjoying the music and darkness, just thinking about their own stuff. Georgia was on her phone with Niall half sleeping on the floor by her side, Liam was resting on the bed by the pillows and Harry was sleeping soundly under Louis' caressing arm. It was nice, that's what it was. But eventually Zayn spoke up.

"Boys, we've got to be leaving soon," he said in a hushed tone, not wanting to break the stillness.

"Why?" Louis asked. Harry was sleeping against him, small puffs of air leaving his lips and onto Louis' collarbones. He looked so tired and Louis didn't want to let him go.


"But Harry's not feeling well," Louis protested. Liam frowned and Zayn bit his lip. Harry really did look sick.

"Maybe I we can make a call," Liam said after a moment of thought.

"Please do it outside. Mind you, I'm trying to sleep here," Niall said.

"Shut up, Irish."

"You say it like it's an insult. You know, you English aren't superior just because there are more of you."

"Whatever," Louis muttered. Liam slipped out of the room and Zayn rolled over on the floor by Niall and Georgia. Louis lied down on the bed again, face only inches from Harry's. His cheek was mushed up against the pillow at the end of the bed. He looked so fragile and young like this. You could actually believe this boy was actually just a teenager for once. Louis pushed a stray lock from his forehead and stroked his cheek lightly.

"Ew, you two are too much," Zayn muttered when he saw Harry snuggle closer in his sleep. Louis flipped him off.

"Lads, the interview's rescheduled for Monday morning at eight," Liam told them. "I'm going to take off. I have to see Danielle. You boys have fun." Zayn rolled his eyes, seeing as fun wasn't allowed 'cause Louis kept telling them to shut up in case they'd wake Harry.

"Bye, bye sweet pea," Louis called after him.

"Later my buttercup," Liam called back before shutting the door.

"Sweet pea? Buttercup?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, don't tell Harry."

"I heard that," Harry mumbled sleepily into his pillow, smiling tiredly up at Louis. Louis lied down next to him with a tiny fond smile.

"So you're awake now?"

"Yes," he answered adorably. Louis stroked the same curl from his forehead. Harry removed his hand but held on to it. "Management called yesterday," he whispered.

"What did they say?" Louis asked softly.

"They want us to have this little party. Just you and me being together with a few friends, just to get it all running a bit so people aren't as surprised when I come out," he told him, voice thick with sleep. Louis pondered this.

"Friends? As in celebrities?"


"Oh." Hm, that could be weird. And scary.

"It'll be fine. I promise."

"But I won't fit in. I'm like-"

"You're perfect. You'll do fine. Not many people are coming even," Harry promised, stroking the back of his hand.

"No big party right? Just a few?"

"Just a few."

"So, what kind of people will be coming?" he asked nervously.

"Ed, Little Mix, Olly, Josh, Ellie... Mostly people who are around the city right now." Woah. Those were some big names.

"But that's it right? This is a small thing?" Louis wasn't sure how he'd be able to deal with a bunch of famous people all over the place.

"Yes. Small."

"Okay. I'm okay with that," he nodded. "Small."

"Good." Harry kissed him softly and then buried his face in his neck. "Night," he said. Louis rolled his eyes.


Louis thought he was going to puke blood. That was exactly how nervous he was. It was Sunday, the night of the "small" get together. He was in the elevator with Niall and Georgia, trying to force himself not to press the first floor button and just run out again. He was excited though, all these amazing people were going to be there, but the thought of him being simple, normal (debatable) Louis was sort of nerve wrecking and scary. What if all his idols hated him? And not only that, he and Harry were going to get to act like a couple in front of people.

"Don't shake, Louis," Georgia told him like she wasn't bouncing up and down either. Niall had come into some kind of lifeless coma where he stood, probably his own body trying to protect itself. That didn't stop his eyes from looking like they'd pop out any moment though.

"I can't stop," he whispered. The elevator tinged as it stopped and Louis' heart almost jumped up his throat. Jesus Christ, Tommo. Get a grip! He took a deep breath and tried to appear calm. If he looked calm then nobody would see his inner psycho fear. Calm was the answer.

"Niall?" he asked, waving a hand in front of his eyes. "Are you coming?"

"I'm trying to move my legs but I can't," he choked out. Georgia smacked him loudly in the back of his head just when Louis was about to.

"Can you move now?" she asked.

Niall took a deep breath and nodded. "I think I can." Louis punched in the code they needed to get into Harry's enormous flat and the doors slid open, and they were in.
If Louis would have understood the term "small get-together" then he might not have been this surprised. The place wasn't exactly dark, but dim. Tons of people were gathered in different crowds and music was playing in the background loudly. A lot of people seemed drunk and people were dancing and chatting like it was a huge bachelor pad party. Maybe they were because that was exactly what this was. A party. Not small cute get together. A party.

"What happened to the word 'small'" Georgia asked. Louis was wondering the same thing.

"What to we do?" Niall leaned in and whispered to them. Louis leaned back.

"I don't know," he whispered, biting his lip. Why wasn't Harry there to hold his hand to go around and introduce him like he was five years old?

"Is that Cher?!" Georgia hissed.

"Bloody hell, it is!" Niall gawked. The skinny girl with tattoos was chatting in a corner, drink and a smoke in hand. This was definitely not what he had thought he'd be doing tonight. They stood awkwardly there, just taking it all in. This wasn't what Harry had promised. What was this?
But Louis took a breath and braced himself. It was time to make a move. They couldn't stand around by the elevator all night. Grasping hold of Niall's arm for support and with Georgia in tow, he started towards the nearest crowd. There shouldn't have been crowds, he thought. There was supposed to be one crowd with few celebrities, not many crowds and many people.
He didn't recognize any of the ones in this crowd but at the same time he felt like he should know who they were anyway. Asking their names felt extremely wrong. How to go about this? he asked himself. It wasn't what he'd expected in the least but he could work with it, he guessed. But he couldn't act like the new kid, he refused to be looked at like he was nothing. So Louis figured he'd just act like he was just as important as everybody else, like he belonged. Okay, he thought. What kind of celebrity that they had no idea of was he?

With Georgia and Niall close to his side he entered the crowd. They were laughing at something and Louis loudly joined in, earning a few looks. They looked at him what could be described as either confusedly or suspiciously. Well, he'd tried.

"Hey! What's up ladies and gents?" he cheered and his sidekicks waved and greeted them too. The crowd hesitantly smiled back and some greeted him casually.

"Um," one girl asked, eying him suspiciously. "Who are you again?" Well, if this had been the small party he'd been promised this girl wouldn't have been there he wouldn't have had to lie.

"I was going to ask the same thing," he deadpanned. Everyone laughed and seemed to ease up a bit at his presence. It was amazing how quick people judged his character. After ten seconds they all thought they had figured him out. They accepted him as the funny guy, joking about not knowing who they were. Truthfully, Louis had no idea whatsoever.

A guy that must have been slightly older than him slung his arm around his shoulders and laughed. "But seriously man, who are you? Can't say I've seen you around before, mate."

"I'm," Louis and I'm fucking the host which everybody would have known if this was what if should've been. "I'm in producing. Yep, I'm a producer. I work a lot of important things."

"Really?" the guy asked. Niall raised an eyebrow.

"Yep," he nodded.

"Who have you worked with?" the girl whose name he didn't know wondered.

"I wrote some for uh...Lady Gaga."

"Oh! Which songs?"

Louis smiled while trying to breathe correctly. What the hell were her songs even called?!? "Um, yeah, uh Alejandro?" Niall was trying not to laugh next to him but Georgia nodded seriously.

"Yes, he did," she said.

"Really? I love that song!" the girl grinned.

"Oh man! So you're the one they call 'Red'?" the guy next to him wondered, clearly impressed. Yeah...Louis hadn't exactly thought of that people might know who wrote the songs. Good thinking there, Tommo. Always one step ahead are you.

"Actually it's Blue," he told them while nodding seriously. Niall snorted and Georgia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know," he said when they crowd looked confusedly at him. "They say it's red but it's Blue. Sometimes a little green but it's Blue." They blinked at him. "Confusing, I know. But it's blue, so..."


"Hey! I love your outfit though. It's also blue!" the girl, whatever her oh so famous name was, said. Hah, thought she was funny did she.

"Why thank you!" Louis said anyway. He had chosen to wear dark grey, almost black but not really, dress pants, then a light blue short sleeved button up with dark buttons, and on top of it he wore dark, thin suspenders. He looked good, he knew that, and Harry liked him in braces so why not. His hair was carefully styled into a side fringe, trying to look his best for his man but mostly for the famously famous famous people.

"You look absolutely adorable!" she cooed and immediately Louis hated her with all his guts. He wrinkled his nose and glared at her with judging eyes.

"I would have said love your dress but I don't so," he shrugged with a sassy smirk. She looked back at him with a stunned expression and it wasn't until he'd dragged the puppies away from her that it seemed to sink in that he'd insulted her. He took it she wasn't very used to that. Well, refreshment's always good.

"Wow, you pissed off the first person who was nice to you. Good work, Tommo!" Georgia rolled her eyes.

"She was a bitch." Georgia only shrugged at that and tucked her arm into Niall's. "Now where is my boyfriend hiding?" Louis frowned, examining the room. He had some explaining to do.

"No, where's my future boyfriend?" Georgia corrected, also eying the crowd. "I've always liked Olly Murs...but I think I'd like to have Justin Bieber just for the sake of it."

"Justin is here?" Niall gasped.

Louis patted his arm. "Sorry, Niall." He pouted and Louis narrowed his eyes. "And I thought you were a directioner!"


"You can't be both! Choose. Now. Three seconds! 3, 2,"

"I'm sorry okay!" Niall said. "I guess if I had to choose...I-" He looked so torn. This wasn't okay in the least.

"Niall!" Louis gasped. "My boyfriend is in the band! Don't you dare say you're a belieber. You're in his house!"

"I'm sorry! No, yes, I'm a..."

"Louis, shut up. Of course you can be both." Georgia shook her head.

"Are you saying you are both?" Louis raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm neither."

"Are you a swiftie?!" Louis gasped and Niall joined in and went to stand by Louis, gasping at her disgustedly.

"You're one of them..?!" Niall asked, almost choking it out.

"You're both so stupid!" Georgia smacked their heads. "I can be a fan of whoever I want. There are no rules. I like both. I can be in all fandoms I want."

"That is so wrong on so many levels." Niall shuddered and Louis just shook his head at her. It was a good thing he had practiced gag reflexes.

"GUYS! You made it!" Louis recognized Liam's voice and turned to see the happily grinning man coming towards them with Danielle tucked under his arm. They cheered and greeted them and Louis gave Danielle a tight hug. He still felt bad about all the rumors about her having appeared only because he'd forced her to dance with him. They chatted for a few moments, just catching up with each other. Louis kept searching for Harry, but his eyes caught on Zayn though, talking to a blonde girl with a small figure. She turned slightly and Louis' eyes widened. Perrie! Little Mix! Zayn had his hand at her waist, chatting smilingly.

"Niall!" he whispered. "Perrie! Little Mix!" He got Niall's attention immediately and looked at where he was pointing. His eyes widened when he saw them and Louis grinned. Niall had always been a fan of her band.

"Zayn is talking to her?" he said in disbelief.

"Yeah, can you believe it? Apparently Zayn like knows her and the band pretty well!" Louis smirked. He bet Niall would want the whole story now. But Louis was impatient. He wanted Harry.

"Liam, have you seen Harry?" he asked.

"He's over there!" he pointed towards a crowd around a table near the kitchen area. Louis squinted and then smiled when his eyes found Harry's tall back. He grabbed Niall's arm and dragged him towards them, leaving Georgia with Danielle. Harry was chatting with someone but Louis couldn't help it, Harry looked good in those jeans. He swatted his arse and he jumped in surprised. Louis grinned at him and expected a laugh and to be hugged. But Harry didn't laugh, just gave him a one-armed side hug and then stepped out of touching distance. Louis' smile fell immediately and he felt a pang of powerful and utter disappointment. What the hell was that?! Of course he realized he couldn't exactly snog Harry in front of everybody at THIS party but what had just occurred was a little absurd wasn't it?

"What's going on? I thought it was going to be a 'small get together'?" he asked as he stood next to Harry, trying to act unbothered.

"Sorry, I know it was supposed to be different but Zayn invited a bunch of people for some reason and then a lot more showed up," Harry shrugged like it was no big deal. Louis didn't like it. Hadn't Harry promised it'd be low-key? He turned back to his friends around the table and Louis couldn't believe what was happening.

"Oh." He said, but he wasn't sure Harry heard because he was already talking to somebody else. He turned to say something to Niall, but found he was talking to a curvy girl with long hair and a lot of eyeliner. Louis frowned. He didn't see Georgia or Danielle anymore and neither did he see Zayn nor Liam. He wasn't even sure he wanted to see Zayn, he was pissed he had ruined things. He was even more pissed Harry didn't seem to care. And even more pissed than that because Harry wasn't paying attention to him. Instead Harry was talking to a lad with nice biceps and blonde half long hair. He was an attractive guy. Harry was talking to him. And not Louis. How nice. Splendid.

Louis with narrowed eyes approached them, tuning into the conversation. He tried to get what they were talking about but didn't really grasp whether they were negative or positive and all was really confusing.

"Don't know about that though..." the guy pondered. "I've heard it's not really good for the-"

"No but I heard its only bad if you do it too much. Can't really decided whether I should use it because I get so sore from it." Harry interrupted. He was talking about becoming sore?!

"It's what's feels the best for you man." He put a hand on Harry's shoulder. Nope, definitely not okay. Louis' mood went from bad to worse. Wasn't it time Louis stepped in? He searched his brain for something to say, just to make it clear he existed, but their conversation was confusing. Harry and the guy that he hadn't even bothered introducing Louis to continued their chat and hey, weren't they standing a tad to closely? Not on Louis' watch. He didn't know what to say. The blonde surfer looking guy was too close to Harry. Talking lowly and closely about being sore (wtf?!) and Harry didn't even seem to noticed how low the guy's hand was resting on his back. Louis needed to say something. Like now. Before the dude was sticking his tongue down Harry's throat. Louis doubted Harry would even notice that. Say something! Something good! The guy was laughing in Harry's ear. Not good. Okay, just say something! ANYTHING AT ALL.

"Yeah, I hear you get dandruff from that."

And he regretted it immediately. Fuck. Just... fuck. They both turned to stare at him. What the hell had he just said? Harry with that confused yet maybe a little fond smile but Louis wasn't sure. The surfer's forehead wrinkled and Harry shook his head slightly, wondering too what Louis had just said. When he didn't have anything more to add, the surfer turned and continued chatting to Harry and fixed his body in a way that Louis was completely excluded from the conversation. Louis just turned away, giving up completely. Fine! Whatever. If Harry rather had some gross guy chatting him up than talking to Louis about dandruff then he would sure as hell leave him to it. He stalked off, not really sure where he was going. It was crowded everywhere and Louis felt even angrier with Zayn now. Why did he have to invite all these people? He repeated, this was supposed to A SMALL GET-TOGETHER. Not a fucking celebrity awards show party for Christ sake. And certainly not a place for ugly ass surfers to steal boyfriends!
Louis bumped into somebody in his furious stalk and looked up just to meet round blue eyes and ginger hair.


The redheaded god chuckled. "Well that's certainly not what I'm used to hearing when people see me."

"I'm...uh...sorry! You're Ed Sheeran!"

"And you are?" he grinned back.

"Louis! Tomlinson!" Oh dear lord he was speaking to the God of Ginger himself. OH LORD.

"Ooh, the Tommo," he smirked. "I see..."

"I love your music! You're brilliant!" Louis didn't have time to deny any Tommo accusations, he needed to speak about this man's music.

"Thank you."

"My favorite is 'Wake Me Up'. It's so beautiful and the lyrics! You just turn something so simple into pure magic. You're brilliant!" Louis complimented generously.

"Wow, thanks. I try," Ed chuckled. "You're an alright lad! But where do you have Harry?"

"Over there," Louis muttered pointing back where he was still chatting with Bicep Surferson.

"Oh. Well, I'm gonna' speak to him. You're alright, Louis. See ya!" Louis stood for a second, stunned. He had just spoken Ed Sheeran. Ace songwriter and God. Christ!

Suddenly Zayn was there, hugging his back. "Hiiii, Louis!!" Louis' mood turned dark again.

"Zayn?" he said. "Are you drunk?" His breath certainly told him so.

"Yes. Maybe," he giggled in his ear.

Louis was impatient. "Zayn, why did you invite tons of people? This is huge!"

"Why not?"

"Why not? This was supposed to be for me and Harry, you twat!"

"What, so you could just cling on each other all night?" Zayn snubbed. "You two are so perfect all the time, like why can't I have a party? Why does it always have to be you-you-you! It's always you and Harry. Always. Touching and being cute and ugh. Let the rest of us have some space to exist!" Louis didn't understand what he was talking about. What was his problem?

"So you just ruined our thing on purpose?!"

"Yes! Now if you excuse me!" he said drunkenly. "Have you seen the blonde hot one?"

"The hot one?" Louis asked, not believing Zayn was actually asking him for help to find Perrie right now.

"Yes. The hot blonde one!" He slurred. "With pretty eyes! How hard can it be, man. Have you seen 'em or no?"

"Fuck you, Zayn."

"Fuck you too." He answered and stalked off. Louis felt like hitting something. For some unexplainable reason Zayn had fucked this thing over and ruined it. Now Harry was talking to some guy who was far hotter than Louis. More suntanned, fitter, taller and had blonde hair and was even older than Louis. It sucked!

Louis made his way over a table where the drinks seemed to be placed. He poured up a big plastic cup and drank greedily. If he was going to survive this night he needed this. He filled it up again and went to lean against a wall. He stood there, just observing people. He counted the celebrities he recognized. He definitely wasn't the life of the party like usual. But also this wasn't what he'd been expecting at all. Maybe he was being grumpy and childish? He didn't care. The fucking one-armed side hug memory was printed into his brain. One-armed. Side hug.

Louis was in the middle of his pouting when there was a hand on his waist and he turned only to find Harry there.

"Hi," Harry whispered in his ear. His breath smelled like beer.

"Hey," Louis muttered grumpily. He took another sip of his drink.

Harry raised his head to make sure nobody was looking and then leaned closer. "I missed you this morning," he whispered and kissed him quickly under his ear. But Louis wasn't having it. So now he had time for him? He stepped out of Harry's reach and sipped on his drink as Harry frowned at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Louis shrugged. "People could see us."

"Nobody's looking, Lou." He tilted his head to the side and made puppy eyes. He pursed his lips suggestively. He wanted a kiss and he looked absolutely adorable. It made Louis even angrier. He scoffed and turned away from him, leaning back against the wall again. Harry came to stand in front of him.

"Lou, what's the matter?" he sighed.

"What's the matter?" Louis glared. "The matter is that this was supposed to be something entirely different and then," he gestured at the scenes around them. "This! What is this? This is not some small get-together! This is a fucking celebrity yearly party meet-up!"


"No, I know! This is Zayn's fault and whatever but you were flirting with some other guy and barely even acknowledged me."

"I wasn't flirting with some guy! Where did you get that?"

"It was in front of my face, Harry!" Louis hissed, actually for once trying not to yell.

"I haven't flirted with anybody," Harry shook his head determinedly.

"But he was flirting with you and do you realized you didn't even say hi to me. You gave me fucking fan hug and then left me."

"You act flirty with everybody too Louis," Harry shook his head and crossed his arms. "And I don't make it such a big deal. I don't care about it."

"You don't make it a big deal? Please Harry, you're the most jealous boyfriend ever! But the problem is that you'd rather flirt with some guy then talk to me when I'm right next to you."

"Louis, I can't act like normally in this crowd."

"I know that!"

"Then why are you mad?" he asked exasperatedly.

"Because this was supposed to be about us!"

"You didn't even know about it until yesterday. How can you be this upset?"

"Just let me be mad okay?" Louis didn't know how to explain this to Harry. It was just anticipation and disappointment mixed in a bowl of fiery feelings.

"I don't understand you, Louis."

"Well fuck you too."

"Are you serious?" Harry asked, eyebrows almost disappearing into his hair.


"Why do you always make everything such a big deal? You're so dramatic all the time, it's exhausting!" Harry shook his head. It hit heart. It did. Harry knew Louis was dramatic. He always had been, he couldn't help it. Harry saying he didn't like it hurt. It did.

"Well, it's who I am. Take it or leave it." He wasn't changing. Not ever, he thought stubbornly.

"What if I leave it?" Harry asked provokingly.

"You're ridiculous, Harry."

"No. I'm serious. Everything is a big deal. I put up with a lot with you, Louis."

"Fine. Do as you please. Leave it." Louis held out his hands.

"Fine. Maybe I will."

"It's up to you, man." Louis raised his eyebrow, expecting an answer. Far back in his brain this was all just a silly and practically harmless fight, but right now he was mad.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Niall not now," Harry said but Louis froze, eyes catching on something in the distance. Oh. Jesus. Christ.

"Niall." He said chokingly. He grasped his arm painfully.

"Ow! What?" Niall complained. Louis pointed through the crowd. Niall's eyes caught who he was staring at and gulped. "Shit..."

"What?" Harry asked, confused and annoyed.

"Turn your clock back two years. Remember why our motto was invented?" Niall managed to get out.

"It's here..." Louis hissed. He swallowed harshly. This could not be happening. He was not ready for this. He hadn't met this guy in almost two years. Tonight was not the night for this. It definitely wasn't. What if he wasn't over it? Well he was but what if this brought everything back? Christ.

"Oh, Lou..." Niall made a sympathetic face as the man got closer.

"What?!" Harry asked impatiently.

"Harry!" He was there. The monster. The traitor. "How are you? It's been a while!"

"I'm good," Harry replied if only a little impassionate about the greeting seeing as he was having an important conversation, but nonetheless gave the guy a hug. Louis was about to throw up. The two people he had ever had feelings for in his life and also slept several times with were hugging. They were friends.

"Niall?" The man asked in surprise and he honestly looked a little scared. Last time they'd seen each other Niall had connected a fist to his jaw. Niall didn't smile back. "What are you doing here? Didn't think this was your scene, how- Oh." His eyes set on Louis. Harry's eyes went between the three, thinking confusedly.

"Louis?" the guy asked, eyes big and sort of in wonder. Louis narrowed his eyes. Yes. It was him, still him, just like two years ago when this guy had fucked him over.

"Yes, you can stop staring, it's me. Surprise. Yay," he said lamely with a tad of bitterness.

"Er.." Harry awkwardly tried to understand how they knew each other. Niall shook his head at him and laid a supportive hand at Louis' back. The lord knew he needed it.

"Yeah..." Louis was trying not to break down and cry, or rather punch him in the face. It wasn't that he wasn't over this man. They had had long love-hate relationship, mostly hate but it had been fun. Somewhere along the way Louis had caught feelings and it had ended really badly. "Hello Nick," he got out through his teeth.

"You know each other?" Harry asked, clearly stunned. Oh did he know Nick. Nick Fucking Grimshaw.

"Um, yeah." Nick nodded. "We had a good run. Didn't we..uh, Louis?"

"Sure," he said curtly.

"How've you been?" He eyed him up and down, taking in his body. Yes, he looked good. He'd worked out since last. Did Nick look a little mournful? Ha.

"Great. Absolutely great. Brilliant even." He talked fast and cut everything short. Safe to say he didn't exactly enjoy talking to him.

"Good," Nick nodded, biting his lip.

"Wait," Harry interrupted. "What do you mean a good run?"

"So now you're interested in what I do?" Louis said and Harry narrowed his eyes at him.

"Well we used to-" Nick started but Louis interrupted quickly.

"NICK AND I have had our days..." he said vaguely. Nick looked confused for a second.

"Okay... Which means?"

"Look, Nick and I aren't friends anymore so," Louis said, grabbing hold of Niall and Harry's arms, trying to drag them away. But Harry didn't budge.

"Wait, Louis. Can we talk?" Nick asked.

"Um, let me think... No."

"Louis! Explain to me!" Harry demanded.

"He doesn't have to explain anything. If anyone here has to explain themselves it's Grimmy here." Niall spat.

"Look! Louis I know I was an idiot but if we talk, and I promise I'm serious this time-"

"Fuck off Nick!" Louis and Niall burst simultaneously. He flinched and Harry just threw his hands in the air.

"Tell me what's going on!"

"Fine!" Louis gave up. "We used to fuck! He led me on and dumped me. Several times. He's a dick. Can we go?!"

Harry stood like frozen. "Wait... what."

"Yes," Louis sighed. It was all humiliating and the fact that they had just been in a fight too didn't make things better.

"Let's leave Lou," Niall said, tugging on Louis and Harry's arms.

"Nope. Not with him. He hasn't made his little decision yet." Louis crossed his arms.

"Huh?" Harry asked. He seemed dazed, like he'd zoned out.

"Are you taking it or leaving it?" Louis raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Harry said determinedly, positioning himself by Louis, glaring at Nick. "Are you serious? You've slept together?"

"Yes," Nick shrugged, a little irritated with Harry's cold façade.

"You slept together?" he repeated, face hard.

"Yes Harry! Why do you even care so much?" Nick sighed exasperatedly.

"No, why do you care? Why do you want to talk to Louis?" Niall asked harshly.

"He's obviously still upset with me. Louis, I just want to clear things up-"

"Things are clear," Harry said. "You can leave."

"Harry what's your problem? We are mates! Why are you acting like this?" Nick wondered. He looked at the two, eyeing how close Harry was standing and how he was positioning his body between Louis and Nick. His jaw dropped. Louis recognized the glint in Nick's eye and he gulped. " you fancy Louis or something?" he smirked. Oh crap.

"I-" Harry said and shifted, awkwardly trying to come up with a response.

"You do." Nick smirked evilly. "How does it feel, Louis?" He wanted to hit him. So freaking badly. He though he could mess around and have fun with this. Louis wasn't going to fall for it anymore.

"Well at least he's better in bed than you." Louis grabbed hold of Harry's arm and pulled him away. Niall was left standing there with crossed arms, glaring at a stunned Nick. Louis felt relieved to see that none of his feelings for him were left, only a satisfying feeling knowing that for once he had been the one leaving a conversation with a smile on his face.

Harry was still upset about the fact that Louis and one of his friends had been sleeping together and Louis couldn't really blame him. He pulled him away through the crowd, stopping by the table of drinks to grab a bottle and dragged Harry to his room. He locked the door and pulled him through, opening the door to the balcony. It was big and had an amazing view you could see through glass walls. But the view wasn't what Louis was interested of. He pushed him down in a nice chair and Harry stared up at him.

"Harry. Our fights are stupid. I'm upset because of this party. You're upset because I'm dramatic. I'm upset because of Nick. You're upset because of Nick and we're both upset because of each other." he said, bottle in hand. "So, let's get drunk and make out instead."



In the morning when Louis woke up, Harry was gone. There was a note on the nightstand though.

"Boo <3
I have an interview but I'll be home soon to kiss you. There's food on the stove, hopefully still warm. Forget what we said yesterday. I love you, I love you, I love you.
- H."

Louis rolled his eyes at the note because it was so typically Harry to be so cheesy and adorable. But he loved it, of course.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Good morning x

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Comfy sheets.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Can somebody tell my boyfriend he better come back to bed soon?

Immediately the answers were there. Since the Keek video of Harry hugging him, Louis' follower number had exploded. He had over half a million. When he'd realized he'd run straight to the bathroom and thrown up.

Ssh they can see us (@myboys1d)
@TheTommo what's your favorite thing about your boyfriend? X14

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
@myboys1d His smell <33 x

With a content smile Louis slowly rolled out of bed. He had a faint memory of Harry telling him his interview was at nine, about two hours ago, which meant he'd probably be home any minute. Tiredly Louis pulled on a par of Harry's old pajama bottoms and let them hang low on his waist. He noiselessly cracked the door open and slowly made his way to the kitchen. The place must had been cleaned by staff because Louis could tell it was already shining even with his eyes barely open. Last night had been a weird night. The fight with Harry that had been consumed by the Nick incident and after that it was all blurry. He felt kind of great this morning though. Nick was someone that was stuffed into a box marked with "things we don't think about" but all of a sudden he'd been there. It felt kind of great that Louis had Harry now. Someone so much better and for once Louis felt like he was winning the break up. It was a childish way to see things but that was what it was like.

He made it to the fridge, scratching at his hip where Harry had planted a mark the previous night, and opened to bring out some milk for tea. He slowly filled the kettle with water and waited for it to heat up. On the stove, as promise, was food. Pancakes and bacon.

"I love him..." Louis smiled sleepily. His tea water finished and he filled his cup. He had a hard time finding the sugar, but eventually found it on the top shelf in the cupboard.

"Great!" he complained. No way was he going to reach that. He leaned up, giving it a try. Nope. Who was he kidding, he was a minion for Christ sake. He clumsily climbed up on the worktop, standing on his knees and leaned up to reach. Just a few inches short. He reached higher, being scarily close to the edge, and after a few thrilling tries he finally at least could touch it. He managed to hook his finger around the edge of the box, slowly pulling carefully, carefully towards the edge. Slowly, not a bad move now. Just a few inches... slow-

"Who the hell are you?" The voice startled him to death. He yelped in surprise and suddenly his balance was off, the sugar box hooked on his finger and he was tumbling backwards, sugar flying all over.

"Holy mother of-" he was caught by sturdy hands mid-fall, but landed either way harshly on the floor, sugar raining down on him like a mad snowfall. He blinked up at the three pairs of eyes that were staring down at him. The voice must have come from the girl, who looked like she was around Louis' age. She had chocolate hair and dimples that felt scarily familiar. He looked at the other two, finding a woman in her forties and an older man with curious eyes. The woman was attractive, long streaks of dark hair, just as the girl, though she was only frowning as the girl was straight out suspiciously scrutinizing him. The man must have been the one to catch him because he was sturdy but had a kind face. His eyes were warm, but he frowned down at him as well. And all in all, they terrified Louis to death.

"How long have you been watching me?" Louis gasped. He brushed some sugar off his naked torso, realizing there was probably sugar in his boxers and hair too.

"Since you strolled into the kitchen looking like you owned the place," the girl said. "Let's get this straight, shall we?" she smiled, but her eyes didn't seem very welcoming. "Who are you? Why are you half naked, why are you wearing Harry's pants and why are you here?"

Louis gulped. Who the fuck were these people? "Who are you?" he choked out.

"I'm Gemma. I'm Harry's sister and this is Anne and Robin."


She picked up a small object that had been standing on the kitchen table all this time, and handed it towards Louis. "Sugar?"

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