By doomedingoldglitter

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NOT MY ORGINAL WORK !!! "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath... More

Chapter One: Unknown
Chapter Two: An Extra Follower
Chapter Three: What Tickles Your Pickle
Chapter Four: Banana Pants (Or As Straight As A Flexible Ruler)
Chapter Five: Well Do You Know Harry Styles?
Chapter Six: Awkward
Chapter Seven: Game On
Chapter Eight: Torry
Chapter Nine: You're Both In The Wrong
Chapter Ten: Bad Damage Control
Chapter Eleven: Not That Kind Of Follower
Chapter Twelve: It's A Very Gay Heaven
Chapter Fourteen: Mean Girls
Chapter Fifteen: A Rough Time
Chapter Sixteen: Field Day
Chapter Seventeen: Signs
Chapter Eighteen: Steps Along The Way
Chapter Nineteen: Unlabeled?
Chapter Twenty: Six Upset People
Chapter Twenty One: I'm Yours
Chapter Twenty Two: Sucker Punch
Chapter Twenty Three: Bye/Bi
Chapter Twenty Four: Because It's You
Chapter Twenty Five: As We Make Up Our Minds, We Come Falling Down
Chapter Twenty Six: Epilogue

Chapter Thirteen: Harvey And Karma

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By doomedingoldglitter

"OH MY GOD!" Louis yelled angrily. He shut the bathroom door again and it closed with a loud bang. His eyes. Eyes. And it was really dark. Was he blind? No, he just had them shut, and for good reason.

"NIALL! GET THAT THING OUT OF OUR BATHROOM!" He bellowed. He stormed into the living room, eyes wide and feeling quite nauseas to be honest.

"That thing has a name," Niall told him. He was lying on the couch, hair ruffled and only wearing sweats.


"When you call her by her name and not by 'it', I will gladly tell her to start using the locks on the bathroom."


"Our shower," Niall pointed out.


Niall raised an eyebrow. "You're not that slow are you?"

"No, but you're not supposed to like her!" Louis whined. No! This was not according to the plan. Niall wasn't supposed to be hooking up with her again. No! "I thought you two were over!"

"Sorry to break it to you," Niall glared. "But we're not."

"Niall." Louis put his hands on either side of his head, trying to get some sense into the boy.

 "Shauna is no good. You're supposed to like boys now. You and me," he pointed between them.

"Team gay."

"I'm not gay!"

"I thought we spoke of this! Have you even tried it out again?"

"Maybe I don't want to test it. Maybe I just want Shauna."

"You can't want Shauna! She is exactly the reason why to keep away from the females that roam this earth. If I got to choose everybody would be gay. But clearly you're not being gay because that," he pointed towards the bathroom. "Is not gay!"

Niall just scowled at him. He continued. "But please if you're gonna' go all 'I'm hetero' then for god's sake pick someone that isn't her! Shauna is horrible. She can add to the list!"

"What list?"



"Lindsay is the list."

"Whatever. I'm not letting go of Shauna. And you have no right to do what you're doing right now. You're really disrespectful and out of line." Niall told him angrily.

"Niall. I hate her."

"Well fuck you then."

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Louis gasped. He was hurt. Hurt.

"No. That would gross." Niall stared at him like wtf man. Louis threw his hands in the air in exasperation.

"Oh my god!"

"Whatever. We're not talking about this anymore."

"Sure we are."


"But she's horrible, Niall!" Louis loudly complained. This wasn't going to happen again. Not under his roof! If he had to chain Niall down and have male strippers dance around him then that would be it.

"Thanks, Louis," a female voice said behind him. He turned swiftly and found Shauna standing there in wet hair and only a towel wrapped around her.

"Hey! That's my towel!"

"You can have it back when I'm done," she waved him off while she made her way to Niall's room.

"Never mind you can keep it. I wouldn't want to get fleas or something!" he called after her.


He'd never looked better. And Louis was laughing inside. Actually it was a lie. Harry had never looked worse. He looked horrible and it was hilarious. Louis had tried to keep a smooth expression but that plan had burst when Harry had put the dress on. It was absolutely ridiculous how much he looked like a drag queen. Louis already had several photos saved on his phone and he was just waiting to upload them to his twitter later.

"I very much regret agreeing to this round of challenges," Harry said mournfully. Louis just laughed. They were in some kind of building that was a secret location for anyone who wasn't in the nearest circles of the website that was interviewing One Direction today, or worked for the boys and modest. Louis had come along to instruct Harry's stylist on what to do with him. Right now Harry was wearing a dress that was supposed to be sexy but honestly just ended up looking awkward and wrong. His face was covered in foundation and there was a lot of lipstick on his lips and his eyebrows were really accentuated. Louis had tried to get him in heels but Harry had straight off refused even though Louis had tried to bribe him with sexual favors.

"You can't back out now. Your interview starts in like three minutes. Plus this is the best thing ever. Your fans will love it too."

"You're planning on reveling in this later, aren't you?" Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Not at all." Yes he was. He was going to make a scrapbook of all the pictures when this was over. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Everybody get seated!" a woman yelled from far away. "Two minutes!"

The woman with purple hair, who was the One Direction stylist and funnily enough was named Lou, quickly did her last on Harry's hair that had been straightened (he looked like a pixie drag) and then let him stand from his seat in front of the mirror.

Harry groaned and reluctantly got up. "I hate you, Lou."

"Shut up, I know you love wearing that dress."

Harry made a face. He looked really uncomfortable. "Kiss for luck?"

"No," Louis stepped back. "Not while you look like that."

"Wow. So it is that bad? Thanks."

"Babe, you look hilarious." He said sweetly. Well as sweetly as he could put that sentence. Harry rolled his eyes again and but then wrapped his arms around Louis forcefully. He tried to get free. He actually fought to get away. It didn't go well. Harry planted a wet kiss on his cheek and then finally let him go. Great. Now he probably had lipstick marks on his face. By the look of Harry's smug face then that was probably the situation.

"Ew!" he complained. "And you can't do that here! What if someone sees?" Louis looked around the spacious room. Lou, the stylist was in a corner, trying to find a way to spray some extra hairspray in Liam's hair without him noticing and there were some other people with clipboards, running around looking for things.

"Don't worry. No one saw a thing. Plus the people that work closest to us already know I'm bi."

"Whatever. Get seated in front of those cameras now." Louis shoved Harry towards the sofa that Zayn was already placed on. It was white and looked expensive, probably cost more than the entire furniture collection in Louis' apartment. Liam came running too and hopped down in the middle between Harry and Zayn. They both knew about this challenge. The interviewer however did not, and the two boys, under Louis' instructions, were going to make this the best yet awkward and hilarious interview ever.

Louis placed himself in a corner behind the cameras, watching from distance how Harry awkwardly crossed his legs in a very womanly manner. Louis snickered. The interviewer, which was a blonde woman in her forties, finally came into the room and her face was priceless. She practically gaped like she had never seen a human being before. How rude.

She sat down and after several concerned looks at her co-workers and the people that worked for modest (who had for god knows what reason had agreed to this), the interview started. It was an interview that was live through the interview hosts' webpage and they were rolling.

"Hi boys!" she said happily. Her voice was still confused and she kept glancing at Harry. In this interview the host was also filmed, which was a major plus. Her reaction would be the best part.

The guys cheered at her and she smiled back. The woman politely introduced herself as Caroline and she was clearly confused by the way the boys were acting, like this was just a typical interview, nothing out of the normal going on.

"Okay, before we go on. Harry, can I ask you about your, um...?" she nodded at him suggestively.

"Hm?" Harry asked, actually making a good job out of looking confused. Caroline looked a bit nervous.

"Your, uh, style?"

"Style?" Harry frowned.

"Yes, style."

"It's 'Styles'," Zayn whispered loudly to the interviewer. Louis laughed out loud. Caroline looked like she wanted to go away. It was the best.

"I meant, um, your outfit?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry! I couldn't find any shoes that matched. I hope it's not weird that I'm barefoot, is it?" Harry asked worriedly. Dear lord, the face on that woman.

"Uh, I..." Caroline stuttered. Someone out of the camera angle waved for her to go on. "Well, no not all. As you please." She cleared her throat. "Let's continue then, shall we?"

"Of course," Liam nodded seriously. Louis was planning on giving him an award later for playing this so cool. Zayn was trying really hard on the other side of the sofa.

"So you're working on your next album right now, right?"

"Yes, we are. It's going great," Liam told her.

"Can you reveal anything about it?"

"I guess you could say it's going to be a bit different," Harry said. The woman eyed his dress worriedly.

"Different how?" she asked hesitantly.

"Maybe a little more adult." Harry righted his dress where it had slid up along his thigh.

"Alright..." Caroline nodded slowly.

"Are you Louis Tomlinson?" said a voice to Louis' right. Startled he turned and found himself looking up into the grey eyes of an older man. He had wrinkles circling his eyes, his hair was grey and thinning a bit, and he wore jeans and a tucked in button down.

"Yes?" Louis answered nervously. Was that man here to kick him out or something?

"I'm Harvey." He extended a hand and Louis shook it hesitantly. "I'm head of the Modest team that works with One Direction." Oh. OH.

"H-hi." I'm dead, Louis thought. I'm so dead. This could not be good.

"You've caused quite a fuzz on the Internet, haven't you Louis?" He said casually. Kill me.

"I guess?" he answered nervously. Harvey leaned back against the wall next to Louis, calmly observing the three boys on the couch being interviewed. Louis tried to seem relaxed too, but inside he was almost freaking. Modest. Famous modest was talking to him. He was meeting Modest. And where was Harvey going with this? What if he said Louis wasn't allowed to see Harry anymore? What if–

"You know I've known about you since the moment Harry mentioned you on Twitter for the first time."

Oh. "Really?" Stay calm. Stay calm.

"We've observed and we did research on you. We know pretty much everything there is on you, Louis." Okay, so he was definitely banned from seeing One Direction ever again. And how could this man talk so calmly about that? It was pretty much like "Hey. I stalk you."

"How very FBI of you," Louis said uncomfortably.

"Honestly from what I've see and learned about you, I think you're a pretty decent lad." Oh.

Louis hesitated. "Thanks?"

Harvey just nodded thoughtfully. "But if this is going to work there are just a few things for you to think about."

"If what is going to work?" he replied suspiciously.

"I've known Harry is bisexual since day one." Harvey said seriously. Woah. What? Maybe Louis should take the time to find out more about Harry's career and work life. Honestly when he thought about it, he didn't know anything. All he knew was that One Direction was famous, Harry was hot, the boys were funny and they did interviews and sang well and had tours. He knew nothing about their relationship with Modest. Who knew that they actually knew about Harry's sexuality?

"He was very clear about it after X factor," Harvey continued. "I asked him if he wanted to come out. He said no." WOAH. Shocker! For real. What the crap?

"No?" Louis replied. Hold up. It was a little hard to breathe. Why didn't Louis know about this? He had always thought Modest was keeping him from coming out. Louis had read things from people who believed One Direction's management was keeping them in the closet. Woah.

"Yes. He didn't want to be labeled, he said. Every time I've asked him since, whenever there is a good time for him to come out, he's said no. He's never wanted it. Every time we talked about it he's never said yes." He paused. "Not until this time."

Louis' eyes wandered over to Harry. He hadn't wanted to come out? Why now? What if everything went to hell? Louis swallowed.

"Do you really think it's a good idea?" he asked Harvey, concerned. "What about sells and media and stuff?"

"Actually I don't think it will mess too much up. We'll say he's bisexual as he claims to be, but honestly I think he's gay. He just won't admit it," he rolled his eyes and Louis immediately liked him after that. "And by saying that he's bi, it means that he's still interested in girls. The fans won't lose hope that they might end up with one of the boys and there still would be one guy who is single right?"

"Yeah I guess..." Louis frowned. It could work. "But what about me? And what things did I have to think about?"


"Twitter?" He was confused.

"My team at Modest is here to make sure the band sell well and to keep up their almost flawless reputations and etcetera. We don't want the boys associated in too many situations that are considered disgraceful."

Louis narrowed his eyes. What was this guy suggesting? Louis' keen feelings towards this man seemed to fade a bit. "Okay?"

"Some things that you write on your account could fit in to that category." Oh really. "So what I suggest is that you tone it down."

"Tone it down?" Louis said coldly. "You're saying I'm disgraceful?" He crossed his arms. He wasn't changing his twitter. No way.

"Don't be upset, Louis."

"Actually it's Mr. Tomlinson," Louis said turning his head away. Who did he think he was? And could the interview finish anytime soon?!

Harvey rolled his eyes and stepped in front of Louis, staring down at him. "I don't mean to offend you, but your tweets often are offensive towards something or someone. And you tweet a whole lot about partying and drinking which isn't good publicity."

But that was what Louis' tweets were pretty much about. Well, they used to be. Before it was all about Louis' and Niall's adventures and the fun they had. Now everything was about Harry and One Direction and nowadays he could barely find any responses from his old original followers. If he "toned down" that kind of stuff then it would all just be about One Direction. It would be directioners clogging his mentions (as if they didn't already) and it wouldn't be the Tommo's account anymore.

"It is for the best of One Direction you know?" Harvey raised an eyebrow. "And Harry." Louis sent him a piercing stare.

"You're guilt tripping me?" Louis hissed.

"It's for your relationship. It's the best for Harry." Harvey said seriously.

Louis glared at him, knowing he was right. But he hated that. Damn Modest, why were they right. He internally sighed. His eyes flicked towards Harry again. He was in that skimpy dress, looking like a fool, the boys still making the interviewer extremely uncomfortable. But it was Harry. Harry with his curls, Harry with his dimples and kind, sweet Harry. What wouldn't he do for him? It was just a twitter account after all.

"Maybe I could tone it down a little," Louis muttered reluctantly. Harvey seemed happy with this.

"Great! Oh and if you ever come to one of the shows again. Do not ever go on stage." Louis made a face at him. "Pleasure, talking to you Louis." He said and left Louis leaning against the wall by himself.

"HEY! It's Mr. Tomlinson!" he called after him.


"Well, isn't he just special!" Louis said behind the recording phone. He was making a Keek clip for the twitter followers to update on the challenges. Harry was walking towards him, having just come out of the changing room. His long legs were in black, tight jeans, and a red knitted sweater hung on his upper body. He had some left over make up on his face and his straightened hair ruffled and put into a bandana just to make it look decent enough. But sweet Jesus was he pretty.

Harry laughed as he came up close to the shot and gave it a dimpled smile. "Was I good or was I good?"

"I'd say a D," Louis smirked, the phone still recording.

"A D?!" Harry gasped, pretending to be offended.

"Fine, maybe a C then."

"I believe an A is in order," Harry raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"Maybe Liam can have an A. You might pass for a B."

"I hate you," Harry pouted into the screen. Louis laughed. The time on the clip was running out.

"Stop being cute," Louis complained. Harry pretended to wipe a tear away. "Fine! I'll give you an A!"

"Yaaay!" Harry cheered and pulled Louis into an unexpected hug. Louis laughed, hugging him back closely. He pulled back smilingly.

"Well, aren't you special." He murmured to him. Harry grinned back happily.

"Are you still filming?" Harry asked quietly. Louis looked down at his phone, suddenly remembering it was there and shook his head. "Good," Harry smiled and leaned down. Louis forgot about everything. Harry's lips were against his, soft and sweet. This would never get old. He could kiss him forever.

But Harry broke the kiss all too quickly. His arms were linked around Louis' waist and Louis stood on his toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I met Modest." Louis told him quietly.

"Oh." Harry frowned. "Harvey?"

"Yeah. Apparently I'm bad publicity and offensive on Twitter."

"They said that?" Harry said, dismayed.

"Pretty much. If you and me are gonna' work out I apparently have to stop writing about parties and drinking."

"Well," Harry hesitated. "I don't want you to change it but getting drunk all the time isn't a exactly a very ideal role model."

"What do you mean getting drunk all the time?" Louis glared at him.

"Baby I'm not saying you do. I know you don't, but reading through your twitter it isn't very hard to believe so," he said softly.

"But what I do shouldn't reflect on you. That sucks." It really did suck. When they "came out" One Direction's fans would look up to him like they did to Liam's girlfriend Danielle, and his behavior would reflect on Harry. That sucked. Whatever he did, that was him, not Harry, but obviously that wouldn't matter because they would be connected.

"Yeah but that's how it is."

"I'll tone it down, but I'm not changing anything else about it." Louis said determinedly.

"That's okay," Harry nodded. He leaned down and kissed him sweetly on the lips.

Liam appeared around a corner in the small corridor. "Might want to do that later," he said, pointing behind him. "Interview staff coming around the corner soon," he informed.

"Great," Louis sighed. Harry let go of Louis and they reluctantly parted as the blonde Caroline woman came walking down the small hallway, talking with Harvey. The interviewer eyed Harry suspiciously as they walked by and Harvey nodded at Louis. Louis suppressed the urge to flip him off.


The Tommo (@TheTommo)
I hope you've all seen the interview 1d did this morning. Here's Harry after the challenge!!XqyUpl2_4


Jennifer Kalitta (@Kalitta111)
@TheTommo @Harry_Styles OMFG Harry you're so adorable!!!

Follow me 5sos!! (@Lukespenguin_)
@TheTommo You're voice is really special. I like it.

Jackie March (@JMarcher)
@TheTommo What accent is that?

Gloria (@SouthernDrawlYo)
@TheTommo @JMarcher That's Doncaster right? My friend is from there...

Heartbreak Girl (@Livefor1D)
@TheTommo @Harry_Styles Asdjhgsn !!!! You are adorable! Did you hug at the end?!?

Louise Styles (@LetMeKissYou)

Torry is real – accept (@TommoXX)

Hilda Olsen (@JustDoItZarry)
@TheTommo @TommoXX Just because they freaking hugged doesn't mean it's real. You don't even know Tommos real name or what he looks like. Fuck off.



"I'm going to become fat if I continue going to the coffee shop every day," Elle complained over the phone to Jenna. They had been there literally every day, just in case Tommo would be there. They did their homework there every day after school, and they brought their friends there to hang out (of course they didn't tell the reason) and it was kind of exhausting at times. Some days he wasn't even there.

They'd found out several things about Tommo.
His last name was Tomlinson
He fights with that Lindsay girl all the time though they seem to like each other
She calls him Lewis
His name was probably Lewis Tomlinson
His best friend's name was Niall
N on his twitter was probably Niall
A guy named Darren was crushing on him
Tommo most likely comes from Doncaster

Honestly Elle felt ashamed. She really was a stalker.

"Yeah," Jenna agreed. "Me too. But think about all the stuff we've learned."

"I know."

"Should we confront him?"

"Maybe we should keep under the radar a bit. I don't want him to know I'm stalking him," Elle winced at just the thought.

"You mean stop going to the shop?"

"Just go less."

"I guess you're right. I mean we know now. They most certainly are dating," Jenna said determinedly.

"But I want to see them together."

"So do I."

"Continue stalking more distantly?" Elle suggested.



"Call you later, Boo." Harry pecked him on the lips before Louis climbed out of the black SUV outside his building. They'd been at Zayn's with Liam, just hanging out and chilling after the morning interview and Harry was now dropping him off before going to some dinner/charity event with the boys.

"Bye, love," he waved. He swiftly punched in the code to the building and got in elevator. Everything was going so smoothly with Harry. Modest had agreed to them coming out, the relationship was going amazingly easy and Harry himself was pretty much perfect. It was all great. The only thing that wasn't going well was the Shauna situation. Niall was angry with him. He was deliberately not taking his calls and hadn't even spoken to him this morning. Louis knew he would get over it in time but it was still disturbing.

"Woah!" Louis exclaimed as the elevator abruptly came to a stop. He tried to keep his balance but failed and after hitting his elbow into the wall, he found himself flat-faced on the floor.

"Great!" he complained loudly. "Brilliant!" He said, wincing at the pain that ached through his arm. The lights were off in the lift too, and he confusedly sat up. He leaned up, trying the buttons. The reaction. The power was off.

"Oh for Christ sake!" Louis slumped back against the wall. Why. Just...why. Was he being punished for something he wasn't aware of what, or?

He picked up his phone. No service. Great! But look! Hey, there's wifi!

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
I'm stuck in an elevator

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
If someone could send a hot fireman to my building that would be good

Louis sighed. How long was he going to be stuck here? He couldn't call Harry because well, he had no service and he was at some celebrity thing. And Darren was a no option, Stan was over in France for the weekend and there really weren't that many options left. He only had one choice.
Through Facebook messages he reluctantly tapped out to Niall.

-I'm stuck in our elevator
-I know
-Well are you going to help me out?
-Niall, I could die in here
-Right now I don't care
-For once get yourself out of your own messes
-This isn't my fault!
-Consider it karma.
-Just because you're mad at me bc of the girl doesn't mean you should leave me to starve to death

Louis leaned on his arm. "Fuck!" he exclaimed. It hurt.

-And I think I've broken my arm.
-What can I say karma's a bitch
-Like you then. Can you please PLEASE get me out
-On one condition
-If you go on a date with me and Shauna
-Never in your wildest dreams.
-You, me and Shauna.
-It'll be the best night ever.
-Please no
-Do it or you won't get out

No fucking way. Hell to the N O.

-Can I at least bring someone???
-You can't bring Harry. You'll just make out and you won't learn your lesson
-I could bring Zayn! Please??
-But I'd be the third wheel!
-Yes you would and that's the only condition.
-Then have fun in the lift.

"CRAP!" Louis yelled out in utter annoyance.



It was two in the morning. His phone was making noises. Shut. Up. It continued anyway. He groaned and picked it up. Facebook messages.

-Get me out
-I'll do it
-Just get me out

Niall snickered. Louis had made it four hours in that elevator. Niall had observed his misery via twitter. Niall sighed, still grinning and found the number to the landlord in his phone book.

"Hello," a voice grumbled tiredly.

"Hey. It's Niall Horan from 2B. The gay one is stuck in the elevator."

"I'll call someone," the landlord yawned.

"Sure," Niall answered sleepily.

-I called.
-They'll get you in the morning.

Niall decided he could leave Louis to worry for a bit. He put his phone on mute.

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