By doomedingoldglitter

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NOT MY ORGINAL WORK !!! "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath... More

Chapter One: Unknown
Chapter Two: An Extra Follower
Chapter Three: What Tickles Your Pickle
Chapter Four: Banana Pants (Or As Straight As A Flexible Ruler)
Chapter Five: Well Do You Know Harry Styles?
Chapter Six: Awkward
Chapter Seven: Game On
Chapter Eight: Torry
Chapter Nine: You're Both In The Wrong
Chapter Ten: Bad Damage Control
Chapter Twelve: It's A Very Gay Heaven
Chapter Thirteen: Harvey And Karma
Chapter Fourteen: Mean Girls
Chapter Fifteen: A Rough Time
Chapter Sixteen: Field Day
Chapter Seventeen: Signs
Chapter Eighteen: Steps Along The Way
Chapter Nineteen: Unlabeled?
Chapter Twenty: Six Upset People
Chapter Twenty One: I'm Yours
Chapter Twenty Two: Sucker Punch
Chapter Twenty Three: Bye/Bi
Chapter Twenty Four: Because It's You
Chapter Twenty Five: As We Make Up Our Minds, We Come Falling Down
Chapter Twenty Six: Epilogue

Chapter Eleven: Not That Kind Of Follower

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By doomedingoldglitter


"Jenna, are you sure about this?" Elle said to her, trailing behind where they were walking. "I feel like a major stalker!"

"Do you want to find out who Tommo is or not?"

"Yeah, I do." Elle sighed. "But this is so creepy."

"We're here now. It's too late to go back," Jenna said determinedly. Elle gave up on her feeble attempts. They were walking between the buildings of the university. It was midmorning, which meant there were a lot of people running around campus. Jenna and Elle had skipped their classes just for the slight chance of maybe getting a clue to who the mysterious Tommo was. They had looked up online when the drama classes were and they had taken the bus there.

"Okay, let's start!" Jenna said, if only a slight bit hesitant. She looked around, trying to find someone who looked like a partying type of person, seeing as the Tommo apparently partied a lot and seemed to be one of the loud people.

"Let's ask him," Elle said, pointing at a guy with a hoodie and earphones hanging out of his pocket. His hair was dark and he was kind of tan. His body was tall and he had rugged shoulders.

"Hi!" Jenna said cheerily to him. He looked back confusedly but smiled nonetheless.


"Can I ask you a question?" Jenna said, Elle trailing behind, feeling a tad awkward. "Do you know where the classes are if you're studying to become a drama teacher?"

"Uh, yeah," he nodded towards a big building about a hundred yards away. "Over there."

"Thank you! And oh, do you know anyone who goes by the name Tommo?" She watched his eyes grow darker, kind of sad and then he shook his head. "Are you sure?" she prompted.

"Yeah. Later," he said to them and strolled off. Jenna eyed his back suspiciously. "He looked like he knew."

"Can we please continue?" Elle urged. "I'd like to get back to school."

"Fine, come on then." They made their way over to the building the guy had pointed at. They opened the big door and let themselves in. The place looked like a normal school but with high ceiling and marble floor. Right in front of the entrance was a wide staircase, leading up to the second floor. Jenna and Elle asked around for a bit and found out where the classroom was.

Luckily it was on the first floor. They had put heels just so they wouldn't look so short among the older people. They were both only seventeen and the rest of the people around here was probably around their twenties.

They found the classroom and in the hallway people were hanging around, talking and laughing. Jenna eyed the crowds. "He should be here. Their class starts in like..." she looked at her watch, "three minutes."

"I don't know. He sounds like a ditcher." Elle said, frowning. It was morning after all, so maybe he'd decided to skip? She couldn't find anyone who fit the description among the crowds. No one looked very much like the Tommo they had pictured in their minds. No one was wearing striped or Tom's or looked very gay to be honest. Not to use stereotypes but still. No one looked like expected.

A man that looked like the teacher came striding through the hallway and Jenna groaned. Damn it. Tommo hadn't showed up yet. Or he was in this crowd, just looking like nothing they would've thought.

"Good day, class," the man cheered and they answered with different hello's. The students began pouring into the classroom while the teacher held up the door.

"WAIT!" a loud voice bellowed through the corridor. Jenna's head snapped around and watched a boy come running through the hallway. He was wearing Tom's and red pants that had been curled up at the bottom, revealing his ankles. He wore a snug white shirt and cardigan on top. His hair was caramel and feathery, styled in a nice fringe and his skin tanned although flustered in this moment. Yes, Jenna thought. Yes, yes, yes.

"PROFESSOR DUNCAN!" he yelled, and the teacher turned his head and sighed at sight of the running boy. "Don't you dare close that door before I'm inside, Prof!"

"Tomlinson, why are you always late?" the teacher said, shaking his head but with a glint of fondness in the eye.

"Tomlinson?!" Elle whispered to Jenna. "TOMlinson!" She bit her cheeks not to scream.

"I promise I have a valid reason this time!" the boy said.

"And what might that be?" Professor Duncan wondered with a tone of exasperation and not believing the reason was going to be very valid at all. The guy had long since run past the two girls and was now by the door, his bag sliding off his shoulder.

"My boyfriend was giving me a blowjob so I had to be late," Tomlinson told the teacher, a little breathless from the running, a cheeky smirk on his face. He went inside and the teacher rolled his eyes.

"Oh my fucking god," Jenna half screamed to Elle.

"Girls? Are you in my class?" The question was directed at them.

"No, sir," Elle answered, trying to keep calm. The professor closed the door behind him.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" Jenna exploded.


Class was boring. Real fucking uninteresting. He'd heard it all before. Sure, he liked his professor, they had a sweet little love/hate relationship and the classmates were alright, but he loathed repetitive work. He liked it when everything was new and exciting, it kept things interesting. This however, was not.

His mind drifted to the last days. After his little mistake on twitter, that wasn't actually that bad if you thought about it, Torry shippers were confused. It was a good thing. Honestly, he didn't really understand the big fuzz about him. The only things that could lead to the assumption that Louis and Harry could be together was the picture of Harry leaving the club with someone unknown a certain night, and Louis tweeting the day after that he'd gotten laid and that he knew something nobody else did. Other than that, nothing. How could this be so big? Oh yeah right, and Harry followed him a few days later. But apart from that there wasn't really anything for them to go on! How could this be such a big deal?

Something occurred to Louis. If people had been so fast to assume Harry was dating the Tommo, there obviously had to have been some suspicion of him not being completely straight before, right? It was crazy that people would just immediately believe Harry was dating someone of the same sex just out of nowhere, without any proof whatsoever. Okay, Louis had to admit when he'd watch some of the One Directions videos before to get up to date with the whole 1D madness, Harry had some moments that didn't look particularly stereotype-ishly straight. He had also notice other things. Harry didn't use gender specification. When asked what asked what he looked for in girls, he always answered with words like "the person", "that someone" or "like somebody", or once even "if you like someone, you like 'im." It could be taken as either him or 'em, or them, but Louis saw it as a slip up, believing Harry had meant "him".
So maybe people already kind of new Harry wasn't as into girls? Well, to the media he was as straight as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother (if you looked away from the fact that they actor was gay), but some people knew. This kind of gave Louis a little bit of hope. If people already knew and had accepted it, hence the Torry situation, then if Harry wanted to come out later, it wouldn't be as bad as they thought?

"Tomlinson, I'd like you back in my classroom, please," Duncan said sternly, eyeing him where Louis was sitting, staring out the window in the row to the left. He jerked in his seat, startled at the interruption of his thoughts. Some of the class snickered and he gazed at the teacher.

"You know, Prof, it's not nice to awake the sleeping," he said with a cheekily.

"Attitude," Duncan chastised, raising a grey, bushy eyebrow. Louis rolled his eyes and concentrated on the class. Finally they were let out of there. He trailed behind the group, Duncan pointing at him his lovely teaching stick, like "I'm watching you, kid" and Louis warmly rolled his eyes at him. His phone started ringing and he picked it up, smirking at the screen.

"Well, well," he said as he walked down the hallway, passing two girls that stood leaned against the wall. "It's been just over an hour and already you're tearing at your hair, screaming and crying because you miss me."

"Ha-ha," Harry said on the other side of the line.

"What's up?"


Louis snickered. "So you did miss me," he smirked, feeling his chest warm. Harry was adorable.

"Shut up," he answered, sounding like he was blushing and Louis could perfectly imagine how his cheeks turned pink and how he swept his hair away in embarrassment and how that one dimple would turn up at his flustered smile. Sigh. "But I did..."

"Where are you now?" Louis asked. He only had one class this day and he was heading home before work.

"At your place?" Harry said.

"Still? Don't you have work or something better to do? Oh dear, don't tell me you're lying in my bed smelling the sheets or something equally creepy. If anything you should go wash those. I don't want to sleep in them after last night," he said with a smirk as he slipped out the door of the school, holding it open for the two girls who were trailing behind him.

"I'm not smelling the sheets!" Harry protested. "But I'm in your bed, still undressed..."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Haven't you made breakfast for our baby yet?"

"He's not up yet," Harry told him. "And I think he's a little scared of me because I said I'd kill him. You'd think he would've understood I wasn't serious. Well, maybe a little serious."

"I'm sure if you treat him well with coffee and pancakes he'll love you again." Louis strolled across campus, making his way towards the streets outside.

"Maybe I'll bribe him with some bacon too."

"You do that."

"Or I could simply stay in bed and wait here naked for you."

"Hey now, babe. Being dirty minded, are we?"

"Only a little bit..."

"Well, if you're lucky you might get a kiss when I get home..." Louis murmured into the phone.

"Really? What else?" Harry's voice was low and deep, making Louis want to run home and attack him. Why was his boyfriend so unbelievably sexy? Then something came to mind.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD," he exclaimed. "IF YOU'RE JERKING OFF TO THIS I'M KILLING YOU!" He heard a squeak behind him.

Harry laughed into the phone. "I'm not," he said. "But then again I could be..." Louis turned around, finding the two girls he'd held up the door to only two yards away. He knew they had heard what he'd just said. He gave them a wave and smirked at their shocked faces.

He turned again and made it onto the sidewalk outside of campus. "Babe, if you could hold that thought for about fifteen minutes, I'll be right there with you."

"Sounds good to me. Plus you owe me for this morning."

"So now we owe each other things?" Louis said. "In that case I'd say that if we're counting blowjobs then you're still down by a lot. I've had my lips around you far more times than you've been around me." Louis wondered if it was actually okay to talk like this in the streets. Could he be arrested for like...sexual...verbal...ism?

"Well, technically but if –"

"I'm going to stop you right there, babe. We will have this conversation when I get home, but right now I'm calling in a cab so please don't say sexual things or I'll be thrown out of the taxi for speaking back to you." Louis waved at a passing cab and it turned into the curb. He didn't notice how the two girls that were following him did the same thing.



"I'm sort of dying here," Elle said, resting her head in hand, elbow on the table. They had followed the obviously gay guy home, receiving a very weird look from the taxi driver when they'd asked him to follow another cab. Jenna apparently hadn't realized that stalking was kind of frowned upon.

They were sitting in a café across the street from a building they had seen the guy slip into. They had ordered something to eat, as they hadn't known how long "Tomlinson" was going to be in there.

"Same," Jenna sighed. It had been an hour and a half. It was getting ridiculous. Maybe they should just come back another day?

"Do you really believe this is the Tommo?" Elle asked, a slight frown on her forehead. She couldn't help the doubt in her mind. How did they know Tommo and Harry were even dating. Tommo had said he had a boyfriend and Harry had said he was single. It didn't add up. She expressed her thoughts to Jenna who only shook her head.

"Do you really think their management would let Harry say that he's dating someone, especially a guy?"

"Well, no."

"And that guy we're following, he wears red pants and is sassy and gay. And he talks on the phone with someone who is obviously his boyfriend. And oh, his last name is 'Tomlinson'!"

"But what about that N guy? That could easily be his boyfriend," Elle argued. She didn't want it to be true but still.

"Whatever. Let's just see what happens."

It took twenty minutes.

"Oh my fucking God!" Elle screamed. Luckily the place was nearly empty although the waitress looked at them in shock. Tears streamed down Elle's cheeks and Jenna was jumping up and down like an idiot. Out of the freaking building that Tomlinson had gone into, out came no other than their biggest idol. Harry fucking Styles.

"I'm going to die!" Jenna screamed. Elle continued to cry, grasping her hair. Jenna didn't know what to do. Harry was wearing his signature black and tight jeans, a thick knitted shirt and his curls thrown into a beanie. He looked flushed and a smiled was on his lips. He was even more beautiful in reality. He looked around from side to side and then hastily climbed into a black car that was parked outside the building. It drove off.

"I'm in pain. PAIN!" Jenna cried. Elle was still shaking with tears. The waitress continued to stare at them.

Only two minutes later, out came two guys. They recognized one of them as Tomlinson, now wearing different clothes. The other boy, they hadn't seen before. He was slightly taller than Tomlinson and his hair was nicely colored blonde. His smile was everlasting and he wore white shoes and black jeans. They began strolling down the street.

Jenna grabbed Elle by her arm and they flung their jackets over their arms and ran out the shop.


"I'm not really sure about this," Louis said, frowningly staring at the greyish looking, cold lake. He was already freezing where he stood half naked in swimming trunks. It was late March. March!

"Shut up, do you want him to wear a dress or not?" Niall nodded over to the other side of the lake where Harry was with his phone in hand, ready to record the second Louis would jump in. It was early morning and not many people were around. Louis had been dragged out of bed by an early rising Niall who had begged for some fun. Fun as in watching Louis get pneumonia.

"Yeah," Louis sighed. He really did want to see Harry dress up and embarrass himself, mostly for the reason that Harry didn't believe for a second that Louis would actually go through with this.

"Well, then go ahead!" Niall gestured at the lake. Louis wrinkled his nose in displeasure. The morning was kind of foggy, the sky was grey and clouded and honestly the lake didn't look very fresh or slightly clean at all.

"I don't wanna'," Louis whined.

"If you don't I will push you in," Niall threatened. Louis continued whining but took a reluctant step closer. He saw Harry on the other side, dressed in a warm jacket and he could almost even tell from this distance that he was smirking. Bitch.

"Are you ready or what?" Harry's yelled over the lake.

"Don't push it, bitch!"

"Don't be such a puss! Jump in!" Harry retorted and Louis narrowed his eyes. No one called the Tommo a pussy.

"I swear to god, if he messes up and happens to forget to press record, I will kill him," Louis said through his teeth to Niall.

"Look, are you going to do it anytime soon, because I'm freezing my ass off here. Hurry up!" Niall complained.

Louis slowly turned to him. "Are you being serious right now?" Louis glared where he was standing in nothing but trunks. "YOU are freezing?" If looks could kill then Niall would be in a grave right now.

"I'm gonna' go stand over there by Harry..." He quickly moved away from Louis and jogged off around the lake and took place on the other side. Louis whined internally and stared at the cold water as if in pain.

"COME ON LOUIS!" Niall yelled.

"I'm pressing record! It's now or never!" Harry added and held up the phone.

"Fuck you both!" Louis cursed them. He took the last steps and screamingly jumped in. He thought he was going to die. DIE. No, seriously this time. His limbs were immediately aching with cold and his lungs were heaving unnaturally. He gasped for air while loudly cursing Niall and Harry who were laughing like idiots. Louis threw himself out of the lake, screaming.

"I THINK I'M GOING TO PASS OUT. I HATE YOU!" He could only hear answering laughter. His body was dripping with icing with water, limbs shaking like crazy. Seriously, his lips felt like they were blue and his movements felt rigid. God, where were the clothes he'd brought? He swirled around, desperately searching. They were nowhere to be found!

"Where the fuck are my clothes?!" He yelled. A woman walking her dog stared at him as if he were crazy. Well, if you'd just swum in lake in freezing cold and didn't have any clothes, you'd be looking like this too, bitch.

He heard the two idiots' laughter increase on the other side and he stopped dead. He slowly turned around and found them holding up his clothes provokingly. Harry was still filming.

"HAROLD YOU'RE DEAD!" he screamed.


"It's your fault," Louis said and coughed. He was tucked in bed, the duvet up to his chin and a cup of warm tea was placed on his nightstand. Harry was lying on top of the covers next to him and stroked his forehead.

"I know. I'm sorry, baby." He said softly.

"I'm sick because of you."

"Sorry." Harry pressed a soft kiss at his temple. Louis sighed, contentedly. If being sick meant being covered in Harry-kisses then it was pretty alright. Except for the cough that the cold water had caused him.

Harry had posted the Keek video yesterday and now fourteen million people, plus Louis' seven thousand (the followers he called HIS and who were his precious originals) had seen Louis bathe in a lake together with ducks. As Harry had filmed from the other side of the lake, nobody was able to tell what he looked like, although his vocabulary of bad words had been very exposed. People had enjoyed the clip and Louis was certainly going to enjoy Harry's challenge in return.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
I hope you're all happy with the challenge because now I'm sick. Thanks @Harry_Styles

He tweeted from his phone with Harry resting his head on his duvet-covered shoulder. Harry's eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep. He looked pretty. His cheek was mushed up against Louis and his one eye was scrunched together with his eyebrow. His curls weren't as curly as usual but his hair was soft and kind of fluffy. Louis resisted the urge to type out about Harry's adorable position on his shoulder to the twittersphere.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
In lack of things to tweet as I am sick, I can tell u that a few days ago 2 people confessed they were in love with me on the same day

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Tragically I had to turn them both down. Sad day in history... But what can I say, I'm a very lovable person I guess.

"Who told you they were in love with you?" Harry asked, voice low and with his brows slightly furrowed.

"Darren, and the other one is confidential," Louis said. He didn't want to share Niall's secrets. He wasn't sure how Niall felt about it all just yet. He wasn't even sure the blonde would even explore the new side. In that case it would just be pointless to say something.

"Darren said he was in love with you?"


"And you turned them both down..." he trailed off.


"For me?"

"Of course for you."

"Hmm," Harry mumbled. He softly pressed a kiss to Louis' clad shoulder. Louis sighed. He was really happy right now. There was soft music playing in the background from Louis' shitty stereo, there was a Harry on his shoulder and he was very cozy and warm. And there was a Niall in the flat somewhere. That was kind of nice knowing too.

He thought about the tweet he'd just sent. Darren had told him he loved him. He hadn't felt it back. Niall had told him the same thing, although he wasn't really genuine now was it, but still. He hadn't felt it back. Harry pressed against his side though... He could really imagine himself being in love with him. He wondered if he was already? He had never felt like this before, how should he know? And if he felt it... did Harry feel it back or was this some kind of reversed piece of shit story?

"Haz?" he asked lowly.


"When are you going to tell me you love me?" he asked.

Harry chuckled in a low voice. "Well, you're kind of outright, aren't you?"


"I don't know," Harry answered the question honestly.

"Would you do it right now?" he asked, almost a whisper.

"I think maybe I could."

"Maybe you shouldn't?" Louis said, letting his fingers card slowly through Harry's dark chocolate hair.


"Maybe it's not time yet."

Harry thought about it for a second. "Maybe not."

"There will be time."

"Yeah," Harry sighed.

"Whenever you're ready, Haz."

"Whenever you're ready," he replied simply.

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