Shifted: Male Reader x DC Fan...

By PandaManWrites

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The year is 3088. The world is in ruins and everyone has lost hope, except for one person. In the year 2022... More

The Future
The Future (Part 2)
The Past
The Past (Part 2)
Year 0 (Part 1)
Year 0 (Part 2)
Year 0 (Part 3)
Cold, Cold Heart (Part 1)
Cold, Cold Heart (Part 2)
The Man of Steel
City in Flames

Cold, Cold Heart (Part 3)

27 0 0
By PandaManWrites

You take the elevator up. You contact Ethan.

"Hey, Oracle," you say.

"Yo. You know we can hear everything you say, right? Why are you praising Lady Shiva so much? She literally tried to kill you an hour ago," Ethan asks.

"She's hot," you respond, jokingly.

"Really? That's it?"

"No. She was the closest to killing me with skill alone. I'm just honoring her skill," you answer.

"Alright... So what did you want?" Ethan asks.

"I defeated one of Penguin's elites, his nephew Osprey. Alert the GCPD and let them know where I am, and make sure they have special suits to protect from subzero temperatures. Some floors have Cryo vapors, some don't," you explain.

"Alright. You about to face Mister Freeze, right?" Ethan asks.

"Yep. Him and the Penguin," you say. "Talk to you later."

The elevator dings, and the doors open. You walk out and hear voices ahead of you.

"That must be John," you hear Penguin say. "I expect you to honor our deal once this is over."

"Black Mask will die. You will have what you want," Fries said, coldly. You hear footsteps coming your way. You ready your grappling hook. You see the Penguin.

"John! What took you so long? Wait, you're not John- AAGH!!!" The penguin says, before you shoot your grappling hook at him, and pull him towards you. As he flies towards you, you extend your arm, and clothesline him, causing him to fall on his back. This caught Fries's attention.

"Cobblepot?" he asks.

You hear heavy footsteps. You look around and see some support beams near the ceiling. You launch your grappling hook and fly upwards. You look down and see Fries near Penguin. He then looks around.

"I take it this means you're here, Sentinel," Fries says and begins to walk around.

You look around and check the surrounding area. The room is quite large, with catwalks and various floors, balconies, and whatnot. You don't see Boyle at all, but you do see an elevator that leads to a higher floor. The doors seem stuck, staying open slightly. You thought this was the top floor... Fries began talking more.

"My fight is not with you Sentinel. This is your final warning. Leave now, or you will perish," Fries warns. He then walks over to the elevator and takes it up.

You glide down and begin to pry the door open. It takes immense strength, but you manage to do it. You go into the shaft. There's a grate at the bottom of the elevator, like on the other one. You slowly cast Flame Cloak. Once the green rune vanishes in front of you, flames erupt from the ground, covering you. You wait for the elevator to stop moving, before carefully reaching for your grappling hook, and using it to reach the grate on the elevator. You climb into the elevator and press the button to open the door, which is perfectly fine. Cryo vapors flood inside the elevator as you open it. Thankfully, the Flame Cloak protected you. You walk in and notice stairs that lead up to a platform. Other stairs lead to other floors with strange devices. The platform in the middle of the room was fine, with no cryo vapors. You also notice icicles that have formed on the roof, and some on the floor too. Hiding is gonna be hard since you're on fire. So you are gonna have to try a more direct approach. You slowly walk up the stairs, and see Fries facing Boyle (who was mostly frozen in ice) and a giant cryo pod, with Nora inside it.

"Please, Victor. I'll give you anything you want, just let me go," Boyle pleads.

"Give me the codes so I can leave with my wife," Fries demands.

"I- I can't do that. The head of security changed the codes and put the building into a secure lockdown, which can only be done at my office in Gothcorp," Ferris stammered.

"Then you better find out how to do it here," Fries warned. He aimed his Freeze Ray at Boyle.

You jumped on the back of Fries. You try to pull some tube out of the back of the suit, thinking it's for his Freeze Ray. It doesn't budge. Fries tries to get you off his back, but the suit doesn't allow for his arms to go that far back. You then tried your next best option, to break the glass on his helmet and knock him out. You repeatedly slam your fist against the glass, causing some cracks.

"Get off!" Fries yelled. He swung around, and you couldn't get a good grip on anything, so you went flying off of him. He turns to look at you.

"I figured you were here Sentinel. My fight isn't with you," Fries said with no emotion. "But now you force my hand."

He aims the Freeze Ray at you and shoots. You roll out of the way. You throw Shurikens at him, but they do nothing. Boyle tried to run, but Fries froze him before you could stop him. You run at Fries and jump. You land on his Freeze Ray, causing him to fall forward slightly. You then punch the glass again, causing more cracks. He punches you with his free hand, knocking you off. You land on your feet.

"What's with the suit, Victor?" You ask him, dodging a beam of ice.

"The incident at GothCorp altered my physiology. I need to stay in a subzero environment to stay alive," Fries answered, and shot ice at you.

"So the suit keeps you alive," you say, dodging the beam of ice. "I'm sorry that happened, but I still have to stop you."

"You can try, but nothing will stop me from reuniting with my Nora," Fries says.

You rush him once more. Instead of attacking, you jump over him, heating a few shurikens. You land and quickly throw the three hot shurikens. Fries faces you. Two of the shurikens missed. The one that hit him got stuck in the glass. One of the ones that missed hit Ferris and slowly began melting the ice. A curious look appeared on Fries's face.

"I can feel heat radiating off the shuriken. How did you do that?" Fries asked.

"Magic. The fire around me is magical, and allows me to stay warm and heat other objects," you explain. Fries looked insulted.

"What kind of a fool do you take me for? Magic?" Fries says and shoots more ice at you.

You dodge and yell, "What do you think the fire is?"

"I thought you used Pyroburst. The fire is acting just like it," Fries answered.

"Pyroburst? Is it made with RCC?" you ask.

"Stop playing dumb with me, Sentinel," Fries yelled. You run at him once more.

He aims his Freeze Ray at you but shoots at the floor instead. Ice quickly formed, causing a pillar of ice right in front of you. You panic and brace for impact, your arms protecting your head. You crash right through it. You look up to see a beam of ice shooting right at you. You keep your arms where they are and block the attack. The beam of ice pushes you back, and your fire begins to die down. You try and focus on keeping Flame Cloak on. Your fire begins to burn brighter and grows. Fries doesn't let up and keeps shooting. Ice begins to form on the ground in front of you, and the beam keeps pushing you back.

You get pushed back against some railing. Your fire grows hotter as you try to stop the beam of ice. Your foot then slips under the railing, causing you to trip slightly, and to fall. It's enough of a distraction, and your fire grows weaker. The Freeze Ray quickly overpowers Flame Cloak, completely killing it and freezing you. You scream as you are frozen in place.

*3rd person*

Y/N opens his eyes to see darkness around him. He looks around and sees a light in the distance. It's approaching him. It gets bigger, and Y/N has a better view of the light. It's a sickly green. The same color of his magic. The light appears to be some sort of beast, and it is quite big. Large, dragon-like wings flap as it gets closer. Y/N tries to move, but he can't. The beast comes right in front of Y/N. Its sickly green hue is almost blinding. Its head resembles a mosasaurus. It has a long scaly neck, which hovers around you as the creature stares. It has massive legs, and huge dragon-like wings (which also act as its forelegs). It walks around you, circling you. It has large scales on its back. You also notice sharp claws on its feet. The edge of its wings seems bladed. Spikes run across its tail, with three large ones at the tip. Two points outwards, like a pickaxe, and one point forward like a spear.

"What are you?" Y/N asks the creature. It snakes its head around your body, coming face to face with you. You don't see its mouth move, but the empty space around you shakes. You then grab your head in pain. You hear a voice roaring inside your head.


Mister Freeze turns and starts to walk back to Boyle, about to free him, until he hears the sound of ice cracking. He turned around, facing the Sentinel. He then saw large cracks on the ice, with a sickly green light shining through. The ice then completely broke, freeing The Sentinel. An explosion of light filled the room.

A bright beam of sickly green light radiates from the GothCorp building, lighting up the dark city of Gotham. A pulse of mystic energy surges out for miles.

*At L/N Manor*

"Uh, Master Ethan!" Alfred yells. The Oracle's Eye had been flickering and suddenly turned off.

"What happened, Alfred?" Ethan asked, having his Simulated fight suddenly shut off.

"The computer is acting strange," Alfred responds, confused.

Suddenly, a surge rushed through the Sanctorum, knocking over whatever wasn't bolted down.

"What in the world?" Ethan asks.

*Just outside Gotham*

Lady Shiva was driving to the League's extraction point when the sky suddenly turned green. She stopped and looked back at Gotham, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"What? Is that Zahir's doing? Ra's might want to know about this..." Shiva says.

"What might I want to know about?" an unknown voice asks. Shiva looks back, a fearful look on her face.

*An unknown location*

A man in a tan trench coat and blond hair was leaning back in a chair, nodding off, when he felt a pulse of magical energy. He suddenly sat up from his seat.

"What the bloody hell was that?" the man asks, with a Liverpool accent. "Eh, Fate can handle it. I got better things to do."

Suddenly, a bright yellow Ankh appears next to the man, causing him to fall out of his seat. Another man exits from the Ankh. He wears a golden helmet.

"John Constantine. A great evil has entered our world," the man in the helmet said.

"Piss off, Fate!" the man, now known as John Constantine, said and threw a bottle at Fate.

*An undisclosed pocket dimension*

A man sat on a throne, the sky glowing a dark red. He feels a power surge on Earth.

"Oh? What's this? An ancient power has been awakened... This should be fun," the man said.

*back at the GothCorp building*

"What? What is happening? What are you doing?" Freeze asks.

The Sentinel doesn't answer, he just slowly lurches forward. A sickly green light shines in between the segmented armor. The dragon symbol glows brighter than the rest of the suit. The sickly green eyes of the Sentinel peer into the soul of Mister Freeze. He continues to slowly lurch towards Freeze.

"What is happening? Why are you glowing?" Freeze aims his Freeze Ray at Sentinel.

He shoots a large blast of ice at Sentinel. The Sentinel raises his right arm and shoots pure mystical energy at Freeze. The beam of ice and magic collide, but the beam of ice melts. Freeze moves before the beam hits him. Magic wings form on the back of the Sentinel.

"What the hell?" Freeze asks. His voice is still monotone, but he's scared.

The elevator opens. The Penguin and some of his men run in.

"I knew that geezer would be! Boys! Kill him! I want his head on a mantle!" The Penguin yells. His men run forward with AK-47s and open fire.

A wall of green magic forms to block the bullets. The Sentinel slowly turns to face them. He raises his left hand, and green tendrils rise from the ground, wrapping around the goons, and dragging them down into the ground. The screams of the goons echo throughout the room.

"What in god's name is going on?" The Penguin asked, fearfully. She slowly backed, and then the tendrils came after him. He screams and runs back to the elevator. The elevator doors close, and the tendrils bang against the doors.

The Sentinel turned to face Freeze again. He slowly continues to Freeze. Freeze aims his Freeze Ray at Sentinel. Before he could even charge it, the Freeze Ray was ripped off by Sentinel.

"H-how?" Freeze asks.

The Sentinel answered by grabbing Freeze's neck, completely shattering the glass. Sentinel then throws Freeze, mech suit and all, across the room. Freeze crashes through the railing and falls onto the lower floors of the room. Freeze stood up. The Sentinel walked over and jumped down, facing Freeze. He kept walking over. A bright light then appeared behind The Sentinel. Two men stepped out. John Constantine and Dr. Fate.

"So this whelp is the source of that power I felt," Constantine says, with his Liverpool accent.

The Sentinel turned to face them.

"What is happening?" Freeze asked confused. Dr. Fate flew above him and aimed his arm at Mister Freeze.

"Rebmuls," Fate said. Freeze fell over and fell asleep.

"Alright, now to deal with--" Constantine begins to say before green fire cuts him off. He counters with his spell

"Is that it? I was expecting something more for an ancient evil," Constantine said. He then raises his arms out.

"Arcanum vinculum, vincla potentia, vinculis carceris," Constantine says. A magical rope appears from the ground and wraps around the Sentinel's arms and legs, restraining him.

The Sentinel flails around, trying to break free. The green light glows brightly on his body. A yellow dome then covers the Sentinel. An ancient roar fills the room as the Sentinel tries to free himself.

"Yikes. What's gotten into him?" John asked. He puts his hands in his coat pockets.

"I do not know," Fate answered.

"Wait, what?" John asked surprised. "You don't know?"

Fate doesn't answer and floats towards the dome. "Prepare the exorcism."

"And if he's not possessed?" John asks. Fate just turns to look at him.

"Alright, then," John said. He and Fate put their hands out and began to chant a spell.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu!"

The Sentinel kept roaring, trying to free himself, unaffected by the spell. Fate looked confused.

"Try again," Fate said.

"Listen, mate, I'm one of the world's best exorcists. He ain't possessed. It's something else," John said. Fate was quiet.

"Now, I could enter his mind. Figure out what's going on inside the 'ol noggin. You just need to hold the whelp down," John said.

"Very well," Fate said.

John then pulls a coin out of his pocket as Fate takes down his barrier. Fate then uses his magic to reinforce John's binding spell. The Sentinel then began to scream in pain and tried harder to escape.

"Well that's interesting," Constantine said. He walked over and put the coin on the Sentinel's forehead.

Green bolts of lightning fly off the Sentinel's body, trying to hit Fate, but they all miss. A portal appears where John puts the coin, allowing him to see the Sentinel's memories. John sees them all, from his birth to the various rituals, to Sammy's rescue mission, and to now. That's when John realized what was going on.

"It's not a possession, just looks like it," John said. "You've ever heard of a being called Nyxorath?"

"No, I haven't," Fate answered.

"Hmmm... Well, the poor sod was forced into a ritual that connected him to this creature, called Nyxorath. It's a special connection, if he dies then Nyxorath dies," John said.

"So we need to sever the connection," Fate said.

"If you want the kid to die. I haven't seen a bond like this before. I don't think you could save the boy," John responded.

"Nyxorath also is slightly controlling him. Like a puppet on strings. The kid just needs a push to take control and break the strings," John said.

"And you have a way to do that?" Fate asks.

"Yeah, I do. I'm gonna take a peek under that mask," John answers.

Constantine then reached for the mask and began to remove it. Before he could, the Sentinel grabbed his hand, completely breaking the magical binds on his left arm.

"No you don't," the Sentinel said.

*Y/N's PoV*

"I'm going to take a peek under that mask," you heard someone say. That already happened once tonight, it ain't gonna happen again. You grab his hand with your left arm.

"No you don't," you say. The man then yanks his hand away.

"Well, well. The kid is back," the man said.

You tried to stand up, but can't. You look down to see magical ropes tying down your legs and right arms. And holy shit it burns. You try to hold back any screams of pain, but a few grunts of pain come out.

"Oi, Fate. Undo your restraints. It's like acid to him," the man said.

You looked over and saw another man, who was floating. Suddenly, the burning stops, and you can move freely. You stand up.

"What's going on?" You ask.

"That's something we hope you could answer," the other man, Fate, said.

"So what should we call you?" The first guy asked. "Zahir, Y/N, or the Sentinel."

Your eyes widen. You say, "Sentinel."

"Just Sentinel? Not The Sentinel," the man asked, sarcastically. You flip him off.

"Since you know who I am, drop by my manor later. I got something to finish up," you say.

"Very well," Fate says and summons a glowing ankh. He looks at the man, who then looks at Fate, then you.

"Wait, you want me to come along, Fate?" he asks. "No, I said I'll help you fix this," he points at you, "It looks pretty fixed."

"The root issue is not resolved. You are still helping," Fate said. The man puts his hands in his pockets.

"Piss off," he says and walks through the Ankh. Fate followed. You stay still for a second. Before speaking.

"Oracle, you there?" You ask.

No response.


Still nothing. Whatever. The cryo-vapor must've cleared out. You eventually find Fries. The glass on his helmet is completely broken and he's asleep. You also notice that his Freeze Ray is missing. You hear the elevator ding. You see Captain Gordon and a few others run in.

"Captain, over here," you yell out. He and the other police officers walk over.

"Did you get Osprey and the Penguin?" you ask him.

"Who the hell is Osprey?" Gordon asks.

"He's apparently Penquin's nephew. He wasn't knocked out downstairs?" you ask.

"Nope. But we did catch the Penguin. You got the guy in the mech suit?" Gordon asks. You move out of the way, revealing Fries.

"His name is Victor Fries. He was a cyro engineer working for GothCorp. Boyle ordered him to make Cryo weapons and planned on selling them to Black Mask. Then that accident happened and now he needs to stay in a sub-zero environment or else he dies," you explain.

"Dear God," Gordon said.

"There's more. Follow me," you say. You walk up to where Boyle and Nora are. Boyle is still partly frozen.

"Gordon, you know Mr. Boyle. He should be arrested for aiding a known criminal and causing irreversible bodily harm to Fries. Once he melts, that is," you say.

"I- I never died any of those things! He's lying!" Boyle said.

"Shut it. There should be an archive downstairs somewhere. There'll be some tapes that might be good evidence. Fries can also testify," you say.

"And uh... who's that?" Gordon asks, pointing at Nora.

"That is Nora Fries. Victor put her cryostasis. Or at least, I assume it was him," you answer.

"But why?" Gordon asks

"Don't know. But either Boyle or Fries will know," you answer. Gordon thinks for a minute, before turning around to his men.

"Alright boys, let's book these two," Gordon says, he then turns to you. You get ready to drop a smoke bomb.

"Hey, Sentinel. Thanks for this," Gordon says. This surprises you.

"You're welcome?" You say confused.

"I don't agree with what you do, but without you, I don't think we would've been able to stop Freeze. So thanks. I'll let you go for now. But if ever meet again..." Gordon warns.

"Alright. We probably will. I'm not going to stop," you say.

"I figured," Gordon says, then looks at Freeze.

"Hey, any way we could contact you in case something like this happens again?" He asks.

"Uh... I can figure something out. And something that can unfreeze anyone who's been frozen by Freeze," you say.

"You do everything, don't you?" he asks.

"Just a little," you answer.

"That's what one of them said. He and Alfred don't seem to get along," Ethan said.

"What? Why?"

"Something about people from Liverpool stealing. Alfred has been making sure he stays away from the valuables," Ethan explained.

"Wait, are they in the manor or the Sanctorum?" you ask.

"The Sanctorum. They just showed up, I don't know how," Ethan said.

"Alright, well, I'll see you all there in a minute, heading into the park now," you say.

You drive through the park and into your bush, which is still there. Weird how the bike wasn't hidden but the entrance to the Sanctorum was. Oh well. After a couple of minutes of driving, you arrive at the Sanctorum. You see Fate meditating while Constantine was smoking a cigarette. Alfred and Ethan just looked confused, while Alfred kept a close eye on Constantine in particular. You turn off the Arcane Rider.

"Yo," you say to Ethan.

"Ah, Sentinel, you're here!" Ethan says.

"Yeah, also they know who I am," you say.

"Oh, you trust them that much or something?" Ethan asks.

"I took a peek into his mind, mate," Constantine said.

"What?" Alfred asked.

"It's magic. Anyway. Ethan, Alfred, the man in the helmet is Doctor Fate and the other man is John Constantine. They are... uh... magicians?" you say.

"I am the Sorcerer Supreme, protector of the Earth from any mystical threats," Fate said.

"Right..." you say, and then turn to Constantine. "And you?"

"I'm the bloody Tooth Fairy," he says sarcastically.

"Uh..." Ethan said.

"You seem like an asshole too," you say. He throws the peace sign at you. Alfred looked offended. You were just confused.

"Sir, can you please remove Mr. Constantine from the premises? He's been nothing but rude and he's getting ash all over the floor," Alfred says.

"Can't leave yet, mate. Gotta figure out what's in him," Constantine said.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asks.

"An unknown evil has bound itself with Zahir Al Ghul," Fate said.

"What? An unknown evil?" Ethan asked.

"And please call me Y/N or Sentinel," you say.

"Very well. Long ago Y/N took place in a ritual. I've seen something similar long ago, but I do not know who the ritual belongs to," Fate says.

"When I was in his head I heard the name Nyxorath," Constantine said. "I haven't heard that name before."

"Nor have I. Y/N, I request that you come to me to Salem so I can further investigate this Nyxorath," Fate says.

"And leave Gotham unprotected?" You ask. "Hell no!"

"It's Hells, actually," Constantine said.

"Whatever! I ain't leaving. At least, not yet. I am curious about Nyxorath," you say. Fate is silent.

"Very well, but there is something you must know," Fate says.

"Yeah, what?" You ask.

"I can tell you are inexperienced with magic. You use it without a second thought," Fate says.

"And?" you ask.

"Magic has a price, mate. Sooner or later, someone will have to pay it," Constantine said and then took a drag of his cigarette.

"Nothing like that has happened yet," you say.

"Yet. You've been using kiddie spells, nothing worthwhile," Constantine said.

"Others will also seek you out, wishing to exploit you or control the entity bound to your soul," Fate said.

"That's how we found you. Using Nyxorath's power is like ringing a damn dinner bell," Constantine said.

"So I just don't use his power," you say.

"It's not that simple mate. Nyxorath is the only reason you can use magic. You're just a normal man, born with no magic. You should be using runes and rituals," Constantine explained.

"So then I'll do that to use magic," you counter.

"You could, but the price will be greater. Beings like Nyxorath can circumvent the cost," Constantine said. He takes another drag from his cigarette. You are quiet for a while.

"That is all. Should you wish to improve your magic, seek me or John Constantine out," Fate said.

"Hold on, mate. Im not teaching him anything. Have that Italian guy teach him," Constantine said.

"John Zatara? Hmm..." Fate ponders for a while. You finally speak up.

"Uh... what about..." you try to remember. Long ago, when Sammy died, you heard a voice tell you to seek him out.

"Like you would know any--"

"Phantom Stranger!" you remember, cutting off Constantine. He looked shocked.

"How do you know about the Phantom Stranger?" John asks, surprised.

"I... don't know... I remember, the day my friend Sammy died a voice told me to seek him out..." you say, still trying to remember.

"Hmm... How do you know it was him?" Fate asked.

Suddenly, Ethan interjected.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. The Phantom Stranger? Who's that?" Ethan asked.

"The Stranger is one of the greatest sinners of mankind. He's told so many stories as to who he is, nobody knows who he truly is," Fate explained.

"Some people think he's Judas, others say he was a fallen angel," John said. He finished his cigarette. "Got an ashtray 'round here, mate?"

"No, not down here," you say. John then throws the cigarette butt onto the floor. This annoyed Alfred.

"What does he want with Y/N?" Ethan asks.

"I dunno. He's trying to redeem himself, so I doubt it's anything bad," John said.

"How do I find him?" you ask. Fate and Constantine look at each other.

"One does not simply find the Stranger," Fate says.

"He kinda just shows up whenever," Constantine said.

"I see..." you say.

The room was silent for a while, until John spoke up.

"Welp, this was a fun chat, I'm gone now," Constantine said. He stomped on his cigarette butt and he vanished.

"How did he..." Ethan began to ask.

"I'm gonna say magic," you answer.

"I will investigate Nyxorath. I will also contact John Zatara, a powerful magician, and ask him to train you. Since I cannot afford to leave my post to train you, and you refuse to leave Gotham," Fate says.

"And this John Zatara can up and leave everything?" you ask. Fate doesn't answer and summons an Ankh.

"If you wish to train under me, I will be in Salem," Fate said and walked into the Ankh. The Ankh vanished in a flash of light.

"Well... That was interesting," Ethan said.

"Y'know, there's a moment when I blacked out and don't remember what happened. I was really hoping they'd tell me," you say.

It's quiet for a while longer. Until Alfred spoke up.

"Um, sirs, what now?" Alfred asks. You and Ethan think for a minute.

"What all happened while I was gone?" you asked.

"Well, a weird pulse of energy knocked out our technology. I got the computer running and got comms established, but the rest of the system is still rebooting," Ethan said. "So the elevators, combat training simulator, and the biometric scanners are down."

"I see... and then there's the damage to the mansion that Fries caused..." you say.

"Alright, Alfred. Me and Ethan will stay down here and try to run maintenance down here. Could you go upstairs and make a list of everything that needs to be fixed?" you ask.

"Of course Master Y/N. What about the ice?" Alfred asks.

"Me and Ethan are gonna make a device that melts the ice, and then make enough to hand out to the police," you say.

"We are?" Ethan asks.

"We are now," you answer.

"How are we gonna get the materials for that?" Ethan asks.

"We can worry about that later," you say. "Let's focus on getting things working."

With that said, everyone started working. Alfred had gone upstairs to work on writing down everything that needed to be fixed, while you and Ethan worked on tech stuff. The Oracle's Eye took its sweet time troubleshooting, so you went to check the Combat Training Simulator (CTS). Thankfully, nothing externally was damaged, but there might be software problems, but you'd need the Eye to fix that... This is gonna be a while.

*3rd person*

The man from the pocket dimension walks through an ancient monk temple in Mongolia. A warrior monk tries to strike him from behind, only for a hand to sprout from his back. The new hand grabs the monk's face and begins to drain him of any and all mystical energy this monk had. It wasn't much.

"You guys are supposed to be mystics right? Or has something changed in the last few hundred years? Mongolian monks used to be a feast, now you all are nothing more than a slice of bread," the man said, casting the monk aside.

"Was that magical power I sensed not from here?" he asked. A ball of fire then strikes him. It doesn't affect him.

"Finally! Someone with magic," he says. He faces the monk who shot. It was an old man who needed a cane. The man looks disappointed.

"Vorax!" The monk yelled. The man, named Vorax, looked surprised.

"Ah, old man. You're still alive," Vorax said. "Didn't realize I was at my old stomping grounds."

"How did you break out of my pocket dimension?" the old monk asked.

"Don't know. Don't care. You're too weak to stop me anyway," Vorax says. He begins to walk closer.

"That may be. But you're still as ignorant as ever," the monk says. The stone beneath them began to glow blue, as ethereal energy swelled around Vorax and the monk.

"Oh? What's this?" Vorax asked. Chains then wrapped around his arms and legs and brought him to the ground. Vorax struggled, but couldn't do anything.

"What's this?!" Vorax asked, more panicked.

"As the westerners say, this is my trump card. Say goodbye to your power!" The monk yelled. Magical sigils form around him as he begins to yell in Chinese.

"听我说!新旧诸神!在我的最后一幕中,我命令你剥夺 Vorax 的力量!尊重我的最后一幕,并削弱他的魔力!"

"Old man! What are you doing?!" Vorax yells. He then screams in agony. He then melts away into a puddle of mud.

"What?" the old monk asked confused. He then feels a hand around the back of his neck. His eyes widen in fear.

"I have to admit old man, didn't expect that one. But you did teach me to expect the unexpected," Vorax said.

"H-how?" asked the monk.

"When you shot that fireball, I made a mud clone. You're the ignorant one, old man," Vorax said, calmly.

"You were so focused on the mud clone, you didn't sense me sneaking behind you," Vorax continued to explain.

"A new power has emerged! He will stop you!" the monk said.

"Sure he will," Vorax said. He then drained his old master of all his magic. After a few seconds, he drops the lifeless body onto the ground. The ethereal blue light dies down, and only Vorax is left.

"Now, time to find the source of that magic," Vorax said, and left the temple.

Little did Vorax know, the old monk had spent his whole life doing good, gaining Karma. He is close to achieving Moksha. However, he still feels guilty for Vorax and all he will cause. So the monk will reincarnate one last time...

*Outside Gotham City*

Lady Shiva faces off with Ra's Al Ghul. She promised to keep Zahir's secret, but if she lies to Ra's...

"Well, Lady Shiva. Is this "Sentinel" dead?" Ra's asked.

"No, he isn't," Shiva said.

"Oh? Someone out there is able to beat an assassin for the League? Or were you not ready?" Ra's asked.

"He was able to manipulate the ground, and had some League training," Shiva said. This piqued Ra's interest.

"Did you manage to unmask him?" Ra's asked. Shiva hesitates.

"Yes... He kind of looked like you. I didn't catch his name though..." Lady Shiva said.

"Hmmm... Then my suspicions are confirmed. Don't worry about your failure this time, Shiva," Ra's says. He begins to turn around and walk away.

"Your suspicions?" Shiva asked. Ra's turned to face her.

"I believe after my son ran away, he may have come to the United States. Given the reports of the man who attacked us came from this city. Then that mob boss put out a hit on an exceptionally capable man, who used shurikens and smoke bombs. It could've been anyone, so I decided to send someone fresh out of training," Ra's explained. "Now, if this Sentinel is my son, how did he beat you? He never finished training."

"He was able to use magic and manipulate the ground. I still managed to beat him, but then he tried to save me from a car chase," Shiva said.

"He saved his opponent?" Ra's asked, somewhat surprised. "Why?"

"He said it may have been a lapse in judgement, or that he just wanted to save a damsel in distress," Shiva tells him. Ra's looked confused.

"He wanted to be a knight in shining armor? Even to an assassin trying to kill him?" Ra's asked.

"He also said he had a soft spot for mysterious women with deadly skills," she said.

Ra's looked even more confused. If this Sentinel truly is Zahir, which Ra's is pretty sure he is, then he's finding out a lot about his son. Ra's shakes his head.

"Interesting... I'll let him play hero for a little longer. He may become more powerful. Since he seems fond of you... I'll send you to bring him back," Ra's said

"And if he doesn't listen to me? Or what if he loses that fondness?" Shiva asks

"Don't worry, I have a plan for that," Ra's says.


A man rips off a door in frustration. He's running low on power and is going to have to steal more Uranium. He smashed a table in rage. He needs to find a better solution, something that'll last longer than a day. Suddenly, across the Deleware Bay, Gotham City emits a stunning green light, lighting up all of Gotham, and even some of Metropolis. The man grins. The power needed to light up a city of that size would be immense. Maybe it could even replace the Uranium. A shockwave originating from Gotham then ran through Metropolis. This confirms it. John Corben is going to do a little vacation in Gotham City.

(A/N: his metal body is still covered by the fake skin. I couldn't find a better photo)

Meanwhile, an intern at the Daily Planet is staying late when Gotham City begins to glow. Luckily for the intern, his friend Jimmy Olsen had left his camera behind. The intern managed to take a few photos of the event.

He got a stunning view of it, given how high up he was. The shockwave then hit him. However, it was different. He actually felt it, like energy coursing through him. He looked down at his hand, confused.

"What was that?" the intern asked himself. "My powers should've stopped me from feeling it..."

He then hovered off the ground slightly. He sighed a sigh of relief.

"Well, at least it didn't remove my powers... If Clark Kent can't go and check it out, then maybe Superman could."

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading! Sorry if this took a while, I still haven't got a new monitor, so I'm still using my phone. Also, Grammarly changed things up, and it's new floating assistant undos and italicizing, bolding, or underlining I do. Anyway! I don't have much else to say! Peace!

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