By tashah_rsc

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"The greatest miracle is the salvation of souls" - Prophet Leslie. Salvation, although personal, should be sh... More



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By tashah_rsc

True to His words, John-David woke us up to go to church early in the morning.

John-David's carriage driver drove us while I sat on the passenger seat next to John-David, and Gabriel sat at the back with Hope and Faith.

The horses galloped gracefully for a while. I resisted re-visiting last night's dreams, choosing rather to focus on the journey to church.

The travel was not far but it was questionable as we stopped beside a bunch of bushes in an unknown area.

Although the scene was mysterious, it was also calm and peaceful. A soothing sensation to both the ears and eyes.

Leaves swayed past as the wind subtly touched the tips of each leaf. A vibrant melody in the dark, night life.

John-David hopped out and told everyone to remain in the carriage. We compliantly nodded and did not leave, even though I was tempted to see where he was going.

Sometime had passed and the sun was still sleeping beneath the woods.

I turned around and saw that the girls both rested on the shoulders of my brother.

He welcomed their gentle and sweet presence; I knew all too well Gabriel had grown very fond of the girls overtime.

I was nervous about what to expect. I had never actually attended church before.

But I could see that the girls were well and truly excited and prepared for what lay ahead of us.

They both wore light blue dresses with white ballet flats.

Faith's hair was French braided and Hope's hair was Dutch braided.

Gabriel and I wore white dress shirts, and dark brown dress shoes given to us both by John-David.

He also gave me beige pants and Gabriel a deep, midnight blue pants to complete the outfit.

Gabriel had trimmed his beard and nicely styled his hair into a quiff, while I brushed all my hair back into thick locks and had shaved my beard; All in hopes to look presentable and not entirely noticeable.

It was an hour after the sunshine broke through the woods that John-David returned and the girls awoke from their slumber. A beautiful scene worthy to be admired.

As he opened the carriage door, I could distinctly hear the gentle movement of a soft waterfall and a running stream.

The scent of nature and wood enveloped and entwined itself to John-David's perfumed scent of cool mint and sandals-wood.

I desired to ask him why we were here, so I bit my tongue in hopes of preventing the burning question to his personal errands.

We continued the journey in silence as some of us were in deep thought, while others merely gazed outside.

Surprisingly the girls said nothing even as we walked into the timber and stonework building.

On the door was a red and white themed logo and the name of the church was written in blue italic, "Jerusalem".


How many of us when we pray ask God to give us the gift of the fear of the Lord?

Job had tasted everything that life could offer him yet he knew that the value of wisdom was far beyond that of wealth, and that wisdom is found in fearing the Lord.

"But where can wisdom be found?

Where does understanding dwell?

And he said to the human race,

"The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,

and to shun evil is understanding." (Job 28:20, 28)

Our whole duty to God was summed up in Deuteronomy 10:12 when it was written:

"And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul."

In these uncertain times, God's wisdom becomes all the more precious to guide our hearts and strengthen our resolution. So, when you pray, ask God to give you the most precious gift: the gift of the fear of the Lord.

Come, Holy Spirit and grant me the gift of the fear of the Lord." (Prophet TB Joshua)

I was surprised to know that the man whom we'd lived with for several days was the man on the pool pit.

"Did you know that he was the preacher?" Gabriel harshly and discreetly uttered. I shook my head and honestly muttered, "I did not know that."

The girls had gone to Sunday school, a kids church program during service.

I had written down everything John-David said in my journal as he spoke into the mic, addressing the congregation.

I was surprised to see quite large number of people. Everyone seemed very humble and attentive to listen to what this man had to say.

When the sermon finished I thought that the service had also finished.

I was completely and utterly wrong. Never have I ever attended or known of a service exceeding past midday. I was completely and subconsciously wrong about going home early to eat lunch.

But as the service continued, something familiar, written in the bible happened. John-David began to lay hands and heal the sick.

Like a shepherd, He acted as a channel of shining light in the darkness of the lives of the sheep who came to him.

He touched the heads of the people, and so evidently addressed the heart.

Some manifested, others vomited, and there were many testimonies.

He prophesied to a number of people and gave heavenly solution to many people's problems.

My heart palpitated when he neared us. As if someone else, unseen, had already touched me, I was filled with something new and fresh.

He touched our heads and then our chests before he moved onto the people beside us.

As he went down the aisle the ushers and ministry journalist team, followed him, catching people and capturing every word spoken and received by the people.

Then, he came back to us.

He addressed me tenderly. "There is a recurrence of many dreams." To simply put it, I was surprised as I had not directly told anyone what was in my dreams or that I had dreamt.

It was as though he knew everything I didn't and everything I did know.

"That is true." I confirmed much like as those whom he also prophesied to.

"There is a lady that must find you and you must find her because I hear bells ringing. Did you hear what I said?" His voice was warm and vibrant, as if happy at the news he spoke of.

I wasn't quite too sure on what he meant and I believe he understood what I was thinking as he further elaborated on what he was saying.

"You must remain here because I see and hear bells ringing" He gave me a very warm and cheerful smile as everyone excitedly clapped at the news I was still processing and attempting to understand.

This man spoke in parables, much like that which is written in the Bible. I did not understand his way of speech.

John-David touched my head again and I felt something unearthly and electric.

Now he addressed Gabriel after me.

"There is a journey before you that has left you lonely." He spoke to my brother. "They want everyone to marry and remarry and in the end be disappointed. This is a crisis." John-David Prophesied.

I couldn't believe what was happening. It was as if he was revealing deep secrets of our family. Gabriel was speechless for a second before he too also confirmed.

"That is true." He too confessed as the journalists captured the scene in writing.

"You must find this lady, who disappointed you. There is a need for settlement" He therefore laid hands on my brother before he spiritually assessed the both of us yet again.

"Don't worry, because it is God's appointed time, what they wanted has been rubbished. God is on your side...You will now both begin to uncover deep mysteries that have been hidden much, such as is a life time in hopes and fulfillment of peace." He was very firm in his speech as he held both our hands together and swiftly let go so that he may continue attending to the people.

By the time the service had ended hours later, I sat in a seat outside, reflecting on what John-David said to me.

Gabriel came up to me sipping a hot beverage in his right hand, held two sandwiches in his elbow and gripped onto another hot beverage in the other hand.

I was happy to see that the cups were plain, and simple white cups, and not the usual ones that came with mysteries and faint heartedness.

He gestured for me to take my cup and after I did, he handed me a sandwich.

He sat next to me and I inspected my hot beverage. He exhaled deeply in relaxation before sipping his beverage again.

The milky dark brown substance and sweet aroma caused my tongue to protrude more saliva. Caramel Cappuccino, one drink that caused me to be more content and satiated.

I sipped onto it, cautious of its temperature, before taking a bite of my turkey and ham sandwich.

"They call him Prophet John-David-" Gabriel mumbled with his mouth full of a large bite of bacon and cheese sandwich. "-Sort of not that hard to believe but surprising." He took a swig of his cooled drink and bit his sandwich again.

"And they call you prince despite the mouth full of food." I murmured and nudged his shoulder for him to act more polite.

"Sorry, I was starving. The service was impeccably long and exhausting." He breathed once he swallowed all contents in his mouth.

"If you're exhausted, imagine all those servants who work in this church. I haven't seen anyone of them sit down at all." I chirped.

"Shhh, they call them Christworkers and they have sharp ears." Gabriel hushed quietly as a couple rushed past us with a few of the Christworkers. "Anyways, John-David is a prophet." He continued.

"The man is intelligent. I knew there was something about him the moment we first met him face to face," I answered Gabriel in a gentle manner.

We have heard of the Prophets of old, especially in the history of all royal subjects throughout the centuries and ancient times, and most recently, in the Bible.

However, no one I knew actually believed they still existed, not even the great historians knew of any current prophets.

But it was then that I realised what he had said previously about his mentors and brethren.

"He once mentioned something about men named Prophet Tb Joshua, and Prophet Leslie." I breathed in understanding.

"You mean prophets other than him?" Gabriel chuckled in amazement.

"I researched about them, and who would have thought aye; This world is not at all prepared for the wonders and Glory of God." I mused in sheer joy.

"Wow, truly amazing." He nodded.

"Everything that has happened is like God Himself, predestined all these events." I added as a few children ran past us to some grandmothers; Faith and Hope were also found among them.

"I mean, it explains all the craziness that transpired in his home. At a point in time, I was convinced I was hallucinating all sorts of things." Gabriel uttered.

"Why did we come here anyways? And how did he know what only we knew?" I couldn't deny the fact even after my brother asked the question.

Prophet John-David had said secrets only our immediate family knew and spoke deep mysteries yet to be uncovered.

"He referred to you about... Ruth." I spoke softly so no one could hear our conversation.

"I have an inkling he was also talking about your love life too." Gabriel said.

"Riiight, he said to stay here." I laughed in denial.

"He told YOU to stay and told ME to find Ruth." He leaned forward as he finished his coffee and sandwich.

My cup was still very hot and yet empty. I remained silent not really knowing what to say.

"The Prophet wants to see you both." A tall blonde lady approached us.

Her voice was sharp and yet a gentle tone.

We stood up and followed her, placing the cups on a used cups table as we passed the dining hall.

We were directed into a spacious office. Beautiful indoor plants decorated the corners of the room with white lilacs, and red roses.

There were an additional 7 people in the room while Prophet John-David leaned against the frame of a large tinted window.

We were directed to the centre of the room before Prophet John-David approached us.

"Do you know how you came here?" Gabriel and I quizzically looked at each other.

"My brother said he knew of someone who would help us." Gabriel spoke in a respectful manner.

"That's not necessarily how you came here, am I right Dakota?" Prophet John-David turned his gaze towards me. I remained silent as I cautiously scrutinised the people in the room.

Realising my discomfort the Prophet sent out everyone in the room except those whom he called the Evangelists. One of them was the woman who ushered us in here.

"I've had other dreams, nightmares of people dying and people living. It started since I was young." I revealed in a cool manner.

"There is a woman who you went on a journey with. Before you knew it the journey was cut short. But she did not tell you the truth."

"Yes." I simply stated because it was in fact true.

"It is because of that journey you are here today. God can sometimes use challenges to preserve us for eternity. You must look at it as your friend. In the end, you will benefit from it, especially spiritually." Prophet John-David counselled.

"Because of your coming in today and obedience to God's messenger your destiny has been preserved for your salvation and the salvation of many."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"If you don't know where you're destined to be your destiny can change." (Prophet Leslie) He answered in a firm tone.

"But now, do no worrying King Dakota, for God has realigned your destiny for His Purpose and for His Glory." The evangelist's eyes widened and averted from the Prophet to me at the announcement of my position.

"Gabriel, you were supposed to marry a woman who later on betrayed you also. But this betrayal is not her doing. You actually have to find out the truth because this lie is destroying the both of you." Gabriel sighed and dropped his shoulders in a sign of defeat.

"I don't know whether I can trust her again after everything."

"It is because, it is a marriage from God that you have to love her. This cycle of marry and remarry will continue otherwise. " The Prophet took a step closer to us. "Love everyone but trust no one; I mean, do not put your utmost confidence in the flesh but be completely reliant on God." He looked at everyone in the room and finally rested his eyes on me.

"You must send over your guards. You both need them now. This is the voice of God. As soon as they come, Gabriel you MUST depart and look for that woman. But you oh King Dakota, you must remain. As you wait you must watch and pray."

Gabriel and I looked between each other now heavily perplexed.

The Prophet laid hands on us before we were quickly ushered out.

The journey home was silent as Prophet John-David's carriage driver drove us home. The girls had gone to their aunties house and would return later on that night.

"You know, the Captain requested we bring his daughters to my Kingdom." I broke the agitated silence.

He only glanced at me before he returned his gaze to the road.

The fact that he did not answer me in this matter, caused the silence to become deafeningly awkward.

In the silence of the carriage, I wondered whether Prophet John-David was married or had been married, as I saw no signs of a spouse in the house.

Suddenly I felt the gaze of the Prophet and I averted my gaze from the window to him.

"You have to have 7 guards each. None of them should be head Captains. It would be wise of you to send a word now." I whistled for my bird and attached a letter for my sister to quickly make arrangements for us.

"Thank you, I have sent word for them now." I informed the Prophet.

The rest of the ride home was smooth and less awkward. I took into account our way back as the sun began to set.

When we arrived home I noticed that there were two pairs of shoes outside the house.

They could not have been Faith's and Hope's as they were too large to be children's foot wear.

"You are very blessed." Prophet John-David said as he patted my back. He gingerly and amusedly opened the door.

Suddenly a body flung past the block of timber and into the arms of the Prophet.

He smiled so brightly and hugged the woman who ran so fast.

We walked into the house leaving the Prophet with the woman we assumed to be his wife.

My heart accelerated in such a way I did not understand and I wondered what the cause could be.

Was I having a heart attack?! Flash backs of previous happenings tauntingly flashed across my eyes before I realised the devil just wanted me to forget that it was all for my good.

We made our way into the living room as a great and appetising aroma was smelt throughout the entire house.

It was food!

My stomach grumbled and a sudden joy filled my chest. After the long waiting period, and after the Prophet prayed for us and the people after us, we could finally have dinner.

But what caught my breath was not the sight of the dining table stacked with amazing dishes, but it was the woman who held a platter full of roasted lamb.

She placed it neatly on the table and turned around and I was amazed to see the woman I dreamt of many times before, was finally standing before me.

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