Transport Into Detective Cona...

By Classya8

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Kaiya Matsuki finds herself in the Detective Conan world! Join her as she journeys through the world. More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Shopping With Yukiko
Chapter 3: Grocery Store Mystery
Chapter 4: Ding Dong Dash
Chapter 5: DJ and Eddie P
Chapter 6: Teitan High School
Chapter 7: Haido Central Hospital
Chapter 8: The Awakening
Valentine's Day OVA! ❤️(filler episode)
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Packages
Chapter 10: Raiha Pass
Chapter 11: Celebration for Eisuke
Chapter 12: Subaru Okiya vs Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Match!
Chapter 13: Murderer, Shinichi Kudo!
Chapter 14: The Disappearing Fish on Ikkaku Rock
Chapter 15: Teito Bank
Chapter 16: The Department Store
Chapter 17: PB&J and Holmes' Revelation
Chapter 18: Akemi's Apartment
Chapter 18: Deduction Showdown At the Hotel
Chapter 19: The Crow's Talons
Chapter 20: The Shadow Approaching Haibara's Secret
Shuichi Akai's Birthday!
Chapter 21: The Mystery Train
Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!
Chapter 23: Enter Shukichi Haneda!
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Pursuit
Chapter 25: The Kyoto School Trip
Christmas OVA!
Chapter 26: The New Year's Heist
Chapter 27: Entangled in Spider
Chapter 27: The Tumultuous Science Fair
Chapter 28: Yusaku Kudo's TV Show Case
Chapter 29: The FBI Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: The Shoji Player Serial Murder Case
Chapter 30: PSB vs Kaito Kid! Part I
Chapter 31: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part II
Chapter 32: PSB vs Kaito Kid Part III
Chapter 33: The Dango Adventure
OC Fanart ❤️
Chapter 34: Hatoyama Farm
Chapter 35: Sports Day

Chapter 36: Breakdancing and a Unexpected Visit

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By Classya8

Kaiya POV

"Oh Kazami-san!" I greeted him as I walked home from school. He was looking at a group of people dancing. "I didn't know you were interested in dancing."

"I'm actually here to interview some people for a case." he explained. "There was a transaction that was done in the blind spot of the survellience cameras in the area, and the people closest to the scene were these breakdancers." Kazami asked.

"I'm not sure if they'll listen to you if you flash your badge around and tell them you're an officer." I told Kazami.

"I'll be fine" Kazami insisted.


"Whoa! No way, you guys listen to DJK as well?" I addressed the group of dancers who were around my age, if not slightly older.

"You bet." of the guys gave me a fistbump. "Are you here to dance as well?"

"Actually if it's alright, can you answer some of the questions my friend has here?" I motioned to Kazami.

"What's up?" one of them asked.

"I saw that you guys practice dancing here every night -" Kazami began.

"We're not just dancing, we're breakdancing!" they explained.

"Well, have you seen this car?" Kazami pulled out a photo.

"Whoa! Are you questioning us, like in the movies?" one of the guys was intrigued.

"Not at all" I answered. "We just need a serious response."

"Well, I'm not gonna tell you just like that!" the guy replied with a cheeky grin.

"Right!" another woman seconded in a singsongy voice.

"Fine... what would you like in return?" I asked.

"A dance battle! It would be an honor to face off with a dashing lady like you." he flashed a smile. "Not that you would win anyways."

"A dance battle?" Kazami worried.

"Who says that I can't breakdance?" I arched an eyebrow.

"I guess we'll see about that!" he responded. "The name's Kou-chan, but you can call me Ren." he held out a hand.

"I'm Kaiya. You're on, Ren" I shook his hand and threw him a challenging look.


"Is this the time I say, I told you so?" I smirked at Kazami.

"Oi don't act so smug, we still have to figure how to breakdance." Kazami remined me.

"That's right, I don't know how to breakdance!" I worried, pacing around. I shouldn't have accepted that challenge, ugh!

"Calm down" Amuro told me. "Pacing around won't help. And Kazami, don't involve her in PSB affairs again." he scolded Kazami.

"But Amuro-san, you have to let me help. According to the Kazami-san, the site of the crime and the place where they practice is close." I explained. "They must have seen something. We have to win the dance battle if you want the information because we can't force witnesses to cooperate."

"They practice in front of shop windows?" Amuro glanced at the video Kazami showed him on his tablet.

"They seem to use them as a mirror to check their movements." Kazami explained.

"I see. Then we'll all go together." Amuro responded. "Kaiya, can you pull up some breakdancing videos that are trending?"

"Wait hold on, before that" I stopped them. "We need appropriate clothes to blend in."

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Amuro sighed.


"Pfft" I stifled a laughter as Kazami kept adjusting his cap. "No you have to keep it backwards because its fashionable."

"I hardly call this fashionable" Kazami argued. "I'd much prefer my suits to these hipster outfits we're all wearing."

"But they're so comfy and cool!" I fixed my cap.

"Just do it for the mission Kazami." Amuro replied.


"Back so soon?" Ren greeted us. "I'll have you know that I won't lose!"

"As much as I wanted to be the once dancing, you'll be challenging him instead." I pointed to Amuro.

"I see you have a helper. Sure, if he wins then I'll tell you guys what you need to know." Ren agreed before blasting some music. "Each will get 4 moves, and whoever makes it more exciting wins. I'll start first!"

"Whoa! A sudden windmill, followed by a double coin drop!" his friends shouted. "Dope, Kou-chan! Wow you're not going easy on him!"

That was... impressive... as much as I hate to admit it....

"Alright, do that same thing but add a catch." I whispered to Amuro.

"Whoa, you're not just some other guy. In that case, I'll go for it too!" Ren stated.


"Alright, we just need to win this last one!" Kazami told Amuro.

"You have an ace up your sleeve though right? Show me what you got!" Ren challenged.

"Kaiya, hand me my cap." Amuro instructed.

"No way, you're doing that technique?!" I whisper-shouted.

Amuro nodded as he put his cap on. He did an insane combo with headspins, winning the dance battle. Everyone's jaws dropped at the dancing.


"Man that was an amazing power move." Ren complimented. "It was dope, you win. What do you want to know?"

"I'd like to see a video of you guys practicing." Amuro asked.

"Here, we record ourselves so we can improve our moves later." Ren showed Amuro a video on his phone.

"That's a cool technique! I've been practicing but it's been hard to get it right." Amuro lied.

"So there are things that you can't do?" Ren asked surprised. "Well, I can send you the video."


Amuro POV

"Come back anytime!" Ren waved us goodbye.

"In the video we can see the illegal transaction reflected on the shop windows." Kazami explained once we were out of earshot. "Thanks to you, we have a lead."

"Send the video over to image analysis." I instructed as we went back to the PSB headquarters.


Kaiya POV

"You and your friends should come over and pratice dancing sometime." Ren packed his things.

"That umm sounds fun." I replied, as we left the area.

"Kaiya?" a voice greeted me.

"Oh Saguru!" I turned around. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm investigating a case in the restaurant over there." he replied. "Umm and I don't believe we've met." he turned to Ren.

"The name's Ren." he grinned. "I am part of a breakdancing group over there and Kaiya joined us today."

"Breakdancing huh?" Saguru replied, and I could sense an awkward tension.

"A-Anyways, what's your case about?" I asked Saguru.

"You can take a look at the scene if you want." Saguru replied. "It was reported that one of the customers was poisoned." we headed towards the restaurants.

"Poison?" Ren seemed worried.

"Maybe its best if there's not too many people at a crime scene." Saguru told Ren. "MPD has sealed off the area."

"No way, I'm tagging along." Ren insisted. Saguru shrugged.

There was a commotion as we entered the restaurant, and Ren gagged at the sight of the corpse. "Umm I'll see you guys later..." he slowly backed out.

I glanced closer at the corpse of a middle age man.

"Detective Sato!" I greeted her as she approached. "Umm... this is my friend Saguru, and he's wants to investigate this case as well."

"Oh, I've had the pleasure of working with your father." she addressed Saguru. "I guess you're another detective like Conan-kun huh?" Miwako laughed.


"The belongings I found were a wallet and his watch," but I still need to search his bag after interviewing the suspects." Saguru showed me the items. "The wallet doesn't have much ID but it seems that he's a scientist."

"May I?" I motioned to the bag that belonged to the deceased man.

"Alright, but wear these gloves in case there's any useful evidence." Saguru handed me a pair of gloves.

"How do you have these just handy? Ugh never mind I forgot who I was speaking to." I deadpanned, as I opened the bag. The files inside indicated that he was working on physics experiments related to atomic particles. My fingers brushed against a USB. I glanced back to Saguru who was preoccupied. Could this research be related to a particle accelerator andn the Organization? No, I shook my head, I must be thinking too much. But still... it could't hurt to check... I slipped the USB into my pocket, silently apologizing to Saguru.

The police began to file evidence while Saguru finished interviewing his prime suspects and discussed it with Miwako. Out of the corner of the eye, I saw a policewoman searching the bag. She then slipped out the back.


"Where are you going Kaiya?" Saguru noticed me about to leave.

"Saguru, I think I will head home since I'm a bit tired." I needed an excuse to leave.

"I thought you liked mysteries though." Saguru didn't press the matter further, but was still confused.

"Yeah I like mysteries and Kaito Kid heists, but I think I've had enough for today" I replied.

"Well in that case, I have some evidence on the identity of Kaito Kid if you're interested." Saguru insisted.

"Alright, a later time then." I promised, rushing out the door.


"Vermouth!" I called after the policewoman as she headed towards the park nearby.

She paused in her tracks "So you noticed" she pulled of her mask disguise.

"You left suspiciously early in the middle of an investigation." I pointed out. "What does the Organization have to do with this?" I questioned.

"It's best not for you to know, kid" she replied.

"If my hunch is correct, the man who was murdered has research the Organization is interested in" I guessed.

"The man had some data he was going to hand over." Vermouth revealed.

"You must be looking for this then." I held out a USB.

"Don't be foolish and hand it over." Vermouth instructed. 

I gripped the USB harder. "I can't give it to you yet... not until I know what the Organization wants with a particle accelerator."

"And why are you interested in knowing?" Vermouth asked.

"I can't tell you that yet -" I began before a ball suddenly knocked the USB out of my hand, sending it flying nearby a well.

"Someone's here" she whispered, pulling me behind a tree. "Oh, it's just some kids who lost their ball."

"But what are they doing out here so late?" I wondered. "Oh I recognize them, they're from Teitan elementary school."

They approached the well to find the ball but suddenly began coughing.

"Vermouth, something's wrong, we have to check it out." I rushed towards them.

"No don't" Vermouth sighed and followed me. 


"Are you alright?" I ran to the kids.

"Kaiya-neechan?" they recognized me from when I visited the detective boys at school. They were Conan's classmates.

"This must be a CO2 well." I coughed. "Meaning a lack of oxygen. You should leave here, it's dangerous." I helped them safely away from the well. 

"My ball rolled farther into there!" one of the boys cried out.

"Alright stay here, and I'll retrieve it for you." I instructed. After I handed them the ball, they promised to head home immediately.

I held a handkerchief to my nose and approached closer to the well to find the USB. Despite my heavy breathing I managed to retrieve the USB.

I stumbled, beginning to feel faint. I must have gotten too much exposure.


Vermouth POV

"T-The particle accelator... my parents" Kaiya mumbled. She leaned against a tree for support. We have to move before Gin arrives. I pulled out my gun as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Bourbon" I slightly lowered my gun. "Did Gin send you?"

He shook his head. "No, he didn't. I just happened to pass by."

I slowly holstered my gun. "Gin will arrive soon."

"Then let me take her someplace safe. I assure you that this will stay between us." he glanced at Kaiya in concern.

"That's unusual of you, Bourbon." I conceded.

"I could say the same for you." Bourbon replied.

Kaiya glanced at me and opened her mouth to say something but decided against it and left with Bourbon.


Kaiya POV

"I'm so glad he arrived there when he did." Yukiko hugged me worriedly.

"I happened to be walking Haru when he suddenly started barking and ran off in the direction of the park." Amuro explained.

"But what exactly happened there?" Yusaku asked.


"So where is this USB you mentioned?" Shuichi asked after I recounted the events.

"It should be in my jacket." I felt around my pocket. "Oh no, Vermouth must have taken it somehow." I gasped.

"Perhaps its for the best, otherwise the Organization would still be searching for the USB, possibly involving the police." Shuichi noted.


Shuichi POV

"I have to make this quick, but the Organization recently recieved some information." Kir notified me.

"I'm aware, its regarding the particle accelerator I assume?" I asked.

"Yes... is Kaiya around?" Kir replied. "The information is... sensitive."

"How is she involved in this?" I wondered.

"I'm not sure either, but knowing her she'll be reckless if she knows the truth." Kir replied before the line disconnected.


Kaiya POV

Saguru opened the door after I rang the doorbell. He invited me over to show me some files on Kaito Kid.

"Saguru, umm about yesterday I didn't mean to leave so abruptly." I told him.

"I'm sure you had your reasons." he brushed it off, making me feel even worse about lying to him.

"Well I'm excited to see what you wanted to show me." I smiled. "But you know as an aspiring scientist I much prefer concrete evidence over conjecture."

"Then I've got just the thing." Saguru had a smug look. "I was able to acquire a strand on hair from Kaito Kid a while ago and run a DNA test." Saguru explained.

"And what did the results say?" I was curious.

"According to the report Kaito Kid is a teenager with type B blood." Saguru handed me a file.

"It's impressive, not even the police has such concete evidence on Kaito Kid." I noted. "I can't believe you came all the way from London to follow this lead." I teased.

"If there's a mystery, then as a detective, I must solve it." Saguru replied.

"But if you ran this DNA test wouldn't the police also know this too?" I asked.

"Not quite. My family owns its own laboratory." Saguru offered to show me the lab.


"It's huge!" I gasped as Saguru showed me around. "And there's all this equipment." I had stars in my eyes.

"You can come here as often as you like." Saguru offered. "My uncle runs this lab and I'm sure he would appreciate a lab assistant."

"You really mean it?" my eyes lit up and I hugged him. I blushed as I suddenly realized what I did. "Umm it's very nice of you. T-Thank you" I stuttered.

"Y-Yes of course." Saguru replied, slightly flustered. "Here's an access card." he handed me a lanyard with a logo of a horse on it - the Hakuba family logo.

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