Invisible Strings | Anthony B...

By _Crystalights_

1.5K 49 0

Two people who couldn't be more different, for the first time in her life she could say she truly hated someo... More

Invisible strings
a Bennett and a Bridgerton


105 5 0
By _Crystalights_


The brightest sun shone through the window of the Bennett household, along with a smile of one certain blonde that matched the energy. The light was a gift in her presence, bold and free.

The man that sat across from her was infatuated, completely and truly. He watched as she spoke to him in such comfort, as though they had been friends for an eternity.

Being right up close to her was different, and no one could see the impossible beauty of the cosmos because physics and biology would not allow anyone outside gravity to understand. She was perfect.

He saw her as he would a painting. Unknowing to what he was going to paint but along the way he would place the pieces together. He did not see her as blonde, blue and fair. She was not brunette, brown and tan. He could not see a single feature as separate or disparate from that entity that was her soul, complete and flawless.

"Forgive me for my forwardness, Celestia. I have enjoyed our conversation this morning ever so, and was wondering if you would like to attend the races this afternoon by my side?" Benedict questioned, noticing how her smile became even wider.

"I would be most delighted, Benedict." Celestia grinned, focusing her eyes to her mother who was sat at the other end of the room as chaperone.

The two gave each other a knowing mother-daughter glance, a glance of excitement.

"I suppose I shall leave you to your other suitors." Benedict rose from his seat. "I believe we have been speaking for quite a while, I do not wish to anger anyone."

"Don't be silly, my lord. It was not long enough." Celestia smiled, the two staring into each other's eyes for a few moments. "I shall find you at the races this afternoon, then."

"Yes, please do." Benedict grinned. "Farewell, Celestia, and to you Lady Bennett."

"It was pleasant, my lord." Catherine smiled, nodding to him slightly as she watched the man leave the room, the door closing behind him.

Benedict left the drawing room, only to find a whole line of suitors queuing up outside of the door, presents in their hands.

"You were in there for quite a long time, Bridgerton." One of the male suitors bitterly spat towards the man.

"I suppose we were caught in conversation and we did not want to be interrupted." Benedict replied. "I suppose you would not want anyone to interrupt your discourse when it is your turn, would you?"

"I say we wait with grace." A voice came from behind the men, emerging outwards, revealing himself to be no other than Anthony Bridgerton himself. "Brother, how unexpected to see you here."

"I doubt it was that unexpected, brother. Miss Bennett is an exceptional woman, I would be a fool not to see it." Benedict countered.

"Well, that is correct, brother. Which is why I wish you escort miss Bennett to the races this afternoon." Anthony puffed his chest out, smirking slightly towards his brother as though he had won this battle.

"Well, it seems she already accepted my invitation to accompany myself this afternoon." Benedict grinned. "I suppose you should have hurried yourself brother, as you now find yourself at the back of a very long line."


"It is a marvel that you love literature as much as I do." Benedict spoke as they walked through the busied field. "Do you enjoy, Byron?"

"I have read some. But, I believe myself a novice when it comes to poetry." Celestia replied.

"How fortunate to have found such a well-versed teacher in Lord Lumley, then." Catherine grinned, smiling at her daughter as she walked side-by-side with them.

"Many find poetry a flat medium. Words read silently from a page. However, I do find myself favouring art a lot more." Benedict revealed to them. "I suppose we should find our seats."

They had found their seats with a good viewing spot of the track, watching as the athletes readied their horses. Celestia was most smitten placed beside Benedict, their conversation only coming to a halt when an unexpected presence had approached them.

"Miss Bennett, Lady Bennett, brother." Anthony nodded to each named individual.

"How delightful to see you, my lord." Catherine smiled. She knew of the Viscounts interest in her daughter and wanted as many possible suitors for her daughter, if she were to be with a viscount, she would be the most excited.

"Miss Bennett, I was hoping to call on you this morning." Anthony turned his attention to the blonde.

"It is a sh-"

"...but I promised my family, apart from Benedict, to join them for breakfast. We are exceptionally close. Break our fasts together regularly." Anthony smiled, hoping to win her over with his family oriented side.

It was true that Celestia admired a man that was so infatuated with their family. She knew that the Bridgerton were a large family but she never expected for the Viscount to have such a role in his families life when he was the head of the household.

"There they all are now." Anthony pointed to the place where his family was situated.

"One can tell a great deal about a man from his family, I think." Celestia provided him a genuine smile.

"Yes, there are many families of the ton but I do not think there is one as affectionate as the, Bridgerton." Catherine agreed.

"We shall have to arrange a morning where our families meet for some refreshments, perhaps." Benedict suggested, beginning to grow agitated with his brothers presence.

"Speaking of refreshments, I could not help but notice that the ladies are without." Anthony shifted his gaze towards his brother. "Brother, did you not locate the refreshment stand before you found your seats."

"I suppose that was my mistake, I shall fetch them now." Benedict nodded, walking away from the small group, to his dismay, leaving behind his brother to show his interests in the girl he wished to court.

Anthony immediately occupied the seat that Benedict was previously placed in, sitting beside Celestia.

Celestia could see herself what Anthony was doing, trying to stir away his brother so the two could finally talk alone. She realised that this was the first time they would have a conversation that wasn't in a ballroom since they first met in the woods.

"It's a splendid day for a race." Anthony grinned.

"Which one is your pick, my lord?" Celestia questioned, curious as to what his pick would be.

"Nectar. Well-bred, highly trained, and well-favoured." Anthony grinned, completely proud of his choice of horse.

"Nectar. Really?" Celestia laughed almost snidely.

"Yes. I have a feeling about him." Anthony nodded, attempting to ignore her judging comment.

"A feeling." Celestia would not let it go. She never truly shared her fascination for horses, she had a feeling it was about to be revealed.

"Pardon me?" Anthony questioned z

"You simply chose the horse that everyone else has chosen. Quite a feeling." Celestia shrugged.

"I made a strategic bet." Anthony proudly stated, looking down on the blonde.

"So, you've considered your horses temperament, as well as the conditions of the track, in order to properly assess its true potential?" Celestia questioned, shocking him with her knowledge of horse racing.

"It is suddenly rather warm, is it not?" Catherine stated, attempting to distract her daughter in order to stop her from acting in an improper way.

"Nectar is a prize steed." Anthony began to grow agitated.

"Nectar ran well at Doncaster, but that was a firmer course. The weather was much cooler. Thus his size was an advantage. Today the track is soft, and it is hot, meaning hr will struggle to make headway, overheat, and slow down during the final leg, giving High Flyer, a much swifter, lighter, cooler horse, the victory." Celestia countered, leaving the eldest Bridgerton lost for words.

"You think too much about it." Anthony simply stated, turning to look back at the course.

"And you, too little." Celestia shrugged. She felt as though she was on fire, enjoying the feeling of being in a gentle conflict with the male.

"My apologised for the delay." Benedict approached once again, handing over the refreshments that he had gathered, taking a seat on the other side of Celestia.

"Not to worry. The Viscount has been keeping us entertained." Catherine smiled towards the man.

"I'm quite certain he has." Benedict narrowed his eyes towards his brother.

Eventually, the bell had sounded and the crowd cheered as the horse began to race. Cheering was spread amongst the ton, yelling for their chosen horse.

Everyone had stood to their feet as they waited with anticipation of which horse would cross the finish line first. Celestia and Anthony had begun to yell for their winning horses, both in conflict with each other, wanting to prove the other wrong.

Celestia would not normally act in such an improper way, however, she found herself becoming quite agitated whenever she was around the elder Bridgerton, not sure what that entailed.

"Yes, come on!" Celestia exclaimed, jumping up and down as High Flyer crossed the finishing line first. "I must say, I have never bested a viscount before. However, Nectar does remind me of this beloved horse I used to adore."

Catherine felt quite content seeing her daughter with a smile on her face, even if she was acting the most peculiar. The Viscount brought out a side of her that she once saw in herself when she first met her husband.

"Well, even though you have bested me, I am a noble man. If you take my arm, I shall take you down to see him." Anthony suggested, holding out his arm.

Celestia would love nothing more than to meet one of the race horses, however she felt in conflict as she still had Benedict by her side. The blonde turned to the man who was more than understanding.

"Do not worry about me, I shall like to converse with my family, seeing as I missed our morning breakfast." Benedict nodded understandingly. "But, you must tell me about the horse later."

"Thank you, Benedict." Celestia smiled, turning away as she took the Viscounts arm in her own.

"I must ask, why is it you like to rattle me so." Anthony questioned as they began their walk towards the track.

"Well, my lord. If you are true in your words about courting me, am I not allowed to give you a challenge to see if you are truly honourable." Celestia raised her eyebrow.

"I suppose you have a point." Anthony nodded, realising he was going to have his hands full with this lady.


The queen provided the Bennett family with a gracious invitation to the palace to converse with herself. Lady Catherine and Miss Celestia were the ones to make an appearance seeing as William had business to deal with, but sent his deepest apologises.

Celestia had a feeling that the queen wanted to know of her conquests in the marriage mart as of far. It was a confusing matter that was truly rattling herself.

"How do you feel about the Viscount, Celestia." Catherine questioned as the awaited the Queen in the gardens.

"I do not know, he is very forward with what he wants." Celestia shrugged, looking down at her hands resting on her dress.

"Remember, your father has always said, it takes a courageous man to go after what he truly wants. He also said the mark of a true gentlemen is honesty." Catherine reminded her daughter.

Celestia was still in deep questioning for who she truly desired to spend her life with. She could see herself being happy with Benedict, an easy life. However, with Anthony, she found a part of herself that she had never truly met. She could not tell whether that was a good thing .

The doors had opened and the Queen was finally in their presence, alongside Lady Danbury.

"Your majesty." Celestia bowed, nodding slightly to Lady Danbury, honouring her presence.

"Lady Bennett. And my diamond." The queen stated, beginning to gesture towards the field. "This way. There is much to see."

The queen hurried along the pavement as she informed her guests of one of her prized possessions. "They are called zebra. Striped horses from Africa, in fact. Seven more arrive next week. Though, I can't think what to name them all."

Celestia overlooked the balcony and cast her eyes on the majestic creatures that were in the garden so casually. She as quite shocked at the rare breed.

"After 15 children, I seem to have run out of ideas." The Queen laughed.

"It is the most spectacular menagerie, Your Majesty." Lady Danbury noted.

"Indeed, it is." The Queen nodded, turning to the young blonde. "Miss Celestia?"

"Yes, your Majesty?" Celestia smiled as she uttered her name.

"I do hope you have been enjoying the attention you have surely been receiving as the seasons diamond." The Queen stated.

"Very much so. It has been an exceptional honour." Celestia smiled.

"It is not a say mantle to take on, you realise. To have so many eyes upon you at all times." The Queen pointed. "Regardless of the truth, people... nay, gossips, they will contrive shameless falsehoods. Rumour can oftentimes can be a great hardship to endure. Just ask your mother. Just ask me."

"My daughter aspires to learn from your illustrious example, Your Majesty." Catherine stated, smiling brightly towards the Queen. "Your marriage, the wondrous love you share with the king. Celestia desires the very same."

"And she shall receive it. Should she know who to trust." The Queen answered.

"Lady Danbury has been a steadfast this season, being most kind in guiding me from the start of the season until now when my mother was not available." Celestia smiled.

"An inner circle, if there ever was one. Though, you must know there will be many people trying to break it apart for their own ends." Queen Charlotte told them. "When those persons inevitably reveal themselves and their rather sly intentions, I simply ask that you tell me who they are so that I may decide if they are worthy, of course."

"Lady Bennett, perhaps you would like to take your daughter to see the rest of these splendid grounds." Lady Danbury suggested, clearly wanting a moment alone with the Queen.

"Yes. The cassowaries are just across the bridge." The Queen pointed to the named place. "But do not veer too close. They are quite irritable."


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