Til the end with you

By Klolynn95

62 0 0

Everyone avoids chaos. Everyone runs from it. Me? I find peace. I shut off everything and everyone. Especia... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

22 0 0
By Klolynn95

Sometimes in the middle of chaos you find peace. Like when everyone around you is screaming but all you hear is nothing, like the white noise on the TV when you change channel. And what do you see on the other side? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It's all black and white. 

" Nova!! ", she screamed at me, grabbing my attention once again. 

Her frantic forest green eyes scanning my face for any sign of understanding. Her pale white skin was covered in sweat. I can see it on her forehead. A sheer sweat around her sharp nose. Her coffee-like hair tied up in a messy bun on top of her head. 

" Come on Nova, move it ", she shouted. 

I got up from the ground to face her directly. " Sorry Nyx got distracted ", I said, shaking my head. 

Her face said she wanted to tell me more but decided against it. 

" Let's just get out of here while we have a chance, we gotta make it back to post before the others ". 

With that she moved quietly, picked up her bag and turned to the open door. I lingered there for a few more seconds listening to sounds that surrounded me. Nothing, absolutely nothing. I moved behind Nyx out the door on the left to the outside. Everything changed. Everything is not what it was before. Well that's what they say. I was born during the invasion. Many did not survive. They rather die than be taken alive. My mother was taken right about the same night my father abandoned us. It was just me and my sister from there on. 

Me being an oblivious 4 year old that did not know what was going on and that my mother and sister did anything to protect. Nyx took care of me from there on. She was the only family I had left. When I turned 12 I begged Nyx to teach me how to hunt because I was growing and wanted to help her. Now being 18 and despite being better at hunting than Nyx, still she does not let me go on my own in fear of what could be lurking out there. 

The sound of twigs snapping caught both of our attention. Freezing in place, making no noise. I look up ahead and around but nothing. Suddenly to my left there was this glow moving around. Nyx turned to me and suddenly whispered harshly 

" Run!!! ". 

So we bolted straight ahead. I can hear it behind us as we run trying not to make so much noise. Even though it spotted us, it was just one of them. Running as fast as I can up ahead I see the post where we are supposed to meet the others. No sign of no one yet. As we reach it i feel a tug on my arm, just as i was going to let scream a hand wrap around my mouth and next thing i am staring at honey eyes. 

" Shhh quiet ", he said. 

I tried to look around for Nyx and found her a few feet away from me. At that moment the Jager passed us not noticing us hiding in a ditch next to the post. After a few minutes we were in the clear. 

" Thanks Lark ", I whisper. " What were you guys doing out there? ", he asked with a serious face. 

I looked at Nyx then back at Lark,and mumbled " Nothing ". 

" Well you are lucky we got here on time, and plus you both know to not wander off like that ". 

 Getting up and walking up to us Nyx grabbed Lark's hand and pulled him away. I got up as well and dusted off the dirt on my pants, and started to walk with the rest of the group. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to my friend Dice. 

" You know he's just looking out for you, right? ". 

I did know that. Lark has been with Nyx and me since I was 14. He found us hiding in some shed in the middle of nowhere and stuck with us ever since. Even though I know it was more for Nyx he was there for. When I turned 16 we found Dice, he was with his family. His dad Morrison, his mom Letta and his younger sister Gwen. 

" I know, I just wish he would stop seeing me as if I'm some helpless little girl, I'm 18 ". I whisper to him.

 " Oh come on Nova don't be like those girls thinking they could be all tough and all now that you're 18. If it wasn't for Lark where do you think you and your sister would be? ". 

 I frowned as I turned my head looking straight ahead to where my sister and Lark held hands and smiled at each other. 

" I'm always going to be grateful but I just can't help feeling this way ". 

 I turned my head to look at Dice again but he just nodded his head and continued walking. We walked for almost three miles before we made it back to the brick house. It's been our home for about 4 and half years now. Safe and secluded in the deep wooded area. Safe from the Jagers. Walking up through the gate Morrison opened up to let us in and up the walkway to the front mossy building with a few broken windows. I was the first one in and up the stairs to the attic. Which is considered my room now. I took my bag off and tossed it on the chair next to my drawer. I sigh heavily, and before I make it to my bed someone comes into the room. I look towards the door and see my sister. I ignored her and turned to lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. 

" I know what you are going to say ", I mumbled. 

" I wasn't going to say anything. I just wanted to see if you were okay?".

 I looked at her face for any sign of judgment. I saw none, matter of fact all I saw was concern. 

I sat up and said, " You do know you don't have to worry about me. I promise ". 

The corner of her lip curled up a bit as she said, " No matter what I always worry about you and not just for safety. I know this is not the life you or anyone should live in ". 

She tucked a piece of strand of hair behind my ear and looked at me smiling. Then as quickly as the smile came it was gone. Nyx retreated her hand but I caught it before it was gone and held her hand gently in mine. 

" Mom would be so proud of you, you know? ". " How would you know you were like 4 when mom left? ", she awkwardly jokes. 

I don't remember much about that night, but I know it still terrorized her that she couldn't do anything to help mom. I didn't say anything and just pulled her in for a hug. 

" I love you Nyx and I appreciate everything you do and sacrifice for me. I know you were a child as well when it was just you and 4 year old me " I say to her. 

She smiled at me and then said, " Come, let's go eat ". 

Getting up we walked out of my room and down the stairs coming face to face with Letta and Gwen.

 " Hey what's wrong?", my sister asked Letta, who had a concerned face. 

" Nothing, Gwen has been on edge ever since we encountered that Jager early. She thinks we are not safe ", she said looking down to Gwen and then back up to my sister as if to confirm that we are in fact safe.

 Nyx crouched down to Gwen level and spoke softly to her. 

" Hey, we are safe, Ok, I promise ". 

Nyx gave her an engouring smile and stood up to continue walking towards the stairs to go eat. 

" Hey! I'm going to look for Dice. I'll be right down okay? ", I exclaimed. 

She nodded and continued going down. I turned around and headed straight to that green chipped door to the far left of the hallway. The door slightly ajar when I softly knocked and went in to find Dice standing by the window. He didn't turn around but just kept staring out into the field and trees. I walked towards him with soft steps. When I reached him I snaked my arms around his waist from behind and rested my cheek against his muscled back. He tensed for a second but then relaxed immediately. We stayed in silence for what felt like forever but was really only two minutes. He spun around and hugged me back. Resting his head on top of mine thanks to the height difference between us. 

" Oh, I almost forgot ", he said, turning to a box he had on top of his bed.

 He opened it and took out what seemed to be a silver pendant. It was the size of a quarter. Except a little bit bigger. Right in the middle surrounded by strange writings or something I don't know is a blue stone sort of thing.

 " Dice!! Where did you get this? ", I exclaimed. " Well, when dad was done with searching that shop a few miles away, we were walking back to post to meet with you guys when Gwen got tired so we stopped to rest for a bit near the tracks. I thought I heard something nearby and went to check it out, but it turns out it was nothing. Right when I was about to turn around something caught my eye a few feet away. I guess the sun was hitting it just right enough to reflect it. I walked right up to it and picked it up. Thought of you when I saw it ", he finished. 

I stared at it hard. It kind of sparkled a little bit even though no light was hitting it.

 " It is beautiful, Dice! ", I mumbled. 

He smiled at me and said, 

" Here.. ".

 He turned around towards the desk in the corner of the room and pulled open a drawer. He rummaged through it until he found what he was looking for. Dice turned to me again. 

" Give me the pendant ". 

I gave him the pendant and he took the chain and made a necklace out of it. 

" Turn around ", he commanded me. 

Knowing what he wanted I turned and moved my hair out of the way. When he put it on I swear I had felt a little tingle, but immediately ignored it. I faced Dice again with a smile on my face. 

" Thank you ", I whispered. 

" It's nothing. Come on, we should head down, they are probably waiting on us ", he said back. 

With that being said we left the room and went downstairs. 

" Maybe go back out and check the perimeter ", said Morrison. " What about the perimeter? ", I said, cutting off Lark before he could answer him. 

" Nothing, it's just safety precautions", Nyx replied. 

Lark gave Morrison a look. I ignored it and sat down as Letta placed the prepared food on the table and as soon as she sat down we began eating.

Dinner was quite awkward to be honest but I pushed through. After dinner I stepped out through the back down the path way to the dirty small shed. Going inside to look for the wood that Lark had cut up a few days ago. Using it for when we go to sleep to keep warm. When I was about to pick it up I heard rustling outside. I would have ignored it if it wasn't for the weird tingling feeling from the necklace. I stepped out of the shed and looked around. It was quiet beside the sound of the breeze and I did not see anyone around. I turned to go back inside of the shed when I heard a twig snap. I immediately turned and saw a shadow by a nearby tree staring directly at me. I froze completely and the hair at the back of my neck stood. I couldn't move from fear. I kept on staring at the shadow, and heard its whisper like he was standing right next to me. I felt the breeze stop and felt like it was pulling me towards it. I felt tingles again and looked down to the pendant necklace around my neck. The blue stone was shining again as if the sun was hitting it, but that was not the case since it was dark already. I looked back at the shadow and saw that it had followed my gaze to the pendant and when it looked up I saw its eyes. The same electric blue, same as of the object around my neck.

" Nova!!? ", I heard Lark yell at me.

I turned to see him walking down the pathway from the house to the shed where I stood frozen in front of. I spun around to look at the shadow but at that moment it disappeared leaving no trace of it behind.

" What are you doing? ", he asked, looking at my pale face and then looking around.

I turned to look at the spot the shadow had been and said, " Nothing, thought I heard something ".

" Well you shouldn't be out here too long and especially by yourself ", he said.

I nodded at him. He turned his gaze to where I was staring and then turned back to me with a suspicious face but said nothing. I immediately took my leave with that and headed back inside the house. Walking back I felt as if something or better yet someone was watching me. Nyx was waiting at the back door. She looked at me and asked if I was okay. In which I just gave her a simple nod and headed up to my room. When I opened the door and looked around I saw Gwen snuggled up in my bed.

She looked at me and said, " Dice said that you would tell me a story before bed ".

I gave her a chuckle and removed my shoes and joined her in bed. Just like me Gwen was born during the invasion, but just at 7 years old she is pretty smart, shy but don't let that fool you. Ever since she was able to comprehend words and walk on her own Morrison and Letta have taught her how to survive.

"Well, little missy if it's a story you want, a story you shall get ", I said, letting out a chuckle.

I woke up the next morning thanks to Gwen kicking my shin hard while trying to get comfortable. I sigh heavily and roll out of bed. After doing my business and getting dressed I went downstairs.

" Good Morning everyone ".

" Hey morning Nova! Is Gwen still sleeping? ", Letta asked.

" Dice told me last night that Gwen was in your room and since I didn't see her on her bed this morning I figured she slept there ", she continued.

I playfully scowled when I replied , " Yeah Let, did you also know your daughter could be a professional soccer player ? ".

She let out a laugh covering her mouth. Sitting down I looked to my left at Morrison sipping on something more likely to be tea or coffee.

" Where's Dice? ", I asked him.

" He's outback with Lark moving the wood from the shed. Apparently it rained last night and some of the wood got wet ", he replied.

He kept cleaning his gun, not glancing up at me or Letta. I turned my head to peek at Letta. She gave me a small smile and nodded. Something was off I can tell. I knew that it wasn't raining last night, as I in fact went to sleep late. I stood up and grabbed some crackers and a bottle of water and shoved them inside my bag and headed outside towards the back. I walked down the path towards the dirty shed. Reaching the door I noticed the lock sorta bended. I snapped my head towards the spot where I had seen the shadow last night. Staring at the spot as if the shadow will appear again.

" Hey! ", Dice said coming out of the shed, making me jump a little.

"whoa , are you okay? ", he asked, seeing me a little jumpy.

" I am fine, I heard what happened to the wood. Is it that bad? ".

" Yes we are going to have to go out and get new dry wood ", he said looking inside where Lark is now coming out of the shed towards us.

" Okay so the wood is completely ruined, we are going to have to go out to get more ", he said slightly annoyed.

" Me and Dice can go? ", I said hoping he's not going to object.

He looked at me and then at Dice and finally said with a heavy sigh, " Okay but go now that the sun is at his highest. I want you both back here before dark. Take the radio and if anything and I mean anything happens you are to come back immediately ".

After he sternly told us off, we went off. First, Dice had to go inside to get his bag, so I waited for him at the back. He came out with Nyx hot on his trail looking mad.

" You are not going out there by yourself Nova! ", she yelled.

" I am not by myself, Dice is coming with me ", I defended.

She went to retaliate but Lark intervened, " She will be okay. She knows what to do incase of an emergency. Right Nova ".

" Yes of course, we have done this a bunch of times Nyx no need to worry ", I told her.

She looked like she wanted to fight it but with one look at Lark she just nodded.

" Okay but anything happens you radio back immediately and I will go and get you ", she threatened.

" Of course ", I replied. With that Dice and I started making our way to the edge of the woods.

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