Explosive Girl | TWST x BNHA

By Acetonitrile51

41.2K 1.6K 524

The teenager who was going to become the number one hero woke up in an unknown place after the entrance exam... More

Reader Info
💥Chapter 1💥
💥Chapter 2💥
Small announcement
💥 Chapter 3💥
💥 Chapter 4💥
💥 Chapter 5💥
🌹Rose-Red Tyrant🌹
🌹Chapter 6🌹
🌹Chapter 7🌹
🌹Chapter 8🌹
🌹Chapter 9🌹
🌹Chapter 10🌹
🌹Chapter 11🌹
🌹Chapter 12🌹
👑The Usurper from the Wilds👑
👑Chapter 13👑
👑Chapter 15👑
👑Chapter 16👑
👑Chapter 17👑
👑Chapter 18👑
A/n again...

👑Chapter 14👑

1K 55 8
By Acetonitrile51

NRC: headmage's office

To Crowley's slight relief and disappointment, they managed to bribe you with a decent amount of money. But that didn’t save him from your gaze.

"Hey! Can someone explain to me what a "Spelldrive tournament" is?!" - Grim shouted irritably, and you also became a little curious.

"Dude...You've never heard of Spelldrive?!" - Ace asked the cat loudly, to which he just shrugged.
"It's a world-famous sport! There's even a pro league and a world championship tournament." - Deuce looked at Grim expectantly.
"I ain't never heard of this either!" - the cat shook his head.

"Spelldrive is a sport played by competing teams of seven people. Basically, players battle for control of a disc and earn points by drivin' it into the enemy team's goal. The team with the most points wins!" - ginger explained.

"Oh, man, I just realized that Y/n would have a hard time actually playing." - Ace said a little teasingly and shook his head.
"Huh? Why the hell?" - you looked at him threateningly.
"Yeah? Why's that?" - Grim.

"You need magic to play. Not only do you move the disc with magic, but you use it to attack and defend, too. The flashier the magic, the better - it's how players show off their skills." - Deuce replied.
"Although, on the other hand, Y/n doesn’t even need magic to attack..." - he said more quietly to which Ace nodded with a painful grimace.

"Yes, quite! That is why Night Raven College is known throughout the world as a leader in the sport! This school has produced countless pro players! That's why our interdorm Spelldrive tournaments attract attention even from pro league recruiters. Also, those simply looking for up-and-coming magicians use the event to scout hopeful candidates. Yes, the tournament is quite an affair. The campus will be full of visitors and lined with various kiosks. And the main event will be captured by television cameras and broadcast worldwide " - Crowley intervened and said proudly.

"It's broadcast throughout the world?! So you're sayin' that if I were to play in this tournament - and win of course - the whole world would see it?!" - Grim asked with stars in his eyes.
"Of course! Players who excel at the tournament invariably attract great attention. Both from the pro leagues and the public at large!" - Crowley.

"Something similar to the UA sports festival." - you muttered quietly, but Deuce heard you.
"UA Sports Festival?" - he asked again.

"A festival organized by academy UA. Classes compete with each other to show off their quirks and skills in order to attract the attention of pro-heroes." - you quickly explained. They looked at you curiously, except for Grim, who was thinking about something.

"Hmm. Could you tell us a little more? It might help in the search." - Crowley suggested.
"*Sigh* The UA Festival is one of the most popular events in the whole world. The festival itself is divided into three stages and after each the participants are elected and their number is becoming smaller. At first it's usually an obstacle race, then a random challenge and at the end a one-on-one battle." - you, already regretting that you started this, explained to them irritably.

"Hm, hm. Very interesting...I'll look for something about it." - Crowley clapped his hands with satisfaction.
"Hey! I've decided! I'm gonna train around the clock, join a team, and become a legend!" - Grim finally snapped out of his thoughts and exclaimed proudly.

"Alas, Grim, you cannot enter." - Crowley interrupted his dreams.
"...Wait, what?" - The cat bowed his head in confusion.
"Did you not hear me speak the word "interdorm" multiple times? Your dorm doesn't even have seven members. Therefore, you cannot enter the tournament."

"Whaaaaaat?! No faaaaair!" - Grim stomped his paw and pouted.
"But there's plenty else to do, from tending to the grounds to selling drinks in the stands! Those who stand upon the field are not the only stars of the tournament day." - Crowley again tried to force the cat to do dirty work.

"Not. Interested! I wanna be on TV! I want everyone in the world fawning over me! "Squeee! Grim is sooooo cool!" "Did you see that play Grim made?" You get what I'm sayin'?" - he waved his paws and clapped.

"Your delusions are oddly specific, dude." - Ace commented.
"Well, if you can't field a team, I'm afraid that's that. Maybe next year, Ramshackle House will get some new members. But it's not happening this year." - Deuce came over too.

"Anyway, as I believe I've mentioned, I'm a busy man. I must be off." - Crowley began to hastily collect a small stack of papers on the table and kick you out.

"Yeah, thanks for takin' me outta your busy day to build up my dreams and crush 'em! Myaaah! *sob*" - Grim trailed sadly behind you with his head down.


Ramshackle dorm: lounge

Grim was lying on the couch complaining while you tried to ignore him and leafed through another book from the library. Just because you are one of the best doesn't mean you can relax.

"Man...If I can't be in the Spelldrive tournament, then what's even the point anymore?" - the cat whined while eating the third can of tuna.
"Can't you shut up already? I'm tired of your pathetic whims!" - you shouted at him irritably.

"What's wrong, Grimmy? Something got ya down?" - one of the ghosts appeared above him and poked the cat in the side.
"He's sulking because he can't play in the Spelldrive tournament." - the second appeared behind the couch and watched him with mockery.

"If you wanna play Spelldrive that badly, why, we can play with ya! I was the team captain ninety years ago, y'know. The girls in the stands couldn't get enough of me!" - the skinniest ghost floated up to him.

"Yeah, but wouldn't we need seven people?" - Grim sat down and looked questioningly at them.
"It's not a real match, so who cares? Let's just play!" - the ghosts cheerfully lifted the cat into the air and took it to the backyard.

“Wanna join us Y/n?” - Grim looked back.
"No." - you answered firmly, without taking your eyes off the textbook.

You have no desire to waste time playing games when you can use it for better use. For example, to prepare for an exam that Grim forgot about.


From time to time, through the window you watched Grim and the ghosts running around with the disk like puppies and laughing loudly. Everything was fine until one crow came...

"Good day, Miss Y/n. I see that Grim is playing Spelldrive after all." - he waved to you.
"Yea, yea. What do you need?" - you asked coldly, but Crowley ignored it.

"I have a request to make of you both." - the bird said, and as if on cue, Grim returned.

"Aaand here comes the Fun Police. There goes my good mood, right down the drain." - he commented noticing the headmage.
"You're just in time, Mr. Grim. I'd like to ask you for something." - Crowley started.

"Seriously? MORE requests? I ain't a part of your janitorial staff anymore, y'know!" - the cat crossed his paws and turned away.
"Oh? You DO recall that I never promised to cover the living expenses you've been racking up, yes? Hard work can be a beautiful thing, Grim. I'm sure you agree, Y/n." - Crowley answered in a more cunning tone.

"Ugh. Get to the point, bird." - you demanded, putting the book aside.

"*Ahem* There has been a rash of students being hurt in incident suspiciouss on campus lately. I'm here to ask you to investigate the matter."
"Suspicious incidents...?" - Grim asked with curiosity.

"Yes. Students falling down stairs, getting burns from boiling water, and so forth. The specifics of the incidents differ, but the nurse's office has had a clear spike in patients over the last few days. With yesterday's incident on the stairs, we now have ten wounded students. We're just fortunate that none of the injuries have been life-threatening...yet." - Crowley told, and you also began to listen more carefully.

"Ya sure it ain't just kids bein' clumsy?" - Grim.
"I'm sure many of our students are too distracted by the upcoming tournament to focus properly. But this is far more accidents than we've had in the past years. Furthermore, all of the wounded students were considered contenders to make their dorms ' teams." - Crowley.

"Oooh, NOW this is gettin' interesting." - the cat thought a little.
"Why don't you call the police? You're just going to give such a serious matter to a teenager and a cat?" - solving crimes was definitely not part of your plans, and you don’t care about it at all.

“You see, if such a high-profile case breaks out, then we will have to cancel the Spelldrive tournament. Besides, it could affect the reputation of the college. *And it’s also so expensive...*” he mumbled the last part quietly.

"But this has got nothin' to do with me! I can't even participate in your dumb tournament! So what do I care what happens? Ptooey!" - Grim also refused.
“I’m sorry to hear that—especially after I’d prepared such a magnificent reward for you...” Crowley dramatically put his hands to his chest, grinning slyly inside.

"Ha! I ain't fallin' for that line again! I wouldn't do it even for a hundred cans of tuna!"
"But what if I allowed you to participate in the Spelldrive tournament?" - the director suggested.
"PARDONNE-MOI?!" - Grim screamed loudly.

"Should you solve the case, I'll generously permit your dorm to enter the Spelldrive tournament. What do you say to that? Surely you're dazzled by my altruism?" - Crowley smiled at the cat as he imagined.
"As a participant, the whole world will lay eyes upon your majesty. Just imagine the cheers echoing from the sold-out stadium seats! "This year's most promising rookie, the mighty Grim, has taken the field! Hurrah!" And so on."

"Oh, man. It's like I can already taste it..." - the cat began to drool.
"Are you serious?" - you looked at Grim with disappointment. Well, this was to be expected from him...

"Ah, but of course, you have refused my offer. How unfortunate. Let's forget this ever happened." - crow began to sadly leave, but Grim stopped him.
"No, wait! WAIT! I'm in! I'll do it!"

"Great! What about you, Miss Y/n? Are you on board?" - Crowley looked at you expectantly.
"You'll pay for the roof." - you interrupted him.

"Pardon me?"
"You pay to fix the roof, give the cat a chance to play, and we'll solve this matter." - you said firmly.

"Then you'll have enough of Grim." - you returned to your book.
"But-!...Ugh. Okay, I agree." - Crowley already knew how stubborn you can be and it is useless to argue with you.
"I am counting on you both." - With this he, a little irritated, left.

"Well, um...what should we do now?" - Grim asked uncertainly.
"We'll interview witnesses, find evidence, put it all in the right order, and Crowley will repair the roof." - you answered sunnyly it was the most basic thing in the world.


NRC: school infirmary

You and Grim went there first. There were many students from different dormitories lying on beds there. You looked around and carefully studied all the victims.

"All right, where's this guy who hurt his ankle." - Grim jumped onto one bed where two students from Heartslabuyl were sitting.
"Hey, it's the ones from Ramshackle House! They were at the unbirthday party! What are you guys doing here?" - one of them crossed his arms and looked questioningly at the cat.

"Get a load o' that! We're totally famous!" - Grim grinned contentedly.
"We're from the director, regarding the incident." - you firmly stated.
"I wish I knew what happened myself, man. I was walking along, talking to my friend. And next thing I knew, BOOM! I was tumbling down the stairs." - the victim explained.
"Yeah. I didn't even see him stumbling or anything."

"It was like my body just lurched forward by itself. I can't really explain it."
'Lurched by itself...?' - you thought. It sounded strangely familiar.
"Hm. Hmmm. Interesting. Veeery interesting." - Grim pretended to write something down in a notebook.


NRC: classroom

You interviewed a couple more students before leaving. But walking along the corridor, Grim noticed some guy with bandaged hands and ran towards him while you dragged behind him, cursing.

"Hey, you. You had an accident and almost got hurt real bad, right? Give us the deets." - Grim jumped onto the chair next to them and pulled out his notebook.
"And why should I answer to you, exactly?" - The victim raised his head arrogantly.
"He was in peak condition for the Spelldrive tournament and got hurt so bad that he can't even play now!" - the second said it as if Grim was to blame for this.

"And you're here to...what, rub salt in my wound? We throw down the gauntlet! Duel us!" - the first punk stood up from his seat, towering over the cat.
"Do you have any problems?" - you asked coldly, standing behind Grim.

“Eh?! You’re the girl who started the fight in the dining room!” - they flinched from your eyes, full of rage.
"Yes, it's her! So if you don't want to end up in infirmary again, you better answer the questions voluntarily!" - Grim pointed his pen at the students, and they reluctantly sat down.

"Ugh...All right, then. I'll give you the skinny." - the first one pouted.
"It happened in the laboratory. We were boiling up a potion when his hands suddenly shot out and grabbed the screaming hot cauldron. He dumped out every last drop. It was bizarre! Made a real mess too." - the other answered for him.
"Oh, so YOU'RE gonna do all the talking?!"

"Hm. Hmmm. Interesting. Veeery interesting." - Grim continued writing.


Ramshackle dorm: entry hall

"I dunno, this just looks like a bunch of absent-minded kids hurtin' themselves to me. If there's a scandal here. I ain't seein' it! Huh? Whozzat?" - Grim was distracted by a knock on the door.
"Mornin'. Guess you're feeling better now, huh, Grim?" - Ace came in, waving at you.

"The hell are you here?"
"Yes, we're kinda busy right now. No time for kid stuff. Scram." - Grim waved him off.

"Busy? What, you got a lot of homework?" - Ace looked at you.
"Stupid bird left us with a dirty job again."


Grim nevertheless told ginger about everything, while you sat next to him, thinking.

"Injuries from suspicious accidents, huh?" - Ace looked excited about the matter.
"But nothin' we heard sounded all that suspicious. It seemed like they were all just excited about the tournament, got distracted, and hurt themselves somehow." - Grim looked at his notebook again.

The noise of doors and loud footsteps attracted your attention, and a breathless Deuce emerged from the corner.
"Ace! We got a big problem!" - he shouted.

"I swear to God, if you broke my door..."
"Dial it down, Loosey-Deucey. What is it?" - Ace asked calmly.

"Trey fell down the stairs! He's hurt!" - the blue-haired one exclaimed.
"What?!" - Ace and Grim screamed while your eyes widened a little.

"Myah! He's the sneaky one with the glasses, yeah?" - Grim asked.
"Trey wouldn't just trip and eat dirt." - Ace said thoughtfully.

"Let's go see what he's got to say!" - Grim jumped up from the couch and hurriedly headed towards the college, and you followed him.

💥Little notes💥

- Crowley wanted to invite you to the meeting, but changed his mind after you tried to kill him.

- Ace and Deuce really want to learn more about your world.

- Crowley thought about organizing some kind of festival too.

- Unfortunately, Grim will fail the exam.

- Luckily for Deuce, the door remained intact.

A/n: Hi, sorry for the delay! I had some family problems, plus I went out of town.

I'll try to update much sooner next time since we have a week of holidays!


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